InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ Love me as I am ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inner Voice
~~~Scene change
~~!!…~~!! POV
Mina awoke in her bed as pain seeped into her mind “What happened you blacked out after using too much power oh…is Kiba ok then I hope so I think Siya and Kye found us when you screamed” she turned her head and sighed as it was still night “It's always night in our world” Siya said coming into the room “Oh…” she answered sullenly “how are you feeling Mina?” she asked and sat on the edge of her bed “Fine but…how's Kiba is he ok?' she asked worriedly, Siya smiled “he is fine resting while Kye tends his wounds” she said and lifted Mina up to change her bandages. Silence befell both girls; while Siya changed and cleaned her wounds Mina stared out the window relieved that Kiba would be ok. Kye shook his head as he tended his friends wounds “I bet once Mina wakes up she'll be worried” he said drawing his friend's attention “Why should she I'm fine its her I am worried about” he mumbled and looked away hiding the light blush that spread on his face. Kye raised an eyebrow and smiled shaking his head he thought “Seems even our friend here will fall in love”
Siya and Kye entered the hallways both looked at each other and nodded. “Mina seems to be ok she was worried about Kiba though” she said and walked down the hall with him in tow “Hmm well its only natural she is his fiancé but I can tell they both are trying to hold back feelings for each other” he said thoughtfully as he moved himself closer to her. Siya began to lightly blush but made no move to push him away instead she reached down and held his hand “I…umm do you wanna take a walk” she asked quietly watching the smile fit against his face he nodded and they both vanished her in leaves and him in mist. They reappeared outside in the woods, staying on a set path they walked hand in hand in a comfy silence. That is until Siya started talking “Kye do you think when the war starts she'll be ready” she asked, he looked at her and nodded `Yes but that is Kiba's problem right now the only thing that concerns me is when this war comes up will we both make it out alive” he smiled at the faint blush that rose on her pale cheeks “Of course we'll both make it out if we don't then…who else am I going to marry if I make it or only you” she said quietly and looked away fearful on his reaction. He stopped walking and looked at her turned away face in mild shock “Siya…” he said pulling her body back into his chest he tilted her head back and looked down into her eyes “Siya I promise we both will come out of this war alive” he said and kissed her cheek.
Mina pulled herself out of bed, wincing in pain as she walked over to her door, opening she pressed her body against the wall and slid slowly down the hall towards Kiba's room “I need to make sure he's ok why do you feel the need to because I care why bother he protected me that's why is that all no…” she thought arguing with that voice made her seem silly but it er she was right she had more of reason to see him. Mina reached his door and stared at it wondering if it was smart to bother him, he could be sleeping or he might not want to see her. Kiba sensed someone at his door and sighed “If you plan on coming in then come in” he said hearing an eep of surprise Mina opened the door shyly and poked her head in “S-sorry I just came to s-see if you were o-ok” she stammered opening the door fully she stepped in. Kiba eyed her noticing her leaning heavily on the door, sighing he got up showing no pain he walked easily over to her and let her lean against him as he walked back over to the bed. He moved away and sat on his bed leaving Mina to wobble on her own, gaining her balance she sat down next to him “Before you ask I am fine” he said coldly not noticing her flinch she sighed tiredly. She shoulda known she'd waste her time and energy to come see him but she didn't think he'd be so cold about. Sighing she was about to attempt to leave but a cold hand placed over hers stopped her, she looked back at him with wide eyes. A soft gasp left her mouth as she was forcefully yanked down onto the bed, “Don't leave yet” he whispered easing down next to her she stared at him in shock wordlessly trying to think of what to say or to question his actions. Letting his emotions take over for the moment he leaned towards her and brushed his cold lips against her even colder ones “Why?” she asked when he pulled back letting the emotionless mask once again fall into place. He regarded her silently as he carefully and cautiously wrapped his arms around her waist, she asked why again waiting to know the answer she looked up and gasped. His eyes were brighter than normal but not in anger in something she couldn't place, before she could cry out he swooped down and sunk his fangs into the side of her neck “He…he bit me bite back” he inner voice said eyes changing to full blue she sunk her own unused fangs into the side of his neck relishing in the freezing blood that they both drank greedily. The more rational part of their minds returned and they both back watching the other warily “W-what just happened?” she asked placing a hand on the side of her neck where he bit, she unconsciously licked the blood that stained her cheeks as her eyes returned to there mixed colors. Exhausted beyond all reason her head hit the pillow as her eyes slid closed as Kiba pulled her taxed body close, before she fully drifted away she mumbled “Why…love me as I am?” and fell completely into the darkness.
Siya ran through the halls worriedly, walking into Mina's room she saw that the wounded girl was not there. She rain into Kye who had a smile on his face while she panicked “Kye have you seen Mina she wasn't in her room and she is still wounded and-“she was cut of when he gently pressed his lips on hers “She's fine so stop worrying and relax and just love me as I am” he said and vanished into a mist. Siya stood there shocked, placing a hand on her lips she blushed even more and a slow smile crept on her face “Love me as I am eh… but can you do the same Kye” she thought and walked down the empty halls to her room.
Love me as I am