InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood of Antiquity ❯ Compassion ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Kagome walked steadily, unsuspecting to the plots being set for her demise. As they came to the ominous back street, she was suddenly pulled roughly to the side in to the dark alley. Two hands wrapped around her biceps, claws of some sort tearing her sleeves and digging in to her skin painfully, as she was slammed in to the brick wall. She let out a faint cry of pain as she stared up in to the eyes of her attacker. Two malignant golden eyes, the color of the sun, stared down at her sinisterly. A chill swept through her body as she was doused with pure fear. She couldn't see him too clearly in the dim alley, but she swore she saw two maroon stripes on his cheek.

"Se..Sesshou...maru..?" She stuttered in fright. "W-What are you.. doing...?" He smirked wickedly, revealing two sharp fangs that weren't recently there. She paled considerably.

"You should have been more careful of yourself... Ka-go-me..." He sounded out each syllable seductively, as he leaned in against her, his body full flush against her own form, pinning her to the wall. He nuzzled her neck, and she felt his tongue licking her skin sensuously. "Now your mine."

As soon as the words sunk in to her fogged mind, Kagome's heartbeat stopped for a moment, right before she began to struggle violently against him. Her fists flailed against his form, and her nails dug deeply in to his back.

"Let me go you bastard! Let me go! LET. ME. GO!!!!! Someone HELP ME!!!!!" She screamed.

Two hands released her arms to capture her wrists and pinning them above her head, his talons digging violently in to her flesh. Before her desperate screams could start again, a mouth abruptly came crashing down on to her own. Kagome's eyes widened as she saw they belonged to no one other then Sesshoumaru. Her eyes dropped closed, as her form slumped, helplessly captured between him and the wall.

Kagome was scared out of her mind. Nothing was right... it was wrong. This wasn't suppose to happen. Why her...

Why her..?!

She whimpered against his firm lips, and he relinquished his mouth from her and glanced at her callously.

"Screaming won't help you now." He informed her "You are mine, and nothing can change that."

Kagome slowly shook her head in denial before turning to stare at him feebly. The benevolent blue eyes he'd seen earlier were gone, instead two swirling pools of intense blue filled with fear and unshed tears had replaced them.

Oddly, he couldn't tear his eyes away from them, as he felt he was being engulfed by them completely. Her irregular heartbeat was easily heard, even over her raspy breathing. The loud drumming in her chest invaded his senses, overpowering his blood lust.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

Why did he suddenly feel guilty? As if this was wrong doing the wrong thing..?

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

He shouldn't feel like this! He was a vampire! His prey was meaningless to him!

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

It had never bothered him before..! Why now? With this insignificant human woman?!

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

Human were the scum of the Earth! It shouldn't matter if he killed this one!!

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

Why did he want nothing more right now...

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

... Then to chase away her fears..?


Kagome watched his eyes change from a bright piercing bullion to a tarnished gold as if engrossed in some internal battle. Slowly, his hands released her wrists and fell to his sides forgotten and he stepped away from her. She stared at him in utter confusion. He looked as if he was being sent in to battle, so emotionless was his face. His eyes were the only thing that were giving her an inkling to his private conflict. It seemed he was torn between anger and puzzlement. She felt a pain of compassion strike her heartstrings and mentally cursed herself in annoyance.

Cautiously she stretched her hand out and gently brushed her fingertips against his smooth cheek. His eyes instantly snapped back in to attention, as his hand came out of nowhere and clutched her wrist again painfully. She winced, but didn't try fighting him. Although if he did try anything, she would gladly try to kick his ass as much as possible before he took her out.

"Sesshou... maru?" She inquired hesitantly. His eyes locked on to her, as if studying her. She gulped nervously, but he resolve strengthen in determination. "Are you... all right?"


Genuine worry clouded her eyes as she stared up at him. She was concerned for him, even after attempting to kill her, and probably scaring her senseless. He couldn't decide whether or not she was a saint or a fool. He vouched for both, but felt a small respect to her either way. No vampires were safe against her empathy, not even him. He released her hand and analyzed her movements and expressions carefully looking for any concealed trickery. Her hand wasn't snatched back, instead it was placed back to his cheek delicately stroking it.

"Are you okay?" She repeated.

He snorted in response and she frowned pulling her hand away. A frigid wind swept through her as her gaze turned to the discarded umbrella on the ground. Knitting her brows together, wondering why they weren't soaking wet yet, she sighted the large overhangs of the two buildings above them.

`That would be why...' She concluded. Bending down she picked up the black umbrella and handed it to him, a frown still on her lips. He took it with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't who the hell you think you are.." She started, folding her arms over her chest. Trying her best not to let her fear show, she continued bravely on in her lecture "... I don't even know WHAT the hell you are... But let me say this: If you even ATTEMPT anything like that again to me, so help me I'll kick your ass so bad you won't be able to walk again without a cane."

He just smirked at her threats and she growled in frustration. With a flick of her wrist, she pulled her hood over her head and was walking towards the main sidewalk. Her shoes splashed in the deep puddles, and echoed off the walls. She was almost there when his commanding voice stopped her.

"Don't forget Kagome. Your mine, I'll get you someday."

She turned around halfway, and gave him a derisive look over her shoulder.

"I wouldn't count on it Sesshoumaru." She stated his name mockingly "No one and nothing owns me." With that declaration made she turned around and disappeared from his view.

The funny thing about it was... he let her get away.
