InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The sound of breathing, the sound of pounding, a child running through the frost bitten mountain, covered in bruises from her running “Where can I go?” the girl thought, looking around she found nothing that could shelter her. Sides aching she was forced to slow down to catch her breath “What do I do they'll find me soon?” she thought, the sound of another person screaming came from the vast distance, pushing herself past her limits she kept running. She slid to a halt at a cliff edge “Now what…?” looking around she found nothing and looking over the cliff she saw only darkness. Turning around she came face to face with three pairs of dark red eyes, she took a step back almost falling over the edge, catching herself the three figures smirked they all looked to be around her age “You ran away from us…” one of them said “That was not a smart move” the other added, the third one glanced at her briefly, he had shoulder length black hair, and red eyes he was wearing a long black cloak similar to the other two's outfits only his had a blood red seal on the front. Suddenly the two boys that had spoken to her were in front of her staring at her neck hungrily, the other one looked at them “Do not feed from the neck we do not want her turning” he said, nodding they grabbed her arms and sunk there fangs into her flesh, her eyes closed in pain, she tried to scream but no words left her lips as the two drained away her blood, she struggled against the two and managed to push herself away only to fall over the cliff edge. The two boys grinned “Well wont matter what happens to her now” he said, “So Kiba shall we head back?” he asked, the boy with the red seal on his cloak looked at them “You go on ahead I shall linger a while longer, I will return before the morning fog” he said, nodding both boys vanished into the darkness. Kiba stared at the cliff edge and walked over the edge.
She had lost too much blood, her eyes closed and her body relaxed into the unconsciousness of her mind. The impact that was expected never came, as she was laid down on one of the grassy ledges. Kiba had caught her and laid her down on a ledge, brushing a lock of her ebony hair from her now pale face, he looked at her closely and saw she was still breathing if only barley. He took out a small dagger and cut the palm of his hand, watching the red liquid come out he tilted her head up and placed his palm over her lips. The cold taste of ice slid down her throat as she was forced to drink the boys blood “This…its so cold yet I want more” she thought feeling his hand pull away a slight pulse of power came over her. Kiba felt the pulse of power go through her and watched as the bottom half of her hair turned a glossy dark red, with the top half still black only now it had dark blue streaks, two sharp fangs protruded from her lips and glittered in the moonlight. She opened her eyes and saw they were reddish blue, she looked at him weakly “W-who are you?” she asked reaching her hand up she combed it through her hair feeling its now silky texture “I am Kiba Koa…1000 years will come by that time you will not be able to escape” he said she was about to ask what he meant but he had knocked her out, placing a small tear drop shaped locket around her neck he vanished.
10 Years Later
She shot up drenched in sweat her hand clasped tightly around the tear drop shaped locket that was around her neck “That dream again…I was 7 years old when I had started my dreams and they have plagued me ever since” she thought, the sound of ringing was muffled by her pillow slightly startled she pulled out the black cell phone and answered it “Hi, Moon…yeah I had that dream again I'm about to record it…same for you as well, well my 17th birthday is tomorrow I'm glad we only have a half day of school…no unlike my other dreams he didn't call me by my name…yes I know my name is Mina Yimota I'll talk to you later…cya” Mina hung up the phone and pulled out a black book with a red crescent Kieka on the front, flipping through the pages she found a blank one and began to record her dream.