InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Battlecry ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
14. Battlecry
Sesshomaru flew through the halls of the castle moving with a speed Inuyasha had rarely seen of his brother. Sesshomaru was cursing about something inaudible to Inuyasha, the few words he did hear “…barrier…forces…not prepared” a twinge of guilt struck Inuyasha as odd, why should he feel guilty because he killed a good many of his brothers defense forces. Grumbling to himself Inuyasha followed Sesshomaru who ended up in a well-hidden room in the dead center of his castle; the Sesshomaru moved a panel looking back at his brother.
“Stay here Inuyasha, these youkai are very skittish, and do not take kindly to strangers.” Sesshomaru retreated into the wall the panel sliding back into place, his brothers footsteps could be faintly heard going down stairs.
Inuyasha glared at the `stay' that came from his brother, he was no dog, well, half dog, but Sesshomaru was more dog than he. “Where the hell is he going?” Inuyasha pondered aloud, not expecting to be answered, he jumped when Jakken entered the room still wheezing, and panting from his nonstop sprint to follow his master.
“He…is…'pant' going… to… the magic users `cough'… they will erect the barrier.” Jakken looked more green than normal, the jog seemed to have whipped him out. Jakken knelt to the floor desperately trying to regain his breath.
Inuyasha laughed aloud. “Barrier? What the hell does he think that'll do? Do you think Naraku will even come close to the barrier? He'll let his minions attack it until he will be able to step right through! Baka. We should be out there to give Naraku a proper welcome. But no my snob of a brother thinks a little barrier will help, feh!”
“You insolent pup! How dare you speak such a way of Lord Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha almost laughed at the way Jakken jumped to defend his brother, the little kappa always did.
“Yea, but that don't change the fact Naraku will step through that barrier like it wasn't even there! He's got his own ya know!” Inuyasha shook his head glaring down at the out of breath imp.
“Inuyasha are you really so dense? The barrier is simply for the army of demons Naraku commands Naraku will follow in their wake. Truly you have nothing of fathers intelligence.” Sesshomaru quietly put the panel back in place; Lord Sesshomaru stepped to his vassal, looking down in contempt at Jakken. “You should be rallying what defenses we have left Jakken. Send messengers to Ryokan, and even the Wolf-youkai tribes now.” Jakken stood in contemplation of his masters' words. “What are you still doing here Jakken, go?” Sesshomaru watched as Jakken scurried out of the room.
“Wait, wait, Sesshomaru. The stinking' wolves don't need to be here. I can handle this on my own.”
“I see, and while you are busy fighting who will protect you're mate Inuyasha? Will you leave the monk to protect her, or the kitsune? Perhaps the wolf pup? You might as well offer the girl to Naraku now and save him the trouble.” Sesshomaru looked down his nose at his brother. “I do not have to like the fact that you will be in my way in destroying Naraku, but your mate has proven herself as adequate bait, maybe even more of a force for Naraku to reckon with, perhaps more so than your precious Tetsusaiga. As for the others Jakken will messenger they will come, as a loyalty to father. Especially the wolf tribe, the leader Kouga wishes his revenge, he will come long before the rest of his pack, and Ryokan is even closer staying on the edge on my territory.”
“Yea, but they won't get here until after the battle has started.” Inuyasha could hear the approaching footsteps of his friends. “What do we do with Kagura?”
“She will stay with me, if need be I will dispatch her mortal shell for her if she tries to undermined me. I will kill any who get in my way, be they ally or foe do you understand Inuyasha? Naraku is my kill.”
“We'll see who gets to the bastard first.” Inuyasha grinned to his brother, turning his attention to Kagome and Shippo who entered the small room, following behind them by Rin and Makkura, those two seemed to be joined at the hip lately. “Where are Miroku and Sango?”
