InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ The Battle Begins ( Chapter 16 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
16. The Battle Begins
The afternoon sun waned into the mountains, the wind of the fall twilight running through the castle grounds as a group of unlikely allies assembled over a common enemy. Inuyasha sat with Kagome in his lap at a garden entrance to the large room they met in; Kagome seemed utterly enthralled with the strategy Sesshomaru was plotting with Kouga and Miroku, Ryokan stood at the entrance to the room listening intently, Inuyasha wished only for silence as he reflected on the afternoon's battle. His blood ran cold with the thought that Naraku at any moment could strike out possibly hurting the woman in his arms, the idea that Kagome could be taken from him horrified the hanyou on a level he never felt before, his heart ached in his chest, he was unaccustomed to such a feeling of dread. Inuyasha pulled Kagome even closer to his body, nuzzling into the crook of her neck, he rested his head on her shoulder as Inuyasha listened in feigned interest to his brothers incessant plotting, he cared nothing for strategy, leave that to Sesshomaru, all Inuyasha needed was Tetsusaiga and his friends.
Kagome loved the contact, she could not help but smile, the feel of his breath on her neck sending pleasant shivers through her, it was as if this was the most natural posture in the world for the two of them, feeling his heartbeat through his embrace helped to calm Kagome's frayed nerves. How could Kagome voice the fears that threatened to flood to the surface, but they all had to be feeling some apprehension, didn't they? She could not be the only one feeling such apprehension, or maybe it was a human thing? Surely Miroku and Sango felt it as well.
Kouga leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, his right leg propped up against the wall in a relaxed manner, however the wolf prince was unable to tear his eyes off of the blatant display of affection Inuyasha was putting on, Kouga knew the hanyou was flaunting Kagome before him, the mutt was trying to piss him off and it was working. Luckily Ayame had no idea, she sat in front of him, Indian style intently listening to Sesshomaru's plan of attack, Kouga's new mate was oblivious to the rising anger pumping through Kouga's blood, his disgust of Inuyasha had only intensified after Kouga took Ayame as a mate. The half-breed stole his woman, and the wolf youkai was forced to mate with the late elders granddaughter. Ayame was a good kid, but no Kagome, Kouga hoped in time he would grow to love her, especially for his pups' sake. The two females did have one thing in common though, an unfaltering stubbornness, enough to make any male crazy during any confrontation. Ayame proved her obstinate nature the moment Lord Sesshomaru's messenger arrived in his territory, when the Alpha spoke, all in his pack was to listen, but not his mate; Kouga did not wish to endanger the mother of his pups, so he forbade Ayame to come, Kouga quickly realized you do not forbid a female youkai from anything, especially an expecting female, his ears were still ringing from their loud, colorful conversation, Kouga just knew all in the packs territory heard the argument.
Kouga's gaze fell to his lost Kagome; his heart sank when he realized the look on her face was one of complete happiness, the mutt made her happy, he could have made her happy if Kagome had just given him the chance. Kouga dug his claws into his arms, the anger he felt was misplaced in Inuyasha, Kouga knew he was the one to literally push Kagome into Inuyasha's arms, but damn he didn't want to admit it to himself, it was easier just to hate the hanyou.
“See something you like wolf?”
Inuyasha's voice startled Kouga; the youkai hadn't even realized Inuyasha had been intently staring at him as he leered at Kagome. Kagome looked up into Kouga's luminous blue eyes, blushing at his intense gaze on her. All eyes focused on the surprised wolf, Kouga huffed sliding down the wall sitting behind Ayame. His mate turned to him with a questioning look.
“Nah, not into seconds.” Kouga pulled Ayame to him, placing his hand on his mates' abdomen. “Got what I need right here.” Kouga smirked at Inuyasha, patting Ayame's still flat stomach, kissing Ayame chastely on the cheek.
Inuyasha threateningly growled a warning to the wolf, Sesshomaru looked to his brother with a look of disgust, yet again another human trait in the hanyou, more unbridled human anger. “You two may kill each other after Naraku is dead. For now we are allies, so act as much.”
Sango entered the room, Miroku looked up to her with a smile as Ryokan allowed her to get past the large youkai through the doorway.
“I still can not find Kohaku.” Sango placed Hirakotsu against the wall, and then sat on the tatami floor next to Miroku; he took her hand in his.
“Perhaps he had rejoined Naraku after the barrier fell?” It was all Miroku could say, he knew how desperate Sango was to find her brother again.
“I do not believe so, it was the boy who killed the Shisa and daitengu.” Sesshomaru was still irritated about his magic users being killed so easily, yet he did know the boy had been injured; his blood was mixed with that of his murdered subjects. “He is still in my home, your brother is still a threat to all in this room. Naraku wants him here to cause us problems from within.”
“Yea, that sounds like something Naraku would do.” Inuyasha added, he knew it must be tearing Sango apart being able to help her little brother, but she must also know that Kohaku would die if found by anyone other than his own pack.
