InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker Than Water...Or Is It? ❯ Chapter Two Happy Birthday Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter Two
Happy Birthday Part 2
"Feh. It was most defiantly called off. If Jaken was still driving it I would missed my birthday and a few after." Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared at his brother for disappointing his driving of Ai-Un.
Author's Note: Again, I don't own Inuyasha, Sesshomaru (Mr. Fluffy) or Kagome. I hope everyone is enjoying my story. Please review. Thanks! Ja Matte Ne!
Pharaoh Sesshomaru brought Prince Inuyasha to Inuyasha's bed chamber. A bunch of servant, human females, forced Inuyasha to take a bath and then dress him. Once he was done, he wore similar to earlier but had a red and golden cape and golden sandals.
"I hate sandals…" Prince Inuyasha grumbled as he laid down in his lazy chair as human females fond over him, feeding him grapes and brushing his hair.
"You just have to wear them until the celebration is over. I have a special guest for you tonight." Sesshomaru stared down at his brother, who was in a middle of a purr as one of the girls stretched behind his ears.
"Yeah? Who?" Inuyasha closed his eyes, as his left leg started shaking. "Better not be that Princess from Rome….little brat."
"No, an even better gift. Someone to be your companion and to guide you."
"Feh." Inuyasha opened his golden eyes and glared at his brother. "Why would I need guidance? I'm not the one running the country."
Pharaoh Sesshomaru smiled slightly.
"You might me."
Prince Inuyasha jumped up, knocking all the human servants back. The Prince was nervous, he admired his brother but him not being in charge of things kind of scared him a bit.
"You…aren't dying are you?"
Sesshomaru just shook his head and placed an hand on his shoulder.
"I want to go and search for a mate soon. I need someone to take my place until I return."
Prince Inuyasha gave him a look. "Feh." And crossed his arm.
"You need someone to guide you and help you make the right choices."
"I can do it. I don't need help from anyone." Prince Inuyasha sat back in his seat, and growled at the woman to continue pampering him.
'This is going to be harder than I thought.' Sesshomaru sighed then left the room.
A giant cream colored cat with two-tails came into the palace, by the cat's either sides were a women and a man. The woman looked like a stealth ninja with a giant boomerang. The man looked like a monk, wearing navy blue robes holding a golden staff. On the back of the cat was a girl, looking no older than 17-18. She wore belly-kimono top, which was white, and some red on the sleeve. Her bottom was a long red skirt and either side of the skirts they were tied to her rings on her middle finger. She wore and red and golden head dress with the head of Horus. She wore a red face cloth over her nose and mouth, letting only her eyes show. They walked into the throne room and bowed down to Pharaoh Sesshomaru who was waiting.
"Kagome-sama." The Pharaoh stood, walking down towards her.
The girl got off the giant cat and walked over to him and bowed before him.
"My Pharaoh…"
"You have Tetsaiga?"
The girl looked up at him then turned her back to him.
"He needs to past the test, like you did. The Gods choose, they just let me know." She turned to him, locking her chocolate-eyes on to the Pharaoh's.
The Pharaoh took in a deep breath and looked down at her. The girl turned away, reaches out for the giant cat and pets her.
"When are you leaving, my Pharaoh?" Kagome asked, without looking at him.
"In a week. You think you can keep Inuyasha in line?"
"Of course. Where will I stay?" Kagome walked to the side of the cat and jumped back up.
The cat stood, and so did the monk and warrior.
"You'll be in my wing, I made sure it over looked the garden and you have your private access to it. I just want one thing perfectly clear Kagome-sama." Pharaoh Sesshomaru walked over to Kagome, reaches up for her, forcing her to stare at him. "You grant him any requests he asks you that is not over your limit. But…do not break my Grandfather's law."
The Warrior held out a dagger and pointed at the Pharaoh's throat.
"Release the High Priestess at once…" She hissed.
"Sango." High Priestess Kagome, grabbed The Pharaoh's wrist and pushed it away. "It's alright."
The Warrior, Sango, return her dagger to it's case and backed away from the Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru backed away from the High Priestess as well.
"I will call you when you are to be presented to Inuyasha."
"Fine." Kagome looked down at the cat. "Go Kiara."
The Cat, Kiara, left the room, exiting to a side doorway, with the Monk and Warrior following.
Once the sun had set the celebration started. High Lords, Ladies (Demons or Miko) and Officials came to the party, presenting Prince Inuyasha gifts from clothes to weapons. Prince Inuyasha loved getting the attention until now. Everything he got was the same. He had about four or five copies of each different type of swords, clothes…he always get clothes from his brother and more slaves. Like he doesn't have enough. Pharaoh noticed Prince Inuyasha getting bored when dinner had started.
"Sit up, look more presentable. I have someone for you to meet."
"Oh boy…what is it this time Fluffy? Another ugly demon female? I am not interested in settling down." Prince Inuyasha sat up in his seat and pushed away his plate of food.
