InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ The Plan ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kami-sama! So many reviews! Talk about positive feedback!

black wolf girl (I will! Thanks! I got halfway there…)

eMeLyNoOoPe (Thanks! Someone who agrees! I think there are FAR too many Sess/Rins out there…)

my secret (Well, thank you! And yes, Kikyou's in for a SERIOUS ass kicking by both Sango and Kagome. I hate her guts. Hear that?! KIKYOU FANS BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!)

inu'nkagforever (Here's my update!)

Hellkeeper (Glad you approve! ^-^)

Usiki'slove (Thank you and here ya go!)

Inurin10218 (Oh, thank you for telling me. I have a Jap-Eng dictionary, but this wouldn't be the first time it's been proven wrong… *mutters darkly*

Naja607 (Thanks!)

DemiPriestess (Thanks! I'm very good to loyal reviewers!)

Josie0423 (lol here you go!)

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DV- *laughing as Inu tries to shake off the last of the fangirls* This is better than watching my brothers attempt those stupid wrestling moves and nearly breaking their necks!

Shippo- O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Sango- He's gonna be okay, isn't he?

DV- Poor Shippo. I've tainted his young mind forever. Oh, well!

Miroku- Lady DreamVixen wishes for me to inform you that she doesn't even own the shirt on her back, much less the cast of InuYasha. *looks thoughtful* If such is the case, my Lady, shouldn't you give the shirt back to whomever it DOES belong to? *lecherous eyes*


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%The Plan%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

"Sure!" I said with what Sango called my million watt smile, "What legend should we do?" I ignored the wolf youkai who was so attracted to me, pretending I didn't see him looking at me like I was a piece of meat. Jerk…

"Pick one," the younger Juzu brother said with a shrug. I was sorely tempted to request the legends of the twin swords or the Lord of the West, just to see the look on his face. Sadly, his reaction wouldn't have been worth losing this heist.

"How about the legend of Midoriko?" Safe enough. I silently prayed my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-gre at-great-great-great however many grandmother on my mother's side wouldn't have anything in her legends that would make him curious about me.

"Feh," I threw him a dirty look. Creep.

I got the rubric from Ms Kaede. I was worried about her. She was a miko, and would be able to easily sense if we let even the slightest drop of you-ki slip. I could probably handle it, as could Kagura, But Sango I needed to talk to. Especially after Kagura filled me in on that lunch fiasco.

"Okay, so how're we going to do this?"

"I dunno," I felt my lip twitch in annoyance, then I got an idea.

"Well," I said in a loud, cheerful voice. "We'll go to the library tonight and look up some stuff about her. Are you free at five? Sango works until then so I've got to watch the little ones,"

"What about your parents and Kagura?"

"Kagura doesn't get off work until eight and my parents don't come back until eleven. Then they leave at four,"

"And you?"

"I don't have to go to work until eight thirty,"

"Where do you work?"

"At that little coffee shop next to the movie theatre."

"What about your sisters?"

"Sango works part time at a local dojo and Kagura helps out at a police department. Filing, cleaning and coping, mostly."

"Sound boring,"

"Yep, but she was there in Paris when the Blood Sisters robbed that guy who everyone said killed his business partner to get himself a promotion," Torisugiru Koten. Age; 37, hair; blonde, eyes; blue, profession; vice president of Saiban Incorporated, race; ningen, powers; none, family; none. The job was painfully easy, even without Kagura. Sango complained for months on end.

"Really? What was that like?"

"From what I heard, not too fun,"

"Damn. My old man works on the police force," I know that. Juzu InuTaisho, age; 975 human years, 39 demon years, hair; silver, eyes; amber, profession; one of the top officers, and the leader of the underground youkai. Race; inu taiyoukai, powers; heightened senses, super human strength, poisons and the ability to turn into a large dog at will.

Family; Wife: Juzu Ikka, age; 34, hair; black, eyes; violet, profession; 3rd grade teacher, race; ningen, powers; slight physic abilities.

Elder son; Juzu Sessho-maru. Age; 425 human years, 17 demon years, hair; silver, eyes; amber, profession; after school and weekend job at a martial arts dojo, race; inu taiyoukai, powers; heightened senses, super human strength, poisons and the ability to turn into a large dog at will, also well known for use of katana and whip.

Younger son; Juzu InuYasha. Age; 16, (AN; Hanyous age differently that humans or youkai. They age like humans for the first twenty years of their lives and stop. Youkai can live forever without being killed or anything like that.) hair; silver, eyes; amber, profession; part-time work at auto shop and dojo, race; inu hanyou, powers; heightened senses, super human strength and use of the fabled Tetsusiaga.

Daughter; Juzu Rin. Age; 8, hair; black, eyes; brown, profession; none (Still in grade school); race; inu hanyou (AN; I know she's human, but work with me people!), powers; slight physic abilities, heightened senses, poisons and ability to turn into a small dog at will.

