InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Out of Control ( Chapter 7 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
7.Out of Control
Sesshomaru was at a disadvantage fighting with his brother in the inu form, there was a big difference between four and three legs. When he fought against Inuyasha as a hanyou there was no disadvantage, but now that he shared the same form, the tables turned, Sesshomaru could not keep up with the quick movements of Inuyasha. The Lord of the Western Lands was loosing to his younger half-breed brother, his mind could barely fathom his situation, how had it come to this? Sesshomaru knew he had brought this upon himself by his rash decision to take his brothers mate, how could he expect any less? Any youkai would go to such lengths for their mate. Inuyasha was no different, perhaps his relentlessness was even more intense, purely because of the human blood that flowed through his veins, his half brother continued to surprise him.
Sesshomaru found himself looking up into the enraged eyes of the hanyou, blood soaked into Inuyasha's muzzle, all of it Sesshomaru's blood, those eyes of a protector, mirroring the look of their father the night he died defending Izayoi and the newborn Inuyasha. Sesshomaru shuddered at the realization, he was no better than the pitiful human Takemaru, as he felt Inuyasha's fangs close around his throat, how could he be destroyed by a half-breed, no he would not be finished by the hanyou! Sesshomaru rolled to his back flailing his legs at his brother, Inuyasha's fangs tearing the flesh at his neck Inuyasha was surprised at the strength Sesshomaru suddenly rallied. The bloodied lord struggled to his feet, his life oozing out from multiple wounds, his head hung low, his eyes meeting the look of blood lust in Inuyasha's eyes, this could not be happening, the great Sesshomaru was not to be beaten so easily, he did not anticipate the fierce nature of his brother now that he had taken a mate. Inuyasha snarled, lunging once again at the visibly weakened Sesshomaru, he tried to sidestep the attack but was knocked once again to the ground, but this time he had Inuyasha knocked off balance, as he fell, Sesshomaru snapped at Inuyasha's leg grabbing it in his fangs pulling him down as well. Unfortunately his poisoned bite did nothing, as they both shared the blood of their father, the toxin was simply neutralized. Another weapon in his arsenal became useless. Sesshomaru's head hit the ground with a crack; Inuyasha's vicious snarls filled his ears as his eyes focused on his brother getting to his feet. The hanyou growled, circling around the fallen youkai, Inuyasha was contemplating on killing his brother, the youkai within him urging him to destroy to foe who took his mate, however the human heart continued to remind him that he was his brother, even if he never shared any brotherly feelings. Inuyasha stalked to Sesshomaru looking down upon the great youkai lord, feeling frustration at the inability to take his life.
“NO!! Get away from milord Sesshomaru!!” The shriek from Rin rang in Inuyasha's ears as the child came from out of nowhere, her arms outstretched at her masters' head, defiantly glaring at Inuyasha, trying to block Inuyasha with her child's body.
There was no fear in the girls' stance, only a boldness that reminded Inuyasha of Kagome. It was then that he realized that Kagome's scent had vanished; Kagome and the others were nowhere to be seen. Inuyasha stepped back limping on his foreleg sniffing at the air once again. Nothing came to him, no hint of his mate or friends, he whined confused, shaking his head, nothing but the scent of blood filled his snout, overpowering the smell of the girl Rin, and Sesshomaru's servant Jakken, but where was his mate?
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Jakken came stumbling from the castle, followed by the kitsune women, all looking up leery of Inuyasha; they all put their lives between their master and the inuyoukai.
Inuyasha was overcome by wrenching pain as his form shuddered; the once paws returning to his clawed hanyou hands, he cried out briefly sounding like a howl fading to his own voice. Inuyasha opened his eyes, confused as to why he was on the ground; he pushed himself up to his feet, as blood was trickling down his arm, the bite from his brother evident as the wound stung him. Inuyasha forced the fog from his mind, as an unconscious Sesshomaru lay a few feet away, Rin still standing guard over her master, Jakken, and the twins gasped in horror at the sight of their lord, lying in a pool of his own blood as he reverted back to his more human form. Inuyasha staggered to the castle, knowing Kagome and the others must be somewhere within the walls, he glanced back taking notice of the numerous dead youkai in the courtyard, it did not have to come to this, and Inuyasha hoped his brother realized as much.
