InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood of Antiquity ❯ Fated ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Feelings are not supposed to be logical. Dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions."

-David Morenstein


Kagome stared out of the large window, the outside scenery blurred by the rain streaking down the cold glass pane. She sighed sadly as she turned to gaze back at the individuals lounging in their parlor immersed in meaningless debates. Each were by now extremely intoxicated by earlier served Sake and were slurring and laughing throatily for the most negligible of reasons. She smothered the urge to sigh again in exasperation as she turned her attentions back to the dreary outside. It was so much more interesting then these would-be charming men.

She bit harshly down on the inside of her cheek, her eyes sparkling in annoyance. When were they just going to leave? She wondered, as her fingers absently threaded through her ebony locks in a soothing fashion which had become her natural habit since a child. Her grandfather had invited them to their home to settle some business agreements over the Shrine they owned and lived in, but the men had stayed longer then expected.

Her lips curled up in disgust as she felt their intoxicated lust driven eyes train on to her form.

Not looking at them directly, she questioned as politely as she could manage,

"May I help you with something Mr. Akashi... Mr. Suriwa...?"

They exchanged glances, as she watched in anger when they smirked at one another in unsaid lecheries.

"No Miss Higurashi, we are just fine.." Mr. Suriwa answered her with a fake smile of charm, "We just have found you quite intriguing to the eye. Please forgive us for our forwardness, but you are rather breathtaking..."

She didn't answer them, as she swung her legs to the ground and stood gracefully to her feet. With a small, mocking bow she bid them farewell and made a hasty retreat from the room. Kagome slid the door quietly shut behind her, and started down the hallway for the front door. Unbidden fury mounted within her form as she fisted her hands at her sides, piercing the flesh. Blood fell to the wooden boards in small splatters as she slipped on a thin black jacket and pulled on her street shoes.

Slowing for a moment, she debated whether or not to call to her mother she was leaving, but went against it. She didn't what to alert her mother of any possible trouble brewing.. she was having enough trouble already as it was with searching for a job, and supporting this family on her own. Kagome's heart clenched in her chest as she thought of all the current troubles plaguing her poor family. In the end, all they could hope for was happiness and each other.. but even now that dream seemed unreal and impossible. Souta was quickly growing up from her kid brother to a rambunctious teenager, constantly stirring up trouble in the slums of Tokyo. Her grandfather was rapidly aging and was constantly bed ridden for days at a time. As for herself...

Kagome shook her head, and pulled up her hood. She was a young adult with a hopeless love life and future. Turning the door knob and stepping out in to the rain and biting wind made her tremble slightly in response while shutting the door tight. Hurrying through the courtyard and down the steps she arrive at the sidewalk. Turning right, she made up her mind to head for the cafe at the corner of the street. It was a quiet, pleasant little place that offered solace to its visitors. It had been one of her favorite places to visit since her own teenage years.

She smiled dimly in to the rain, droplets landing and falling down her pale face. How long ago that seemed... Middle school, after all, had only been four years previous. She was now in her last year of High school and had grades within the top ten of the entire school. She was captain of her archery team and class president. She was highly revered by her teachers and students alike. Even now, a whole semester away from graduation, college acceptance letters were pouring in to her mailbox on a regular basis.

Anyone would agree it seemed she was flawless. That she was a unblemished masterpiece, untainted by the world. Kagome, however, disagree greatly. She always felt lacking, incomplete. Something was missing, she knew that, but she wasn't exactly sure what it was. A vital part of here was absent.

Kagome exhaled loudly in gloom. She did have many things about her that were not there, after all. The Higurashi family weren't her true relatives in all truth. They had found her on the sidewalk abandoned when she was only seven years old. Wearing rags and covered in her own crimson blood. She was immediately taken to the hospital where she was treated in critical care. The doctors had tried to locate her files. Any records, fingerprints, DNA matches to find out who she was.... they didn't find anything in the end.

The young woman's lips turned upward in the remembrance of the event. When she had woken, she was immediately assaulted with questions and demands by the nurses. She couldn't answer any of them besides one, her name; Kagome. It seemed she had suffered from Amnesia.

