InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Evolution of a Bond ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
3. Evolution of a Bond
Kagome lay still unconscious. She was standing in a field full of wildflowers, a warm breeze embracing her, the fragrance of the flowers so sweet, overly aromatic to her senses. The cloudless sky above her the most unbelievable shade of cerulean Kagome had ever seen. In the distance stood a grove of trees, looking a shadowy place. From within the darkness she felt the unsettling sensation that she was being watched; yet it did not frighten her, only drawing Kagome's curiosity. Should she find the observer? The surreal place telling her intuition this indeed was all a dream, but why was she still asleep? She wondered briefly if her spirit had passed over into death, but it was not the same sensation she had felt when she had died being led by Kikyo. No, Kagome was alive.
Somewhere in the recesses of her mind she thought she could actually feel Inuyasha searching for her, she keenly heard her steady heartbeat, joined by his own racing heart, how could that be possible? Perhaps the mating bond had given her a finely honed connection to her lover, most likely intensified by her miko abilities. Inuyasha had said forever, they were forever a part of each other, in this dreaming place Kagome could almost hear his thoughts, she could feel his desperation at her disappearance; he was forever there for her, and she would forever be there for him; forever in love. The feeling of such love washed over her in a peaceful wave, she knew everything would be all right.
For some reason Kagome's mind did not wish to return to reality, there was something that she needed to discover in her own mind; and the answer was in the shadowed place. She held no fear, this was her dream, she would confront what it was that her psyche was trying to reveal. Kagome walked on to the tree line, each footstep drawing her closer, each step revealing another aura within the shade of the trees, the aura was that of a youkai, she paused wondering if it was Akago the child incarnation of Naraku once again trying to deceive her mind, no, not him this was a pure youkai, Akago still, although powerful was hanyou. She had never felt a presence like this one; it was ancient, and strong, but not malicious. Nevertheless this aura had the ability to join her subconscious, that in it self was a little disturbing, but not enough so to keep Kagome from finding out more about whom it belonged to.
She stood not four feet from the trees, she shadows seemed to darken, and the once soothing breeze shifted to a much stronger wind. Melodious, silken singing carried on the wind, charming her ears. Kagome became even more interested in its source. Even the heavens in this dream seemed to take shape on each note; the once clear sky began to dance with clouds, seeming to sway along with the melody venturing from the wood. There was still no fear in her heart, just a lure to understand the presence able to shape such visions in her mind.
Inuyasha and the others paused at a path leading up into the mountains; his brother had recently passed this way, as did the wolf child with Sesshomarus' companion Rin. There was great anger and worry pushing down on his heart, the unknown situation his brother had thrust Kagome into, throwing his own guilt into the mix; if not for the mark she would not be at the mercy of Sesshomaru, and his hatred for the tainted blood his Mother had given him. Inuyasha could feel Kagome, she was still alive, but that seemed to be the most important aspect to him right now, his mind was in turmoil. He was actually feeling pangs of dread coursing through his body; he had faced Sesshomaru many times before, but now he and his friends were walking up to his front door. It could get ugly very fast, he could not assure the safety of his friends, and he wished they would stay behind, but they would never agree. Kagome was their friend as well; they had all become a family somehow, so subtly Inuyasha didn't notice. He could not bear the thought of one of them being injured again, even the pest Shippo, and the little runt Makkura. There battle with the wolf youkai not all that far in the past, Miroku had regained full use of his hand and the others seemed to be back to their normal selves, now he was without words, asking his family to go into the dragons den to retrieve their friend, and return his mate to his side. Inuyasha would rather face Naraku right now than take on his brother in his own domicile. Those youkai Sesshomaru surrounded himself with would fight to their death for their Lord and Master, Inuyasha supposed it was one of the benefits to being the Lord of the Western Lands, an army at your disposal, and that is what they would be, for Sesshomaru cared not for any soul save his own.
Miroku and Sango cast each other concerned looks, Inuyasha had been lost in thought for some time, and it was unlike him to outwardly look so worried. Shippo sat upon Sangos' shoulder getting more anxious by each footstep they took toward Sesshomaru's home.
“Why would Makkura go there on purpose? Maybe he was taken to.” Shippo spoke wishing to break the silence.
“Inuyasha said he followed Rin, maybe he thought she was in trouble?” Miroku responded. “What do you think Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha walked ahead with a limp, oblivious that he had been spoken too.
