InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ control ( Chapter 15 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Naraku smiled thinly as he scryed through Kanna's mirror as the battle against those pathetic fools who had stood in his way for over three years. Naraku's blood burned in anticipation for the completed jewel; within the pathetic barrier of Sesshomaru lay the final four shards of the Shikon no Tama, all of his treachery, all of his nefarious plans would finally come to fruition. Kanna stood before him as they watched the battle from a high vantage point in the mountains of the InuTaisho's territory, his minions were throwing themselves at the barrier, this had been going of for well over an hour, but the end result was slow in coming, it was that damn miko reincarnation that seemed to be the main concern. How or why the miko became so suddenly powerful happened to be the only unknown variable in Naraku's attack plan. The enormous burst of spiritual energy the woman contained concerned him the most, she was able to put youkai into an unconscious state, and purify with a focused attack, this miko was even able to purify the jewel shard within the boy Kohaku with out actually touching him. Even now as Naraku watched this woman his concerns grew; the arrows of Kagome had also grown in strength being able to purify handfuls of his minions with each shot, she would have to die, and soon. Frustrated with the slow tempo of the battle Naraku paced, his own youkai blood aching for the fight, but his mind new better, he must wait it out.
“Kagura and Kohaku are trapped within the barrier of Sesshomaru.” Kanna impassively spoke showing her master the image of Kohaku at the top of the castle, Kanna knew what her younger sister was up to, and the soulless Kanna made sure Naraku heard nothing, but saw Kagura once again bound by Sango.
“Kohaku will speed this mockery of a battle along for me.” Naraku used the tainted jewel shard to touch Kohaku's mind. “Destroy the magic users. Kill all you come in contact with in the castle of Sesshomaru.” Naraku smiled to himself, even only the boy puppet Kohaku, he could cause quite a problem from within the barrier. “We will soon see a change Kanna.”
Miroku had conveyed to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru the idea that Kagura had, to the monk it seemed sound, but to Inuyasha it was a blatant trap. Sesshomaru regarded Kagura's strategy with interest he knew full well the wind which wished to be freed from Naraku, the Inuyoukai was inclined to believe her to the great surprise of the others, not that he cared either way what they thought, it was his ancestral home, and they had no say so in the matter.
They all stood within the protective barrier, Kagome's arrows being the only offence at the moment to Inuyasha's great agitation, standing around doing nothing was far from what he was used to. Sango and Miroku stood on either side of Kagura; Miroku was keeping his love at bay from running the woman through. Sesshomaru removed her bindings, placing her beside him. Kagura figured it was either for protection from the slayer or she could be easily dispatched if Sesshomaru deemed it necessary.
“It must look convincing when the barrier falls, or Naraku will not approach. I must also look as if I am against you.” Kagura spoke to her newfound allies.
“You can not actually believe this bitch do you Sesshomaru? I mean come on how baka do you think we are Kagura? You have never once revealed your want to be free of Naraku.” Inuyasha would rather kill her now than later, there was no way in any one's right mind that this extension of Naraku could be trusted.
“She has asked of such from this Sesshomaru. However at the time, I did not deem it important. She will have her assistance.” Sesshomaru looked into Kagura's ruby eyes with cold indifference.
However frigid Sesshomaru looked or spoke, the very fact that Sesshomaru defended her astounded Kagura, she was sure if she had a heart it would be trying to leap out of her chest.
“Hey guys if you don't mind a little help.” Kagome released another arrow through the barrier successfully purifying a group of youkai, only to have others fill in the ranks of their disintegrated comrades. The barrier shuddered, briefly falling, and then returning, only to collapse. “Not good.” Kagome looked to Inuyasha who unsheathed Tetsusaiga. “Inuyasha.”
“Get back Kagome.” Inuyasha took his place in front of Kagome. “Get back up the steps, you will be safer there.”
