InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Words are Overrated ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
10. Words are Overrated
Rin bowed leaving Inuyasha and Kagome in the presence of her Lord Sesshomaru, she gave her master a quick smile that Sesshomaru pretended he did not see. Why the child was consistently happy was beyond his understanding. Rin's persistent happy mood must be a human mannerism that he knew he would never fully understand, nor did Sesshomaru intend to try. His eyes beheld the two before him, Sesshomaru's golden eyes lingering on Kagome, here was the woman who nearly snuffed his life from existence, and he was going to learn how she was capable of such a feat being only a pathetic human, and a woman none the less. Last Sesshomaru had seen this puny human miko; this ability was not within her repertoire. What had changed with the both of them? His wretched hanyou brother being able to transform to the true inu form, as his father and father before him, but no half-breed was capable of the change without being full blooded youkai. It could not simply be the act of taking a mate, if that was the case hanyou everywhere would be frantic to find a mate, no, there was something else at work with these two and Sesshomaru would understand. As weak as he was he still was an imposing vision of strength, or maybe it was the stubbornness of an aristocrat that was woven through every fiber of his being. Every creature, be they human, hanyou, or youkai was below his station, he held respect for no other, nor had he found another that would deserve his respect. The intrusive scent of his brother and mate irritated his nose, and the wounds at his neck burned, but were healing rapidly, however his strength was gone, he had no reserve after the release of the miko's energy, the only reason he was conscious seemed to be the fact that Tensaiga had protected him once again. If not for the fang he would still be incapacitated like the rest of his subjects. That alone irritated him, but compounded with the other happenings Sesshomaru was in a very foul mood.
His eyes were trained on Kagome, he felt a pang of worry pick at the back of his mind, if she could render him unconscious once she could do it again, and in his weakened state he doubted the fang at his side could do to much to protect him, but to keep him attached to a tiny thread of life before the miko purified him. Kagome broke away from the gaze, obviously concerned about being in his presence, the girl chewed franticly at her bottom lip; Sesshomaru would not be surprised if the miko bit it off in her ever growing anxiety. He inwardly smirked to himself for drawing such a response from Inuyasha's mate. Yes, pitiable humans, nothing but balls of unrestrained emotion.
“What do ya want Sesshomaru? Another beating?” Inuyasha crowed puffing out his chest, he was obviously full of himself, showing no fear, showing nothing but insolence to his brother. Coupled with the belief that he and his mate could take down any challenge, or was he hiding great doubt in his outward confidence?
Sesshomaru slowly cast his gaze to his impudent half-brother. Inuyasha's cocky nature was trying to force him into another confrontation; the hanyou knew full well Sesshomaru was in no condition to battle. “I demand answers of you both. How two, such as you, were able to overcome this Sesshomaru? There is no logic to this event.”
“You demand? Get over yourself Sesshomaru; you are not all powerful as you like to think you are. Just because you are fathers heir, and of pure blood, it does not mean I am inadequate, as I have shown you time and again. I would dare say I am an equal, no, no, not equal, I'm better than that, I surpass you on so many levels, so go ahead and chew on that brother.” Inuyasha grinned showing his fangs, his eyes giving his brother a hard challenging look daring the InuTaisho to move on him.
Kagome gasped looking wide eyed at Inuyasha, he was so brazen, so assertive now, not that Inuyasha was the most subtle of hanyou, she had seen Inuyasha challenge Sesshomaru before, but never had he tried to bait him like this, openly antagonizing his elder brother. The battle with Sesshomaru had helped him to prove to himself that being hanyou did not mean weaker, being hanyou gave him unsurpassed strength, he had established his right to his father's noble blood, and Sesshomaru would now be forced to recognize the fact, perhaps finally ending the bad blood between the two. Kagome highly doubted it; Sesshomaru would always see Inuyasha as a hanyou, never capable of being a peer.
Sesshomaru laughed to himself, such rude behavior only proved Inuyasha's poor breeding on his Mothers part. “Equal little brother? You dare say such a thing in this Sesshomaru's presence? You are refuse, as is your human mate, not even worth acknowledging, your pups will be even more lowly with such a mixed bloodline.”
“That's it!” Inuyasha growled releasing Kagome's hand drawing Tetsusaiga. “You can call me whatever you want I don't really give a fuck, but insult my mate or my pups—“
“You will do what?” Sesshomaru cut Inuyasha off standing to his feet, no sign of his weakened state in his movements.
