InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Bad Intentions ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
6. Bad Intentions
He stood towering over the gate leading into his fathers' castle, the path before him seeming insignificant and small, Kagome, still unconscious, crumpled at the foot of the steps leading into the stronghold that was once home to his father. The unusual woman standing at the entrance stood simply watching the scene, a small smile played across her lips, the gesture seemed as if she was enjoying the confrontation. No surprise, or lingering fear at the two massive inuyoukai that stood only meters from her, strength emanated from her ancient aura. The white haired beauty actually moved toward Kagome, only to be paused by twin kitsune youkai stepping into her path. The haunting woman had captivated Inuyashas attention; he merely flinched at the pitiful youkai attacking his legs, their weapons seeming no more than insect bites. Inuyasha stood bewitched by the amethyst eyes that held his gaze unwavering.
`What is she? Who is she?'
The ethereal creature brushed the kitsune aside, continuing to move toward his fallen mate. Inuyasha padded through the gates still in awe of his new form, the pure power and fluidity of motion astounded him. This was what it was to be full youkai, yet still within him beat the heart of humanity from his mother. For the second time in his life he felt gratitude toward his long dead sire. The Taiyoukai had given him yet another gift to protect those he loved.
The jealously of Inuyashas transformation evident in his wrath, Sesshomaru felt as if his half breed brother had once again received the spoils of his father. Sesshomaru realized as the Lord of the Western Lands, it was his duty to rein in such power, Inuyasha should not be allowed the strength of a youkai. Sesshomaru descended into a blinding rage, his inuyoukai form held nothing of the regal essence of their father. His loss of control over his emotions made him feel like a beast fueled only by envy, and hatred for the hanyou, the primal instinct that drove all animals. Sesshomaru felt his conscience mind slip into lunacy; he grasped at reason for why his father had forsaken him. Why was such a power disavowed, that which was rightfully his? The whirlwind of unchecked emotions drove Sesshomaru into a fervor spiking the animal nature of the youkai in his soul. Why the `love' so cherished from the pathetic mortals drew such devotion from the InuTaisho, and his half-breed brother, the understanding was beyond his grasp.
Sesshomaru's titanic three-legged form hovered over the unconscious miko; if his bastard brother wished to reclaim his mate he would have to go through him to do it. He lowered his head to sniff at the motionless girl, her deathly still form surprised him, and she still lived. After the amount of spiritual energy she released in mere seconds, Sesshomaru was surprised her life force still flourished. Why he could not bring himself to dispatch the vile human continued to shock him, maybe he had been around Rin for far to long, or maybe his Mothers presence was to blame, her few words of love had disturbed his stoic, controlled emotions. If he began to doubt his own power he would never achieve the goals of greatness he so deeply desired.
Inuyasha growled fiercely at his brother sniffing around Kagome, in his mind their father had given his approval for Kagome being his mate, even if Sesshomaru could think of nothing but further dilution of his great youkai blood with their pups. He bounded toward his brother fangs bared, the new powerful body responded with a speed that astounded him.
Miroku and Sango followed behind him trying to clear the path of youkai, from flanking him, Kirara seemed to be enjoying herself as she swatted at the minions of Sesshomaru, ripping open limps and stomachs with her fiery claws. Truly the battle with the wolf tribe was more of a work out, that surprised Miroku, he wondered if Sesshomaru was planning something more devious once they entered his gates. The few remaining youkai continued on, well knowing it would more than likely be a loosing battle, their barrier which protected them was gone, and their lord Sesshomaru seemed all consumed with his brother and the miko, paying his followers no mind as they died at the hands of Inuyashas friends.
Inuyasha landed a paw across Sesshomaru's muzzle surprising him at the speed that his brother came at him. Sesshomaru jumped sideways biting at Inuyashas midsection, Inuyasha countered his bite with his own, grapping Sesshomaru by the muzzle, trying to pull his three-legged brother away from Kagome, his brothers blood filled his mouth, Inuyasha wanted to let go, but he knew he had to get the InuTaisho away from Kagome, before she was trampled by their battle. His friends had nearly finished with Sesshomaru's underlings, Sango recognized what Inuyasha was trying to do, quickly Sango ran to Kagome, lifting her upon her shoulders to remove the girl from the battle, handing the Hirakotsu to Miroku, who always struggled to hold the massive weapon with the same ease as Sango. Lady Angelique came up behind Sango, offering to help. Miroku getting a glance of the woman suddenly appeared at Sango's side, her weapon seeming light in the woman's presence, Miroku was nearly drooling over the gorgeous youkai that he had to look up to.
