InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Taken ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

2. Taken
Sesshomaru growled viciously as his form changed before his brother, the beautiful face changing into a true inuyoukai, a huge muzzle with glistening fangs, and eyes as crimson as freshly spilled blood. Kagome screamed realizing she was now trapped behind the transformed and angered beast in front of her. Inuyasha drew Tetsusaiga, still confused as to why Sesshomaru would take things so far as to transform to his other more animalistic nature; his brother truly took Kagome and his mate mark as a threat. Sesshomaru towered over Inuyasha snapping at the Tetsusaiga, his tail lashing wildly. Even his servant Jaken seemed baffled. Kagome turned from the scene retreating back into the woods trying to distance herself from the noble of the lands, unsure of his intentions, realizing her presence was the kindling that sparked such response.
“Sesshomaru what the hell is wrong with you! What do you care if I take Kagome as a mate, it is none of your concern!” Inuyasha tried to keep his brothers attention so Kagome could flee the scene in safety, yet the moment she ran his brother noticed, whipping around in the direction Kagome ran. “I'm the one you should worry about Sesshomaru, leave Kagome out of this, or maybe you wish the other arm lobed off as well!”
That declaration drew the dogs' attention back at Inuyasha. Spittle dripped from the beasts mouth as he wildly snapped at Inuyasha, trying to knock him off his feet, Sesshomaru's' keen hearing keeping track of how far the girl had gotten into the forest, she was the one he wanted, the little bitch would not escape him, no mere human could escape him. With a swing of his head and mouth full of razor-sharp canines Sesshomaru landed a surprising blow to Inuyasha. His fang sinking into Inuyashas leg threatening to sever the limb from his body, yanking his brother into the air inverted, Sesshomaru thrashed him around like a rag doll, releasing his bite sending the hanyou flying over to the other side of the river, his body pulverizing a boulder before finally coming to rest. With Inuyasha momentarily dealt with the youkai plowed into the forest after Kagome, the massive trees in his wake snapping as if they were nothing more than saplings. His servant Jaken's' cries to wait falling to deaf ears, his prey was on the move, his instinct to hunt burning in his blood pushing him on faster. His nose following the scent of his brother mixed with the fragrance of the woman leaving an easy trail to follow, he was upon her at once. The female thinking she had found some measure of protection with in the company of her friends, the monk and slayer were in awe as he crashed through their camp, grabbing the girl in his jaws and leaping into the air and away from any who thought they could help her. Kagome hung limp in his mouth, the weak human passing out from his minor assault when he ripped her from the arms of her friends; Sesshomaru fought with the overpowering urge to bite her in two, to be rid of her quickly, his more rational mind taking control preventing that deadly response, he wanted to hurt Inuyasha. The mere thought of his brothers' torment brought a small shred of joy into his mind as he bounded toward his manor hidden between the mountains in his fathers' lands.
Sprinting after Rin and the two-headed dragon, Makkura quickly found his new friend. Rin stopped looking at him she seemed confused as to why he would dare to follow her after meeting her Lord Sesshomaru, everyone was afraid of him, even Master Jaken at times was afraid for his life.
“You are very brave Makkura, most would not follow into the heart of milord Sesshomarus' lands. Rin thought for a moment. “Why are you following me?”
“Why do Sesshomaru and Inuyasha have such hatred for one another? I do not understand? All wolf youkai are brothers and sisters, even if we do not agree there are ways to reconcile any dispute. They are blood.” Makkura approached Rin with caution, Ah and Un watching the wolf pup with agitation, unsure if they should defend their young charge.
“I really do not know all of it, after all I am only human myself and my master finds no reason to let me know. All I do know is that milord is a kind guardian to me, and he has always come to my aid many more times than I could count. I owe milord my life, he saved me after the wolves attacked me.” She covered her mouth, realizing that she mad made Makkura uncomfortable with only a few words. “Sorry.”
“It's okay, I did not do it. I know my kind can be ruthless, and Koga used to kill humans for sport. I would never do that, humans are my friends, even if I do frighten them sometimes.” Makkura walked up beside Rin, he still did not understand why the to brothers were fighting, but he liked his new friend, another human who accepted him for who he was.
“Come back to the castle with me, we could play, I am always alone when we return to Lord Sesshomaru's lands and manor, there are so many youkai, and none will even look my way, not even Master Jaken.” Un, the left head nudged her seeming hurt by her statement, Ah gazed her way looking unhappy as well. “I'm sorry Ah-Un, you two are always my friends.” Rin patted the dragons' shoulder.
Makkura thought about it for a moment, he really should get back to his friends, but then again he could play for a little while, he wished Shippo was here, he would have a good time with Rin too, Makkura was certain of that.
The sound of snapping trees caught both of their attention, the roar of the forest approaching them at a tremendous speed. The children turned to see Sesshomaru leapt over them, his path to his home blazed through the broken trees as he landed, only to take to the air in another bound. Makkura thought caught a glimpse of his Alpha in the enormous inuyoukais' mouth, his nose gave him the proof he needed, and the scent was that of his Alpha's. If Rin's master had Kagome, Makkura knew something very bad had happened to Inuyasha and the others. Makkura raced after the colossal youkai in instinct wishing to help his friend, unsure of what he could do exactly to help. Rin came up beside him riding the two-headed dragon in the air.
