InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lotus ❯ How Hard Is It To Kill One Little Girl? ( Chapter 1 )
***Before u get on my ass for the first part, you know the lack of names. There is meaning to the madness. Its supposed to be symbolic, okay? And if you don't know who they are, I am greatly saddened. BTY this is only my 2nd fic so could u revie. No one reviewed my first one and i was depressed by it. I"ll still update if u don't but i'd like it.*****
Blood Lotus
by: Fury's Canticle
Chapter 1: How Hard Is It To Kill One Little Girl?
He watched her, so full of life, on the dance floor easily moving with the crowd. The music's beat taking her. But soon she would be cut down, just like all the others, her life escaping her. Her blood not even staining his katana. Everyone would be left wondering how it had happened, the police baffled, her family crying and frustrated. He would watch the aftermath like the sick bastard he was.
These were all the things that should be happening but why wasn't he following through, why was he so entranced he couldn't kill her. It must be where we are, too public and noisy, he thought to himself and waited for her to leave. Her steps were light and easy as she left with her friends, she hardly expected her imminent death. The assassin might have lost her in the crowd if he had been anyone normal; but no he had locked onto her scent, she would not escape him. She chatted happily with everyone around her, smiling and thanking them for taking her out. They asked her to stay and continue with them as they partied. She declined sweetly and beckoned for a taxi. One came swiftly, she waved good bye and gave directions to the driver.
It would be so easy to get her now, so few witnesses, so what's stopping me, he asked himself as he followed easily behind the cab. He was a red blur against the velvet sky. She was staring straight in front not even glancing out the side of the window. As he watched the car trip end, she paid the cabby. The man driving away. Now she was absolutely alone. But he was too enchanted by her to move, she had sparked his interest, inwardly he was denying it all to himself. And yet he found himself trying to make excuses for why not to kill her. She began the long walk up the stairs to the temple and her home. Inside the house, through a window he watched her pick a book out of the case. She had removed her shoes and curled on the sofa and preceded to look at pictures; she wasn't reading, her eyes didn't move like she was. He drew closer if only to see what she was looking at, the thing that had made her go home instead of enjoying her.
She stared at the pictures of Cinderella in a beautiful silken blue ball gown and ran a few fingers over the glossy page. She had always loved this book, even as she had grown up and begun diligently to read novels, the pictures had fascinated her. They were all paintings of one fairy tale or another. They voiced all her dreams; why couldn't she have her own fairy tale, a prince for her to love, that she did not know but they still spoke of her wishes for a future she wasn't sure existed at all . With gentle thoughts, she drifted off into sleep and curled further into a ball the book dropping from her hands and onto the ground. In the kitchen, her tea kettle whistled but not loudly enough to wake her.
He hated that sound, the sound of a tea kettle and upon hearing its shriek he became suddenly enraged. The simple solution would have been to leave, say that he was unable to do his job, it would be the first time. Why did these women have such power over him? His superiors though had made it absolutely clear that her death was necessity. But back to the problem of the hour, that damn sound. Yep, it made more sense for him to simply leave but of course he had never done anything that included judgment and sense. Not wishing to show any signs of forced entry he searched for any open doors or window, humans typically forgot to lock all of them and these old temples sometimes lacked locks at all. He found a window open, just barely. Stupid humans, didnÕt they even worry about burglars? As he pushed the window open he found it requiring more work than he had thought. But it finally came loose and he entered the room leaving the window open behind him, a sudden rush of night air went past him and he knew he was being watched. Of course,
he thought bitterly, heÕs watching me. Just to see if IÕll fuck this up.
He scowled in disgust when he realized he kind of already had, that wind had been a warning.
Inuyasha tightened his gloves on either hand, although technically he didnÕt exist it would be right to leave fingerprints only to further baffle investigators. Fingerprints were usually the clue that made a case so when ones showed up that didnÕt belong to anyone in any database, it was like coming so close before being jerked away. That was cruel. He had no need to be more so than he already was besides one set of prints showing up over and over would build him a profile with the law that he didn't want. He didn't even bother going down the stairs and simply jumped over the railing.