Sesshomaru looked out into the garden, the sky was quickly fading to darkness. The Taiyoukai stood going to Ryokan. “You wolf prince, and Ryokan must ready your packs, I can smell the stench of Naraku on the wind again, he is on the move.”
A group of his remaining soldiers rushed past the open shoji with some effort getting past the enormous Ryokan who nearly took up the entire corridor. As they past the forest protector looked to the wolf with a nod, following the soldiers, Ryokan would do as Sesshomaru asked of him, he would gratefully die for the Taiyoukai, as was his duty as a subject of the InuTaisho. Kouga released Ayame jumping to his feet to follow after Ryokan, Ginta and Hakkaku should have made it with the packs by now.
Kouga turned to his mate. “Ayame you stay with Kagome. I can't afford you getting hurt, your pups, are far to valuable to the pack, not that you would be much help as you are.” Ayame's face saddened at his words. “What?”
Ayame stood to her feet her sadness giving way quickly to anger, her delicate hands fisted on her hips as the fiery wolf glared daggers at Kouga, Kagome knew the look all to well that colored Ayame's face, Sango seemed to see it recognizing what was to come, the slayer covered her ears it preparation for the verbal onslaught. Miroku and Inuyasha looked totally confused as to what Kouga had done.
“What is wrong with you woman?” Kouga was truly a male with no thought for his mate.
Ayame growled, her emerald eyes blazing. Kagome giggled inwardly to herself, you did it to yourself Kouga; if you walk out of here with all of your genitalia you will be lucky.
“You self righteous… pig headed… emotionally retarded, son of a ferret!” Ayame screeched, Inuyasha could not help but cover his ringing ears. “How dare you! My grandfather raised no fool Kouga!! As for the pups, they are your pups to; well not that conceiving them was all that memorable.” Inuyasha snickered drawing a glare from the irate wolf bitch; Ayame quickly turned her attention back to a speechless Kouga. “Baka men! You all are nothing with out that `little' appendage between your legs.” Ayame looked to Kagome winking. “An' in Kouga's case I am not exaggerating on the `little' reference.”
Kouga growled at the blatant disrespect Ayame was showing him, what the hell had he done to invoke such wrath? Ayame stomped up to him a low growl rumbling in her throat, she stood looking up at Kouga the anger in her face slowly fading to a grin.
“Okay, I feel better.” Ayame stood on her tippy toes kissing the stunned wolf prince. “Have fun killing Naraku. Kagome and I will be fine.”
Kouga's jaw dropped open, what the hell just happened? Inuyasha and Miroku seemed just as baffled. Ayame skipped over to Kagome.
“Come on ladies, let's show these men how to really fight.” Ayame reached down pulling Kagome from Inuyasha's arms. Kagome smiled back at Inuyasha as Sango stood taking her Hirakotsu from the wall the look on her face grim she could feel the approaching evil of Naraku's army.
Kagome looked back at an astonished Inuyasha, why did Ayame just flip-flop like that? The question written all over his adorable face.
“Hormones Inuyasha.” Kagome blew her lover a kiss as Ayame drug her from the room.
“Maybe I don't want pups.” Inuyasha flatly spoke.
“I am starting to think the same.” Kouga was the picture of confusion. “Is she going to be this way till spring?”
“Lets get through tonight gentlemen, then worry about offspring, and women later.” Miroku stood dusting off his robes taking up his recently sharpened bo, the rings jingling slightly.
Sesshomaru left the others, groaning as yelling came from the room he was previously in, Sesshomaru walked in contemplation to his private quarters, this was no time for petty bickering. As the lord of the manor opened the shoji a gust of wind hit his face and Jakken came tumbling after, stopping at Sesshomaru's feet. Looking down at the imp Sesshomaru carelessly kicked Jakken out of the way entering his room. Kagura sat at his private table sipping tea with a devious look on her face.
“What did you do Jakken?” Sesshomaru questioned, eyeing Kagura with suspicion.
“Nothing milord, it's the wind witch, she..”
“I was simply proving to you're little worm, I act on my accord, Naraku may have my heart, but I act as my own being.” Kagura set her tea down, rising to her feet, her crimson eyes meeting the forceful gaze of the InuTaisho. “My will is as strong as yours.”
“Blasphemous wench! No creature is an equal to milord!” Jakken regained his feet, taking back the staff of two heads in his hand. “Let me dispatch this Naraku embodiment Lord Sesshomaru.”
“Leave Jakken, join the forces in the courtyard.” Sesshomaru kept his gaze locked with Kagura's unwavering.
“Wh..what?” Jakken stuttered.
“Go.” Sesshomaru's voice dropped to a near growl.
Jakken scampered from the room, silently closing the shoji behind him, the kappa was greatly confused by his master, Jakken hoped when his lord killed her it would not make too much of a mess, blood was oh so hard to get up off the tatami floor, then again his master just sent him to the front lines of the battle, so blood on the floor should be the least of his worries.
