InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood of the Vulnerable ❯ Blood of the Vulnerable ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The young man stiffened his knuckles cracking as he crouched in defense, eyes wide with a defiant vulnerability, his long hair tumbling over his shoulders. He had violet eyes, and dark hair, black as a raven's feather, with small highlights only his demonic eyes could catch in the thick darkness. Truthfully he wished it were silver tendrils falling like liquid silk and bright golden eyes glaring back at him with hatred.
It really didn't matter, as long as it was him.
It had been simple to get here, alone with this hanyou turned human.
When he had learned that Kagome was not going to be there this time he just couldn't resist. It was instinct, an unyielding urge to put this mongrel in his rightful place. When he left the party's camp earlier that day it was with arrogant taunts and empty threats. Only to return battered and bleeding, with fogged details of a brutal battle.
He had inflicted the wounds upon himself of course, and with the mutt so helpless he knew the human wouldn't be able to smell any other youkai on him to tell that he was lying. The monk and demon slayer had left quickly enough, off to destroy the demon and clean away his blood trail, lest he lure another demon to their weakened companions. With them gone, riding away on the fire cat to face an opponent that did not exist, he made short work of the young kitsune hovering around his target, knocking him out cold.
The hanyou swore violently, catching the young fox as he toppled off his shoulder, cradling the unconscious kit in what had to be the most tender way he had ever held the whelp. The mutt actually began screaming insults at him for being so brutal with the brat. It was nothing he hadn't seen the half dog do himself, just with a bit more force behind the blow. He thought the hanyou would be a bit relieved to have some peace from the high pitched banter that spilled from the runt in limitless amounts
The insolent dog had then threatened to tell Kagome, and had actually gotten up to go to wherever it was she was staying. That's when he snapped, slamming his fist straight into the mutt's jaw, sending him hurtling backwards several feet. The piece of shit lay there a few moments, but he knew he hadn't killed the mongrel, he hadn't placed enough force into the punch to do anything but bruise, yet he, like the kit, was insensible. So he gathered him up and slung him carelessly over his shoulder, shifting his weight so that it would be easier to run, and left. Kicking up as much dust as he could so that when it settled it would completely cover his tracks.
It wasn't far from their little clearing, this hideout he had made. A simple den made of low hanging tree branches and the surrounding shrubbery. A blanket of soft grass covered every patch of earth left, the smell of rich soil and vegetation effectively deluding their scents. It was here that the hanyou regained consciousness. Here that he swung his own fist at Kouga, cracking him in the back of the head. Not enough to do damage, after all he was human, but damn if it didn't hurt.
Caught completely unaware he had no choice but to release the thrashing hanyou, letting him drop onto his face where he stayed for only an instant before springing back, crouched and ready to fight. That defiant look a perfect accessory to the bloodied lip he sported so stylishly just above the darkening bruise on his chin. The dog always did look his best during battle, his face flushed and his eyes glowing with excitement. That vulnerability though, that was something he had never seen before, never been able to enjoy when he looked into the deep golden pools of his rival. These violet orbs that now held his gaze, they fascinated him like the amber hypnotized him, and there was truly nothing about the dog that did not, in some way, provoke a reaction from his body.
He found himself thinking rather wantonly that if the mutt did use the jewel to be human, he could look into these eyes forever, but than he would have to do with out the insolent golden eyes, cold and hard as the precious metal itself. His blood desired the challenge the hanyou unwittingly gave to every youkai he passed. It was terribly obvious why he was attacked so often, who wouldn't respond to such open defiance?
He smirked, stepping closer to the human, watching the tremble run through the hard muscles beneath the red haori, shifting the fabric slightly. There was determination in Inuyasha's stance; the human was planning on a fight. A fight to the death maybe, or perhaps he thought his assailant merely wanted to steal his precious woman away. After all, he had made so many believable threats to do so.
He snorted. Taking that human bitch as his mate? HA! If the wench didn't have the abilities to locate the shards he would have tossed her aside long ago, and now, after there was no real use for her sight other than to locate where Naraku had his nearly completed jewel, why must he continue to try and woo the girl? He simply enjoyed the pained and jealous expression on the mongrels face. Relishing the rush when they exchanged blows, and the times when the dog drew forth his sword, determined to take him out. All of it ending much too soon with the disappointing sound of that single command and his rival hitting the dirt. He always took his leave immediately so as not to reveal the rage and discontent at the battle's abrupt end, allowing him the small satisfaction of landing one final blow on the dog by taking Kagome's hand and swearing his undying devotion.
Empty promises; that was all they were. Now, as he traveled together with them, he found it increasingly difficult to keep up the charade. Unable to keep his distance from the unyielding hanyou, he often found himself sleeping beneath Inuyasha's chosen perch, no matter how hard he tried not to.
