InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Guests and Allies ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

4. Guests & Allies
Kagome stood in awe before the woman who seemed only a few years older than her, however the aura emanating from her appeared far older. The ruby amulet in her hand warmly illuminating the darkness surrounding them, the lady's long graceful hands returned the glowing jewel around her neck.
“I am the Lady Angelique, and as you have surmised by the unusual mark I am the mother of Sesshomaru, yet my son seems to have none of my or his sires benevolent nature.” She looked down into Kagomes eyes, her amethyst gaze captivating Kagome as if she stood in a trance. “I wish you no harm child, I only wish to help you to return to your mate who will foolishly rush to his death attacking my sons fortress. Sesshomaru would like nothing more than see his half brother dead so that he may claim the fang of his father.”
Lady Angelique's voice, like her gaze, held Kagome captivated. How this woman could hold such power with the slightest of mannerisms confounded Kagome. After a moment of silence Kagome pulled herself out of the daze Lady Angelique lulled her into.
“Wh…what are you?” Kagome stammered in a near inaudible whisper. “You seem to charm with only your voice.”
The beauty laughed softly even those dulcet tones were beautiful to the ear. “If I were human they would call me miko, or sorceress as in my land, my youkai power as it is referred to in these lands is infrequent among my kind, as I am not originally from this land, those of my kind in my country are rare, as we have been nearly hunted to extinction, but that is a different tale. I am here for you. I could feel your miko abilities as soon as you came near Sesshomaru's border, you so strong and unique for a human. You and I have many things in common, hence my reasoning for returning you to Inuyasha.”
“How do you know of me or Inuyasha? What makes you think you know about me?” Kagome was becoming confused, yet she stood in awe of the woman's' words.
“You child have become whole. That which was torn from your body has been returned and will give you great strength once you are that powers mistress. Inuyasha is your stability, your love is that which transcends time itself giving even more intensity to your gifts; my Sesshomaru had no right to take you from him. My son is to callous to understand the bond of a mate, or the pull that love has on the heart, but I do.”
Kagome thought of Inuyashas' father, the love he felt for Izayoi the bond so great that he gave his life to protect her and Inuyasha. This woman once loved the great inuyoukai, but there was no mark of bitterness in her voice. She spoke with reverence of the great dog demon. How Sesshomaru came from such a union confounded Kagome, he carried no trait of compassion as his parents, the only hint of his feelings were carried with the young girl Rin.
“You must awaken Kagome, your Inuyasha comes even closer to the castle, and we must be ready.” The deep ruby talisman around Lady Angelique's neck glowed once again. “You will see me soon.” The exquisite woman faded like mist from Kagomes sight.
Inuyasha forged on ignoring the burning in his thigh from his brothers' bite, he could ignore the pain and keep going as long as he still felt Kagome with him. She was still alive, he could feel her blood flowing in his body, and the draw of her heart moved him even closer to his mate.
Not one among them had any idea how many youkai they would encounter, but they did know his servants would protect the InuTaisho at the cost of their lives. Myoga had told them all stories of such loyalty other youkai felt for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father. The InuTaisho commanded the same respect of his people, yet only asked for self-sacrifice when putting his own life in jeopardy shoulder to shoulder with them.
His friends were uncertain on how they would rescue Kagome, Miroku and Sango knew full well Sesshomaru would not simply invite them into his domicile, it could be a struggle for them all. Not that they needed any more battles; they entered Sesshomarus' territory only in pursuit of Kagura, why could nothing happen with out incident? Miroku sighed as he briskly walked on with his companions; his pace slowing so he could have his spirits lifted by the curvaceous backside of his beloved Sango, now keeping his hands off of her would be an all together impossible feat. Sighing he left himself to his hands fate as a lecherous smile overtook his face, he reached out stroking Sango rear. Now that definitely made him feel better. As soon as his possessed hand touched her the countdown started in his mind, 5..4..3..2..1..SMACK!
“MIROKU!” Sango pivoted, facing him, the glare in her eyes enough to send him to his grave.
“Right on time Sango.” Miroku smiled rubbing the brilliant red handprint across his face. “I had to take my mind off of the upcoming battle. You just happen to be the best distraction.”
“Hentai.” Shippo shaking his head muttered, as he followed after Inuyasha.
“Hey Miroku, if you have time to fondle Sangos butt why don't you go on ahead and get Kagome for me!” Inuyasha huffed clearly annoyed with the monk.
“I leave that honor in your capable claws Inuyasha.” Miroku smirked winking at the angered Slayer.
Sango growled in frustration, taking Miroku by the ear pulling him along. “I can not trust you behind me, so I'll keep you where I can see you.”
Miroku winced in pain as he matched her steps trying to keep his ear lobe from being stretched to his chin. “Sango be reasonable.”