After a week in the pristine hospital room, she was sent to a foster home, but the stay was brief. The Higurashi family, who pitied her profusely, adopted her without hesitation. She was welcomed in to their small docile with loving arms and warm kisses. She loved her adopted parents as much as a daughter could love her true parents. They were kind and understanding, and didn't force her to try and remember her life before the bloody incident. However... the questions always plagued her mind.

Who was she?

Who was she really?

What had she done so terribly wrong as to be beat so viciously then abandoned?

Left deserted on a grubby sidewalk, confused and scared. Surrounded by darkness, engulfed by it in her own mind in place of memories. But she had survived. Forced herself to move on; forget about what could have been. Although the occasional questions still slipped through the cracks of her barriers, whispering at first but screeching for answers in the end. It was cruel torture, but she was winning against it.

Kagome pushed open the Café doors and the sound of the tinkling bell overcame the whistling wind behind her. With a smile of relief, she pulled back her hood and shook some of the droplets of water from her hair before approaching the counter. A familiar young man with brown hair framing a attractive face smiled at her and waved cheerfully.

"Good afternoon Higurashi-san!" He greeted. She smiled brightly at the boy. She had known him ever since middle school. Back then, he was always asking her out on dates no matter how many times she politely turned him down. Now, in the same high school as her, he was one of her closest and most trusted friends. He was also greatly envied by the male populace of their school for his status in her heart.

"Hello Houjo-kun...! I didn't know you were working today..!"

He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck in a boyish fashion.

"Well, I'm filling in for Yura-san. She was sick and wanted the day off so I volunteered.."

Houjo... when are you going to stop letting her use you?" She scolded "You know as well as I do Yura`s lying. If she truly was sick on a weekend I'd be so traumatized with shock, I would gladly enter myself in a mental asylum."

The boy chuckled at the proclamation.

"I guess your right Kagome... Next time I see her, I'll give her a piece of my mind..!"

The young woman patted his shoulder, why laughing lightly. "You go for it Houjo!"

He grinned lopsidedly, before clearing his throat professionally. Straightening his back, and a open smile lighting his face he asked,

"So what may I get you Miss?"

She rolled her eyes humorously but played along. Tapping a finger on her lip thoughtfully she looked over the menu above his head.

"Well Mr...." She glanced at his nametag, "...Houjo. I'd like an French Cappuccino, please."

"What size would you like?"


"Wonderful choice, it is also my best friend`s favorite." He replied with a wink, pressing a few buttons on the cash register. Kagome feigned innocence by placing a hand against her cheek in surprise.

"You don't say..! Your friend must have quite refined tastes!"

"No, not really. She can't even tell the difference between a latte and a coffee. That will be 500 yen please."

At his taunting remark Houjo grinned, ruining the total act. Kagome pouted, her lower lip jutting out as she handed him the money.

"I told you not to mention that ever again..! It was three O`clock in the morning when it happened anyhow....." She grumbled.

He laughed as he handed her the tall paper cup. She took it carefully, feeling the heat through the napkin wrapped around her. She took a sip and felt the warmth flow through her chest, thawing her entire icy form in a instant. With a contented smile she looked at Houjo over the rim of the cup. With a few more words and insults, Kagome left him to get back to his job, while she found a empty seat by the window.

Rain was still pouring and was showing no sign of letting up anytime soon. Thunder rumbled in the dark skies and several people were hurrying down the streets with umbrellas and newspapers over their heads.

She giggled at the unusual sight of businessmen using the magazine stands as a makeshift covers and women evading puddles as if they were poisonous. The last time she was at this Cafe while it was raining was with Sango a few months ago. Sango Taijiya, her best friend; was the same age as her and very overprotective of Kagome. If any man got too close(besides friends), she would likely beat them senseless with a handcrafted weapon in the shape of a large boomerang called Hirakotsu. Last time they were here they had engaged in a fiery debate over what love was. It was possibly the only thing that Kagome didn't agree with her on. Kagome, was positive it existed if found in the right person. Sango didn't believe in it at all past family love and love for friends. It just didn't make any sense to her. A bond between two people that could be so strong they would be willing to die for each other...? Kagome agreed with some of her theories but she believed love was real, how could it not be? When discussing on how the concept `love can heal all' was possible Sango replied "Kagome-chan... Love is not immune to everything... nothing is!"

