InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ The New Girls ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DV- HI! I'm DreamVixen and this is my second fic. It's also my first non crossover. For any Kagome No Kitsune fans, I will still continue that. Any who Blood Sisters is very AU. When it comes to the Inu gumi the usual pairings comply (Inu\Kag Mir\San) this is also a Sess\Kagura and Rin\Shippo. I don't like Sess\Rins. She's more like his daughter or little sister than mate material. I'm ranting again, aren't I?

Inu- Yep.

DV- think all the readers are ignoring me?

Inu- the readers ignore you even when you're not ranting.

DV- Hey! I can still make your life a living hell with just this one, little keyboard! Do you want Mr. Kitty back?!?!

Inu- *Glares at her* I dare you to try. That's probably the best your dull mind can come up with anyways you fox bitch!


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%The New Girls%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!


I groaned and rolled back into my covers, not wanting to through another day with bitchy teachers, towers of work and gossiping students.

"That's the third one this month, you know." I glared at Sessho-maru, my half brother, from my bed.

"Fuck off. It's my alarm clock, I'll break it if I feel like it," my brother snorted.

"You, little brother, are the most reckless hanyou on the planet," and with that, he headed down stairs. Groaning and cursing, I got up and put my stupid blue school uniform on. After I finished dressing, I got my backpack, found my shoes and put the spell on me that made me look human.

An annoying requirement as humans thought the youkai didn't exist anymore and we thought it best to keep it that way for the peace. My father was the Inu Taiyoukai ruler of the underground youkai, and my mother was one of the few humans that knew and accepted the truth. Sessho-maru's mother had died before I was born, and she was full blooded Inu youkai, meaning so was he.

I went downstairs and gulped down some cereal in record time as my father flipped on the news.

`That's it for the weather, now here's Mirino Hadeni with more breaking news,'

`The Blood Sister's struck again last night, stealing over 958 thousand in priceless artifacts from the home of Yomiko Manochobi. Monochobi was recently accused of masterminding the murder of an eight year old girl, the daugher of a rival buisnessman, but there was not enough evidence to go to trial, therefore the case was dropped. A note left by the trio of international thieves, signed by elder sister Ogi, quoted his media interview after the trial was thrown out of court.

As usual the note was typed on computer paper, had no fingerprints and no evidence was left at the scene of the crime. Also true to their original pattern, Manochobi had been reciving warnings about the intended robbery two weeks in advance. The thieves broke in and left without a trace, and the police are left scratching their heads at the mysterious groups cunning tactics. In other news-' Father turned the TV off.

"Damn them…" he sighed, leaning back in his chair, "They never give up…" I smirked. Father worked for a police force on a daily basis. He and some of his demonic co-workers suspected the Blood Sisters were all demons. What kind was debatable, considering they never left any trace of that.

Except for the slight scent of female wind sorceress on all the notes signed by Ogi, the elder sister. Some demons believed she wasn't really a wind sorceress, but had simply disgused her scent as one to fool the athorities. Others believed she was, and was weaker than her sisters. The final belief, and one my father held strongly to, was that she was toying with them, daring them to come and find her. The middle sister, Tsurara and yongest sister, Yumi were complete mysteries.

"If they keep up at the rate they're going, the human's will start to suspect something," Sessho-maru said emotionlessly. Father sighed.

"Whoever they are, they're good. They have demon and human alike stumped." He leaned back in his chair, frowning. "But Unigumo has me more worried. He has been quiet for a long time now, and I'm worried he's planning something drastic," My little sister, Rin came downstairs in her pj's in time to hear that last statement.

"How come he's playing with dinosaurs now?" the seven year old asked in confusion. Father blinked then chuckled.

"Drastic, not Jurassic,"

"Oh," the little girl sat down at the table as Sessho-maru and I rose to leave.

"Gotta get to school," I explained, ruffling Rin's hair as I pasted her seat. She giggled.

"Right. See you at dinner,"

"HENTAI!!!!!!!!!!" I rolled my eyes. That cry seemed to follow my best friend wherever he went. I watched as he made his way back to our desks, and angery red handprint across his left cheek.

"Asking a girl out is a lot less painful if you're not so forward, Miroku,"

"Ah, yes. But then it loses it's appeal," I snorted as the teacher stood.

"You really are a pervert,"

"Okay, class. Settle down. Before I begin, we have three new students now attending this school. One happens to be in this class. Everyone, please welcome Miss Sango Enustik." In walked a pretty girl with don't mess with me written all over her face. Most of the guys in the class, including Miroku, started drooling over her. The girls glared with an angry passion. "Miss Enustik, tell us something about yourself." The girl sighed.