“What happened to the barrier?” Miroku questioned briefly before removing the prayer beads from his hand. His eyes looking to Sango as she leapt atop Kirara. “Be careful Sango.”
Kohaku wiped the blood from his Kitana, a soulless smile on the boy's lips as he stood in a ever growing puddle of blood as the sanguine liquid inched over the floor covering the small room. The air was heavy with the fragrance of incense, blood, and the smell of the oil lamps. The three decapitated daitengu lay at his feet, easily killed, as they were deep in meditation; the youkai had trusted far too much in their Shisa guardians to protect them. Kohaku kicked at the head of the female Shisa, the creatures' lifeless eyes staring up at him, her tongue lolling out to the side. Some protectors they turned out to be, Kohaku looked to his bleeding left hand, angered that the male of the pair had actually bitten him, anger was practically the only emotion offered to his heart, he could always feed off of rage, now the ire was there, and there were many more to kill for his master within the castle walls.
The three children had retreated to a library when the barrier had fallen Rin knew that Lord Sesshomaru would want her to leave now, she hoped in her heart he would soon follow, but his pride would not allow him. Rin, Shippo, and Makkura sat together in the private library of Sesshomaru; Rin was visibly nervous, as was Shippo, Makkura however was in awe of the finery around him, ancient armor as well weaponry adorned the room. Never had he seen such blatant display of wealth, even if he had only been among the humans for a short time, but Makkura was sure the wealth and power of Sesshomaru rivaled or even surpassed the wealthiest of humans.
Rin stood before a suit of armor, covering a males white and blue kimono, at the hip of the form was placed two swords, one looking almost identical of Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga, and the other Sesshomaru's Tensaiga. The girl instructed Makkura to touch the hilt of Tensaiga, as the wolf pup did as asked the armor seemed to glow, a wall behind the form slid open revealing a dark hall.
“Only youkai can open the door, Lord Sesshomaru knew if I needed to go Master Jakken would be with me, he made it so no human could ever open it.” Rin shrugged.
“That armor looks a lot like Sesshomaru's, who's is it?” Shippo questioned Rin as Makkura looked into the hall in wary trepidation.
Rin looked to Shippo beaming, as if she was just waiting for someone to ask her. “It belonged to the InuTaisho, the first InuTaisho. That's why Sesshomaru had replica swords made for his fathers breastplate, to represent the fangs forged for his sons.”
“We're supposed to go it there?” Makkura backed away from the dark hall. “We don't have to go yet, do we?”
“Of course that is where we go, and yes, we have to go now, the barrier is down. This leads to a tunnel that will take us out of Sesshomaru's territory. It's really long, and very dark, but there are torches.” Rin noticed the peculiar look of Makkuras face. “You're not afraid of the dark are you?”
“, I am just not to fond of being buried alive in a tunnel, which only the Kami's know how old it is! What if it collapses? Wolves are used to caves, but let the rodents burrow in the ground; it's what their good at.” Makkura wrinkled his nose as the earthen smell of the tunnel met his nose. “I donno if I can.”
“You chicken Makkura?” Shippo ran into the tunnel, illuminating it with his foxfire. The green glow seemed to relieve the wolf a bit. “Come on, we'll be fine, see Makkura.”
Rin ran in following Shippo, a small whine escaped Makkura, he was grateful his friends were not there to hear. “I don't feel right about this. I'm no mole.”
The pup reluctantly followed his friends into the now green-lit tunnel. Makkura yelped in surprise as the panel slid closed behind him, the group could only go forward, all three children said a silent prayer for those they were leaving behind.
The darkened sky continued to writhe, as Naraku's miasma appeared to cover the entire territory of Sesshomaru. The group of warriors fought against overwhelming odds, as the coward Naraku was watched from afar.
“Wind Scar!” Inuyasha yelled successfully wiping out a hundred of Naraku's minions. However another hundred fell into place.