Sesshomaru reached out to Kagura taking her by the waist, holding her too him tightly, she let out a small shriek of surprise, as Kagura stood in the embrace of Sesshomaru, if he was going to kill her he was definitely going about it in an unusual way. Kagura never broke the gaze they held each other in it would be perceived as a weakness, which was the last thing she wished to show Sesshomaru. However Kagura was unable to summon her voice, Sesshomaru had successfully stunned her, she did find it nice to be held by him, even if it was the last sensation she would feel before he killed her.
“Hear me woman, if I find you have betrayed me, you will wish I let the slayer, or your vile master kill you, I will give you a new definition of suffering, before you ever meet your end.”
Naraku's forces slithered through the darkness of the mountains their leader staying in the rear of the largest attack force, the creatures of the air had their numbers greatly reduced by the miko, there were only a fraction left of their previous numbers. Undaunted Naraku knew this night all that previously stood in his way would be dead at his feet, not only that but he would absorb the powers of the Lord of the Western Lands, taking his castle as his own only seemed fitting. Great torches on the walls lit the night surrounding Sesshomaru's castle, Naraku felt almost excited to feel the life drain from his enemies eyes, his soldiers moved into the castle courtyard, surrounding the massive complex on all sides as the first wave entered into battle with Sesshomaru's remaining troops, and allies from other tribes.
through the writhing bodies of his subjects, Naraku had had enough of staying in the wings, his body was now indestructible, and even the red Tetsusaiga could do nothing to his barrier, his pure youkai blood was screaming for the satisfaction of death.
Sango, Ayame and Kagome all gasped in unison when the battle came into view, there were so many youkai swarming the castle; the vile creatures seemed to be coming in through the cracks in the walls. Kirara roared behind them as Kagome turned to see the fire cat chomp down of a youkai trying to sneak up behind the women. Kouga raced ahead of the women ripping through the foul ranks of oily youkai. Kagome notched an arrow and fired an arrow in a high arc, trying to take out Naraku's back lines, as Sango and Kirara took to the night sky. Ayame displayed her graceful, yet deadly moves on a surprised lizard youkai who tried to lash her with a barbed tail; needless to say the lizard lost his tail before his life. Kagome smiled to herself amidst such carnage; maybe they all could get through this. The thought lost some momentum when Kagome noticed the ranks begin to divide before her eyes; Naraku was coming straight toward her. The spiritual arrows she fired at him did little, but to illuminate the wicked looking smile on Naraku's face, he was coming to kill her, no doubt in her mind. Kagome fought the urge to panic as her stomach knotted; Sango and Ayame were busy in their own rights, not noticing the hell spawn Naraku stalking toward her.
“He will not lay one finger on you.” Sesshomaru appeared at Kagome's side. “As much as I hate it, you are family now, the mate of my brother will survive.”
Inuyasha came into earshot of his brother, as Sesshomaru's words halted his approach. Inuyasha would have to rethink he and his brothers' relationship if they lived through the night.
“Don't start the party without me.” Inuyasha drew Tetsusaiga, standing directly in Naraku's path to his mate. Inuyasha glanced quickly to Kagome. “Whatever happens know I love you.”
“I love you too.” Kagome softly spoke, but Inuyasha did not hear, he charged at Naraku, slashing through the foot soldiers of his enemy. “Inuyasha.”
“Fool.” Sesshomaru ran shoulder to shoulder with his brother as they ran head on to Naraku, his minions dying in a spray of blood and bodies in the brothers' wake.
Sango was in top form, she and Kirara dispatching the flying creatures in a brilliant bloody ballet of dead youkai falling from the night stage. Her adrenaline pumping hard through her veins, acutely heightening each of her senses, to a level the slayer had never known. She looked to her friends at the castle entrance, happy when she saw Miroku appear, thankful he was all right. Sango's short-lived relief faded to terror as she noticed Kohaku stalking up behind her intended.
“Miroku!” Sango screamed out to him, but the roar of battle drowning out her warning.
Miroku removed his prayer beads to open his wind tunnel, but stopped abruptly, his eyes went wide, as a thin blade pierced his body, the astonished monk falling to his knees, as a thin stream of blood trickled form his parted lips, Miroku silently mouthed something Sango could not make out, his eyes catching the horrified look on Sango's face, at least he would see her one last time. Miroku fell to his side, eyes closed, the tinkling of his Bo clattering to the floor reaching his ears before all fell silent.
“MIROKU!” Sango sobbed, as the adrenaline took over before she realized her actions, when she drew her own sword she did not realize, only gaining some sense when she saw the blade penetrate the chest of Kohaku pinning him to the wall.
Kagome heard Sango's cry, turning as the deadly projectile hit its mark in the body of Sango's baby brother. The two women glanced to each other in a heart-wrenching gaze as Kagome quickly knelt down to Miroku. Sango and Kirara flew to the ground at incredible speed as Sango leapt from the back of her companion, running to Miroku's side, she could not bring herself to look up at Kohaku, as the cold realization of what she did shattered her heart. The cries of the battle falling silent to Sango's ears, hot tears streaked her face as she pulled Miroku to her, hugging his body to her own.