Kagome caught the odd exchange of looks between the brothers a bit unnerved by the entire situation, Kagome looked to the bow in her hand hoping she would be able to aid in the fight, the quiver on her back seemed suddenly very, very heavy. Kagome was grateful for finding Inuyasha; she went into his arms hugging him to her tightly. Pulling back she looked up into her hanyou's eyes with deep worry shinning within them.
“They are searching for Kohaku. Sango will never give up on her brother.” Kagome was tense; the bow she clutched in her hand trembled with her anxiety.
“The woman waste her time, that boy is nothing but Naraku's pawn, there is no shred of the boy to save. Best to simply say goodbye and kill him. Your rabble Inuyasha may do as they please, but I will meet my enemy head on.” Sesshomaru looked down at Rin and Makkura. “You pup will keep her safe or you will answer to this one.” Makkura nodded pulling Rin back to him. “Rin stay safe, if things seem to go badly leave the castle the way I showed you.”
“But milord I want to stay with you and help.” Rin became glassy eyed as she pulled away from Makkura. “I won't leave you Lord Sesshomaru.”
“No, if you stay you will die.” Sesshomaru turned his back on the girl leaving the room. “Protect her pup.”
“Shippo you stay with Makkura and Rin, you can help protect them, do as Sesshomaru asks, if it goes bad you leave, you must protect the girl, I'm counting on the both of you.” Inuyasha knelt down to the little kitsune looking him directly in the eye. “You're much stronger than you used to be Shippo, you can do this I know you can. An' you know what Shippo, I'm proud of you.” Shippo puffed out his chest beaming with pride at the complement Inuyasha gave him, standing Inuyasha messed the kits' hair. “Now go on find a safe place.”
Kagome felt the tears glaze her eyes, and a lump rise in her throat as she knelt down hugging Shippo tightly. “I love you Shippo, always remember that.” Kagome's voice choked out, she knew it was highly possible that she would never see her little kitsune again this was goodbye.
Shippo looked up into Kagomes' face realizing the finality of her words, he leapt into her arms hugging Kagome tightly around the neck. “I love you too Kagome.” Shippo whispered in her ear. Releasing her Shippo walked to Rin and Makkura. “We'll see you all soon.” Shippo nodded to Inuyasha, trying to appear as mature as possible, he would do what was asked of him, even if his little heart felt like it would break.
Kagura lay gagged and tied at both her feet and hands, she could sense the approaching miasma, and the invisible fingers of Naraku stretching over Sesshomaru's lands. The wind mistress cursed her bad luck, she was readying herself now at any moment Sesshomaru or Inuyasha would be coming for her, footsteps approached, as Kagura wriggled her self to her feet, if she could at least free her feet then she could run, but no, the bindings held tight. Sighing Kagura leaning against the wall her eyes fixed on the shoji door as it slid open. Kagura held her breath as she awaited death, however she exhaled loudly as it was not a son of the Taiyoukai that entered the room, but the boy Kohaku, the cocky smile on his face infuriating Kagura, he looked just like his master. Kagura so wished to slap the look off the boys face, but at the moment she was at a disadvantage. Kohaku drew his Kitana slashing the ties at Kagura's hands and feet.
“We are to join our master. Come.” Kohaku spoke with no inflection in his voice. The boy peered into the hall. “We must go now.”
Kagura removed her gag, her hands rubbing at her sore wrists. “I am surprised he even cares about my well being.” Kagura went to the other side of the room retrieving her fan.
“He doesn't care. We are leaving.” Kohaku made his way into the hall running with stealth to stairs going to the second floor, Kagura at his heels.
The two found themselves in a large library, enormous collection of scrolls housed in massive shelves all along the walls. Kohaku closed the door going to the balcony; he turned to Kagura with a blank stare. Kagura joined him on the balcony plucking a feather from her hair; she was about to transform it when she noticed the air shiver around them and a barrier form, protecting the castle.
“That is going to be a problem.” Kagura looked back at Kohaku. “Now what `little pet'?”