Inuyasha was panting, the overuse of the wind scar sapping his strength. Youkai blood covered his body, dripping from his claws; the entire castle courtyard was seeped in youkai blood. Sesshomaru watched his brother exerting all of his strength to protect the woman he loved, the Taiyoukai could only wonder if Rin had followed his instructions to leave the castle. Out of character of the icy InuTaisho Sesshomaru stepped before his brother releasing the Dragon Strike attack.
“Catch your breath Inuyasha, you will be unable to protect your mate if you continue to exert all of your energy.” Inuyasha looked to Sesshomaru is shock, never in all of his living days had his brother acted on his behalf. “Weak human blood.” Sesshomaru added still holding firm to his abhorrence of Inuyasha's humanity.
Inuyasha turned to Kagome, who was being protected by the bull youkai Katsuro and his massive battle-ax, the weapon alone bigger than Kagome. His mate continually firing her spiritual arrows, Inuyasha was surprised that even Kagome appeared unfazed after exerting such energy. Even with the attacks of the Great InuTaisho's sons, the hordes of youkai continued to pour into the courtyard, the look on Kagome's face spoke volumes to Inuyasha, his mate had doubt in her eyes, more so worry for Inuyasha, she would break if Inuyasha was harmed.
Miroku stood at the foot of the stairs to Kagome's right, the monk used his wind tunnel is spurts as Naraku's insects were mixed among the youkai army, he fared better with his bo, yet the staff was less affective, but good at close range attacks. The Buddhist robes of purple now a sickening brown having soaked up so much blood from his own insignificant wounds and the blood of those he killed. Sango valiantly tried to protect the fighters on the ground from being ambushed, she and Kirara engaged in an air battle against unstoppable odds. Yet they all showed sighs of fatigue, their hearts however refusing to allow Naraku to prevail.
A slippery looking group of snake youkai made it over the wall surprising Inuyasha, one unfortunate creature bit into Inuyasha's thigh only to be vaporized by a miko's arrow. Inuyasha cast Kagome a smile of thanks over his shoulder charging into the youkai with renewed strength, Tetsusaiga held at the ready.
Kagome watched Inuyasha and her friends she felt helpless, even Katsuro, who she didn't even know was trying to protect her, there had to be more she could do. Kagome closed her eyes, her ears shutting out all sound around her.
Kikyo, or whoever gave me this power, what use is it if I cant even protect those I love. Please help me. Mom, Gramps, Sota, give me your strength, I love you all so much. As Kagome prayed her body came alive, blue energy crackled around her radiating through her aura. Inuyasha I love you with all of my being. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, help me I love you all, you are my family. Kagome's body pulsed, causing all eyes of her friends to turn to her, as if sleepwalking the form of Kagome began moving toward the middle of the courtyard. Great balls of violet and blue lightning swirled in Kagomes, hands. Kagome's eyes remained shut as she made her way down the steps. I must protect them!
“Inuyasha, if she releases that energy unrestrained it will affect us as well.” Sesshomaru watched the miko as he sliced through a nasty looking centipede youkai without looking.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha screamed to her, but she did not hear. Inuyasha turned his back on the approaching youkai running toward his mate in desperation. “Kagome!”
Inuyasha came within four feet of her only to be stopped dead in his tracks as Kagome turned in his direction. The power emanating from her was massive; Inuyasha felt the blood beneath his skin burn, Kagome looked at him, her eyes wide, colored a milky blue, no hint of a pupil, her raven tresses flying wildly around her form from the energy she was creating. She looked at him a twinge of recognition flashed briefly on her face, then sorrow, as if on instinct the hanyou stepped away.
Inuyasha I love you. Get away, stay back!
“Get back!” Inuyasha and the others retreated to the castle entrance, the puzzled youkai they were fighting now focusing on the girl walking into their midst.