This better be quick or sheÕll bewitch me again,
he thought steadily as he removed the kettle from the fire and approached the sleeping girl. But he was stopped dead in his tracks, hadnÕt he been in this scene before? All his breath escaped him. Every feature of her face, the way her dark hair spilled effortlessly smooth over the cushions, the way her arms cushioned her face in sleep, yes he had seen it all before. But she was dead, she had been dead for years, and yet she slept deeply on the sofa. He shook his head and stared at her more intently, he remembered the card delivered to him bearing his victim's name in the same gold embossed lettering as they all had; no this wasn't Kik-. No he wouldnÕt even think her name.
His victim now her name was... oh yes... Higurashi Kagome. He drew closer ready to draw his sword, unable to stop himself, though, he squatted down to look at her face to face before her death. She bared such a striking resemblance it was scary. Though as he inched closed he could see that there were some differences: One) she was younger no more than seventeen, perhaps. Two) she seemed softer more innocent that the cold hearted person he had known. It really was too bad he had to kill her when she so young, asleep no less. How distasteful! Much as he reached to unsheathed his sword he knocked a trinket on the coffee table, it didn't fall or shatter but made a pleasant but quiet rumble, angry at being moved. Inuyasha steadied it but when he turned back he found himself staring straight into the gray-blue eyes of the woman.
"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK." The sounded coming from her mouth was nearly as bad as the tea kettle. Inuyasha screamed as well, genuinely startled. That bauble had woken her up when the scream of the kettle she had easily slept through and ignored. After both had calmed their humming hearts, Kagome began a barrage of questions, "What are you doing in my house? How'd you get in? What were you doing so close to me, you can give someone a heart attack like that you know!"
She searched the room for anything that might make a good weapon. Then she saw the top of his head and... his ears.
Inuyasha shook his head this girl was already giving it an ache, before he quite realized what he was doing he yell, "You stupid bitch, I think you mightÕve permanently damaged my hearing." He had heard her questions and now there were silence, he looked around where had she gone? He could smell her but where- he felt her rub his ears. He smacked her hands away, stood and turned to her in one single motion. Finally he removed his sword from its sheathe. Inuyasha had been prepared for the onslaught of fear to his senses. He had been cursed to not only see it, but to hear it in a heart, to smell it on blood and to feel his jobÕs fear in the pit of his stomach. He practically lived for it.
Instead he felt none of it and she stared up at him innocently. Then up at his sword with deep interest despite the fact it was over her head ready to run her through.
"You're not really going to kill me with that rusty thing are you? It doesnÕt even look like it could through butter without disintegrating. Are your ears real? They felt real and warm and squirmy. And what about your hair, what kind of loser chooses that color of dye when heÕs about to assassinate someone, and your clothes are a bit conspicuous, no?"
"How dare you say those things? Don't you see I'm going to kill you?" Kagome looked into his eyes as if death was an everyday thing.
"Is that how you get kicks then, watching the cowering and begging figures of children marked for death? Well then allow me to oblige. Oh, please, please, please donÕt kill me. I have so much to live for!" Her voice was dripping with sarcasm as she put the back of her hand to her forehead turning her head to face the ceiling as if she was going to faint and sighed dramatically. Inuyasha growled at her irreverence.
She looked at him again, the severe shade of her eyes was all too familiar, "The least you can do is answer my questions. Death is Death but you can at least give me a final request? Most killers do that for some reason. Which is a really stupid notion considering that most peopleÕs final request would be for there lives to be spared. Which naturally can't be done and of course they end up going before they can have there wish. Unless of course you somehow outwit your opponent into setting you free without violating the whole 'you not killing me' request. Which would be easy if-"
"DonÕt you ever shut up," he interrupted angrily.
ÒNo not unless-Ó this time a phone cut her off. It was Inuyasha's cell.
Inuyasha hated the thing with a vengeance but it was sadly necessary. He thought about ignoring the call altogether when he felt the cold wind blow against his back. It was urgent. He quickly put his sword away, if she was going to run, all the better at least he wouldnÕt have to stand with her incessant chatting.
