InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ Tears of a Dark Angel ( Chapter 7 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Inner Voice
~~~Scene change
~~!!…~~!! POV
“I refuse to let her get to me, she may be my fiancé but it does not matter we will all be entering war and if she dies than I shall have no feelings or thoughts for her yet she is already getting to you isn't she? Hmph she dies she dies not my job to protect her” he thought and continued his patrolling into the woods. That is until the sounds of crying drifted past him as he came upon a sobbing Mina.
Mina didn't care who was behind her, she just wanted to stay in her spot and cry her heart out which is exactly what she did. “Cease your crying” came the soft order, as she was yanked to her feet and up into the arms of Kiba. She quieted down and looked up at him “Put me down now” she ordered baring her fangs at him in challenge. He bared his own fangs and started walking, she struggled weakly against him “Where are you taking me” she asked glaring at him; she rubbed the tears from her eyes and focused on his set face. He had sensed the presence of someone else; grabbing Mina into his arms he paced himself calmly as she kept glaring at him. Couldn't she sense the aura? He thought glancing down at her face he watched as her anger subsided being replaced with realization. She must have caught on he thought setting her down he watched as her runic symbols glowed and her two dagger like swords appeared in her hands.
He stalked silently through the forest, knowing he had crossed the invisible barrier between his race and theirs but no matter he hunted and his prey were ahead.
Mina moved til she had her back pressed against Kiba's who had not yet made his weapon known that is until some thing moved out of the corner of his eyes did a black blade appear from his own runic symbols “Mina once he appears then run” he said hushed into a whisper, she shook her head “I wont leave you behind to fight alone” she said seeing the blur of silver streak through the forest she brace herself to fight her first battle. The demon struck down in the spot where the two vampires had been, a feral growl erupted as he saw them one in front the other behind “Demon how dare you cross our borders” Kiba hissed baring his fangs in anger. The demon smirked and his claws grew longer “Ready to die today” he asked dodging the fire like sword of Mina as he struck only ground, she let out a hiss of pain as she clawed in the back by the demon. Mina flipped back til she was a few feet from him, blood filled the air as her wound opened even more from the movement.
Kiba's eyes turned an even brighter red, as he watched his fiancé wince in pain. Averting his attention to the demon who only smirked and licked her blood from his hands “Her blood is enticing” he growled out jumping in the air he prepared to deliver the final blow. She looked up in shock as blood landed on her cheeks.
Kiba jumped in front of Mina just in time to take the blow which would have killed her, falling to his knees he dropped his sword and glared at the demon who had jumped back in anger at being diverted from his prey. Mina slid to her knees and pulled Kiba back and looked him in the eye “Why…why did you do something so stupid Kiba” she asked tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she placed a hand on his cheek. Kiba stared at her, and didn't answer as she set him down and stood up “She cant be serious about facing the demon she…she's already wounded” he thought struggling to get up but her aura held him down. Mina stood up head bowed as her eyes became fully red, she looked up at the demon “How dare you hurt my fiancé” she said as her aura flared to life. Black wings came from her back as she clutched her weapons in her hands, knuckles turning white she vanished before their eyes, her scream echoed into the air as she came down cutting the demon in half she fell into the puddle of his and her blood unconscious from the exertion.
Siya and Kye appeared and took on the scene horrified beyond all words as there friends lay there wounded and bleeding. Kiba sat there on his knees shocked at what just happened only moments before they arrived, hissing in pain he used his sword to keep himself balanced as he wobbled over to Mina. “She defended me…admitted that I am her fiancé and just killed a demon for harming me” he thought filled with a small pride that he quickly tampered down on as he lifted her up out of the demons blood, her own blood starting to soak through his cloak as he took one step back and fell back to his knees holding her unconscious body close. Siya wanted to go to them but knew she should wait she didn't want to be harmed for getting to close. Kiba kissed her temple and muttered quietly in her ear “Thank you, my Dark Angel” and with that he blacked out listening to her muttered your welcome.
Tears of the Dark Angel