InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Loss ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
11. Loss
Kagura and the living puppet Kohaku rode on her feather overlooking Sesshomaru's castle, concerned that the entire compound seemed void of life. Lanterns burned inside, but there seemed to be no movement from within the walls. Kagura wondered if Lord Sesshomaru's subjects had indeed been destroyed by the miko, maybe even their master had fallen as well? That thought saddened her, she had always felt an attraction to the youkai Lord, he never seemed to reciprocate but he did not kill her, or attack her either. If she had a heart she was certain it would ache for him.
The rattle of Kohakus' weapon drew her from her thoughts to the matter at hand, they were to get into the castle and take the miko. If they could not capture Kagome alive, then her blood would be spilled this night, Naraku wanted no mistakes this time, and Kagura knew he would be watching with Kanna. Kohaku was to take the miko, and Kagura had been instructed to dispatch the youkai witch Angelique, Naraku wishing the ancient youkai dead surprised her, why would he not wish to gain the power of one such as Angelique? Could it be because she came from foreign soil, or was it maybe he was fearful of her? Was Naraku sending her to her own death pitting her against the woman?
The two landed in one of the many gardens of the of the InuTaishos' castle, the trees were becoming barren of their foliage with the change of the season, the wind carrying a chill creeping into Kagura's bones, she was far to anxious, apprehensive of her task. Kohaku showed no emotion like always, a plus to having your memory taken away Kagura presumed. Kohaku was on borrowed time, soon the boy would be returned to the grave, Naraku was laboriously close to completing the Shikon no Tama, and the boys' usefulness along with his life would be forfeited. Kagura watched as he moved with such stealth into the castle, even his footfalls could not be heard on the grass. Kohakus training as a slayer engrained in his every movement, he moved with the grace and skill of the shinobi. He swiftly leapt to the second story, entering the castle through a balcony and was lost from Kagura's sight; he was now hunting down his mission objective with the ruthlessness of an assassin, he would kill with no pang of regret to cloud his mind or shadow his young heart. Kagura sighed committing herself to finding Angelique and snuffing out her life, hopefully keeping her own life in tact.
Kagura kept to unlit halls, moving silently wishing she knew where her prey was, hoping in vein that the woman was already dead by Kagome's burst of spiritual energy. She rounded a corner coming face to face with two startled kitsune youkai, neither was able to sound any alarm with a flick of her wrist her fan blade slicing through both women's' necks, each dying silently, no scream able leave their lips, before their bodies hit the floor. Perhaps she would not have to but her life in jeopardy, now she had two willing puppets of her own to destroy Lady Angelique. She moved through the halls toward the vile woman's room, her deceased marionettes following as she moved silently toward the room. She paused slipping silently into an empty room with her kitsune followers as she heard footsteps approach her location, she slid the shoji open a small crack to see Sesshomaru with his charge Rin, followed a few steps behind by Inuyasha and Kagome. Kagura rolled her eyes, frustrated with her situation; her two puppets could do nothing against the two brothers and the miko. Where was Kohaku? Surely he was close by. Kagura had nothing but ill fortune since the first time she had met with Angelique, and it seemed her misfortune would continue the longer she remained in Sesshomaru's land.
Inuyasha stopped suddenly, turning toward the darkened room where Kagura hid herself; he took Kagome's hand halting her as well.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome questioned, his movement warning her, she looked around the hall, she could feel an ominous presence perusing them, but from which direction?
“I smell blood.” Inuyasha whispered, his eyes looking to his brother, who must have caught the scent as well, he pushed Rin against the wall, keeping the girl behind him.
“Naraku.” Sesshomaru hissed his eyes narrowing as he scanned the vacant corridors before him and to his left. “No, Kagura, and the boy.”
“Kohaku?” Kagome pulled her hand from Inuyasha; she spun around hoping to see the brainwashed brother of Sango. “I have to get Sango.”
“Stay put Kagome.” Inuyasha looked to her with beseeching eyes. Kagome opened her mouth to protest, but the look on Inuyasha's face kept her hushed. She tired to step away from him, only to be stopped by his hand on her shoulder. “Listen to me wench, how can I protect you if you take off. You know they are here for you.”
