InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker Than Water...Or Is It? ❯ Chapter One Happy Birthday Part One ( Chapter 1 )
Blood's Thicker Than Water…Or Is It?
Chapter One
Happy Birthday Part 1
In the powerful lands of Egypt lived a Demon Pharaoh. He controlled all the creatures and people of those lands. He let the demons be High Lords. Letting him take Humans from their peaceful lives and turning them into slaves. But only the Human-miko were the only ones untouched. Afraid that the Human-miko humans would attacked him and his royal family he decided to make an alliance with them, letting them be as powerful but not so to over-power him. The Human-mikos and the Demon-dog Royal Family because friends and aided each other through-out battle and protection. But one time during this Pharaoh's rule, his son fell in love with the Daughter of the High Priest. Both parents found out and where in an uproar. Then the Pharaoh made a law: No pure bloods are allow to mix even if it's Miko, Demon, or human. And the Pharaoh built his palace far, up on the hills of the tallest sands., while the High Priest built his Temple at the base of the sands. Both knew fighting each other would only cause chaos and destruction of both families so they kept separate for years until that Young Prince became Pharaoh, then pasted it to his older son. But he then realized, as a new child was born to the Miko's that it will all happen again.
Author's Note: I don't own Inuyasha, if I did then I would rub it in your faces (j/k), but sadly I don't….*sniffles*. I may come up with a new Title because I don't think the Title fits but whatever. If anyone comes up with a better name e-mail me at Thanks and enjoy. Also note Miko's ages just as slow as Demons.
The Great Pharaoh Sesshomaru looked over his balcony as he watched down in the distant, another great pyramid was being made for him. Since his' Father's mysterious death, he promised to return the majik and power to the Lands of Sands and also….to watch his younger brother, Prince Inuyasha. No doubt, he loved his brother and would never break his promise to his Father & Mother, but it was hard to raise him. Pharaoh Sesshomaru was 100 years old (but looking 25), Prince Inuyasha just turned 18, it was eight years since their parents' death. Pharaoh Sesshomaru took great care and watched over carefully of Prince Inuyasha. But he knew something about Inuyasha, he had secrets. He had a power that he could never earn, and that made Sesshomaru jealous.
Today was Prince Inuyasha's birthday and Pharaoh Sesshomaru pushed his pitiful jealousy deep within himself and prepared for the day. He watched as servants brought in entrainment, food, and gifts from all over Egypt. But he wasn't worried about how things may go wrong, he was worried about the gift that he ordered to be made for him. Sesshomaru's eyes wandered to down at the base of where the City began, The Temple of Time. He had gone there, when he was 18 himself, to received his gift, Tessragia. A beautiful sword which could grant Life or Death. It was like a dream…
A young Prince, Sesshomaru, slowly made his way up the millions stairs and to the door of the Temple. Odd-like Soldiers stand before the doors, glaring down at him, as if they shouted at him to leave. Before Sesshomaru could take another step to the door a female Soldier, held her over-sized boomerang to his neck, from up-close Sesshomaru noticed the edges were sharp.
"What is your business here, Demon?"
"I wish to see the High Priest or Priestess…"
"On what account?" The male Soldier growled.
"To…earn the Trust of the Mikos." Sesshomaru could not believe what he just said.
His Father and Mother, with guards around them watched from at the base of the step, shocked at his words.
The female nodded to the male and both of them backed away and opened the door for him.
"If you seek Peace and Trust you came to the right place, Prince Sesshomaru." A woman, dressed in gold came from behind the door.
She was beautiful, Sesshomaru could a admit to that. She had long waved raven hair that seemed endless. Her eyes the deepest brown he ever did see. Her skin was fair must of made of silk if you touched it.
Sesshomaru bowed onto one knee to the High Priestess. The High Priestess only smiled warmly.
"I see strength in you Sesshomaru, and honor. It brings me great joy that you came down to the Temple to see me."
Sesshomaru looked up at her then stood.
"Today is my 18th birthday, I am having a celebration at the palace. I wish for your presents and hold your name in honor to forget the past and welcome you back." Sesshomaru's idea was not to invite her to the celebration, but something inside him said to make up to the Mikos.
High Priestess smiled yet again and leaned down and kissed Sesshomaru's forehead.
"I would be glad to take my place in part of your celebration, young Sesshomaru."
Then when she appeared before him that day she handed him his sword. She then danced and sang a song, not loosing eye contact with his Father the entire time.
After that, the Miko Family was welcome backed to the Palace and was always called on for advice and companionship. But when the High Priestess Kikyo had past on, leaving behind a daughter, Sesshomaru was greatly upset and from then on always went to the Temple for anything, or just to simply get away. But he most of all went to check on the progress of the new Priestess. Surprisingly she was born on the same day as his younger brother and he felt it was his reasonability to watch over her as well. So he did.
The High Priestess was to make her first appearance to his brother, as part of his gift.
'He needs guidance.' He thought but then there was a roar and saw a line of smoke racing to the palace.
The Pharaoh sighed. 'He needs it really bad. I wish you luck Priestess Kagome-sama…'
"Hurry it up Jaken! Can't this thing go any faster?" Prince Inuyasha snapped at a little dark-greenish demon.
"If I wanted to cause chaos at the market place!" Jaken snapped back at the Prince.
Prince Inuyasha glared at him in annoyance. He wasn't as tall as his brother yet, just another foot at least to go. He had his brother's white hair, but tied back and his Golden Headdress hiding the rest. He wore red and gold wrap at his waist, and golden/red ban dangles around his wrists. Since Inuyasha was still quite young he didn't grown into a full demon yet. He still hasn't grown his tail and still had puppy ears, which he normally kept hidden.
"Just give me the reigns you stupid Imp!" Inuyasha grabbed the reigns from Jaken, pushing him off the flying two-headed dragon.
"No Prince Inuyasha!" Jaken cried as he fell and rolled in the dirt.
Prince Inuyasha climbed to the front and snapped the reigns at the dragon.
The Dragon, Ai-Un, roared and flapped his wings harder as he went the speed Inuyasha wanted. They got into the city and flew through the street, scaring the lower class, Humans, into their houses or buildings.
Inuyasha laughed out loud as he made his way through the market place. He zigzagged through each street and alley way, stirring up everything that was going on, leaving the market place in horrendous disarray. He flied up towards the palace, pasting the Temple of Time to his right. He turned to noticed a girl standing at the temple. Inuyasha never saw anyone enter or leave the temple but his own brother. He was about to stop but Ai-un pulled up the steep hill and into the palace's court-yard.
"Wwwwhooooaaaaaaa!" Prince Inuyasha pulled on the reigns as he realized his Brother was waiting for him, right in the middle of the court yard. "Sesshomaru, move!"
The Pharaoh didn't bother moving but Ai-un saw him and then pay heed to Inuyasha's commands. Dust flew in everywhere and the dragon finally came to a stop, the Dragon's eyes opened to meet up with the Pharaoh's eyes. Prince Inuyasha jumped off the dragon as if it was nothing.
"Now that is was I call a ride." The Prince grinned over to his Brother who just scared the Dragon out of it's wits and watched it backed away from him.
The Pharaoh turned his eyes on his brother, a bit disappointed in his brother's behavior but didn't show it.
"That was uncalled for Inuyasha." His long, elegant tail wags for a moment or two to get the dust out of the Pharaoh's face but then went lifeless and drooped over his right shoulder.
"Feh. It was most defiantly called off. If Jaken was still driving it I would missed my birthday and a few after." Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared at his brother for disappointing his driving of Ai-Un.