Why he would not just admit his feelings for Sango, and get it all out of the way was beyond Inuyasha. Then again he definitely could not lead by example, it took him three years before he admitted to himself how much he loved Kagome. Maybe Miroku just enjoyed playing his games, and Inuyasha knew Sango loved the attention, even if she would never admit it. Inuyasha glanced back at them a quick laugh of amusement escaped him; he wished Kagome could see this.
Kagome sat up with a start; confusion clouded her mind taking her a moment to realize she was in unfamiliar surroundings. Not to mention clothes that were not her own. Gingerly stepping to the floor she looked around the room recognizing she was alone. Her mind raced processing the events that flooded her mind, Sesshomaru had taken her, and her unnatural dreaming was the product of Sesshomaru's mother. Kagome needed to find Lady Angelique; she said she would help her to get back to Inuyasha.
Hitomi entered the room, sliding the door shut behind her quietly. “You finally awaken, we were concerned our Lord Sesshomaru had seriously damaged you. Not that he would even care one way or another. He simply said he did not want you dead, and you're not so good. I am Hitomi servant to Lord Sesshomaru. Do not ask anything of me, I am not here for your courtesy, I am simply to make sure you are still alive.”
Kagome was wide eyed in amazement at the blunt nature of the youkai before her. It was not until she saw the swishing fluffy foxtail that Kagome lost all composure of herself laughing in delight at the small woman before her. Her search for Lady Angelique would wait.
“Oh I've never seen a Kitsune youkai all grown up! Shippo will be so cute when he gets bigger!” Kagome clapped her hands together excitedly as she moved around to glimpse at Hitomi's tail.
Hitomi's forest green eyes narrowed and her brows went up in confusion. “Just what are you doing?” The youkai spun around to face Kagome.
“Can I feel your tail? I bet it's really soft just like Shippos' isn't it?” Kagome chattered on. “How old are you? Will you stay so petite? You're so pretty. Oh! Look at you're cute little feet! Do you have foxfire too?” Kagome squealed in excitement.
“I? What? Shippo? Who?” Kagome brushed at her tail, Hitomi hissed. “No you can not touch it!” The kitsune slapped at Kagome's hand. “What is wrong with you? Are you touched in the head girl?”
Kagome frowned still looking at the youkai in fascination. The allure to pet Hitomi's tail getting the better of her judgment, Kagome quickly caressed the fine fox fur of Hitomi's tail. Drawing another hiss from the woman.
“You are touched! Emi can deal with you.” Hitomi backed away from Kagome and out of the room holding on to her tail for safe measure.
“Come on! Not like I hurt you or anything.” Kagome huffed upset that she had chased the kitsune youkai away. She heard Hitomi walk off down the corridor.
Kagome walked to the door sliding it open peering into the hall, no one guarded her door, and no one approached, all she saw was Hitomi storming off turning a corner her tail whipping angrily as she left Kagomes sight.
“She didn't say I couldn't look around.” Cautiously Kagome ventured out into the hall, half expecting some sort of alarm to sound, but nothing happened only Kagomes growing nervousness. “Okay, now to find Lady Angelique. But where to look?”
Kagome quietly followed the corridor to an outside garden; the castle halls were void of activity, she was grateful for her good luck. Stepping into the expansive garden she heard the familiar singing from her dream, she followed the melody to come face to face with the mother of her captor.
“Well that was easy.” Kagome glanced behind her hoping no one had noticed her, breathing easier that no one was running after her she turned back to face Lady Angelique.
“I was waiting for you Kagome. Here sit with me.” Lady Angelique motioned for Kagome to take a seat next to her on the stone bench that she sat on. “I am pleased you have come, I think you will help my son to realize the power of love, what great strength comes of such a bond. Perhaps then he will realize there is more to living than supreme conquest.”
“What? I… Sesshomaru would not even listen to me, he hates me, more so now that Inuyasha and I are mates.”
“It is because that you are mates that Sesshomaru's eyes may finally open to the power of love.”
Mystified by the woman Kagome sat her eyes taking in every detail of the woman, she was definitely not born in this land, and Kagome was having a difficult time placing the accent, which hung to each word spoken.
Kagome shook her head in disbelief. “What a strange day.”
Makkura had nearly forgotten that his alpha had been taken, he was so busy playing with Rin, he did not even notice when Jakken came up behind him. The two were playing tag, and Rin was it. Excited Rin came running at him not even knowing Jakken had arrived, Makkura turned dashing over the imp, only realizing he had hit him when the staff of two heads flew into the air before him. Makkura skidded to a halt causing Rin to crash into Makkura who fell on top of Jakken with a bewildered Rin atop of Makkura.
“Get off of me you smelly whelp!” Jakken yelped, trying with no luck to remove the wolf pup from his chest.
Makkura leapt to his feet sending Rin to her bottom. “Sorry Rin.” Makkura helped the girl up with a giggle. “You're still it that doesn't count as a tag, it was a accident.”
The two playfully argued about whom was it, as Jakken lay squished in the dirt. He sighed to himself. “Such is the life of Jakken.”