They all lived at 95302 Menseki Drive and have lived there for the last ten years. I knew quite a bit more about them, but this was all the real important stuff. The stuff Kagura and I made sure Sango knew before we'd even seriously consider a job. The local authorities and their families could be a danger to us after we start sending our letters, the first of which Onigumo Kokusei should receive in two weeks.

There was no need to rush jobs. They were messy then, and could be traced back to you. My sisters and I… well, Kagura and I anyway, were patient, and could stand being here for a while if it meant we could pull of the job without suspicion. We varied our comings and goings so no one would ever suspect us, which was why we left the last town three days before our heist, after we'd gathered all the information we'd need. The Blood Sisters couldn't make a mistake…

"Really?" I asked cocking my head, "What's that like?"

"Okay. Nothing really happens around here." I almost laughed at that. Then I noticed this weird guy staring at me. He seemed to be working with this one girl who looked almost creepily like me. The way the guy was looking at me made me visibly shutter. Juzu turned to see what had drawn my attention and scowled. "You're gonna wanna stay clear of them," Juzu said, sharply.

"Why?" I was curious despite myself. It was my nature, after all… or at least half of it.

"Those are Naraku Kokusei and Kikyou Nazo." He said, frowning, "Naraku's a bastard. Can't trust him as far as you can throw him and Kikyou's not much better. Doesn't make it any better that she's that hag's grand niece," he said, waving at our miko instructor. I felt myself stiffen at that and quickly cast my senses at her. Shit! She was a miko, alright. Almost as powerful as me, which is saying something considering my bloodline.

"I take it you don't like them?" I said with a small smile.

"I'd rather eat shit that sit with them for a minute," I giggled.

"That bad?" despite myself, I found this hanyou interesting. I already knew Sango liked his attitude and Kagura didn't care, but I seriously could just sit here talking forever with the guy…

I just prayed he wouldn't remove his spell. I could see the fuzzy outline of his true hair color and a pair of cruelly adorable puppy dog ears. My had twitched when I saw them this morning in the hall, though he didn't notice me. He had just gotten out of first hour, and was too busy talking to a young man with black hair, violet eyes and what looked oddly like a bruise on his left cheek. Well, laughing at the poor, distraught boy would be more like it.

Anyways, back to the ears, I'd have killed to be able to touch them. They looked so soft and furry, two things that had always been a weakness of mine. As a matter of fact, I was torn over what I'd rather have my hands on, InuYasha's ears or Sessho-maru tail… (AN; This is a pure Inu\Kag! I have no intentions of Kagome having any sort of romantic relationship with Sessho-maru in this story, But I ADORE the taiyoukai with a passion. Sesshy… *sigh*)

"You know, you seem really perky. It must be tough to live with six other kids. I have a bad enough time with the ass and Rin," I'm guessing ass is an `affectionate' nickname for Sessho-maru.

"Sometimes… I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my family to death, but sometimes it feels like I'm all alone in a crowd," I mentally cursed myself. Not only was I revealing too much to him, but now I probably looked like an idiot, too!

"What?" I beamed at him again.

"Never mind. Just some wistful thinking I guess." What was it about him that had me so uncharacteristically off guard? Even the girls never got me to relax around them to this point and we've known each other for practically forever!

"Whatever. Five's good for me. We meeting there?" I blinked at him, then recalled my question.

"Oh! Sure. Now we just need a-"


I cursed mentally and started to gather my things. InuYasha did the same.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, InuYasha. I'll see you at five," For some reason, that Kikyou girl glared at me when I said that. When this was combined with the disappointed groans of nearby guys, I realized exactly how people could take my goodbye. I hurried out the door, blushing.

"Kag!" I breathed a sigh of relief when I ran over to Sango and Kagura.

"S'up?" Sango rolled her eyes.

"Ass groped me!" I blinked questioningly at Kagura, silently asking for a clearer explination.

"Miroku Houshi, he's best friends with InuYasha Juzu and a complete lech if the rumors are right," I grinned.

"Well, Juzu himself seems okay, a little rude but not the worse I've seen."

"I like him," Sango said, scowl fading. "Though I DO find his taste in friends questionable…"

"He doesn't like Kokusei or Nazo," I said, stopping at a crossing.

"Really? Maybe he can help us then,"

"Not a chance, Sango. He's still the son of the lord of youkai and a police officer to boot. We can't risk ourselves trusting a guy like that."

"We don't have to tell him about the heist. But maybe he can help with your stone and Nazo."

"No." I felt my face darken and my hands clench. "That's MY mission. It's personal, and I'm not getting anyone else involved."

"Fair enough," Kagura said as we neared the elementary school, where we had agreed to meet with the boys to pick up Shippo and Rin.

"Kagome! Sango! Kagura!" I grinned openly at the three boys and one girl that ran up to us.

"Hey, how was your first day?" I asked, picking Shippo up and taking Souta's hand with my free hand.

"Okay. The teacher's really nice and there's a really nice girl in my class named Rin. We colored together and played outside at recess."

"Wow," I said, smiling at the little kitsune, "Sounds like fun,"

"Yeah! And Rin said she'd ask her dad if I could come over sometime. Can I, Kagome?"