Kohaku met her eyes with a blank stare. Kagura rolled her eyes grumbling in frustration over the fact that they had been, for all purposes trapped within the confines of Sesshomaru's castle, granted she wanted to be free of Naraku, but Inuyasha and his friends would rather kill her than listen to her at the moment. Kohaku jumped to the balcony rail, leaping up to the roof, Kagura's gaze followed him, she released the feather transforming it, she leapt on, she needed to have some semblance of a lady, and climbing up the castle roof was beneath her. She floated on commanded wind ascending to the next floor, Kohaku was nowhere in sight, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, turning to her left she saw Kohaku running up the roof of the next story.
“The kid is fast.” Kagura followed him. When the boy finally stopped at a balcony on the highest level of the castle Kagura returned the feather to her hair standing next to Kohaku who was staring intently at the sky.
Kagura's eyes following the boys stare, the afternoon sun was dimming, almost as an eclipse, darkened shadows covered the lands surrounding Sesshomaru's castle. The sunlight was blocked out Kagura strained to see, it looked like dark clouds, no not clouds, and within the `clouds' was movement. Kagura gasped in realization, the movement, a multitude of youkai, hundreds of them, thousands of them, their bodies even blocking the sunlight at noon. Naraku was playing for keeps, holding nothing back. Out of the surrounding forest came even more movement, legions of youkai came slithering out of the forest halting feet from the barrier surrounding Sesshomaru' castle.
“Kanna.” Kagura whispered to herself, she hoped her elder sister was not among the youkai, more than likely she was at Naraku's side wherever he was hiding.
Naraku would wait until he could take advantage and strike out at the InuTaisho and his hanyou brother. Absorbing them and killing the humans who would be nothing with out the brothers. But then again, maybe not. Kagura felt foolish for forgetting the miko, she had to find the miko, barrier or not, the girl Kagome would be able to hurt Naraku possibly kill him with the spiritual power she held, even if the girl could not completely control it. Kagura would do any thing to be freed form Naraku, the miko had to be forced to release her spiritual force when Naraku made his approach, but he would not do that until he felt the castle had fallen. How could Kagura convince Inuyasha and his pack to feign a loss at the hands of Naraku's army? Kagura tossed her feather into the air leaping onto it, Kohaku looked at her with his soulless eyes.
“I will return Kohaku watch for the barrier to fall.” Kagura turned from him descending to the ground as fast as possible. She had to find Kagome. “I'm crazy for trying this, if I fail Naraku will kill me for sure. I have to try.”
Kagura rushed through the halls hoping to run into one of Inuyasha's pack, she turned a corner only to be surprised by an equally surprised Sango, who once again punched her, splitting Kagura's lip. Bad luck again followed Kagura; she had to find the one in Inuyasha's group who fervently wished for her death. Kagura cursed the day she ever stepped foot into Sesshomaru's land. Sango drew her blade only to be halted by the monks' hand.
“Wait Sango.” Miroku made her return her Kitana to its sheath.
“She is trying to escape Miroku.” An irritated Sango hissed.
“No, if she wanted to escape she would already be gone, she was heading back into the castle. Am I right Kagura?” Kagura nodded wiping the blood onto the sleeve of her kimono. Miroku hesitated, but then helped her to her feet. “Speak Kagura, and I suggest it be the truth lest they be the last words from your mouth.”
Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kagome stood in the entrance into the castle. Kagome had an iron grip on Inuyasha's left hand that had effectively caused his fingers to go numb, but at the moment that was the least of his worries. The sons of the Taiyoukai looked out into the dark afternoon neither one knowing quite what to say at the imposing sight of countless youkai fighting at the barrier. Three massive oni were bashing at the barrier near the front gate.
Inuyasha chuckled looking at Sesshomaru. “I've got those three. You can handle the rest of them right?”
Sesshomaru turned to his brother shaking his head. “Levity at a time like this? Must be the human in you.”
Kagome summoned her voice, taking back her hand, notching an arrow to her bow, aiming at a random youkai. “You're father would be proud of both of you.”