Kagome stood alone in the middle of the castle courtyard, the swarms of youkai approached unaware of their impending doom. The miko turned toward the nearest mountain, her eyes fixed on something in the distance as she smiled at whatever she was looking at then let out a demonic laugh. The power from Kagome pulsed again as a barrier swelled to a greater size around her, she lifted her hands, the balls of lightning shot from her palms into the sky, hitting the multitude of flying youkai, the energy expanded from the original beams spreading across the dark canopy massacring the youkai in an instant, none able to flee from the purifying energy. The cerulean sky emerged as Kagomes energy absorbed the miasma, the brilliant rays of the sun once again appearing as a rain of youkai blood began falling from the brilliantly blue sky, their blood being all that remained of Naraku's flying creatures. Fat drops of blood hit the barrier that Kagome had protecting her only to sizzle fading to a crimson vapor lost on the wind.
“Holy shit!” Inuyasha watched, his mouth gaping open, unable to say anything other than those two fitting words.
“Indeed.” Miroku added, Sango looked to him in awe.
Sesshomaru watched as the youkai on the ground began to retreat back into the darkness of the forest. “I suppose they are not as dumb as they look.” Sesshomaru looked back to the miko. “What is she looking at?”
“Naraku.” Kagura came from the shadows of the castle entrance. “That must be where he is watching from.”
Kagome had an unnerving smile on her face, her eyes fixed on a particular spot on the mountain, she seemed as if she was daring Naraku to come. The smile on her face faded, and the energy subsided, as Kagome dropped to her knees into the blood stained earth, her hands bracing her from hitting face first into ground. Kagome blinked, forcing her vision to clear, she pushed her self back up into standing, as a wolf howl broke the tension in the air. Screeches of youkai could be heard; no doubt Kouga and Ayame had come, dispatching the retreating youkai on their way to Sesshomaru's castle. Yet the dying cries of youkai came from all sides it seemed, Kagome guessed Ryokan had also come to join the party. She knew all to well Naraku would not give up so easy, Kagome knew Naraku was watching her now. From within her shirt Kagome produced the remaining jewel shards in her possession now fused into one, she held the chain above her head, the pink shard glinting in the afternoon sunlight, Kagome challenging Naraku to try and take it from her. The group on the castle steps watched her in stunned silence.
“Come and take it you slimy bastard. I dare you!” Kagome hissed to her unseen opponent; she spun on her heels facing her friends who looked as if they were going to faint from shock. “What?”
All Inuyasha could do was race to her gathering her up in his arms holding her small body to his tightly. He buried his face in her hair, taking in her scent as her feet dangled off the ground. K it's still my Kagome. “Kami I love you.” Inuyasha whispered to her, twirling around on the bloody ground, he did not care she was still his Kagome.
Sango went to Miroku hugging him tightly, having been moved by Inuyasha's touching scene with her sister. The sanguine covered slayer kissed the surprised monk on the cheek. Kirara watched equally surprised, as Sesshomaru simply turned away in disgust.
“It is far to early to celebrate. Naraku and his forces will counter the miko's move I guarantee it.” Sesshomaru shook his head looking to Kagura, who seemed saddened by the show of emotions from Inuyasha and his friends.
Inuyasha continued to twirl his mate until the stink of wolf hit his nose, abruptly Inuyasha returned Kagome to her feet. “Kouga.” Inuyasha growled as Kouga and Ayame strode through the castle gate.
“Damn, I was hoping you were dead mutt.” Kouga smirked, only to be knocked upside the head by Ayame. “Wench stop it!”
Ayame rolled her eyes, trotting toward Kagome with a smile ear to ear. “Sorry were so late, you know how men can get.” Ayame hugged Kagome whispering in her ear. “We're mates now, an' I'll have pups this spring.”
Kagome giggled uncontrollably, looking to Kouga slyly. “Why Kouga you don't waist any time do ya?” Kagome giggled leading Ayame to the others who waited on the steps for them.
Inuyasha ignored the wolf; he heard Ayame's announcement feeling a hint of jealously that Kouga would have pups before him. Fucking wolf, just what we need Kouga whelps running around the forest.