"If you promise to be good…"

"I promise!" Shippo said eagerly.

"Alright. We'll see what her dad says."

"Our gym teacher wants us on the soccer team," Souta said grinning.

"And the track team, and the basketball team and the football team and the wrestling team-"

"Alright, alright!" Sango laughed. "Come on, let's go home."

"InuYasha!" I hissed, "will you stop that!"

"Stop what?" the hanyou said, not even attempting to keep his voice down. Other people glared at him.

"Sighing!" I hissed back, blushing and giving the people apologetic looks. "It's getting on my nerves,"

"Didn't know you had any," I kicked him under the table. "OW!"

"Mister, if you can't keep your voice at an appropriat level, I'm afraid you're going to have to study elsewhere." The librarian said, glaring at InuYasha. InuYasha scowled back.

"did you find anything about Midoriko?" I asked.

"…She lived a long time ago?"


"What? I'm getting to it okay?" I sighed, and looked at the clock.

"I have to go now, or else I'll never be ready for work in time," I said, getting up. "Look, just finish up here. Make sure to come to class tomarrow with at least a page of notes." And with that I left, keeping my smirk in check until I was a safe distance away.

"Yo, new girl! You got a customer at table three."

"Thanks, Yura!" I said, getting up and practically bouncing out the door. My joyful mood vanished when I saw exactly who was leaning in his seat at table three.

I'd have rather served Kouga, or InuYasha or even a family of twelve. ANYONE but Naraku Kokusei…

"Hi, I'm Kagome and I'll be your waitress for the evening, how can I help you?" I said with an obviously fake smile. I did NOT want this guy anywhere near me. His eyes raked my body and I silently cursed the skimpy outfits we were forces to wear.

"Why don't you tell me?" Naraku said with a cold smile.

"Well we have chicken soup, burgers and fries, clam chowder, liver and onions-" before I could go no with the list, I was suddenly pulled closer to Naraku by a hand at my waist.

"That's not what I meant, Kagome," He said with a smirk, "And you know it,"

"Let me go right now, Mr. Kokusei," I hissed, trying to pull back, his grip tightened.

"See? You're not as sweet and innocent as you let on. I enjoy watching this wild, threatening side of you more," Naraku chuckled, "You're a spitfire with a mind of your own. I've been watching you all day," I gave him a sharp, uncertain look. Impossible. I would've felt something… "I applaude you for your handling of Juzu at the library. Few others would be so daring after finding out who and what his father is." I felt my insides run cold.

"I don't care. InuYasha wasn't going to scare me away with his dad," I said, increasing my struggles and hoping one of the other waitresses would help me out.

"Disregard for authority," Naraku smirked, "I like that," I decided to take this up a level, to let him know I wasn't gonna be messed with.

I sent a small wave of miko energy into him, masking it so he couldn't tell what it was. Naraku hissed in pain and let go of me. I slipped away.

"No, Naraku. I'm my own authority." I said, then louder, "My shift's over, Yura. I'm going home!"

"Kay. See you tomarrow, Kagome." I walked out the door and into a nearby ally, were I teleported a street away from home.


-Mama, Mama, watch this!-

-Very good, Kagome. Your father will be very happy to see how fast your taking to your powers!-

-I'm a good student, aren't I, Mama?- a tinkle of laugher.

-Yes, My little angel, you're a good student and a wonderful daughter.-


I shook my head, getting rid of the unwanted memory and headed down the street. I actually was surprised to see InuYasha sitting on the front steps of my apartment complex, eyes closed and my purse in his hand. I figured he'd give it back tomarrow…

"InuYasha?" his eyes snapped open and his mouth twisted into his permanent scowl. He tossed me my purse.

"You shouldn't leave your stuff layin' around, wench," He said, standing up. I caught my purse.

"Thanks. What are you doing here? Youi could have just given me the purse tomorrow at school."

"And miss the perfect excuse to get out of that library? Are you nuts?" I glared at him, but couldn't stop the smile playing at my lips. Oddly enough, InuYasha's laid back slacker attitude was just what I needed after that run in with Naraku. I sighed.

"Do you have to be home soon?" InuYasha shook his head. I rummaged through my purse for my apartment key, "Well, do you want to come in for a bite to eat? I'm afraide we don't have much. Mostly canned soups and ramen-" next thing I knew, I was being dragged up the stairs. "INUYASHA!"

"You offered, wench," He said gruffly. I sighed. This was gonna be a long, heist…


DV- Okay I've got a million ideas for this story, so I'm just kinda going with what my keyboard tells me to write for now. But fear not! There WILL be a plot!!! Eventually…

Sango- I get a POV in this, right?

DV- I'd fear what you'd do to me if you didn't.

Shippo- Do I?

DV- No. As much as I'd love to help a fellow kitsune, I'm afraid your POV would only confuse people more

Kagome- So when's this story going to turn kawaii?

DV- When you and Inu stop being so stubborn, Miroku stops groping every girl over ten he sees and Sango stops sending Miroku to the hospital.

Inu- In other words, never?

DV- Shut it, dog boy. Review or no chapter three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!