"I just moved here with my serrogated family. My older and younger `sisters' also attend this school, while my youger `brothers' and youngest `sister' go to the elementary school. I like to fight and I happen to be good at it, I'm busy every single night for the rest of my life and if I catch any of you creeps near Kagome, I'll take out the organ you males think with and I'm NOT talking about your brains."

I choked back a laugh as every other male in the room flinched. Oh, I liked her. She was really kick ass. I smirked leaning back in my chair. Miroku was still staring at her starry eyed, dispite her warning.

"Erm, right," the teacher looked flabbergasted (AN: that's a weird word, isn't it? If we can have weird words like flabbergasted, why can't we have weird words like Riggymickasomid?…Nevermind.) "Miss Enustik, why don't you sit by Mr. Juzu. Inuyasha, please raise your hand so Sango can find her seat," I did and she sat on my other side in the chair Miroku wasn't occuping. I turned to her with a smirk, ignoring the teacher's droning.

"Great speech. You know kids aren't gonna look you in the eye for the rest of the day," she grinned.

"Good. Though I was going for rest of week," I laughed. Miroku now decide this was a good time to try and charm the girl.

"Will you bear my child?" I blinked. That was forward even for Miroku. BAM! The teacher didn't even look up from the whiteboard. If Miroku was in the class, this was a normal routine.

"Yo, Sango!" I yelled to the new girl from the table Miroku, Sessho-maru and I had secured. She grinned and headed our way, dragging another new face behind her. This one was equally as pretty as Sango, only instead of a punkish look, she look more regal and cocky. A girl Sessho-maru…

"Sup!" Sango said, plopping down it the seat across from me. the other girl sat next to her, watching us curiously.

"Same as first hour," I said in amusement. "Who's your friend?"

"This is my big sister Kagura," She said with a wave of her hand, "Who's he?"

"My brother, Sessho-maru," I said shortly. Sango smiled and Kagura nodded.

"My little sister, Kagome, is in this lunch hour, too, but she had to talk to someone about getting her scheduled changed.," I nodded.

"So any problems on your first day?"

"Not so far. No guys besides your friend here," she glared at Miroku, "Tried to ask me out. The classes are okay, teacher's suck, but I'm used to that and all the students besides you have been snobby creeps. The usual with new schools,"

"Why did your family move here?" Sessho-maru asked emotionlessly.

"Our Father's job keeps us moving around," Kagura answered glancing up from her scheduled, "this is just another spot on the map for us,"

"Do you enjoy moving," Miroku asked. The girls shrugged.

"We've got nothing against it. How many other kids have been in the Russian palace and on the beaches of Honolulu in the same week?"

"What's he best place you've ever been?"

"Tokyo," Sango and Kagura answered in union.

"It's where we, Kagome, Kanna and the boys all met," Sango explained.

"Kanna?" Sessho-maru asked.

"My younger sister and the rest of our family's serrogated sister. She and I were adopted into the Enustik family ten years ago, after my mother and father died. Sango and her little brother, Kohaku, where adopted not long afterwards. Shippo was adopted six years ago. He was a baby abandoned by a teen mother,"

"What about your other sister?"

"Kagome and her brother, Souta, where born Enustik. The rest of us were adopted." I tried to do the math in my head, failing miserably. Miroku's eyes widened.

"That's seven kids!"

"Yep," Sango said, taking a bite out of her sandwich, "four girls three boys and two cats,"

"Cats?" Kagura rolled her eyes.

"Sango's cat, Kirara and Kagome's cat, Buyo," she explained. "Kirara's alright, but Buyo's fat and lazy,"

"What do your parents do that takes them to so many places?" Sessho-maru asked.

"Computerised security systems. The best of their kind. Guarrented to work against any and everything except the Blood Sisters," Sango said in a mock sale pitch tone.

"Nothing works against the Blood Sisters," Miroku said, bemused, "Did you here about their latest job? Took everything in Manochobi's house, except the underwear he and his men where wearing at the time of the crime," I snorted.

"You actually believe that shit?"

"It's true! That's why he hasn't had a press conference about it yet. He doesn't have any clothes and doesn't want pictures of him in his boxers on the front page of every newspaper in Japan," Sango laughed.

