InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Release ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
8. Release
“Kagome, Kagome, if you can hear me please open your eyes.” Inuyasha leaned over the girl, his nose nearly touching hers, his golden eyes worriedly watching her every breath. “Come on don't do this to me again.”
“Don't do what again Inuyasha?” Kagome's gray eyes slowly opened, she groaned putting a hand to her head. “My head feels like it was split open.” Her drowsy eyes meeting Inuyasha's concerned gaze. “Please don't hover Inuyasha it makes me feel claustrophobic.” She blinked hard trying to clear her vision.
Inuyasha reluctantly pulled himself away from her, content to rest his head on her belly, listening to her steady heartbeat. He sighed to himself; greatly relieved she was awake, and back with him. “You have got to stop doing this Kagome, you continue to push yourself to hard, and it worries me, now with this thing, power, whatever you want to call it, you are overdoing it, maybe I should take you home for a while. As much as I want you with me, you could really hurt yourself, I mean you have not really been out of the hospital that long.”
“What? Am I giving you gray hair Inuyasha?” Kagome laughed softly, cringing as her laughter made her head pound even harder. Inuyasha pushed himself off of her staring at her with sad eyes. “Okay, bad joke. You seem so serious, it bothers me when you think to much, you get all broody.”
“No, I just want you to be safe, you're mine, what sort of mate would I be if I just let you be so reckless? That's my job, let me take the risks.” Inuyasha sat on the futon gathering her up in his arms, the concern on his face not fitting his normally harsh exterior.
Inuyasha had surprised her a lot in the past month. He had shown such devotion, and adoration than she ever thought possible of him, even if he could still be a big jerk sometimes, Inuyasha was a pro at putting his foot in his mouth, resulting in his kissing the dirt on more than one occasion. Kagome fought to clear the lingering fog from her head, each time she tried to remember what happened the throbbing of her headache would intensify. Her right palm burned a bit, she brought it close to her face to inspect it, it was singed, a weird shape scorched into her flesh, confused she looked up into her lovers' eyes. Inuyasha could not bring himself to tell her what happened, that they were all now in his brothers' castle, nor could he tell her how she had incapacitated all the youkai in the kingdom, including Sesshomaru, Shippo, Kirara, and the pup Makkura. It would hurt her too much, the only reason he was conscience was the human blood in his body, and how could he tell her how bad she had hurt him or the others? That was not an option; he had to protect her, even from herself if necessary.
“What on earth happened Inuyasha?” She questioned, but was answered by a deep kiss, if he couldn't tell her, he could occupy her in other ways.
Inuyasha drew her into his passion surprising Kagome that a kiss could make her forget about the throbbing in her head, or the charred flesh of her palm. It would wait. They had not had a free moment together in quite some time, neither of them wishing to make their friends feel uncomfortable, so they put their eagerness for one another aside, but now, well they were alone, and it did not even occur to Kagome where they were, it was Inuyasha, her, and a somewhat comfortable futon. What else did a girl with such an adorable mate need?
Kagome pulled away from the kiss, her eyes beseeching him to quell the longing that burned in her heart for her beautiful hanyou. She removed the obi that was cinched tightly around her midsection, letting the billowing arms slip down her milky shoulders. Inuyasha was breathless, he could not believe the forthright actions Kagome was pulling him into, not that he minded for one second. He started it with a kiss, and she was taking it to a different level, with a boldness that he had never seen in Kaogme, his eyes locked on her movement as the kimono slipped from her body, his eyes briefly lingering on the pale pink scar above her left breast, the reminder of Kikyo's fated arrow. He was in awe of the beautiful creature that was his mate, each subtle movement fanning the flames of his desire, the demure smile on her lips, the exposed flesh, was nearly driving him mad with want.
Yet, he was afraid to move, as the reminder of the kimono slipped away from her perfect form, what if he was dreaming again? He had been experiencing dreams of an erotic nature recently, what if his mind was playing games with him again? Kagome, moved to him on hands and knees, gently kissing his lips, her hand reaching down in between his legs, her smile broadened as she realized the reaction she had coaxed from him. Okay, not a dream, definitely no dream. He closed his eyes softly moaning as she caressed him to greater length.
Kagome smiled to herself realizing how aroused she had become simply by enticing Inuyasha, she slipped behind him slowly trailing her hand across his chest as she moved to his back, bringing a small whine of protest from him. She slipped the red haori from his shoulders, stopping in shock when she saw the bloodied white sleeve of his left arm, pausing briefly she kissed his shoulders as the ensanguined garment slipped from his body. The wound was already scabbing over; it appeared to be a bite, she was afraid to break the moment with questions, she could since the arousal her body was causing Inuyasha; any question would wait, but she did not think she could. Kagome gently licked at the wound, Inuyasha hissed in surprise, as her hot tongue traveled from the wound to his neck kissing at his salty skin, enjoying the musk that radiated from him.