He flipped open the phone and put his ear to it. (A/N: HEHEHE, that's not even possible. think where a human ear is supposed to be. Just imagine it okay. Besides whether or not he puts it to his ear doesn't matter. He is a hanyou)
"Don't kill her," said a voice on the other side.
"Why the hell not?"
"The agency has a need for her or rather the boss does, you are to bring her to the Tokyo HQ. Alive, uninjured and if possible conscious."
" I'll be damned if I'm going to be her baby-sitter."
"Then welcome to hell, brother, and make sure she has extra clothes, we want to spend the least amount of money on her as needed. There's a car waiting outside her temple. I presume you drive well enough. You will be compensated for your work anyway if you are worried about that." Then click and the voice was gone. Inuyasha let out a long string of audible curses. His mind doing the same in a few different languages.
"Let me guess," her heard a soft voice from behind him, "YouÕre to bring me to your boss who is somewhere in town. I'm going to stay there for awhile, which means your about to send me up the stairs to get clothes."
"This happen to you before," he questioned warily, in case she had just heard the conversation.
"Enough times that I should be getting frequent flier miles and that I already have everything still packed from the last time," she explained as she rolled her eyes and went up the stairs. he listened to be sure she wasn't going to try to escape. She came back down sporting a very much oversized backpack. Inuyasha eyes bulged.
"You donÕt need that much!"
"These trips often last longer than you think they will and chances are that I'm going to be missing school. Now let's go, I want them to realize how useless I am quickly. I have things to do," she swept past Inuyasha and through the door but turned around to look at him, "and close the window you opened." How did she know, he thought wildly, when she never went into that room? He ignored her order and followed her out the door. She hadnÕt gone far which was irritating, all those steps, how long was this going to take. He grabbed a strong part of the back pack and jumped up.
"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK," she screamed and thrashed awkwardly, then stopped if only to keep from falling. "You know," she yelled up at him angrily, "That's very rude just grabbing me and leaping into the air and flying off without warning or consent!"
They were in a nondescript black car. Kagome had watched as her captor opened the car with keys that had been left hidden by a tire. He had shoved her the front passenger seat doing the same to the pack into the back. instead of going around to the driverÕs side he had disappeared for a moment then returned where black jeans a black turtleneck and an overcoat, his kimono under one arm; his white hair tied back loosely.
Once behind the wheel he had thrown his neat clothes behind him, not caring how wrinkled they would become now. She had seen that the car didnÕt have a license-plate but didnÕt say anything, let them get a ticket. Why was it always her who ended up doing these things. It wasnÕt always you,
a tiny voice in the back of her head, it happened to everyone in your family at least once. TheyÕve just been picking on you since-
She mentally shook away the voice. Stopping the tears that wanted so badly to leave her eyes. As a distraction she ran her fingers along the very bottom of the window.
"Don't you even want to know why I am so important?"
"Don't flatter yourself." He was silent again eyes set on the road.
"Than who should I flatter, you? Mister assassin, oh how quickly you brought me down. The death was so painless. Wait a minute, there's something wrong here; oh yes I was never struck." As quick as lightening and without removing his eyes from the road he reached out and grabbed her wrist.
"Don't underestimate me." Inuyasha was tightening it to the point that Kagome felt pain but this was a mild punishments to things that happened before. So she did not cry out or shed a tear, she hard learned long ago not to show when things hurt not to let things frighten her anymore, lest her captors find more pleasure in it. The way he continued she knew sheÕd most likely be bruised but then again it could be worse. Besides bruises werenÕt too bad they let her know she was still alive with there pain no matter how fleeting. I am alive,
she told herself and closed her eyes, I am real.
Her captor had let go and she scrunched her fingers in her palms before letting her eyes open again. She was in control at last. She flipped the radio on and searched for a station.
She finally found something loud and exuberant, like life itself. . . well any life other than hers. She turned it up. Her captor turned it down. She turned it up, he turned it down. This little silent argument continued till he turned it off completely.
"So you didnÕt answer my questions."
