InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ The Date ( Chapter 6 )
More Yummy reviews!!! I love all the positive feedback!
pyroangel7 (I just missed your review last chapter. Thanks! I'm big IY/YYH crossover fan myself, and I've even been writing one. *laughs* I'm gonna try! Oh, and I'm sorry, but mailing out of the question. Super over protective parents + slight rebellious behavior = 0 freedoms -_-;;; I'm lucky they let me on the computer at all!!!)
BlackLightning019 (Thanks! I love making people laugh. I don't really know how long this fic will be. Probably somewhere around 20 chapters, but it could be more or less *shrugs* I just kinda go with it,)
NefCanuck (Yep!!! Here ya go!!! ^-^)
Naja607 (Thanks!!! Read and discover, my friend ^-^ I'll try!!!)
Yani (Thank you!!! Yeah, most girls probably DO feel sorry for Miroku… until his hand is on their ass. More Naraku and Kikyou next chapter. But there is some comedy and slight Inu/Kag fluff this chapter!!!)
HellKeeper (Thanks!!!)
Sesshie'sgirl (Thank you!!! Yeah, it took me a while to decide what animal to stick in the box. ^-^ But I'm happy with the monkey, too)
Syke Frost (Thank you!!! ^-^ That sounds really cool. I've got a lot of close friends and a cousin who's practically my sister. Ironically, my cuz only reads the beginning/end things and the rest of my friend (except one) don't read my stories at all! -_-;;; oh, well…)
blackestheart (Actually, I decided to keep him after writing the Inu/condiments thing. ^-^ Read ahead for more!!!)
sillie (Thank you!!! Wow… Thanks again!!! Eh? O.o I have a fan?)
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Kouga- *moves towards Kagome* Come on, Kagome, you know you wanna be with me
Kagome- *moves away from Kouga* Ehehehe…
Inu- *Growling and sulking from the corner, were he is wrapped in chains so he won't hurt `himself.'* Damn it, let me out right now, wench!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DV- Sorry, Inu. I can't let you kill Kouga here.
Inu- WHAT?!?!?!?!
Kouga- the contract we signed, dog-turd. I put in that you could get Kagome in the actual story if I got immunity from you in the beginning and end thingies. Meaning now, I can do whatever I want and you can't touch me!!!
Inu- *glares at DV*
DV- Hey, don't give me that look!!! YOU signed it. Not my fault you didn't read through it.
Inu- *mumbles something under his breath.*
Miroku- What was that, InuYasha?
Inu- nothing.
Miroku- I sounded like something to me.
Inu- …
Kagome- Come on, InuYasha, spill.
Inu- I…I can't read
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%The Date%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"Come on, Saru, that's not fair!!!" I grinned at Sango and Kagura, who shook their heads in exasperation. It was Friday, two days after the lunch fiasco that landed all of us with a month's worth of detention, before school, and our brother's were currently playing a racing game against the newest member of our family.
It didn't take too long for Kagura to forgive him, the one she was REALLY mad at was Sessho-maru, so the two were now on very good terms. Anyways Saru the monkey became Kagura's new pet monkey, since he was originally meant for her, much to the boy's absolute delight.
They started showing him everything, and once they learned he could be taught to play Playstation2 (I don't own!!!!!! But I do own one. I'm addicted to Final Fantasy 10 and 10 2) they started playing against him, too. Sad thing is, the chimp's totally destroying them…
"Turn the game off you little apes, it's time to get ready for school."
"Saru's a chimp, nee-chan, not an ape."
"I was talking to you and Kohaku, now move!!!" Souta stuck his tongue out at me before running into the room the boy's shared to get his things.
"What are you waiting for, we're gonna be late," Kagura said cheerfully. I blinked at her, then turned to Sango as she went into the bathroom, humming to herself.
"Is she okay?" Sango shrugged, glancing up from her manga.
"She seemed fine last night. Maybe she just had a good dream or something," I snorted.
