InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker Than Water...Or Is It? ❯ Chapter Three Royal Pain ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Three

Royal Pain

Author's Note: I want to thank RaineGoddess8 for my first review! Yay! *dances around with her stuff Inuyasha doll.* This chapter is for her. Enjoy!


Prince Inuyasha return his sword to his sheath then picked up Tetsaiga.

"Thank you, Kagome."

Kagome stood up and narrowed her eyes at him.

"That is Kagome-sama to you." She then turned around, flicking her loose ponytail in his face.

Silence struck everyone in the room as The High Priestess corrected the Prince's speech. All eyes were on Prince Inuyasha. He would never let anyone, not even if their miko, talk back to him. But something struck Inuyasha.

Inuyasha stared at Kagome's back as she walked over to Kiara and mounted her. Kagome turned Kiara around so she faced Inuyasha.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" The High Priestess grinned at the Demon Prince.

Gasps and whispers started to go around the room, the Pharaoh was not pleased of the High Priestess' attitude.

"How dare you speak to him like-"

"Fluffy." Prince Inuyasha held up his hand, cutting off his brother's shout.

The Pharaoh growled, not liked to be called his nickname in front of a crowd.

Prince Inuyasha walked over to the High Priestess and took her hand gently.

"May I have your presents in my chambers tonight?" Inuyasha gave Kagome a fang-grin.

Kagome only giggled and then took her hand away.

"I am surprise, you are such a gentleman, even if you are a dog." Kagome then turned Kiara to face the exit. "Let's go Kiara."

The Pharaoh was furious, the crowd (especially the demons) glared at her for her insolence, but is only made Inuyasha's curiosity grow stronger.

'…She's different…different than any miko, demon or human I've ever met…' Inuyasha tighten the grip of his new sword. 'She will be mine.'

"What did you think you were doing Kagome-sama?!" The warrior, Sango, shouted at the High Priestess as the High Priestess was in her room, dressing up. "The Pharaoh could of killed you…Inuyasha could of killed you! You gave him Te-"

"It does not matter if he has the sword or not." A servant girl turned over to behind Kagome to tie the dress in place. "Remember, Miko only gives the power to the Demons, we can easily take it back."

Sango ran to the front of Kagome, glaring at her.

"Yes…give them more power…so they can kill, abuse, and torture more humans!" Sango shouted.

The Monk, who had turned away so the High Priestess could dress (while really he had a hand mirror watching the whole thing), came over and grabbed Sango's shoulders.

"Enough Sango!" The Monk ordered.

The High Priestess sighed and looked down sadly at Sango.

"It's alright Miruko, she is precise." Kagome walked towards to Sango, who had angry tears in her eyes., the servant girl followed carefully, not to trip over her dress.

Sango glared deep into Kagome's deep chocolate eyes but her angrier melted away as she leaned over and hugged onto Kagome, who hugged back in return.

"I understand how you feel…about the death of-" Kagome stopped as Sango winced. "-You must understand that it's not my job to point at their mistakes."

"But we just can't live like this anymore." The Monk, Miruko, said. "Sango & I lived forever, seeing this all this start from the beginning of time, we need to see it end. You must talked to the Pharaoh, or the Prince."

"The Fayth said only those who makes the mistakes are to fix those mistakes." Sango pulled away from Kagome, turning her back to Kagome. "Do not blame me for this. Maybe when the Fayth gave you your immortality you should of stopped it there. Destroy the demons yourself."

Sango turned to Kagome, who glared at her hurtfully. Sango kneeled before her, wiping her tears away.

"Forgive me Kagome-sama…"

Kagome's angrier disappeared quickly and she smiled. "It's alright Sango."

"I have an idea, if I may speak High Priestess-sama." The servant girl spoke, making all three of them turned to her.

"Your name?" Kagome asked.

"Rin, Ma'am." The girl was about 12 -13.

Rin had black hair, half of it was put up in a side ponytail. She wore a clean servant gown, Kagome then realized she was the only one who normally attended The Pharaoh.

Kagome smiled, knowing all about Rin and Pharaoh.

"You have the floor."

Rin smiled and cleared her throat.

"I've watched your performance and the way Prince Inuyasha looked at you, I think he is falling for you."

Kagome's smile faded. "Falling?"

"Yes, in love. He never lost eye contact with you and the way you treated him afterwards. He didn't even phased him that you just insulted him."

Inuyasha stared at Kagome's back as she walked over to Kiara and mounted her. Kagome turned Kiara around so she faced Inuyasha.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" The High Priestess grinned at the Demon Prince.

Gasps and whispers started to go around the room, the Pharaoh was not pleased of the High Priestess' attitude.

"It does not mean he is in love with me, young Rin." Kagome turned away, walking over to the balcony.

Rin followed, with the Monk and Warrior at her heels.

"But what if he does fall in love with you? You could show him how demons treat humans. I bet he will listen."

Kagome thought of the idea, and yes it would work. 'Fall in love with a demon?! Yeah right! It's bad enough I may become Inuyasha's slave for all eternality.'

Kagome turned back to Rin.