The Pharaoh gave a small growl but then looked to the door of the dinning hall and nodded to the Monk that nodded back to him.
The Monk disappeared through the door and then the door flew wide open. The room got dark as the torches go out. The Pharaoh looked to his brother, who only sighed and looked away, not even slightly curious. But the attention catch him when the torches relit but the flame was red, which tinted the room a blood red color. Kiara, the giant cat, came back into the room, still carrying the High Priestess, Kagome.
The cat stopped a few feet from the Pharaoh and Prince, laid down, letting Kagome off. She walked over, removing her red face mask, tossing it to the floor. Music started to play, like a violin or some sort then some drums. She then started to dance.
Prince Inuyasha titled his head, this is the first human entertainer he'd seen and was curious about why she was here. Before he could ask Sesshomaru the girl jumped onto the table and walked towards him. She kicked Inuyasha's plate of food to the side, letting it hit the wall, breaking the plate. She then fell to her knees before him, grabbing him by his shirt and pulled him close to her face.
"Huh?" Inuyasha was shocked, no human would ever come this close unless asking for a fight.
His first actions normally are slashes her throat but his eyes where locked onto Kagome's dark brown eyes.
"Inuyasha…leave with me. Even if we are torn apart…our feelings will unite us. That is what this song is about…." She pushes back into his seat and stood, turns and jumped down to the floor.
Prince Inuyasha's back hit the chair, eyes widen, his heart racing.
'What is this…this…' The word he was looking for was "wrench" but he just couldn't call her that. 'She's different…her eyes…'
His train of thought was cut short when she started to sing.
"I know that you've hiding things, using gentle words to shelter me. Your words were like a dream. But dreams could never fool me, not that easily…" Kagome's eyes did not loose contacted with Inuyasha's.
But when she started to smile at him Prince Inuyasha was trapped in her trance. Pharaoh Sesshomaru watched his brother falling in awe for the High Priestess and smile.
"…Don't fight your battles far from me, far too easily. 'Saving tears cause I'll come back' I could hear that you whispered as you walked through that door. And still I swore to hide the pain…"
"You like her Inu?" Sesshomaru leaned over to him, asking.
"H-H-H-Ha-hai…" Inuyasha couldn't turn away from the singing Priestess.
"…Shouting might have been the answer…"
"You want her Inuyasha?"
"…Because a thousands words, called out through the ages, they'll fly to you. Even though I can't see…"
"She is yours." The Pharaoh sat back in his chair and continues to watch the High Priestess perform.
"What's her name Fluff?"
The Pharaoh grinned.
"…and a thousands words, called out through the ages, will cradle you. Turning all of the lonely years to only days. They'll hold you forever!!!!!!"
The music started to slowly down and Kagome's dance slowed down to a stop.
"Her name is Kagome-"
"-thousands words."
"High Priestess of the Temple of Time."
She finished and the room's light came to normal. Everyone cheered, still leaving Inuyasha in a shock.
"I want her in my chambers, Sesshomaru."
"As you wish." Sesshomaru chuckled under his breath and clapped for Kagome.
Kagome bowed to everything then to the Pharaoh & Prince.
"I also grant a gift to you Prince Inuyasha…but I need to know, can you use a sword?" The High Priestess walked back to Kiara and on the side of the saddle was a sheath holding a sword.
Inuyasha got out of his chair, pulling out a sword from his sheath from his belt.
"Of course, Kagome, challenging me?" Inuyasha was inching…but for what?
Kagome pulled a large sword, Inuyasha was surprised she could lift it. It had a furry handle to make a good solid grip and more comfort anyone hands.
"Why would I asked if I could not meet your challenge my Prince?" Kagome held the sword high above her head.
Inuyasha grinned and ran at her, swinging his sword under. But Kagome then jumped to the side to bring it down on him. He turned just enough to block her attack.
'She's fast.' Inuyasha narrowed his eyes on Kagome.
'He's fast.' Kagome smiled and jumped back then ran at him.
She swiped the sword at him, but he jumped clear of it and jumps behind her, holding the sword to her neck. Inuyasha held her body close to his and he took in the sent of a light lotus flower.
"Your not fast enough, my Kagome."
He was warm, too warm, she could feel his heart beating almost uncontrollable.
"You win, Prince Inuyasha." Kagome's muscles are loosened and Inuyasha let's her go, redundantly.
Kagome did not bother to look at him but she went and picked up the sheath and return to the sword to it. She then walked over to Inuyasha and bowed on one knee.
"This is for you…Tetsaiga." She held the sword to him.
"What?! Tetsaiga?" Inuyasha was shocked. 'Not even a miko can wield that thing, how come she can?'
Prince Inuyasha return his sword to his sheath then picked up Tetsaiga.
"Thank you, Kagome."
Kagome stood up and narrowed her eyes at him.
"That is Kagome-sama to you." She then turned around, flicking loose ponytail in his face.