Kagome pushed her fears aside, not wishing to witness the brothers fight again she positioned herself between the two, glaring at Inuyasha. “Stop this both of you! You are brothers whether of not you want to admit it Sesshomaru,” Kagome cast the same glare his way. “and Inuyasha back down! He only asked a question, the least we could do is give him some kind of answer.”
“At least your bitch has a mind about her.” Sesshomaru scoffed, Inuyasha's growl deepened.
Kagome raised a skeptical brow, turning to look at Sesshomaru. Was that a complement, or did he just put me down again? It didn't matter, her face softened as she looked back to Inuyasha. “I am fine with his insults, for now, but we may need your brothers aid later against Naraku, not to mention I did nearly kill him we own him that much.”
“But he took you, he started this!” Inuyasha tried to make her understand why he was trying to defend her, but he was unsuccessful, Kagome felt as if she owed Sesshomaru for injuring him, she was doing it again! The same thing she did when Kouga was injured, taking his rivals side.
“Listen to your bitch Inuyasha, you do not want anything to happen that may injure her.” Sesshomaru sat back down; thankful his guarded condition did not show through.
With a grumble Inuyasha returned Tetsusaiga to its sheath. “Bastard.”
“Inuyasha,” Kagome quietly tried to clam him, she took his hand in hers, looking back at Sesshomaru. “We will disappoint you Sesshomaru, I have no definite answer as to why my body erupted with such energy, and it is only speculation of Miroku that we have any idea.”
Sesshomaru's intense gaze returned to Kagome. “Tell this one the monk's theory girl.”
The InuTaisho rested his chin on his hand as he listened to the miko speak of the monks idea. Sesshomaru did not receive the definite answers he wished concerning the miko, now other questions plagued him. The conversation was going nowhere, and Sesshomaru irritation was growing, as was Inuyasha's impatience with the entire situation. Kagome finished her explanation, hoping Sesshomaru would be satisfied. The Lord sat in silence contemplating the validity of the miko's words, realizing the truth behind them, this woman had killed Inuyasha's former love, gaining in the fallen Kikyo's strength, it was a interesting occurrence, hence the reason his mother had appeared, the European youkai was always drawn to power, and Inuyasha's miko was to strong for his mother to pass up. His brother had in fact taken a fitting mate; fitting for a hanyou at least, even if is she was human.
Inuyasha huffed, irritated, wanting to leave his fathers home as soon as possible, he owed no explanation to Sesshomaru, and he would be damned to continue with the niceties Kagome was giving him. The bastard had jeopardized his mate, there was no forgiveness afforded to Sesshomaru, and the witch of a youkai that claimed to be Sesshomaru's mother still needed to be dealt with; the woman must know where Naraku was hiding, and Inuyasha would find out where.
“Where is your bitch of a mother Sesshomaru? I have a few questions for her, she knows where Naraku is, she will enlighten me.” Inuyasha glared to his pompous half brother.
Sesshomaru could not hide the surprise on his face, how could his mother know the whereabouts of Naraku? “What makes you think that this ones' mother knows where Naraku resides?”
“Only because she and Kagura had some sort of deal, Kagura was to take Kagome to Naraku, but it seems your mother went back on her bargain. I am sure she is aware that Naraku will have his revenge for double crossing him, her life is in jeopardy, he could very well absorb her and gain whatever power the woman possesses.” Inuyasha pulled Kagome back into his arms; he could not trust any action of his brother.
Sesshomaru sat in contemplation for a brief moment, he still received no answer for Inuyasha's new form, but it could wait, it was his mothers' involvement with Naraku that now disturbed him. He rose from his chair walking the pair looking down on them briefly before Sesshomaru walked past them going into the hallway. “Follow if you wish answers as I do.”
Kagome and Inuyasha followed at a distance, in the hall meeting with Rin who kept pace with her master. Kagome whispered to her mate. “What are you going to do if she will not volunteer the information?”
“She will hold nothing back from this one, I assure you miko.” The uneasiness in Sesshomaru's voice bothered Rin, she noticed the apprehension, but she doubted Inuyasha or Kagome did.
Miroku awoke startled, and then realizing where he was, smiling that Sango still lay in his arms, her body relaxed against his. Miroku tenderly stroked her silken hair, he was beside himself with happiness, this was the first time Sango had ever allowed such interaction, and perhaps she was feeling the same thing in her heart as well. This night he would find out if she truly reciprocated the feelings he harbored for her in his heart. If she did not share the same feelings he knew it would crush him, but they had been together for over two years, and if Kagome and Inuyasha could come together, why not he and Sango?
