InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Coming Storm ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
13. Coming Storm
The youkai of Sesshomaru's land were all conscious, highly confused, most of all Sesshomaru's loyal retainer Jakken. The youkai was in disbelief as Rin filled him in on the goings on while he and the others slept. Most shocking of all to him was the fact that Sesshomaru's half-breed brother still remained in the castle along with the rest of his pack. His lord was surely acting strangely, but he was not about to bring it up lest he draw his masters' wrath upon him. Jakken returned to his duties, in the wee hours of the morning he was already at work with a group of youkai, overseeing the repairs of the damage done to the castle by Kagura's attack, he was certain to have is completed by weeks end.
The mindless bull youkai Katsuro was busy burying the twin kitsune women, it seemed an act of love from the youkai, and he seemed so saddened as he picked a beautiful burial spot in a quiet garden. Those three had always been together, they all had begun in Lord Sesshomaru's service as youths, and even as much as the twins tormented him, there was always a bond, although Jakken would not consider it love, but he did feel sorry for the youkai, more so than his lord would for certain. Jakken would soon have to visit Ryokan for new retainers to the castle, what a bother Naraku's incarnation had created, and all while he was sleeping.
Jakken huffed as her heard squealing and giggling children racing toward his position at a speed only youths could muster. It was an odd sound for the castle walls of lord Sesshomaru, there was very rarely merriment echoing down the corridors. Jakken went wide-eyed as Rin came running at him, with Makkura and Shippo close on her heels.
“Stop this at once Rin!” Jakken shouted out, but too late.
Rin plowed him over, with a yelp as Makkura gained on her. “Sorry master Jakken.”
Her words trailed to the flattened gremlin as Jakken watched Makkura and Shippo leap over him continuing their pursuit of the girl, he cringed for fear of getting trampled. Surprisingly neither youkai touched him. Jakken struggled to his feet shaking the staff of two heads their direction.
“There is no horseplay in this castle Rin!” Jakken sighed realizing that they could not hear him, or they were all ignoring him, as usual. “No one listens to Jakken.”
Makkura gained on Rin quickly tackling her to the ground the two rolled finally ending up with Makkura on top of a giggling Rin.
“Got ya!” Makkura pushed himself up, looking down at the girl that he had trapped beneath him.
“Get off Makkura!” Rin eeped as their gaze met, Makkura's fiery amber eyes looking into the deep chocolate hues of the human beneath him in amazement at the way she made him feel.
Rin lay silent looking up at the youkai wondering why he was looking at her with such a funny look on his face. Before she could squeak out another protest, Makkura had quickly kissed her, pulling away from her with a hot blush on his face, confused as to why he was compelled to do such a thing.
“Oh yuck you two!” Shippo came upon them panting, his kitsune legs unable to keep up with his companions much longer strides.
“Indeed.” Makkura yelped in surprise as he was lifted off the ground, his feet dangling as he was hoisted eye level with Sesshomaru.
The InuTaisho gave a growl of disapproval to which Makkura whined passively, admitting his lowly status to the Inuyoukai, all of his body language reflecting his place in society, once again Makkura felt like the omega. Sesshomaru yipped at him drawing the wolf pups attention, Makkura cautiously raised his eyes to the powerful alpha that had every right to kill him for touching one of his pack. Visibly shaken Makkura whimpered causing a cold smile to cross Sesshomaru's lips. Roughly Makkura was dropped to the ground; the boy resumed his submissive stance to both Rin and Shippos' surprise.
“Just what are your intentions pup?” Sesshomaru mused well knowing the hormones that drove the young youkai.
“I…I…“ Makkura stuttered, waiting for a blow to hit him.
“We were playing milord.” Rin interrupted getting to her feet, a radiant smile on her face.
“I see. If you wish to court my young charge go about it when she is of age.” He glared; his eyes carried a warning that Makkura easily read.
Sesshomaru spun on his heels walking off in the opposite direction, pleased with himself that the boy would think again before he tried something like that. Sesshomaru was not about to let just anyone take liberties with his Rin. Why he, the mighty InuTaisho felt so protective of a lowly human girl continued to perturb him, his blood had boiled when he saw the wolf pup kiss her inexperienced lips. Almost as if he was drawn to protect the child as a mate would.
“Preposterous.” Sesshomaru growled to himself, was the child making him weak? He never entertained these feelings before, and certainly not for a human female, that would make him no better than his sire, and half-breed brother.
The lord of the castle walked on with a conflicting dialog going on inside his head. He paused when he heard pottery shatter further down the hall, which he was now finding himself in. With an internal sigh he proceeded to investigate the ruckus. Sesshomaru abruptly stopped as a vase of extreme age came flying out of the room that his brothers' pack resided in, the vase missing his head by inches bringing an irritated growl from Sesshomaru.