She pressed herself into the flesh of his back, as Kagome pushed up to her knees to give attention to his adorable ears, she lapped at the furry tip with her tongue, as one hand caressed his lean muscled chest, the other hand stroking the other ear to keep it from being left out, Inuyasha began to purr loudly at each movement. Her tongue caressed each furry inch of the cute white triangle causing the purr to change to a possessive growl, Inuyasha reached around to her pulling her from behind him; she somehow ended up pinned beneath him wondering how he had turned the tables so quickly before a word of protest could leave her mouth. His panting breaths hot on her face, she could do nothing but smile, as she tightly wrapped her legs around his waist forcing him down on her. The desire radiating from her core filling the hanyou's sensitive nose as he ravaged her neck and breast with hard kisses, his chest rubbing on Kagome's bare skin, causing her to writhe around even more in erotic bliss. Inuyashas could not help but chuckle at her discomfort with her own arousal, she was truly beginning to enjoy the longing, that her body demanded release from and, he was aching to please.
“Were you trying to drive me to insanity wench?” Inuyasha gruffly whispered in her ear, as her legs tightened more around his body. Her hands fumbling with the remainder of his kimono, she pushed the pants from his hips raking her fingernails over his back, feeling the welts quickly rise. “You want it that way?”
Inuyasha slyly smiled looking into her eyes loving the look that reflected back at him. He thrust himself into her, not wanting to be easy for the way she had tortured him, surprised at the wetness that greeted him as she took in his full length with an impassioned scream. Her muscles were still tight, but nearly not as painful for him as the last time, her want for him aiding to the pleasure the rippled through them both as Kagome moaned in his ear, delighting in his weight upon her, and the ecstasy from their joining. She matched his rhythm with her own, the friction from their bodies increasing the selfless gratification they both enjoyed simply with the contact of skin.
Their pleasured moans becoming as music to each others ears, Kagome pulled him down to her trying to stop his movements, she was not ready for her release just yet, she forcefully flipped to her side, flipping Inuyasha to his back his eyes wide with shock at her daring, no female had ever tried to take control from him, Inuyasha wondered why it was like that? He liked the feel of her leading him to pleasure the way only a mate could, females of his time never would think of doing such a thing, unless that is what they were trained for. Kagome noticed his mind briefly wander; she frowned, pulling herself away from him to regain his attention with a guttural growl bringing a smile from Inuyasha. Inuyasha was quickly brought back, grasping her hips increasing the speed of her thrusts as she straddled him her body tensed as she fought to hold off her release, she wanted him to be wrapped in the ecstasy with her at the same point in time, and he was more than happy to gratify her desire. The two cried out in unison as the waves of rapture crashed down on them linked, body and soul as one.
Kagura awoke literally up a tree, confused, and wounded, no doubt from crashing through the tree canopy to the branch that held her. Her mind cleared as her memory replayed the events that brought her to her present situation. Angelique had her talisman taken by the miko, she briefly had words with the hanyou Inuyasha and she was making her escape when… when, pain, and light enveloped her, then all went black. It was Kagome, she had somehow immobilized her, even being miles away, how was such power possible? How could a mere human girl be capable of such spiritual prowess that any youkai was incapable of? Naraku was definitely not going to be pleased, she pondered her situation and she leapt from the tree to the ground, how was she going to take the miko with such abilities? The chances of her being purified if she even came near Kagome were too great, let Naraku send another, no he would not do that, it was her duty to retrieve the miko, and Naraku was not known to forgive failure, especially without penalty.
Kagura paced in circles, realizing even the forest was quiet, the woodland beast themselves were even effected, or to stunned by the burst of spiritual energy to make a sound. Were Angelique, and even Sesshomaru for that matter even alive? They were at the apex of the burst; they must be dead or wishing they were. Confused on what to do Kagura sat awaiting the coming of night. She contemplated her situation feeling hopeless, and wishing to preserve her life, even if Naraku did hold her heart. Was the girl worth being purified over? This was the one who did kill the dead maiden Kikyo that even Naraku feared; now even he had reason to fear Kagome.
Sango and Miroku sat with the still unconscious youkai, Kirara, lay unmoving in her mistresses' lap, as Shippo lay in Miroku's. Makkura lay between them breathing shallowly, but steady. The worry was clearly evident on Sango's face, nothing like this had ever happened to Kirara and Sango was at a loss to aid her friend, the helplessness was too much for her.
“They will all be alright Sango. Have faith, they are all strong, we stopped Kagome before more harm could come to them.” Miroku put a reassuring had on the slayers shoulder. Sango looked to him with glassy, tear filled eyes.
“How can you be so sure?” Sango choked back a sob. “Maybe we did not stop her in time?”
“It was your quick thinking that stopped her, if you hadn't brought her down when you did who knows what may have happened. Maybe even Inuyasha would have been incapacitated, he was useless as well when the energy exploded from Kagome.” Miroku tried to encourage the distraught Sango, but deep down even he harbored doubt about their youkai friends.
Miroku had never been witness to such incredible power from a youkai or human. Something would have to be done to help Kagome control the violent flow of spiritual energy held within the body of such a young miko. He did know if Sango had not rendered Kagome unconscious it would have ended much worse, it was evident the guilt his beautiful, sensitive Sango was feeling about hurting Kagome who was more a sister to her than friend, the realization that she hurt her out of anger was nearly to much for the slayer. Now they simply had to wait and see.