InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood of Antiquity ❯ Morning ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Heaving herself from her soft bed, she stepped lightly to the large bedroom window and pushed it open. Sunlight and light rain immediately struck her eyes and she winced a little.

"Ugh... what time is it...?" She yawned aloud, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She wasn't expecting a answer, but a silky smooth voice responded anyway.

"Noon. Even for a human, you sleep more then what is possibly good for your health."

The teenager jumped at the voice and stepped away from the window in alarm. As she did, her heel caught on a stray textbook littering her floor, and she went plummeting to the ground. She groaned and opened her wincing eyes. Standing over her with a mocking smirk on his face was Sesshoumaru in all his glory. She groaned again, covering her eyes with her forearm.

"No.. it's my nightmare all over again!" She moaned. The-- whatever he was-- frowned at her.

"Nightmare? Most woman would call me dream come true.." He scoffed.

"Is that before or after you killed them and your sick imagination got to work..?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow. He glowered at her, his lips pursed together in a thin line.

"I will not dignify that with a remark."

She snorted and climbed to her feet, rubbing her sore behind. She smirked up at him and said cheerfully,

"I'll take that as a yes."

He didn't reply and she mumbled in annoyance. Picking up her hairbrush, she plopped down on to her bed and began combing her tangled hair watching him quizzically as she did.

"So what ARE you doing here Sesshoumaru?"

Kagome wasn't completely sure why, but she felt extremely comfortable around him. It was utterly unfounded. He had tried to kill her for no apparent reason not to long ago, yet she felt safe when in the same area as him. How ridiculous was that? He HAD spared her, though. Maybe that was why...

"Nothing else of importance to complete." He sat gracefully down in her desk chair, elbows resting on the armrests, and eyes pinning her with a deign look. She gave him a unconvinced stare.

"For some reason Sesshoumaru, I don't believe that."

"Why is that.. Ka-go-me?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, as she tied her hair back in to a loose bun at the back of her head.

"I don't know. I just had a feeling." Her gaze sharpened "And stop saying my name like that! It's disturbing..!"

"Why is that?" He asked, a smirk twitching at his lips. She grinned, a devious twinkle in her eye.

"Because someone might begin to pity your for having a speech disorder." She let out a mocking snicker beneath her hand at the look on his face. "What? It's true and you know it!"

He frowned tightly at her wondering exactly why he hadn't killed her yet. There was just something there holding him back, something he couldn't see but rather feel inside. It was disturbing him, making him more inclined to bark at his underlings more often then usual.

"Sesshoumaru?" Her hesitant voice broke him out of his thoughts as he glanced at her emotionless. She was no longer in her pajamas but was clad in a white and green school uniform, smiling apologetically. "I have to get going now or else I'll be late for school. I'll see you later, right?"

He snorted not confirming her question or not. She sighed and walked to the door leading to the rest of her domicile.

"Good bye Sesshoumaru, have a good day..!" She said in mock cheeriness, as the door clicked shut behind her.

`Kami-sama did she hate Mondays...!' She murmured inside her head as she walked away from her room.


Kagome sat reclined on the sill of her bedroom window that night, her hands clasped in her lap as the wind carefully caressed her features. She was dressed in a white nightgown as she gazed up at the crescent moon hanging docilely in its perch in the sky. The rain had surprisingly let up a few hours ago, leaving a beautiful clear night. The smell of fresh rain still hung thickly in the air, calming her as she lazily listening to nocturnal creatures humming unknown tunes in the dark. She smiled gently, her eyes drifting close. Her throat vibrated as she too hummed along with them in tranquility. Words came to mind in inspiration and she sang them out instead.

The dulcet composition drifted in the air, winding around her in a warm blanket as sleep slowly began to claim her. The last few sonnets left her mouth in a mere whisper until her body went completely lax in peaceful slumber.

"Reason can make a person truly believe,

But no reason can console a forsaken heart..."


When Kagome awoke the next morning she was greatly disturbed. She was positive she had fallen asleep on the window sill, but she was nestled safely in her bed when daybreak arrived. With the memories of yesterday still fresh in her mind, gave her no consolation at all. She didn't tell her adopted family about what had happened, not sure how they would react to the news. Especially her supernatural-fanatic grandfather, he would probably go spastic on them and try `purifying' everything in sight.

Dragging herself from the bedroom, she went downstairs and in to the kitchen where heavenly aromas were emitting.

Her mother was busy cooking more breakfast, while Souta and her Grandfather where already sitting down eating. Her younger brother smirked up at her mischievously, a piece of toast poised in his hand.

"Hey sis... sleep well last night?" He asked cryptically. She frowned, settling herself in her chair beside him before asking what the hell he was talking about.

He laughed lowly, a look of a cat who just got the creme upon his face.

"Oh, I just heard some funny things last night from my room. It sounded extremely like.." He lowered his voice to a mere whisper "...A guy was up there with you. Way to go sis!"

He jaw went slack as she stared at him in open mouth horror.

"W-w-wh....WHAT!!!?!??!?!!?" She shouted.

A guy... was in her room, and the only one she could think of that was demented enough to do it was...

Sesshoumaru. She realized infuriately.

How dare he! Damn him!