His acute sense of smell quickly returned, Inuyasha picked up on an old trace of Kagome, but a stronger scent of the wolf pup and Shippo, he followed it only to be accosted by the two near hysterical youkai youths. He winced in pain as Shippo leapt at him grabbing him by his haori trying to shake him, the kit hung on to his chest yelling about Kagome, and a witch and Kagura. It was the mention of Naraku's wind witch that snapped him back to clarity, Inuyasha was confused, him mind was jumbled, as to why he was so weak, it must have been the transformation, hanyou were not supposed to be able to accomplish such a change, it nearly depleted all of Inuyasha's energy in the minutes of the transformation. The confusing chatter of the two boys was almost too much for him to bear. He growled pealing Shippo off of his haori holding him by the scruff of the neck in front of his face with a silencing glare that Shippo recognized but Makkura did not the wolf youkai prattled on, Inuyasha turned on him, Makkura ceased when the hanyou's angry stare met him.
“Would you both just shut up! I can't understand you when you talk at once!” Inuyasha dropped Shippo to the floor the kit landing on his rear. “Where the hell is Kagome! I lost her scent.”
“That is what we were trying to tell you Kagura and Lady Angelique have her!” Shippo shouted as he stood rubbing his rump.
“Sesshomaru would never allow Kagura in his castle!” Inuyasha ranted as Makkura was walking off toward their friends, Inuyasha followed greatly confused, it had just been that sort of day. “And who the hell is this Angelique person?”
“Sesshomaru's mother, she seems to be able to mask the scent of Kagura, and the others, she used some kind of youkai magic.” Makkura answered over his shoulder. “At least that is what Rin told me, she hasn't been here long, and Rin doesn't like her, she says she's creepy. Always doing magic from her homeland, she thinks even Sesshomaru is suspicious of her. She had been gone for a long time then suddenly appeared a few weeks ago.”
“This makes no since, Sesshomaru acting like he did, taking Kagome, and now Kagura going through his lands, you say she is here, it all seems to strange. We have got to find Kagome, something is wrong if I just loose her scent.” Inuyasha quickened his pace pushing Makkura on. “Run runt, I'll follow.”
Makkura and Shippo ran on leading Inuyasha to the garden where their friends had been taken.
Kagome could hear voices, one belonged to Angelique the other to Naraku's incarnation Kagura. She pretended to still be sleeping listening to their conversation, why was Kagura with Angelique? What did Lady Angelique mean her miko powers would aid her for another 200 years? What were their plans for them all? Where was Inuyasha, had he survived? Kagome knew in her heart he was all right, but why had he not shown himself?
“You can not take the miko Kagura, if your master wants her, he will have to take her, and I doubt he wishes to confront me.” Angelique looked down on Kagome and smiled. “Open your eyes girl, I know you are awake.” Angelique reached down and pulled Kagome up to sitting by her hair.
Kagome's eyes snapped open as her gaze met Angelique's, Kagura stood a few feet away watching, and contemplating how to get Kagome to her master without being destroyed by the powerful youkai sorceress.
“You lied to me! You said you would help me.” Kagome twisted away from Angelique loosing a handful of hair in the process.
“I said what needed to be said to persuade your powers to awaken, and they have, now I want them for myself.” Angelique smiled evilly, Kagome looked to her friends who sat in a corner appearing to still be enchanted by the power of Sesshomaru's mother. “Did you honestly think I cared one bit for your love of a pitiful hanyou? You are completely foolish girl, why do you think I had my son bring you to this castle? Sesshomaru still has no idea that I manipulated him as well, you all have played into my hands.”
“Angelique, Naraku will insist on the miko.” Kagura interjected.
“I told the arrogant fool that he could have her if I could not awaked what was dormant. Her power will be mine, what do I care if this human can find jewel shards, that is all he wanted then he would have killed her when the jewel was whole, and wasted all of her power, I can not allow it. If there is anything left when I finish with her, you can take her to Naraku. If her spirit is truly strong she may survive.”
