InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ Teachings Old and New ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Inner Voice
~~~Scene change
~~!!…~~!! POV
Mina sat in her new room and looked around, it was larger than her old room, with a large closet dressers, mirror, and a king size bed all in deep mahogany sighing she laid out on her bed and stared at the ceiling “Today is the day I suppose I must start my shopping” grinning she got up and ran out her bedroom into Kiba, falling on her back she sighed “Why do I continue to run into you” she said getting up she rubbed her back “You should watch where you are going then” he said brushing past her, she grabbed his arm “Ya know you could say your sorry and anyways your coming with me” she said and started to drag him “I advise you to let me go” he stated baring his fangs to promote the threat. Mina bared her own fangs at him “Too bad your coming with me, Siya and Kye to the mall I need help buying some stuff and I'm gonna buy you guys a new wardrobe as well” she said walking right into the other two “I am so sick of this now” she said brushing her clothes off she sighed “Well now that everyone is here I'm gonna need you to look more human” she said confused Siya asked “Why do we need to look like mortals?” Mina smiled “Because were going on a shopping spree so no more questions” she said with a large grin that made Siya smile, nodding she closed her eyes and instantly her hair turned black, her fangs sunk to human level and her eyes were brown “Is this ok?” she asked nervously. Mina nodded in approval and looked to the other two “Come on change up” she ordered, Kye gave a sigh of defeat and his hair became a straight brown down to his neck, his fangs became normal and his eyes turned brown. Kiba crossed his arms but he too changed his fangs became normal and his eyes turned baby blue, Mina found herself staring at him and she gave a slight blush quickly turning around she mumbled a few words and soon her hair turned all black, her fangs receded to human teeth, her eyes turned brown and her wrist tattoos vanished. Turning around she looked at everyone seriously “I warn you we are about to embark into a world that is dangerous if you get lost you sure as hell better hope I find you” she said gravely causing a shiver of excitement to run through Siya, the grave face soon turned into a smile “Ok then grab my hand and lets go” she said grabbing Kiba's hand in her right and Siya's in her left while Siya grabbed Kye soon they all vanished into the shadows.
A sigh escaped her lips when they entered the mall all the way in the very back looking around Mina smiled “Ok coast is clear no one saw us now I have two cards it has half of the money that was originally on the first card” she said handing Kiba an aqua blue card “Why do we need this?” he asked holding the plastic between his fingers, she looked at him and a long sigh came out “Because if you want to buy anything then this card will let you I am going to leave you and Kye in the teenage men's department so you and Kye can find some clothes, me and Siya will be checking out other stuff ok?” she said receiving a nod she smiled and grabbed Kiba's hand, watching Siya followed suit and held Kye's hand causing her to blush. Mina looked back and saw the blush on her face and smiled “She must like Kye…well then this changes everything” she thought and started walking, Kiba followed next to her while Siya and Kye trailed behind them. Siya looked at all the stores then at all the people “Why do so many people come here?” she asked “Simple it's a mall where we pretty much get everything” she answered, nodding she looked over at Kye and saw him staring at just about every girl who looked at him, seeing this her control started to waver and her fangs began to show seeing this Mina quickly saw the first store “Ok Kiba, Kye this is where you'll be for the time being” she said pushing them both into the store she glanced at Siya and saw she was under control again. After showing them where to go Mina and Siya left the boys. Mina looked over at Siya and smiled “So…do you like Kye?” she asked dragging the older vampire into Hot Topic, she looked at her trying to hide the blush that was slowly forming “No I don't like him” she said causing her younger friend to laugh “Ok then well lets get you some clothes” she said pushing her towards a rack of jeans “Your about a size 8 in women's so look through this side and find what you like” she leaving the girl to her own rack of clothes.
Kye and Kiba picked out various clothes and went to the back of the store entering the things Mina called `dressing rooms', sighing they stripped of there clothes and tried on what they picked out “Kiba I must say this place is of many wonders unlike our own” he said from his room “Yes I know but its crawling with mortals all it does is make me hungry” he said running a hand through his hair, he looked at his reflection and nodded at the clothes “I wonder if Mina will miss this world she was raised here and knows nothing of our ways she does not even know that she's the-” he was cut by the sound of Kiba's door opening and closing and sighed “He does not want to admit it yet” he reasoned putting his clothes back on.
Mina had ten bags of clothes while Siya had almost twenty, they both sat on a bench waiting for the boys “So Siya what's up with you and Kye?” she asked trying to be casual. Siya blushed and looked away “Nothing what's so ever” she said feeling a pang of sadness. Shaking her head she smiled when she saw the boys come over “Glad you got some clothes now next is food and then cd/dvd store and of course electronics store” she announced standing up she walked off while the other three followed confused by what she meant.
All three vampires stared at all the things that were in the store, while Mina seemed unfazed by it “Ok We are gonna get a load of CD's and a bunch of DVDs” she said smiling “Now lets see I don't want to leave you alone but Siya you would seem like a Evanescence fan so head down the aisle” she said pushing her off, she then glanced at Kye and looked him up and down “Hmm you look Linkin Park/ Skillet” She said sending him down a different aisle. Kiba watched as she sent his friends off to find whatever she had sent them to find “And Kiba…” she said breaking him out of his thoughts “You and I seem to look like Three Day's Grace fans so we'll go look for some of there CD's then get some DVD's” she taking his hand she pulled him off down the rows of unknown items.
A few Hours later
Mina had dragged them around and soon they had over 100 bags of things from clothes, to food to games and soaps and perfumes and jewelry. Kiba not wanting to carry all those bags simply placed his hand on the floor and soon everyone was back in the old Victorian house. Mina smiled and looked at everyone who seemed exhausted “You guys rest I'll put things away” she said picking up the food bags she walked into the kitchen, Kiba shrugged and vanished along with Kye, Siya was the only one who lingered smiling she went into the kitchen and started helping putting the food away.
Teachings: Old and New