“This way is faster Makkura, come on.” Makkura hesitantly jumped upon the dragon youkai's back.
He hoped Kagome was all right. She had only returned to her friends a little over a week ago, and he hated to see her hurt, or even worse. Did that mean Inuyasha was wounded or even worse dead? He knew as mates, Inuyasha would never allow Kagome to come to any harm; Makkura was even more troubled now.
Sesshomaru reached the inner courtyard of his palace, his anger reined in, he returned to his more human form with the still unconscious Kagome in his arms. Twin female kitsune youkai awaited him in the entrance, their eyes downcast, bowing in respect to their master.
“Welcome back milord.” One of the two spoke, raising her eyes only slightly. The youkai's' lustrous red hair, hung loose cascading over her shoulders, she looked as if her mantle was alive in the light of the afternoon.
“How may we assist you Lord Sesshomaru?” The second twin, cautiously stepped forward, to her master, this one also had the glossy red hair, but it was done up in a tight bun being held in place by a green jade comb.
“Emi, Hitomi, take this thing from me and make it presentable, I may have injured the female. Make sure she is well, I do not wish this one dead yet.” Sesshomaru handed off Kagome to the twins not even giving a backward glance to his captive as he entered his castle. “When Jaken finally arrives send him to me.”
“Yes milord.” The twins answered in unison.
The one named Emi snapped her fingers and a towering bull youkai came to her aid, easily taking Kagome from the twins.
“Katsuro, take her to the visitors quarters, we will be there shortly.” Emi looked to her sister, as the seemingly dim bull lumbered off with his human cargo. “Or lord returns with yet another human female?”
“Yes, odd indeed.” Hitomi pushed her free falling locks from her shoulders with a frown. “Very concerning sister. What do you think his plans are for this one?”
“It is not for us to question, but this girl is far to old to foster, yet she is mated to a hanyou, his scent permeates her skin. Such a vile fragrance.” Emi seemed puzzled but shrug it off, it was not her place to question, she and her sister would do as they were told, they always did.
The two followed the direction the bull led, each secretly wondering what the fate for the human girl could be, and why their Lord Sesshomaru would bring a hanyous' mate into his home, it was known by all of his servants his deplorable nature when humans were involved. The castle was still stunned that the girl child Rin was still among them, and not dead. But who were they to question the ruler of the western lands; they were simply in servitude to him, he knew what was best and no one would dare challenge his word.
The twins entered the room of their human guest, Katsuro stood at the foot of the futon looking at the girl he had laid upon it. The beast seemed troubled by the unique manner of clothing she wore, and the things on her feet looked painful to him. Why would any one encase their feet in such a manner? The bull looked down at his hoofed feet then back at Kagomes; he picked up her foot looking at the shoe that did not even resemble the Geta the humans wore, Katsuro pulled at the weird strings surprised when it became longer as he tugged. He stepped back as he tugged and the shoe slipped off Kagomes' foot into his hand, her foot flopping to the futon with a dull thud.
“Katsuro? Just what are you doing?” The bull youkai jumped, dropping the shoe, startled by the voice of Emi as the two made their presence in the room known.
“N…nothing. I was just leaving.” Nervous the bull hastily retreated from the room.
“They are such dimwits those bull youkai.” Emi approached the futon trying to figure out how to get the strange garments off the girl, their master said presentable, and they would not fail in their task.
“He's here Miroku!” The voice of Sango reverberated in his ears.
Inuyasha opened his eyes to see Sango looming over him, his head throbbed, but the burning pain in his leg seemed to worry him more, till the realization that his brother had taken his mate.
Why the hell would Sesshomaru take Kagome, he has no need for her, his wants to spite me, that has to be it! This cannot be happening, if Kagome gets hurt again, Mrs. Higurashi will kill me. I have got to find Kagome! Inuyasha got to his feet as quickly as he could, the pain searing through his leg, he tried to wave off, Kagome needed him, and he had to get to the bottom of why Sesshomaru would really want Kagome. Maybe he plans to use Kagome to find Naraku? Inuyasha looked down at the Tetsusaiga thinking back to his battle with Sorunga, he remembered telling the possessed sword that being part human made him different yes, but when they needed to protect someone his powers would grow exponentially. Right now he must protect his mate Kagome at all costs.
“Inuyasha rest for a moment.” Miroku reached Inuyasha and Sango, Shippo and Kirara waited on the other side of the river for them.
“Come on we gotta get to the castle. I'm fine.” Inuyasha stood under his own power leaping to the other side of the riverbank, landing by Shippo. He hissed in pain a bit but continued on, following his brothers' scent.
By the time Sango and Miroku caught up with him Inuyasha was going at a fair pace, causing the others to rush even more.
“Why would Sesshomaru take her Inuyasha?” Sango pried, hoping to get some sort of answer.
“He said something about tainted blood, or some other nonsense like that! I just didn't think he'd go to these lengths.” Inuyasha forged on, he could feel the mating bond pulling him toward his mate, he knew Sesshomaru had not killed her, but if she was injured….