"I'm sure it would've been hard to find someone who'd WANT to see that!" We laughed. Then, the release bell rang. Sango had to be dragged away from her food by Kagura, who gave us a "Nice to meet you!" before heading out the doors. Smirking, I headed to my fourth hour, mythology.

"Well, look who it is," an arrogant drawl made me look up. "Nice to see you again, Dog Breath," I glared.

"Don't tell me you want your face caved in again, Kouga," He smirked, apparently not remembering our last fight.

"Try it," I stood, grabbing the front of the track stars shirt.

"Maybe I will."

"MR. JUZU! MR. OKAMI!" We turned to see Ms Kaede, a miko who used her powers to help hide demons, glaring at us. Ms Kaede was one of my father's most respected assistaints, but to me she was an annoying chaparone. "Release him right now, Inuyasha," I `feh'd' and let the annoying wolf go, sitting back down in my chair. "Class, we have a new student today-"

"No, really?" I said with loud sarcasm, "I thought those two girls I just met today had just been invisible up until now," Ms Kaede glared at me. I could've sworn I heard a giggle from the other side of the door.

"Mr. Juzu, please hold ye tongue or I'll be forced to contact ye father," I glared at her, but said nothing. After knowing her for sixteen years, I knew how far I could push the old bat. "Thank you. As I was saying earlier, we have a new student. Class, this is Kagome Enustik," I looked up curiously. The younger one? My breath caught in my throat when I saw her.

Long raven hair cascading loosely down her back, bright, blue-gray eyes that sparkled with life, smooth, creamy skin and a well developed body under the school assigned uniform. She smiled brightly at the class, I quickly looked away, scowling slightly to myself.

Damn it, no girl had ever affected me this way before! And believe me, many had tried. Me and Sessho-maru had fan clubs, if you could believe it. and the school slut, Kikyou grand niece of Kaede, was constantly stalking me, claiming I was hers despite the fact we had only been dating for a week before I broke it off after catching her making out with Naraku, Onigumo's son.

"Kagome, can ye tell the class something about ye self," she smiled at Kaede.

"I'm the third eldest of my family, and to anyone who has already met my sisters, I want to apologise for anything rude they said. If you haven't met them yet, then I'll apologise in advance. I've lived in thirty-two different countries and like animals and oden."

"Are you single?" Kouga shouted to her. I glared at him. Kagome's smile didn't waver.

"Yes and considering my sisters' temperments, I pity any man considering changing that," I grinned. I really liked this girl.

"Miss Enustik, ye may sit next to Mr Juzu," Why is it always me the teachers sit the new kids next to?! She made her way to the empty seat at my side.

"Nice to meet you!" she said, smiling. I diverted my gaze to the desk.


"Class, Today you pick partners for a month long assignment. You will be researching a chosen myth or legend from any culture. You will be graded on creativity and knowledge of the legends. You will be expected to give a ten minute presentation and have at least two visual aids. Any questions?"

"Exactly how much do you hate us?" I called out. Kagome giggled next to me. Kaede glared.

"You may now pick you partners. Come to me when you have both a partner and a legend and I'll give you the rubric!" Kids immedeatly jumped up and found their friends. Kouga was on our side of the room and all over Kagome with speed that would have made the track coach proud.

"Hello, Beautiful maiden. I don't believe we've been introduced? I am Kouga Okami, the school's track star." He said, kissing her hand. "I believe they call you Kagome?" She blinked and blushed.

"Er, yes. Kagome Enustik," she stammered. I figured I might as well save her.

"Your sisters are Sango and Kagura, right?" I said. She turned to me, smiling.

"Yes. You met my sisters?"

"Sango gave a speech in first hour about how she'd give a painful death to anyone that asked you out," Kagome laughed.

"That sounds like Sango, alright,"

"You wanna be partners for this project?" Kouga stiffened, and opened his mouth to protest.

"Sure!" Kouga glared at me. I smirked. "What legend should we do?"


DV- That's chapter one! It stinks, but I promise the story'll get better.

Inu- Doubt that.

DV- InuYasha, keep that up and you'll get a nice surprise!

Inu- What, more ink on my face?

DV- (Typing furiously)

Inu put in a leather g-string in front of Inu-obsessed-fangirls (Meaning nearly every girl reading this fic! ^-^)

Inu- WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!


Kagome- 0.o; That's creative.

Sango- (nods, wide-eyed)

Shippo- (convinced he'll have nightmares for the rest of his life)

DV- Well, that certainly made me feel better! Okay, so now's you turn to write by reviewing for me!