Miroku's hands caressing her hair roused Sango with a smile on her lips, his tenderness causing her heartbeat to quicken; she loved the attention, and was afraid to let him know she was awake. Why was he doing such a thing? Was he trying to tell her with out words his feelings with such a simple gesture? Sango wanted the feeling to never end, she felt like a normal woman, not a slayer lying with him, this must be what every woman feels in their lovers arms this warm, comfort knowing they were the center of their man's universe. She rolled over into his arms, her eyes still closed, snuggling into his chest breathing in his masculine scent, she felt safe, his arms enveloped her pulling her tighter into his body, Miroku placed kisses atop of her head, his hands rubbing her back softly now if felt so delightful being held by him, she had to say something, but what? Sango wished time to stop just so she could stay in the moment.
“Sango?” Miroku whispered her name. She opened her eyes rolling to her back, her gaze meeting his deep violet eyes, he seemed so full of love, his eyes speaking volumes to her with no word passing his lips.
“Miroku, I, you and me, what are we?” She nearly inaudible questioned, surprised the statement just came out. She felt foolish as soon as the words left her, a blush colored her features; Sango worried what his answer would be, if she even received one.
Miroku smiled, relived she was feeling the same as he. This was a long time in coming and he needed to pick his words carefully. He propped his head on his hand gazing down at Sango, her beauty and vulnerability at this moment making her appear even lovelier. The guarded smile on her lips begging for his kiss, yet she needed an answer. Miroku leaned over kissing her forehead, moving down to kiss her nose, then gently kissing her slightly parted lips. It wasn't an answer, but she seemed to desire the affection. Sango lay speechless; blinking at him she put her hand to the side of his face, tracing his jaw line with her caress. Her gentle touch memorizing the structure of his face, she felt lost in the tenderness of the moment, if she died at this instant she would carry this memory with her to the beyond, and be happy. His intense eyes focused on the woman before him, the kiss, however fleeting, left him near breathless, Miroku struggled to form the words for his feelings for her, those feelings he had always felt, and that Sango had guarded, within her breast, the mutual feelings fighting to rise to the surface of the two as they lay in silence looking into each others eyes afraid to speak, knowing words may break the spell the bound them together in this moment of time.
Sango tugged on his robes pulling him down to her gently, returning the kiss, which Miroku deepened, licking at her lips, hoping to gain access which Sango granted passionately, their tongues meeting caressing, learning the taste of each other neither one wanting to break away from the all consuming kiss, who needed air anyway? Sango's hand ran through his hair, pulling the tie binding his hair from his face, she giggled as the long strands tickled at her neck and face, Miroku held his hand at bay at her side fighting the urge to explore Sango's curves, if he made an inappropriate move now, she may not give him another chance for a very long time. She pushed him back, his eyes questioning her, his lips missing the feel of hers, his dark strands falling into his face, he looked so striking, the ebon locks seeming to intensify his eyes.
“Sango?” Sango placed a finger over his lips to silence him; Miroku kissed her finger for stopping him.
Miroku kissed each finger, moving to her palm, making a trail of kisses up her arm where he moved back to her lips taking possession of her mouth with a more dominant kiss bringing a soft moan from his ladylove. Miroku was finding it very difficult to keep his hands to himself; he chastised his mind for betraying his heart, Miroku forced his hands into fists pushing himself up and away from her, to remain composed, and not give into his masculine desires, Miroku was oh so thankful for the fact he wore Buddhist robes, if not for the billowing clothes Sango would defiantly be aware of what was happening to his body. He sat up, looking down at her, her face was a play of emotion ranging from confusion, to hurt, to the first look of lust that glimmered in her eyes, Miroku had never seen it on her face before, he turned from her hiding his face.
“Sango, I ask for you're forgiveness, you are a woman of high moral fiber, I do not wish to taint your virtue. I am sorry if I overstepped my boundaries. When you allow me to call you wife, then such liberties should be granted, not before.” Miroku sighed, he could not get the vision of Sango out of his head, he would undoubtedly dishonor her if they continued, and he did not wish to be responsible for the guilt Sango would feel, not until they were married. Wait did I just say wife? Did I just say that?
Miroku looked over his shoulder to Sango who was now sitting upright, tears glistening in her eyes, her mouth open yet no words came forth, she sat mute starring intently at him, her hands clutched in her lap shaking.
I did call her wife! Oh by the Kami! Inuyasha help!