ÒI donÕt have to.Ó
" I'll turn the radio back on and turn it to a more annoying station. And make a nuisance of myself."
"You are already a nuisance and what station could be more annoying than that."
"Polka," she said offhandedly and he snorted and tried futily to hide a smile.
"What if I said I liked Polka? Besides there are no such stations."
" Well if you did like it, you must be a nut and for you information there is, as well as a station that only play the annoying songs that get stuck in your head, I know from experience."
"You shouldnÕt threaten me."
"What have I got to lose?" She was right, he thought. She obviously didn't fear death or pain.
"What about your family, I could go and hurt them," he said.
"My familyÕs gone."
"Oh. What happened?"
"They were just gone one day. Disappeared."
"People canÕt just disappear. The laws of Physics prohibit it."
"Trust me when I say, the laws of Physics donÕt exist when it comes to me. How long till we get there?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"You shouldnÕt but you will because in exactly-" she looked down at her watch, Ò Three-two-one." His cell phone rang again and Kagome was quick to seize it before he could.
"Hello," Kagome said in the most saccharine voice she could.
"WhoÕs this," said the very cold other end.
"This would be your ever thrilled captive," she said sweetly, "Might I thank you for absolutely ruining my grade point average by snatching me up on a school night? Or maybe for underestimating me so that you had to send a novice after me? Tut, tut, tut. HavenÕt you learned anything by spying on me? Or is your organization as incompetent in that department, as they are in slaughtering?"
"Give the phone to Inuyasha," the voice said indifferently as Inuyasha made an attempt to grab the phone only for it to be fluttered to the other ear by Kagome.
"Is that his name then? Fitting, with the ears and all, I guess. and just what is your name? Or are you not important enough to have one?" She baited. Inuyasha's eyes widened. What was this girl doing?
"That is of little weight to you, just give the phone over."
"No, I think you are far more interesting than anything heÕll say," she said inkily, "I hate one sided conversations donÕt you?"
"Would you like to tell me to whom I'm going to this time? Or how long it will take? I really must draw up a schedule."
"I would like to speak to Inuyasha, now."
"Only if you promise to have him tell me all about your lovely conversation when you're both done. I oh so hate being left out."
"As you wish then." And she casually handed over the phone to her captor.
"Hello? Hello?" But there was no answer. Inuyasha looked over to see the girlÕs eyes had returned to watching the window fog at her finger tips as she drew pictures in her own little corner.
"Oops," he heard Kagome whisper, "I must have hung up on accident."
"Are you mad? Have you any idea who that was?" Her head violently jerked to look him in the eyes. They had such an intensity he had seen few times in his life and stole his attention quickly and utterly.
" The answer to that first question is pretty obvious, isn't it? Who was it, then. I could guess if youÕd like," she said with disdain, "Your boss but not the Boss. You're not significant enough to talk to him directly. Surprised that I know? You shouldnÕt be. I already told you this happens often enough. Its stereotypical. Now would you kindly put your eyes back on the road so you donÕt kill us both, I'd appreciate it. Thank you." And she looked back at her window pulling over her a blanket of ice. Inuyasha drove staring intently at the road through the window that was now fogging. It was becoming colder outside.
"We'll be there in a hour," he said almost in a whisper and they continued the drive silent. The girl nodded, he seeing her reflection out of the corner of his eye. Her translucent lids covered the blue-gray pools as she leaned her forehead on the window. He could smell salt.
The building was gray, tall and ordinary. So ordinary Kagome wondered how many times she had passed it on her way to school and been completely oblivious to it. When the "assassin" had pulled up in front of it she held her shock. This place had been closer than the others or so it seemed and yet it had taken them an hour to get there. With lightening speed he had gotten out of the car and opened her door only to grab her wrist and yank her out of the car just as she had gotten her seat belt unbuckled. His face was stoic but he did not pull her through the doors as one might've expected instead he walked quickly toward them as if afraid that he would be seen walking in.
