InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ The Dreams ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Inner Voice
~~~Scene change
~~!!…~~!! POV
~~!! Mina's~~!! POV
My name is Mina Yimota; I'm 17 years old in the 11th grade. I live with my mother, my best friend is Kieka Shima and we both have a dangerous secrete that could one day get us killed, it starts with the end of the feudal era there were women with extraordinary powers over dreams they were called Dreamers anything they dreamed happened to them which is how most of the Dreamers race died if they died in there dreams they die in real life. People were afraid of the Dreamers and had them killed none lived and that was thought to be the end of the Dreamers race but then me and Kieka were born we are the very last of the Dreamers if we were ever found out then we would also be killed. When I first started my dreams it was about vampires mostly this one vampire named Kiba Koa it was always the same dream he would tell 1000 years will come and then I'd wake up clutching the tear shaped pendent he had placed around my neck. Moon also had the same dreams only her's was about demons and she had a star shaped pendent but ever since we turned 13 we had changed in appearance and in personality. I woke up from my dream in the morning and noticed that my eyes had changed color from a normal brown to reddish blue my hair had also changed the bottom was red and the top still black but with blue streaks in it I also noticed that I had fangs which somehow didn't shock me but because I didn't want my mother to know I had to get out of the house before she woke up and ever since then I was able to make a spell to conceal my new traits, my personality was a lot more cold and quiet but only Kieka understood why it was that way.
~~!! Normal~~!! POV
Mina awoke to the sound of ringing in her ears, “What the hell who's calling!” she mumbled grabbing her cell phone she flipped it open “Yo…thanks but you do know its like way early…I guess m'kay then cya” she hung up the phone and jumped out of bed and popped a CD into her stereo “Hmm Madonna k then” she turned it up and hummed to the song Frozen. She went in the bathroom and got her shower, coming out wrapped in a towel she opened her closet “It's my B-Day and it's the last day of school” she said looking through her entirely black wardrobe she chose a skirt that had red roses stitched on the side, and a black tank top with silver flames on the edges. She went back into the bathroom and looked at her reflection “I hate hiding myself…but Hidden Flames” she said watching as her hair turned ebony black, her fangs vanished behind her lips, and her eyes turned brown “Hmm maybe I can keep my hair” she mumbled, closing her eyes the spell keeping her hair black vanished and it returned to its unnatural red, black and blue. She smiled and brushed her hair back until it was sleek and silky “Lets see earrings, belly button ring, and make-up is all I need” she said grabbing her black eyeliner she applied that on then put in her ruby belly button ring and then her tear drop shaped earrings, satisfied with what she saw she walked out of the bathroom and shut the door.
Upon entering her room a knock at her window startled her, opening it she saw a girl around her age with waist length dark blue hair, brown eyes, and a red star on her forehead “Kieka you freakin startled me” Mina said moving so she could come in, Kieka tossed her book bag inside and came in “Sorry…so I see your gonna let your hair down” she said, crossing her arms she wore a black kimono, a pair of red sandals and had her ear pierced with a star shaped diamond “Yes and you really need a better outfit” she said, glaring she scoffed “Mortal outfits don't suit me anymore I like the traditional feel of a kimono” she said ever since she changed she had hated wearing normal clothes she even saved all her money and bought a set of kimonos that she said suited her. Kieka was a few inches taller than Mina, and had grown into her new attitude of being sarcastic, short tempered and having a distaste of humans “Come on we used to be human too ya know…but I have to agree I too have a small distaste for the humans” she said muttering the last part she licked her human teeth in hunger “Lets just get going” Kieka said picking up her backpack she slung it on her shoulder and jumped out the window “I'll wait for you outside” she called. Mina stuffed her books away and sighed “Today is the 1000thyear what is supposed to happen” she thought walking out her bedroom, she slipped on some black ballet like shoes and ran down the steps hoping to get past her mother, yet she had no luck. Her mother had grabbed her arm “Mina Yimota you stop right…there?” she looked at Mina's hair “W-what happened to your hair?” she asked reaching out she grabbed a lock of it and stared. Mina had the sudden urge to slap her hand away but thought better of it “Mother I have to go” she said wrenching away from her mother she grabbed her red umbrella and ran out the door. Mina opened her umbrella and relished the shade it gave her, “Bout time you got out what happened?” Kieka asked siding up next to her as they walked down the street “My mom caught me she was way shocked over my hair” she said running her hands through it. Kieka crossed her arms “I do hate hiding our features I mean it sucks not being able to smell or hear anything, and I feel off balance without my tail” she complained, Mina looked at her and sighed “Well I don't like not being able to see past things with my good vision but we can use our strength to get through gym” she said making the girl beside her giggle “Yea I guess your right” she said and suddenly came to a halt “Hey Mina when was there a house in this lot?” she asked pointing to the lot which was supposed to be empty but now had an old Victorian house residing it. Mina stopped and looked at it “No clue but it kinda creeps me out” she said feeling her spell waver she continued on “Lets go before were late”.
They made it school with a few passing glances mostly at there hair but other than that they were left alone since most kids were afraid of them. Mina stood at her locker and grabbed her Math books “So what are we doing for your day of birth?” Kieka asked grabbing her own books two lockers down, Mina shrugged “No clue I just wanna chill at Hot Topic with Kana” she said closing her locker, Kieka nodded “K then we shall go there for the day of birth” waving Kieka slammed her locker shut and ran off down the hall using her demonic speed. Mina watched her run off and headed towards her own class.
In the back of her math class Mina was dozing off into her own world and before she knew it she was completely asleep.
Mina was standing on the edge of the mountain her spell was gone and she stood in her other traits, she looked at her clothes and saw she was wearing a black cloak with a red seal on the side. She looked around using her sight to peer into the morning fog “Where am I?” she asked, hearing no sounds to answer she pushed the cloak behind her and gasped. Mina stared at her wrists and saw they were covered in runic like tattoo symbols with a dragons going up both sides, “You are the one it is time you can not wait any longer” a males voice said from behind her, turning around she saw a tall man around the age of 20, his cloak was pushed back and she saw the same markings on his wrists, she glanced at him and saw he had shoulder length black hair, red eyes, and fangs “Your him aren't you?” she asked grasping the pendent around her neck. He nodded “What have you been talking about I know the legend of the 1000 years curse, where you are trapped in a house for 1000 years and once it has been that long the house reappears for three days then vanishes but what does it have to do with me?” she asked before he could answer the sound of banging rang through her ears and his image started to falter “All will be said” he called out before vanishing into the mist.
Mina sat up and saw she was in class, she saw the teacher and everyone else staring at her wrists “Y-your one of them” he muttered backing away towards his desk he grabbed his cell phone. Mina looked down at her wrists and shot out of her seat in alarm, cursing her luck she mumbled a quick something and her spell vanished, her reddish blue eyes replaced the brown and her fangs came down slightly from her lips. The students looked at her with fear and alarm screaming could be heard down the hall along with a few crashes, soon the door to their classroom was broken down and there stood Kieka with her long dark blue hair which now had silver streaks, black dog ears, a black tail, amber colored eyes, a red star on her forehead, claws and fangs, she looked at everyone and bared her fangs “Mina we need to leave now” she said as soon as she did the sound of cars screeching to a halt floated through the demonesses ears she placed her hand on the hilt of her newly acquired sword. Mina ran her tongue over her fangs “Hold on give me a sec Ren To Si” she said, her runic marks glowed a black and two swords appeared in her hands, they were both small, black hilt and at the end three blades curving to and fro like fire, nodding she jumped over the scared students and both girls took off.
The Dreams