InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ The Last Night ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inner Voice
~~~Scene change
~~!!…~~!! POV
Mina- with the help of Siya- had finally gotten everything set up and put away with only a few minor shocks. It was her last day and she decided to sit out in the park watching everyone go by, she watched as kids ran around couples held hands and everyone look happy and carefree unknown to the dangers that could lurk in the shadows. Mine got up sighing she had her human form and a pair of black sunglasses on to hide herself even further, she walked through the park keeping a close eye on the sun since it would soon be sun down.
With The Others
Kiba was pacing the floor glancing at the clock every few minutes, both Siya and Kye watched him growing bored they yelled at him to stop which they got a hiss and glare from said vampire “Where the hell is she” he asked stopping his pacing, letting out a sigh of relief as he heard the sound of the front door opening. Mina kicked off her shoes “Sorry I'm late” she called walking into the living room she was met by two angry red eyes “Next time tell me before you go off on your own” he said baring his fangs to her, angry at the sentence she bared her own fangs “Listen here Kiba I'm apart of this world so I can go and come as I please” she said. Siya and Kye felt the tense rise to an electric current and got up to console both people, “Hey cut her some slack it's her last day besides lets all calm down and relax” Siya said placing a hand between the two. Kye gave a nod of agreement. Mina took a deep breath and calmed herself, smiling she nodded “Ok how about I pop some popcorn and we can watch a movie” she said smiling, Kye and Siya grinned knowing that it was fun to watch the things she called movies they both nodded happily “Ok you guys go pick a movie while I pop the corn” she said giggling to herself as both ran off. After a few minutes of simply watching the popcorn she sensed Kiba standing behind her, unfazed she turned around and looked at him “Yes do you need something?” she asked turning her full attention towards him. Kiba looked at her “You'll miss this world wont you” he asked leaning against the counter, she shook her head “Only certain people I will miss” she said Kieka please be ok I hope you weren't caught…who am I kidding Moon wouldn't let herself get caught by those vermin” she thought with a small laugh. Kiba had watched her slightly shocked then confused at the sadness reflected in her eyes which soon turned to laughter he decided he liked her laughter it made her sound more human than vampire, he was happy when she was around even though he would never show and it made Kye and Siya happy as well.
Mina and Siya and taken there seats on the floor with a large bowl of popcorn, while the boys took there seats on the couch with there own popcorn bowl “Ok what did you choose?” Mina asked, Siya grinned and held up the DVD “This one seemed fun” she said. Mina read the title and smiled “Figures no one can resist the charm of Pirates of the Caribbean” she thought nodding she popped the movie in and settled back down into her seat. Already as soon as they saw both Orlando and Johnny did the girls go into talk about how sexy they were, the boys enjoyed the fight scenes but Kye was getting jealous over the two men that have captured Siya's heart. Kiba on the other hand felt a small twang of jealousy but dismissed it as quickly as it had come. Towards the end Siya and Kye had fallen asleep and already Mina was started to doze off, Kiba got up and picked up the girl she snuggled into the tiny warmth he emitted and soon fell asleep holding onto him tightly. He walked up to her room and tried to lay her down without waking her up, but since she was holding onto his clothes it was becoming quite difficult. Mina didn't want to let go of the warmth that was holding her and insisted to keep a strong grip on whatever it was growing frustrated on why the warmth kept trying to leave she yanked it down and wrapped her arms around it.
Kiba was forcefully yanked down on top of Mina, she had securely locked her arms around him intent on keeping him there. He shook his head and rolled over so she was on top of him smiling he wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep.
The Last Night