"Or something." Sango grinned.
"And I'm guessing that `something' has something to do with Sessho-maru." I nodded. Kagura had been silent and sullen since the monkey attack. Even more so when she saw how smug Sessho-maru was.
"Should we ask her?"
"Nope. When it comes to this thing between Juzu and Kagura, I say we just leave it to them and hope we don't get caught in the crossfire." I nodded again and grabbed my backpack.
"SOUTA!!! KOHAKU!!! KANNA!!! SHIPPO!!!" I yelled. All the younger members of the family rushed from where ever they were. "Everybody ready?"
"All checked!"
"Yes, mama," I nodded, then turned to Sango.
"Please tell me you manga collection aren't the only books in your backpack." Sango rolled her eyes.
"Alright, alright, I'll take them out," the boys snickered as Sango emptied her bag of the books. (AN; That's become morning routine in my family, too. EVERY morning, mom checks my backpack for more than three mangas. ^-^; It's not like I don't already KNOW the things they tell me at school, anyways!!!)
"Let's go!" Kagura said, bounding out the door. The rest of us followed her cautiously, fearful of the wind hybrid's odd behavior.
When we got to school, Kagura was herself again. Except for an occasional evil smirk every once in a while. By lunch, everyone was on their guard and kept sneaking glances at our table. Of coarse, I had a more personal problem to deal with at the moment.
"And just who are you to tell me who I can and cannot date, InuYasha?!?!" I snapped angrily at the hanyou in front of me. InuYasha scowled back.
"Kouga's not your type, wench, now call off your date before you get hurt!" I sighed.
"I should at least give him a fair chance, InuYasha. I'll go out with him this once and make my decision. Your personal opinions and your grudge against Kouga-kun are not going to convince me otherwise."
Truth be told, I'd much rather call off my date with Kouga. Don't get me wrong, he's been really nice to me and all, but I just don't feel… attracted to him. But I had to go on this date. Not for personal pleasure, but because the Ookamis were the only Lords whom we were uncertain of their opinion towards Kokusei and Nazo.
We needed to find out as much as possible, and with the help of a few simple spells, one date should be all I need to get that information. Also, InuYasha's reaction to this after bluntly denying he liked me even as a friend was definitely a boost for the morale. I watched Miroku out of the corner of my eye as his hand inched towards my sisters-
-never mind. Then I looked warily at Kagura, who now seemed perfectly normal as she fanned herself and glared distastefully at the school lunch, which actually scared me more than if she'd been humming and skipping again. Acting normal after acting strange could only mean one thing in our `family.'
Someone was hatching a plan.
I shook my head and decided I did NOT want to know before turning back to InuYasha, who resorted to sulking after he realized I was tuning him out.
"Anyways, shouldn't we be talking about Midoriko instead of Kouga, InuYasha?"
"Feh. Who cares about some dead wench?" I felt my anger rise at the insult to my great-however-many-grandmother.
"That `dead wench' was one of the most famous mikos in history, and the last known one to be powerful enough to take out a taiyoukai!"
"…She's still a dead wench." I threw my hands up in defeat.
"That's IT!!! This is the last time I work on a project with you!!! Next time I'll work with Kouga or something. At least HE would actually pull his weight!" the hanyou's real ear twitch, momentarily distracting me. Not that anyone noticed…
"I am pulling my own weight. It's just that you weigh more than me."
"If anyone needs me, I'll be in the library," I said, huffily. With that, I turned and walked away. Baka!
"Hey, Kagome," Kouga said, sliding in the chair next to me and wrapping an arm around my waist. I glared at InuYasha when he started to growl. "How's my woman today? I saw you fighting with dog-boy at lunch." He was acting like the hanyou wasn't even there.
"Hello, Kouga-kun, I'm fine. Shouldn't you be working with Ayame on the project?" I looked over at the redhead wolf, who was giving a sulky glare in our direction.