“For once Inuyasha speaks with wisdom, listen to your mate woman.” Sesshomaru slid the door open where his mother resided, roughly pushing Rin into the dimly illuminated room. “Stay put Rin, do not venture out.” The girl nodded, sliding the shoji closed.
“Be careful milord.” Rin whispered through the screen.
Rin looked to the futon where Lady Angelique lay, the woman was still unconscious, only one oil lamp was lit casting soft shadows around the room. Rin hid herself in a darkened corner, sitting in shadows she knew to be quiet, drawing her knees to her chest, she tried to make herself appear as small as possible, hoping to be lost in the darkness. The girl offered a silent prayer to the Kami's for Sesshomaru's safety; he was all she had in the world.
“Come on out Kagura.” Inuyasha's eyes focused on the room, he cracked his knuckles in anticipation. “I know where you are witch.” Inuyasha glanced to his brother, Sesshomaru nodded to him. Inuyasha leapt at the shoji, claws at the ready. “Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!”
As his claws shredded the rice paper screen, Kagura pushed herself to the back wall of the room, shielding herself with the bodies of the two-kitsune women.
Kagura called forth the Dance of the Dead, re-animating the deceased women each drawing the Tanto's they carried, attacking Inuyasha, forcing him from the room. Kagura entered the hall meeting the gaze of Sesshomaru, he stood motionless watching her, his attention changing as he heard the creak of the beams in the ceiling, he looked to see the weighted chain of Kohakus kusarikama loop around the neck of his brothers mate, lifting the girl by the neck into the rafters. Kagura smiled knowing the boy would do what was asked, Kagura relentlessly attacked Inuyasha with the dead youkai well knowing his Tetsusaiga attacks would be near useless in such close quarters, the risk of injuring the miko would be too great.
Sesshomaru growled, how dare Naraku try such a foolish scheme in his own home. He released the poison whip from his fingertips, the green weapon danced around its master dangerously. Sesshomaru sliced through the wooden beam with an easy snap of the whip; the wood disintegrated sending Kohaku and Kagome to the ground with a thunderous crash shaking the entire castle. Kagome scrambled to her feet gasping for air, ripping at the thick chain that encircled her neck. Kohaku regained his footing yanking on the chain pulling Kagome off balance she fell to her hands and knees, she was unable to cry out for help or even breath, the chain continued to tighten as Kohaku drug her to him, like a disobedient dog on a leash.
Kagura laughed at the sight of the miko. “You should really have your priorities in order Inuyasha, you let your brother help the miko you wish to protect?”
Inuyasha struggled with the deceased youkai; he threw one down the hall, the dead creature slowly making its way back to its feet, as the other had come up behind him plunging the Tanto into his back. Inuyasha cried out grabbing the kitsune by the hair and hurling the lifeless body back at Kagura. The incarnation released the spell over the kitsune women, their corpses ceased moving, their blood bubbling from their bodies, lying dark and slick on the wooden floor.
Inuyasha growled, stalking to the wind witch, Kagura smiled at him, opening her fan. “I wouldn't if I were you.” Kagura directed her gaze to Kagome and Kohaku. “You should be more worried about your woman.”
Inuyasha turned to Kagome, his breath caught in his throat; Kagome was being drug by the boys' weapon. Sesshomaru sent his poison whip flying at the chain liquefying the metal instantly, the boy stumbled back when the chain broke drawing his kitana; Kohaku dropped the Kama to the floor as he slowly paced to Kagome, his vacant stair fixed on his target. Sesshomaru chuckled, at the foolishness of the child, no it was the idiocy of Naraku that amused him, the boy had no mind of his own, it was not the puppets fault that he mindlessly attacked with no thought to his own self preservation. Kohaku raised his blade going toward Kagome who gasped on the ground having finally removing the chain; not even realizing Kohaku was coming toward her with deadly intent. Kagome could hardly breath, her vision was blurry, and her throat burned.
Inuyasha lunged forward to protect his mate. “Kagome!”
Sesshomaru growled as he noticed Kagura gracefully arc her fan releasing her next attack, his baka brother not even noticing the danger he was in. Sesshomaru leapt toward Kagome as the wind formed into a tornado, grabbing the miko off the floor and forcing Kohaku back throwing the boy into the wall. His hair flying wildly as the wind pulled at him, he stood stunned with himself for even thinking of his brothers' mate.
