InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ The New World ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inner Voice
~~~Scene change
~~!!…~~!! POV
Mina stood atop the hill, wind blown hair entangled in clawed hands, tears ran down her face as she looked at her captor's red eyes reflected his and her pain “You killed herhe growled out, shaken a choked sobbed left her as his hands circled her throat cutting off her air supply “No…no I didn't I-I she cant be…Kieka” she said pathetically, the pressure on her neck tightened to the point where she was blacking out…
Mina awoke in a shock from her dream when a few things entered a mind. One she was in her room, she was lying on top of Kiba who now had his arms wrapped loosely around her waist, and that it was currently night time. Mina slipped out of Kiba's arms confused at the time of day “Why is it night time?” she asked opening her window the night air blew in, lifting her head up she was greeted by the dark moonless sky. “A new moon how strange…there are no street lights where we areor when are we”she thought, she was startled out of her thoughts when she sensed someone behind her, turning around she saw Kiba looking down at her “We are home” was all he said before he vanished in a driftage of snow. “Home…heh coming from him it sounds like some deep dark thing” she said stepping away from her window she went to go take a quick shower.
Siya sat on the couch “How long will he keep the truth from her…that she will be put in battle that she is his bride to be” she asked looking at Kye with a questioning gaze, he sighed “I do not know only he may choose to tell her, he wont even admit that she is his fiancé” he admitted worry weaving into his voice. Kiba appeared in front of them “I shall be leaving for two days do what you want I shall keep watch of the perimeter” with that he once again vanished leaving two confused people to think. Kye got up and smiled “This would be the perfect time to take her around and maybe explain things” he said pulling Siya up to her feet she nodded “I'll accompany her” Siya said and vanished in a drift of green leaves. Kye watched the leaves drift through the room and out.
Mina came out pf the bathroom wrapped in a towel, she sat down on her bed trying to piece her life together “Normal kid discovering she had powers from an ancient race ditching school losing my best friend and home and now here I am in this whole new world” she said “Also gaining new friends” Siya said materializing from the leaves that had sunk in from under her door. Mina looked at her startled “Well yea that too I've been wanting to ask where exactly are we” she asked tilting her head towards the window, Siya giggled “Dress in something and put a cloak on” she said and sat down on the bed. Mina went to her closet and got dressed.
She was being pulled swiftly through the trees by Siya who had warned her to stay quiet, the darkness swarmed around them as they trekked deeper into the forest. The trees broke way to a road, in the distance she could see a large town “Siya is that where were going?” she asked quietly, seeing the older girl nod she followed her movements and pulled her hood up over her head. Siya moved forward with Mina in tow “Mina do you wonder why you were in the other world?” she asked keeping her head bowed as they passed people on the road “Yes I've wanted to know” she said honestly the thought has struck her mind more times than one. “It is because there was a war when you were younger we banished you and your, mother into the human world in hopes to protect you…in hopes that your vampire blood skipped you, heh guess we were wrong. We had no idea that you also had the blood of a dreamer in you I guess that was what led to your blood awakening” she said, from what Mina could see Siya's eyes were lost in thought as she continued “Mina your future is here with us…the war is being ignited and you must fight the battle field shall call us all by its song of blades clashing. If we all make it out then you are to wed Kiba you are his future bride” she said softly as they entered town. Mina stared at the ground silence “Me a-and Kiba to wed…no, no way he doesn't even like me at least I think not” she thought saddened by the thought, she lifted her face tightened and hands balled at her side in fist “No…I will not marry him” she said loudly drawing attention to them, too angry to notice she had vanished in the wind as blossoms, opening her eyes she was outside of town in the woods. Mina fell to her knees a cried for the truth of her life, for the loss of her friend and just for herself.
Kiba patrolled the area making sure no enemies crossed the borders, already there were signs of where the first war began and ended, lost souls on both sides damned into hell. A soft sigh escaped as he stopped to stare at the moon less night, thoughts of a certain vampire floated through his head “I refuse to let her get to me, she may be my fiancé but it does not matter we will all be entering war and if she dies than I shall have no feelings or thoughts for her yet she is already getting to you isn't she? Hmph she dies she dies not my job to protect her” he thought and continued his patrolling into the woods. That is until the sounds of crying drifted past him as he came upon a sobbing Mina.
The New World