"Nah. She's got it almost done. Some stupid stuff on the Shikon no Tama." InuYasha's ear twitched under his illusion.
"Really? Ours is on Midoriko."
"Midoriko was the tajiya miko who created the Shikon No Tama, and made it possible for demons to live their lives peacefully," All three of us turned at the new voice, and I shifted my posture slightly to be ready to fight at a given notice, "She was the first Joryu Miko, and worked vigorously with Lord Osameru, High Lord at the time." Naraku watched me carefully as the names of my ancestors fell from his lips, "Even if you pay no attention to your schooling, you should at least know that much considering your bloodline." Kouga glared at him.
"What's the point in learning about some dumb jewel and a bunch of dead people? It won't do me any good, so why bother?"
"Because if you learn about their strategies and mistakes when dealing with certain problems, you can make sure you don't make the same mistake." I said, mentally grimacing as I realized I was agreeing with Kokusei.
"Well, I don't have to worry about something like that," Kouga said, unconcerned, "I don't make mistakes. Dog-breath on the other hand…" I grabbed InuYasha's sleeve as he made to stand, his eyes flashing gold.
"Well, InuYasha and I have to get to the library-" I almost laughed at the comical look of horror that passed InuYasha's face, "-and snag some computers to check some things out," the hanyou sighed in relief, and Kouga gave me a disappointed look before brightening again.
"Alright then. I'll see you at four, babe," Oh he did not just call me-!
[Kagome!!! Don't blow up in front of Kokusei!!!] I took at deep, calming breath and concentrated on the telepathic voice.
<I wasn't going to, Kagura. I know the importance of maintaining our image. Besides, I think he already suspects something…>
[I wouldn't be surprised. And you shouldn't be snapping at one of the heirs, anyways. That might make a tension when and if we reveal ourselves.] I mentally snorted.
<Aren't you the one currently at `war' with the future lord of the western lands?>
[That's different! Kouga's an only child. If I kill Sessho-maru, InuYasha would still be around to inherit.]
<Are you suggesting INUYASHA rule over the western lands?!> I asked, incredulously as I watched said hanyou's fruitless attempt to burn holes into Kouga's back with his eyes.
[… good point…]
--Well, he'll make a better lord than his jackass best friend. I swear, next time the letch touches me…--
<You'll scream `hentai,' smack him into the nearest wall and then admire his butt while he's seeing two.> I said as I gathered my things.
"Right. See you then, Kouga," I said, cheerfully, grabbing my mythology partner's hand and rushing out the door.
--I know where you sleep, Kagome,-- I openly smiled at the dark threat as Kagura chuckled in the back round.
<And I know where your pictures from your twelfth birthday are!>
<Good-bye, girls,> I closed off our mental link.
"Oye, wench," I glared at InuYasha.
"My name's Kagome!!! Ka-go-ME!!! Not wench, bitch, girl, babe or any other stupid little nicknames!!!" InuYasha looked at me like I was crazy for a second before smirking.
"You're mad at Kouga," I glared at him.
"And what makes you think that?!?!"
"You said not to call you babe. Kouga just called you that, didn't he?" I mentally winced.
"Just because I don't like `pet names' doesn't mean I'm mad at Kouga," I said, stiffly, "Kouga happens to be very sweet and attentive," InuYasha scowled.
"Yeah, yeah," Was it just me, or did his mood get way darker in a matter of seconds?
"You don't like Kouga, do you?" InuYasha gave me a look that said `no duh!' "Why not?"
"Asshole thinks he's better than me," InuYasha said gruffly. I was confused for a second before understanding settled in.
All half demons heard those rude names at sometime in their lives. If I, who was the future heir of the High Lord throne and Daughter of a highly respected miko, had heard people whisper those of me behind my parent's backs, then what stopped them from being told to the second son of the Western lands?