Even now, she pondered over Sango's words and the truth in them, as her eyes trained on the passing vehicles traveling down the boulevard in slow motion.


Sesshoumaru brushed against a brick wall in concealed agitation watching the mortals scurrying past him in worry of getting wet. He was under a small overhand of a building, shielding him from the rain. In his grasp was a un-used black umbrella. Glancing around his surroundings, he frowned. It seemed his prey had escaped him. He gave a momentary glimpse around him for any other possible quarry. Almost all were dressed in expensive business attire. If he was to kill one of them, there would be a chaos and trouble raining down on his head; which he didn`t need. Yet, one particular creature caught his eye amidst the others. A human woman was walking solemnly down the opposite sidewalk, a hood covering her head as she hunched over slightly, bracing herself against the fierce winds. She was clad in jeans and a cheap jacket and was muttering under her breath about nothing particular. He smirked in conquest. He had found himself a perfect new target.

Crossing the busy street swiftly, he opened the umbrella and covered his head to stay dry. Sesshoumaru quickly came up from behind the woman; watching her shuddering form for a moment before placing the umbrella over her head as well as keeping it over his own. She froze mid-step at the sudden protection from the weather, her breathing hitching in her throat. Her heart was beating erratically in trepidation, as she slowly turned her head up to him. Two exquisite blue eyes rested on his own eerie gold ones in alarm. He gave her a charming smile, meant to disarm any victim.

"I hope you don't mind.." He offered affably "But you looked rather wet."

She blushed slightly but gave him a warm, gentle smile.

"Yeah I guess I a am bit, huh?" She laughed slightly, still hugging herself "Thanks."

"No problem at all." He assured her with a deceptive grin. "So what is a young woman like you doing out here all alone on a rainy day...? Shouldn't you be inside with a warm blanket..?"

She sighed but kept a lopsided grin on her face.

"Please just call me Kagome, Mr....?"

"Just Sesshoumaru." He responded pleasantly, not believing this human`s naivety. She smiled, and continued.

"..I guess I just needed to get away from home to think for a bit, and the rain always has a way of calming me down anyways. How about you?"

"Out getting a bite to eat." He said in all truth. He just wasn't pacific on how exactly he was about to eat though. She'd find out in due time.

"Really? Well the cafe at the corner is really good. It has the best cappuccino and sandwiches..!" She said while nodding exuberantly.

"Is that so? Well I'll have to take your word for it..."

After the words left his mouth, a comfortable silence spanned between them as she stared straight forward while he examined her profile carefully from the corner of his eye. She was tall and well filled out in the right places. Beneath the hood she wore, a few strands of raven colored locks peaked out in a disorderly manner. Her face was rather alluring with pale skin, soft pink lips, and those expressive eyes of hers. The thing that was most unusually attractive about her however, was the natural warmth radiating from her small form. It was extremely comforting and unsettling to him at the same moment. She would have a made a perfect prize to any male to take, but it seemed fate had decreed her to parish by his hands.. or rather, fangs.

"So where are you heading Kagome?" He queried.

"Home, we're almost there actually." She said evenly, although the expression on her face told him she wasn't to excited about going back. He frowned at her words. He better hurry up before it was too late and she escaped.

"Is there something wrong Kagome? You look quite upset.." He asked in solicitously.

"What...? No...!" She hurried to explain, the attractive blush covering her cheeks again. He froze at the thought. Attractive? Did he just think this human was attractive? "It's just that I'm sure if those businessmen are gone yet..."


"Yes. Some legal things concerning my grandfather." She sighed again, and tucked her hands in to her pockets. "Nothing too interesting... especially when they're drunk as dogs."

"I see..."

Another silence followed as Sesshoumaru readjusted his plans slightly to accommodate his new prey. He had been expecting a fiery fight with his first prey, a burly man of twenty-six whom was nothing more than trash among even humans; surely not to be missed at all. Meanwhile, this frail woman wouldn't put up much of a fight even if she might have relatives that would miss her. He shrugged off the sudden feeling of guilt enflaming him, and continued on. She was just a pathetic human after all. A alleyway was coming up, and that would be his chance. He might even play with her for a bit before he destroyed her...