“Bring Kagome, and follow me, slayer. I will keep her safe. Perhaps you two should assist Inuyasha.” Lady Angelique looked down into the eyes of the spellbound monk.
Shippo ran up the steps cowering behind Miroku's robes. “They almost stepped on me!” Shippo exclaimed to Miroku, who ignored him, his eyes hypnotized by Angelique. “Miroku?”
Shippo took notice of the mother of Sesshomaru, he gasped at the sight, as the jewel around her neck was glowing dimly. It seemed that even Sango was taken with her. Who is this weird woman? Why won't Miroku or Sango look at me? Kirara came up behind Shippo picking the kit up, following the entranced Miroku, Sango, and fainted Kagome. Shippo felt uneasy, something was out of place; something did not feel right about this mysterious woman whom his friends blindly followed. Even Kirara seemed to take no notice that they were following a stranger seeming to be Sesshomaru's mother, Shippo fought to free himself from Kirara, which he did with some squirming. The kitsune took off down the corridor away from his friends, he had to tell Inuyasha, his intuition was screaming at him, Kagome and the others were in danger, he could feel it.
Makkura and Rin were racing through the halls, making their way to the castle entrance, following the growling of dogs that seemed all to familiar to the wolf pup. There was a fight going on, but his own nose confused him, one scent belonged to Rin's master, and the other smelled faintly of Inuyasha, but it was overpowered with a scent of a youkai with Kagome's fragrance intertwined. Makkura was thoroughly puzzled, until the two friends reached the entrance to see the colossal inuyoukai fighting in the courtyard, sure enough to his surprise it was Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru. How Inuyasha was capable of such a change Makkura did not care, he was trying to protect his mate any way possible. But where was Kagome? She had been there recently, so had the others, he turned spun on his feet facing the hallway behind him; they had recently passed this way, even Shippo.
Makkura spun back to Rin. “I have to find my Alpha Rin. You stay here, I don't want you to get into trouble because of me, and you have already been so nice to me. “ Surprising Makkura Rin hugged him, kissing him on the cheek. Makkura instantly turned beet red. “Wh..why?”
“Just in case I don't see you again.” Rin gave him her trademark grin. “I won't forget about you Makkura.”
Makkura stumbled over his feet, as he seemed to forget how to walk on his own power. No girl had ever kissed him. The grin plastered to his face felt good, he was making friends all the time, he could not understand why so many youkai did not like humans; they were great to him! When his head cleared after bumping off of a few walls, he found his feet and began to trot down the halls following Shippo and Kagome's scent. He was entering a garden when Shippo nearly tackled him to the ground. The little youkai was furious with Makkura.
“Where were you!? We needed you and you were gone! Now some strange woman has Kagome, and Miroku and Sango are in some kinda trance, and Inuyasha is a big dog, and I'm all alone, trying to find some help!” Shippo was nearly frantic as he rambled on about the situation. The little kit glared down at Makkura jumping on his chest. “You are supposed to be one of our friends! Well friends just don't abandon each other!”
Makkura took Shippo by the arms setting him aside so he could sit up. He felt bad that he was not there when his new friends needed him, especially his Alpha, if she came to harm he could never forgive himself, Makkura realized he had been selfish in his actions, by coming to the castle with Rin.
“I'm sorry Shippo.” Makkura hung his head; his tail hung limply expressing his sorrow.
“You should be! But we have to find Kagome and the others.” Shippo crossed his arms over his chest trying to seem superior, looking up to Makkura, who truly looked like someone had beaten him. Shippo softened as he noticed tears shine in Makkura's eyes. “Hey, it's okay. We'll find her.”
“I know where she is. That is why I came to this garden Kagome's scent is strong here.” Makkura sniffed at the air, as did Shippo. “This way.”
The two young youkai followed the scent of Kagome to a dark section of the garden, a small ornamental hut stood in the shadow of trees. Both boys looked questioning at each other.
“This should not be here. It smells funny.” Makkura wrinkled up his nose. “What is that weird smell?”
Shippo went wide-eyed and he recognized the scent. “Kagura.” Shippo scampered silently to the door of the structure.
Makkura following suite. “Sesshomaru doesn't like Kagura. Why?” He was silenced by a hand over his mouth from Shippo.
“Do what you want with the monk and slayer Angelique, but Naraku wants the miko.” Kagura's voice carried to the now trembling Shippo.
“But Kagome is the one I want, her powers will aid me greatly for the next 200 years. I will not give her up to your master witch.” Lady Angeliques' voice came clearly to their ears.
We need Inuyasha. Shippo whined not knowing how to help his friends, if Kagura and the strange youkai were working together it was definitely not good.