“What is the meaning of---“ Sesshomaru peered into the room to find the ones residing in its walls struggling with the boy Kohaku. “this?”
Inuyasha and Sango were wrestling the frantic boy to the ground, the monk sat at the side of the wind witch, with a large gash above his eye, and his brothers mate was struggling to tie the boys hands behind his back. Kagura sat with an amused smile on her face; she was greatly enjoying the show. Sesshomaru stepped into the room Kagome and Kagura meeting his gaze. Shaking his head Sesshomaru pushed his brother aside, and tore the boy from Sangos hands, the castle lord held Kohaku by the shirt backhanding the frenzied boy; hard enough that blood began to trickle from his lip. Kohaku stared up at Sesshomaru in confusion, as the youkai lord held him firmly, putting pressure in the boys shoulder.
“Do you wish death?” Kohaku nodded, and Sango screamed out a `no', taking a step to protect her brother. Sesshomaru met her eyes with a look to turn Sango to stone. “Move no closer.” Stopping mid step Sango looked to Inuyasha to act on her behalf.
“Sesshomaru let go of the kid.” Inuyasha put his hand to the hilt of Tetsusaiga as a warning to his brother.
“Twice in the span of minutes you and your pack disrespect me, this I can not allow.” Sango inched closer to Kohaku causing Sesshomaru to turn on her with a fierce growl, a look of ice in his eyes, and his hand moving into Kohakus hair taking a fistful in his hand. “I will not tell you again slayer.” Kohaku wore a smile on his face seeming happy to be at his end.
The scene brought out a jubilant laugh from Kagura. “You are all fools if you believe Naraku would allow you to kill the boy. You can break his toy, but Naraku will bring him back to life, if only to torment the youkai slayer a bit more before her death. I thought you had more intelligence about you Lord Sesshomaru. You are all dead.” Kagura looked to Kohaku. “And he knows it too, somewhere in that shattered mind of his, he knows it, he can feel it as much as I do. He's coming.”
Inuyasha listened to Kagura with amazement, surely they would know if Naraku were approaching. Kagome felt a veil over her eyes as her vision blurred, her body tingled with energy, she could indeed feel Naraku if she concentrated hard enough. Her stomach churned, she felt death coming for them all. Kohaku laughed aloud, pulling Kagome back into reality. The boys head dropped forward in Sesshomaru's grip, as his maniacal laugh continued. Kagome blinked in wonder as a deep purple haze began swirling around Kohaku, glancing at Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku, it seemed she was the only one who could see it. Until her eyes met Kagura's, the look of recognition startled Kagome, the wind witch knew, and saw what was happening to Kohaku.
“Um…Inuyasha.” Kagome hoarsely spoke, still eye locked with Kagura who once again smiled. “Inuyasha.” Kagome tore her eyes away from Kagura, as she grabbed Inuyasha by the sleeve. “Something is happening to Kohaku.”
“What?” Inuyasha looked at her questioning her with only a look. “Yea, something is wrong with him, he's snapped.”
“No, something more.” Kagome's eyes were trained on Kohaku as the purple mist shot into his back; Kagome felt the pulse of the jewel shard as it was once again contaminated. “Oh Kami.” Kagome backed up to the doorway, her breathing becoming irregular as she noticed the boys aura grow in darkness and strength, that Miroku felt as well.
“Sango, get back.” Miroku jumped to his feet, Sango turned to him at the urgency in his voice.
Kohaku's laugh abruptly stopped as the child's head snapped up. His vacant eyes black, an intimidating smile graced his lips. “You think you can take him from me Inuyasha?” It was not the voice of Kohaku, but his master Naraku that came through.
Sesshomaru moved to snap the boys' neck, but Kohaku had already moved from his grasp, dropping to the ground and hitting Sesshomaru with a foot sweep, which gave the haunted Kohaku a means to escape. Kohaku raced past a stunned Sango and Inuyasha; he paused briefly to look upon Kagome, with an evil shining in his eyes.
“I'll be seeing you soon miko.” The voice of Naraku purring to Kagome, she jumped back form Kohaku as he made his escape with a deep malevolent laugh echoing down the hall.
Sesshomaru nearly trampled them all to get through the door trying to follow the boy. His eyes taking on the blood red trait of the youkai.
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Jakken came running as fast as his impish legs could carry him to his master. “Milord,” Jakken huffed trying to regain his breath. “milord, a storm of miasma is coming this way, followed by an army of youkai.” Jakken gasped for air. “What do we do milord?”
“Fight.” Sesshomaru spoke with a guttural growl, his eyes looking to his brother.
“Fight.” Inuyasha grinned drawing Tetsusaiga.