Reviewed By:SilenceoftheHeart [MediaMiner Member] On: April 19, 2006 19:51 CDT Rating(s):
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: I just love Inu/Kouga fic's and this one is beautifully dark and exotic. I love your interpretation of Kouga. Generally, we get a watered-down, sappy Kouga (which I like just fine) and it makes me wonder whatever happened to the Kouga who devestated Rin's village and tried to feed Shippou to his wolves. That was not a 'nice guy' Kouga. He really planned on eating Kagome when he was done with her before he decided to marry her instead. Thank you for your fresh new look at the character. -Silence-