"What about my-"
"Shhhhh, walls have ears and we're late," was all he said as they rushed through the doors into an empty and quiet reception area. The receptionist looked up at them from her magazine, no not at them... through them. Then at the opened door with a quizzical look on her face. She went to close it and Inuyasha rushed them at the center elevator nearing her full speed if not his. What was he doing? ShouldnÕt he stop to press the button?
Kagome tried in vain to unlatch his fingers, to stop. Just as she tensed for an impact into the door they went right through as if the door didnÕt exist. Kagome opened one eye and another as she felt his hand leave her wrist.
"What the hell?" she said in wonderment of the bustling office. She turned around to see that there was no door just endless office space and cubicles. All types of things moved through the seemlessly neverending halls. Cold but eerily beautiful humans supervising others with strange wrinkled faces or many arms or oddly colored many numbered eyes or all of the above. Giant spiders and centipedes crawled along the walls with paper and packages in there mouths like bug messengers. Kagome held back a few yelps and gasps as she looked on it all. Fear ran through her veins but she held it back and looked forward to see if she could find her warden.
Inuyasha had gone to speak to a certain secretary in front of one door. Her dark head bobbing as he explained and spoke. The innocent smile of a child lighting up her face. she was human, Kagome noted in some surprise and possibly the only other one around here who was besides herself. Kagome shakily walked towards them managing to hear last bit of there conversation.
" Gee, I don't know, Inuyasha. Sesshomaru-sama was pretty angry when you hung up on him. He had a tantrum. I donÕt know if he'll even listen to me as far as not killing you the next time he sees you. Let alone asking him to grease NarakuÕs wheels for your transgression," she said using the most innocent voice as possible. Her naivite seemed true by the look in her wide dark eyes.
"Dammit, don't you think I know that, Rin?" he said harshly. And the woman flinched. 'Just go and tell him we're here and remind him that whatever happens to me, he's gonna get punished too. Naraku's got us both on this after all." After seeing the hurt in her eyes he softened his voice slightly, "You can get through to him."
"I don't know why everyone thinks that," she said angrily. Her innocent brow furrowing in a frown. "He's just my employer. There's nothing more going on."
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and said spitefully, "Whatever, you're still closer to him than anyone else. Just go. And as far as there being nothing going on with you. That's hard to believe with the way you look at each other."
The woman, Rin, blushed, sighed, and stood to enter the office. She straightened her tucked blouse and smoothed her skirt. With a deep breath she went in but not before catching sight of the black-haired girl coming up to Inuyasha. So that's her... funny, all this trouble for her. She's scared as a little mouse in a kennel of cats. what could she know... I hope she'll be all right. Poor girl.
"What's wrong with you," he said with distaste when he saw the look on her face, "I thought you said this was routine."
She was indignant, 'Well it is, though usually I donÕt run through solid objects into paradimensions in which giant bugs crawl along the walls delivering faxes." She scowled. "What are we waiting for? Where are we? And more importantly why the hell am I here, this place isn't like the others."
Inuyasha shook his head enjoying the look of confusion that spread across it and trying to keep a grin from spreading across his. He remained silent though even as she continually repeated her questions. The strange demeanor she had had in the car was lost to the energized almost hyperactive and annoying...... although very pretty girl.....he shook the thought of his head. He must remember what happened before. He must learn from his mistakes.
Rin exited the office, her mousy face pink. Sesshy-chan had not been easy to placate. (I don't mean it that way you perverts! It has to do w/ the next chapter) She was sure Inuyasha was not going to like the conditions Sesshomaru had demanded before heeven would see the hanyou.
"Lord Sesshomaru will see you now," she said and simply motioned for Inuyasha to go in. Kagome was left leaning against the desk as Inuyasha walked towards the door. But just as he was about to walk in Rin said offhandedly, "She goes as well." And pointed one finger at Kagome.
A/N: So what did Ya'll think? Please review. Flame me if u want, praise is always welcome though. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!!!! Just one person? anyone? Or do I stand on theis barren plain alone? Tell me you're there and if anyone likes it. PLEASE?
Next Chapter: An Explanation, An Order and A Rosary. (oh, the next chappy is going to be fun!!!)