"Even if he is in love with me, I will never fall for him. And I am not that cruel to 'pull his leash'."

But Rin only smiled at the high Priestess, leaving the Priestess stumped at the girl's reaction. Rin then turned back inside, picked up a matching headdress for Kagome and went back to hand it to her.

"Follow your heart, and not what others orders are."

Kagome took her headdress and placed it on her head. She studied the servant girl's face, but only got that smile. Kagome then lifted her head up high and walked passed Rin.

'I will not fall in love with that demon.' Kagome said to herself, over and over again as she left the room. 'Never.'

Inuyasha waited impatiently as he waited in his room for the High Priestess.

'Damn, hurry up you wrench.' Inuyasha paced his room, growling under his breath.

He stopped and realized what he was doing.

'Why am I worked up about this baka-miko?' Inuyasha sat down on his lazy chair. 'Maybe because she is different? No, she is just like all the other Mikos. Annoying little majik freaks.'

Before Inuyasha can say anymore negative comments to himself the door opened and there was Kagome. Inuyasha was in perfect awe. Kagome wore a black sleeve-less grown, which the left and ride sides where attached to a ring on the middle finger of each hand. The font opened in a slit so Inuyasha could see a bit of her slender legs. Her headdress, similar to the other once of earlier but a black one. Her hair was loosely but stilled in held back in a ponytail. She walked into the room and turned to Sango and Miruko.

"Close the door, wait outside." She ordered calmly.

Sango was about to reject until Miruko grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Yes, ma'am." He then shut the door.

Kagome then faced Inuyasha and started to walk towards him until they heard a loud slap from beyond the doors.


Kagome smiled weakly and Inuyasha looked at her in puzzlement.

"What was that?"


"Oh…" Inuyasha shook off the distraction and got up, walking over to Kagome.

The High Priestess bowed to Inuyasha.

"You wanted to see me, my Prince?"

"Yeah…" Prince Inuyasha took Priestess Kagome's hand, pulling her into his arms. "I-"

WHACK! Kagome slapped Inuyasha with her free hand, on his cheek. She backed away from Inuyasha, glaring at him.

"Don't think because you're the Pharaoh's brother I am going to let you fuck me."

The Prince placed a hand on his face where she hit him. He growled at her.

"Why would I fuck a wrench like you?!"

WHACK! Another slap to the other side of his face.

"Do not call me a wrench, you pig!"

"Pig?!" Inuyasha growled, rubbing the other hand print in his face. "Calm down!"

"No!" Both miko and Hanyou glared at each other, one trying to stare the other down.

'I will kill him if he dares call me a wrench again…'

'That bitch touches me again I'll…'

"Oh good, both of you are here." A cold male's voice called out.

Both turned around to see Pharaoh Sesshomaru. Priestess Kagome turns around and kneeled before him.

"My Pharaoh…"

Prince Inuyasha only crossed his arms and mumbled. "Feh."

The Pharaoh walked over to Priestess Kagome and reached down, grabbing her ponytail, knocking off her headdress, then pulling her up.

"What kind of manners did I raise you with? How dare you make a fool out of Inuyasha!" Sesshomaru growled.

Kagome closed her eyes, knowing she was going to get hit but she was then released and she fell to the floor. She opened her eyes to see Prince Inuyasha, grabbing hold of his brother's wrist.

"It's alright Sesshomaru, I don't care." Prince Inuyasha then let go of him and looked down at Priestess Kagome. 'What am I doing?'

"So you will let her get away with it?" Pharaoh Sesshomaru inquired.

Inuyasha thought for a moment, then reached down and helped Kagome to her feet. He held his arms around her, having Kagome facing Sesshomaru.

"She will get her punishment." Prince Inuyasha then licked Priestess Kagome's neck, causing her to shiver.

Pharaoh Sesshomaru stared at them, watching Kagome shiver at Inuyasha's action then, looked away shamefully. He gave a sly grin.

"Alright, then I will see you both tomorrow morning." The Pharaoh then left, closing the door behind him.

'This is it…me and my big-'Her thought was interrupted when the Prince let her go.

She turned around as Inuyasha shrugged.

"You alright?"

Kagome nodded.

"Yes…why did you-"

"I don't know! Just…something he shouldn't do to you." Inuyasha went back over and laid down on his lazy chair. 'No one should hit her…what am I saying?!'

Kagome watched Inuyasha as he tried hard not to look at her, but h gave up and looked into her beautiful eyes.

"What?" Inuyasha growled.

She smiled at him and walked over to him.

'He's not a royal pain as I thought.' Kagome lean down to Inuyasha's face, her eyes closing. "Thank you."

"Eh?!" Before Inuyasha could react, Kagome had kissed him.

Author's Note: Hhahahaha! I am cruel, eh? KUKUKUKUKU! Anyways I want to give another shout out to Ice Fairy who is now my Official Keep the Character Personalities Straight Guide. Since I'm not keeping all the characters in the right lead there. *sighs* Oh well…I only saw esp. 128 to 141 so sue me already?! Don't, really I have no money. *lmao* Anyways, enjoy and thanks Ice Fairy!