“Dance of the Dragon!” Kagura was not about to let Inuyasha reach his mate, the twister picked up Inuyasha sending the hanyou crashing into the room of Angelique.
Rin was heard briefly screaming for Sesshomaru, but was cut off as the whirlwind crashed through the side of the castle taking the body of Angelique, Rin, and Inuyasha pummeling them all in the vortex of wind blades, slashing at them all with the violent force of nature. Sesshomaru flung Kagome aside taking his chance; he moved with blinding speed, grabbing Kagura by the throat lifting her off of her feet, she dangled in his grip, a coy smile on her lips.
“This has nothing to do with you lord Sesshomaru.” She spoke with composed grace, as Sesshomaru began squeezing her neck even harder. Her ruby eyes locked onto his. “I have no choice, kill me, because if you do not, Naraku surely will. I would rather die by your hand.”
- - - - - - - - ***- - - - - - - - -
Sango and Miroku lay cuddled with each other, the boys had finally awaken, but only briefly before being drug back into sleep, it seemed their little bodies had been completely depleted of energy. Miroku held Sango against his chest as they discussed the dozen or so children they would have after Narakus' demise, laughing with each other as the joked about trivial things. Kirara was pacing at the door, mewling, finally leaping into Sangos lap to get her attention. The cat youkai knew something was wrong, but her companions were too lost in each other to notice the change in the castle.
“Kirara, what is it?” Sango questioned rubbing her friends head, Kirara swatted at her hand with her claws out, Sango pulled her hand back in surprise realizing Kirara was worried about something. “Miroku, something is wrong.” Kirara leapt to the door transforming scratching her claws through the door, Sango rose to her feet, taking up Hirakotsu, sliding the door open.
“Okay, something is wrong.” Miroku followed Kirara and Sango into the hall when a crash shook the castle.
“Do you think Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are fighting again?” Sango followed Kirara who seemed to know where the altercation was occurring.
Kirara led them to the gaping wound in the castle wall, Sango looked to Sesshomaru who held Kagura by the neck. “Kagome! Inuyasha!” Where were her friends?
“Sango!” Miroku was pointing to a pile of rubble on the other side of the hole.
Sango saw a well-known weapon to her lying a few feet away, her brothers' Kama. “Kohaku?” Sango ran to the weapon, her eyes scanning the hall, her eyes falling upon her brother, there he lay in a pile of debris. “Please be alive.” Sango whispered. She had tunnel vision, all she saw was her brother, Kohaku was motionless, and bleeding.
Miroku looked to Sesshomaru, confused as to why Naraku's minions were so audacious, as to attack them in Sesshomaru's home. “What has happened Sesshomaru? Why?”
Sesshomaru cast a cold glare the monk's way. “They want you're miko, and my mother it seems. Is that not correct?” Sesshomaru looked back to Kagura, who nodded as much as she could in Sesshomaru's grip.
“Kagura!” Inuyasha's voice came booming into the castle, Miroku peered out into the darkness to see Inuyasha walking toward them, carrying something.
Kagome made it to her feet, brushing the dust and bits of plaster from her as best she could; Miroku went to her side worried about the bruise that encircled her neck. “I'm fine Miroku. Inuyasha!” She tried to yell out, but her voice would barely go above a whisper. Kagome stumbled as she tried to run, but was stopped as he came into view holding a tiny bloodied body in his arms.
Inuyasha tried to smile to his mate, but found it was a bit too painful, his gaze drew Kagome to the body, and it was then that Kagome recognized the orange and white yukata. “Rin!”
Sesshomaru's head snapped at the sound of her name, he threw Kagura aside with a growl, Inuyasha handed the body of the girl to his brother. “Sorry Sesshomaru, Rin, and Angelique...”
- - - - - - - - - ***- - - - - - - - - -
“Useless! If you want something done right, you have got to do it yourself.” Naraku growled out as he watched Kagura, and Kohaku in Kanna's mirror. “I need to stretch my legs anyway.” Naraku stretched out his arms, and the floor splintered as he extended the mass of armor-plated tentacles that writhed around his body. “Shall we go visit your sister Kanna?”
The albino girl nodded, following her master, clutching her mirror tightly.