Kagome was sick of being treated like an object; she was a person, not a tool damn it! Okay girl, we've gotta get out of here before we all die. Kagome noticed the pendant around Angelique's' neck was glowing softly, the red light reflected in her friends eyes.
It's the necklace! That's what is holding then entranced. If I could get it then they should wake up. Well, in theory, if I'm wrong I'll just royally piss of the woman and she'll kill us all.
Kagome saw it as her only chance to save herself and her friends. She desperately wished Miroku and Sango had their wits about them; she could really use their help. Kagome put on a oscar winning performance, putting her head in her hands acting like she had fallen apart, sobbing out that it was not worth it to fight the sorceress, accepting her fate to perish at the hands of the youkai. She peeked through her fingers Angelique was falling for it, smiling leaning over the girl.
“I'm glad you have accepted your end Kagome.” Angelique took Kagome by the wrist pulling her hands away from her face as Kagome stood to her feet.
Kagome let her hands drop, a huge smile across her face. Angelique held her left hand she gasped in surprise as Kagome snatched the talisman from her neck, then kicking the youkai away while she was off guard. Kagura was equally surprised, readying her fan to attack. Kagome willed a barrier around herself and her friends, who still sat dumbfounded.
Kagome laughed to herself, glaring at Angelique. “I wonder what would happen if I destroy this pretty little trinket?”
Angelique struggle for breath, it was if she had been punched, her face paled, her eyes locked on her pendant. “No, return it to me.” Her voice pleaded in desperation.
Kagura realized this could not end well; she slinked along the wall to the door slipping out as Kagome's attention was on the ancient sorceress. Kagura could feel the miko's power increase, it was time for her to leave before she was purified. She stepped a foot into the garden to be stopped in her tracks.
“Kagura! Where is Kagome you bitch?” Kagura turned to look directly into the golden eyes of Inuyasha. “Answer me.”
“Inuyasha, nice to see you are still alive.” Kagura smirked, hiding her uneasiness, the situation had just gotten much worse. She looked at Shippo and Makkura. “I wondered what happened to you two? I told Angelique you two needed to be accounted for. No body listens.”
“You are stalling Kagura. What do you want with Kagome?” Inuyasha drew Tetsusaiga, stepping another foot closer to her.
“Naraku wants her, I do his bidding. You see, you're little miko killed Kikyo, and now Kagome is the only one left to find the stray shards.” Kagura pulled the feather from her hair throwing it into the sky, leaping atop it. “You will see me soon, Naraku really wants your little mate.”
A blood-curdling screech came from within the structure, the sound piercing enough to make Inuyasha and the boys cover their ears. Sango, Miroku, and Kirara came fleeing from hut. Kagura took her chance to retreat, well knowing Naraku would have harsh words for her failure. She did not plan on giving up yet, she would watch for a few days, waiting for an opening to take the miko, yet she now doubted if she would be able to get close to Kagome, now that her powers had increased ten fold.
Inuyasha burst into the room, to find the woman he saw in the castle entrance crumpled on the floor, Kagome standing over her a domineering smile on her lips. In her palm lay shards of a stone; Kagome let the pieced fall to the ground at Angeliques' head. His mate glowed a blue light that nearly blinded him, Kagome looked at Inuyasha, her eyes shining with the same eerie azure aura, Inuyasha could feel his blood boiling, the spiritual energy from Kagome trying to purify him with out her touching a finger on him. Angelique lay flat on the floor passed out, no doubt the miko's energy paralyzing her as well. Kagome appeared taken over by her powers, her eyes seeming not to recognize who he was. Inuyasha stepped away leaving the room, unsure of how to help Kagome control her powers. Shippo, Kirara, and Makkura, all lay on the ground writhing in pain, no doubt from the energy of Kagome resonating through the garden in waves.
“How do we stop her Miroku?” Inuyasha was fighting the pain in his own body, the fog of unconsciousness pulling at him.
“I..I don't know.” Miroku knelt by Shippo picking him up, the kit cried out in agony.
“We have to stop her.” Sango looked to the hut that seemed to grow even brighter. “But how?”