Not any longer. He was ending this now! He couldn't just continue as though the hanyou meant nothing to him. His instincts urged him on, his claws screaming for a taste of the abomination's blood. Tonight was the perfect night, no one could interrupt and the bastard couldn't fight back. He would take what he wanted and be done with it. The mutt would defiantly kill him come sunrise, but that was only if he stuck around with the group. He could always fid Naraku on his own.
In an instant he had the worthless mutt pinned, gripping his hands far above his head with bone crushing force, but he didn't let himself cave, wouldn't allow himself the sound of hearing those delightful snaps. The hanyou grunted in pain, a sharp gasp escaping his lips, but no outcry. The stench of fear seeped from him mixing with resignation, and still that trace of defiance. He drank it in, closing his eyes and thinking of all the possibilities.
Inuyasha was human, and Kouga could kill him if he wanted to, but he wasn't going down without a fight.
He chuckled at this, wondering if it was the true meanings behind the scents, or if maybe the hanyou might have foreseen exactly what he wanted and merely decided to die instead. Both interpretations fitting quite well with the mutt's arrogant nature.
He pressed his lips firmly against his rivals, trailing his tongue across his lower lip to collect the small rivulets of crimson that oozed from the incision he had caused. He cherished the sweet metallic taste, still holding a slight trace of the dormant youkai blood that pulsed through the human's being.
Raking his claws down the man's wrists he tore through the web of bluish veins that resided there, breathing in the wonderful cent of spilled blood as it leaked from the open wounds. This time the hanyou did cry out, almost screaming into hiss mouth. Humans weren't used to this kind of pain, and the bastard would probably die if the blood continued to flow so rapidly. He still took his time though, bringing one of the abused wrists to his lips he licked away the red liquid, biting deep into the skin, like ripping a piece of meat from bone, only he did not pull the flesh from its residence, only lay there, sprawled onto on his rival, listening to the agonized wail of his victim.
A sadistic smile spayed across his face as he tore open the cloth covering the warm tender body beneath him. Slicing a long wide strip of cloth from the haori he used it to bandage the ravaged wrists still pinned above the struggling human, wrapping it securely around both and tying them together. He kissed him again, diving in to explore the secrets of his mouth. The mutt growled low and snapped his teeth down, successfully nipping a good piece of his tongue.
He yelped but did not pull back, instead letting his own blood leak into his prisoner's mouth, smelling immediately the spike in his scent as the warm liquid entered the human's system, running his claws down his chest, opening shallow, but bloody marks.
Kouga slowly retreated, watching the human's hate filled eyes. It wouldn't be like that for long. Come sunrise Inuyasha would have no choice. Freely given pure youkai blood, even dormant his side would cry out in need of the substance. His youkai blood, so close to the surface, would demand more, would want the wonderful pleasure that was denied to it because of the damned dark moon. That faint trace that would remain there when he reverts, that will tempt him. Its sweat taste urging him forward.
Blood. That was what he had always needed. He had always wondered how a hanyou's blood would taste, with its mixed scents and strange darker, deeper color. Even now he was denied that. Standing he watched Inuyasha spit the substance from his mouth, wanting to shout and curse at him but Kouga knew he wouldn't. What would he say?
He didn't think the mutt would tell Kagome or the others. The humiliation of being so helpless, it was too much for the poor bastard.
Inuyasha struggled to remain conscious, the loss of blood making him dizzy and disoriented. Kouga laughed softly, placing a deep, passionate kiss on the human's mouth. A promise of next time. Next time he would not leave so soon. Next time Inuyasha would not be so vulnerable and he could have just that little bit more fun when the hanyou's own need for dominance surfaced. He laughed as he sped off into the darkness. Wondering just how far Inuyasha would take this new, interesting game.
Yes this is the end, but there will be a sequel soon! From Inuyasha's POV, probably in first person since I know it's hard to distinguish which “he” is who…..
Hope you enjoyed the creepiness! More blood to come!
Blood of the Tainted
I need it; thirst for it; ever since that first sunrise when I had tasted the sweat elixir on the edge of my mouth. I've searched for it, for the one who had given me the taste. I've tried from others, shredding demons with my claws rather than my sword, just to I could relish the taste later, when the others were nowhere around.
It wasn't the same...
There was a difference between the wolfs blood, freely given and spiked with the scent of his excitement, and the bland crimson liquid that coated my claws at the end of a battle. No life, no warmth or excitement to entice me, the blood of the dead.
So I've searched for the him, for what he could give me, what I could give him. I knew he hungered for me as well, that sorrowful look he gave me before he left, satisfied but dissatisfied with my human blood, as I often am. He wanted to truly taste me… my tainted blood.