“Maybe he was hoping to turn Sesshomaru into one of those marshmallow things you and Makkura love so much Shippo.” Sango raised her voice hoping to catch Inuyashas' ear.
“Oh yes, and maybe roast him over a fire. You know what magic those wolf youkai are known for.” Miroku tried to follow Sangos lead.
“Chocolate would be better. I hope Makkura turns him into a big ol' bar of chocolate.” Shippo smiled having fun with the new game.
“What do you think Inuyasha? Marshmallow or chocolate?” Inuyasha still was oblivious to their amusement. “Inuyasha?”
“Huh?” Finally a response, he stopped turning to his friends.
“Which one?” Sango questioned.
“Oh, what ever one you want, its up to you.” Inuyasha turned back to the path, as all three of them erupted into laughter.
Shippo was laughing so hard he fell off of Sango's shoulder, rolling on the ground holding his sides.
“What? What were you asking again?” Inuyasha looked to his friends confused what exactly he had said to receive such a jubilant response.
A tear rolled down Mirokus cheek as he tried to catch his breath from laughing so hard. “We… we were going to roast Sesshomaru over a open fire!”
Mirokus comment brought on even more laughter, from the Kitsune and slayer.
“Feh! You are all idiots!” Inuyasha rolled his eyes at his companions, how could they all joke at a time like this?
He proceeded on leaving Shippo rolling in the dirt and Sango and Miroku enveloped in the hilarity. Inuyasha just could not understand them sometimes, he cared for them all, but this was not the time for jokes. Well at least not for him.
“M….master?” Jaken hesitantly entered his lords' chamber.
The imp was unsure what to expect from the great youkai. His lord had always been so predictable, and calculating in his actions, but today's occurrences had surprised him, shaking him to his foundation. Never had he seen Lord Sesshomaru become such a slave to his emotions. And what of taking that miko? What sort of response was he hoping for from his half brother? This was all so very unusual; Jaken tried to make some since of it all, but only ended up with a headache. Emi had met him the moment Jaken had returned to the castle telling him to go to his master at once; Jaken hesitated as he moved further into the hall. He found his lord resting in a doorway looking out into one of the many private guardians. He seemed calm, but Jaken knew full well when it came to Lord Sesshomaru what appeared on the surface was deceiving, a great storm could be brewing in him and no one would be the wiser.
Jaken tried to speak but could not find his voice.
“The wolf has arrived with Rin. Accommodate him, I do not wish to be perceived as a poor host.”
Jaken looked to his master in surprise. “Wh…what of the girl?”
“She is no concern of yours.” An angered tone crept into his voice, causing Jaken to take a step back. Regaining his composure once again, he looked to his servant. “Inuyasha will be here soon, put all on alert and triple the guard around the castle, and call forth those with protective magic's. We no not wish to make it to easy on him.”
“Yes, master.” Jaken bowed and scurried from Sesshomaru's presence.
“Come face this one Inuyasha. Face your death, and with Tetsusaiga I will have my supreme conquest that eluded me with fathers death.”
Kagome became entranced with the melody; she stood next to the bamboo grove, trying to peer through the shadows to no avail. The haunting song becoming louder, taking a deep breath she stepped into the shadows; it seemed as if she had just stepped into the abyss. The shadows darkened to black, Kagome knew there were once trees, but she now stood in a void of light. Her eyes could make out a light in the distance so Kagome walked on following the song to the light.
She approached the source finding it to be a person engulfed in blue energy, the song stopped as Kagome stood only feet from the being.
“You have come miko.” The voice like velvet to her ears, belonging to a woman.
Taking in the woman from behind, Kagome wondered if she had entered the presence of a Kami. The stature of the lady standing near six feet in height, with hair of snow white nearly touching her bare feet; she did not wear a traditional kimono, but a flowing gossamer gown of soft rose color, seeming more of a European style sitting off of pale ivory shoulders. The woman turned to her after a moment. Kagome gasped in surprise at the beauty of the woman before her, her long delicate hands holding a gleaming talisman. As Kagome took in her face she felt her breath catch in her throat, as if someone had forced all of the air from her lungs, upon the woman's fore head was a royal blue crescent. The woman smiled warmly looking at Kagome with the most beautiful eyes of sparkling amethyst.
Kagome finally found her voice, even if her words came as a whisper. “You…you are--”