-You're the princess, right?-
-Yes, my name's Kagome. Want to play in the gardens?-
-No. My momma says I have to stay away from your kind because your just a half-blood and not worth my time,-
I scowled. Why were suppressed memories coming up now, after all these years?! Maybe because I was around the Lords and their heirs again…
I'd only met InuYasha once as a child. We were very young, and I doubt he even remembers it.
It had been at a ceremony in the Northern Lands, before Souta was even born…
I stuck close to my mother, watching everything around me carefully. None of the other children would play with me, either because they feared me or saw me beneath them, they being pureblooded demons with no human influence.
I saw a young inu hanyou next to his mother, looking as bored as could possibly be. He managed to slip away when his mother was speaking to a youkai lady, and immediately started for the kitchen, which was bustling with cooks and servants. Curious, I watched him snatch bread rolls and bowls of rice from distracted servants.
Then, he got a little bolder and stole a glass of wine from the Lord of the East. Frowning, I went over to scold him.
-You shouldn't do that.-
-Feh! I can do whatever I want.-
-Says who?-
-Says me. Who's going to stop me, anyways?-
-Me,- Laugher.
-YOU?! What could YOU do? Scold me to death?- scowling, I smacked him across the head.
-You're a dummy,- I declared, folding my arms and turning away slightly. The boy started forward, only to step on the corner of a tablecloth, trip and spill red wine all over my favorite white kimono.
I smiled again. It wasn't until after my father had dragged me away from strangling the boy that I found out he was the western lord's son, and one of only three hanyous in the royal families at the time, including myself.
For some reason, InuYasha and I were never allowed to see each other after that *ahem* `incident,' and my mother kept a keener eye on me at social gatherings.
"You okay, wench?"
"Itai!!! What was that for?!?!" I scowled at him.
"That's what's going to happen every time you call me be something other than my name. Keep it up and I'll find an even more painful way to torment you!!!"
"Like what? Take pictures of yourself naked so I'll gauge my own eyes out?"
I growled and went on ahead, muttering about stupid, arrogant, loud mouth, no-good-! Erm, continuing…
Four hours later, I was sitting at home in a black half top with a glittering silver dragon on it and a black knee length skirt with slits going a little past mid thigh and black high heel sandals that wrapped up my legs and tied about five inches below the knees.
My hair was pulled back into a simple pony tail, with a little blue glitter in it. Kagura and Sango insisted on doing my make-up, so I was now wearing a violet eye shadow, blue mascara and a soft pink lip gloss. I also wore a black choker and sapphire earrings.
The boys were teasing me as I waited for Kouga so I could get this over with. I sighed as I glanced at the clock. Kouga would be here soon, we'd go out to a soccer game, out to eat and then to a to a club, I'd find out what we needed to know, gently break it off with Kouga and be on my merry way.
When the door bell rang, the room was enveloped in slight chaos. The boys and Sango all wanted to answer the door at once. Souta, Kohaku and Shippo out of curiosity and Sango no doubt for the chance to `chat' with Kouga before we left.
Anyways, Shippo ended up knocking over a bowl of salsa the boys had sitting on the armrest of the couch while they were playing video games, spilling it all over Kanna, who jumped up, a slight look of horror on her face as the red sauce stained her pure white skirt, and she ended up bowling Kagura over in her hurry to the bathroom to wash said skirt. Kagura fell into the group, slamming them into the ground.
Kouga looked at all of them in confusion at the mess of people on the floor, and Saru, who had answered the door, shook his head and `scolded' the group and I (barely) contained my laugher.
"Am I interrupting something?"
"No," I said, smiling as I saw his eyes widened at the sight of me. "Come on, Let's leave before they get up," Kouga nodded mutely and I dragged him out the door. "Bye Guys! See you later, Okay? And Sango, you better get that biology report started!!!" I ignored my sister's muffled whines as I closed the door behind me.
Later that night, I found myself more or less dozing off at the restaurant after the game as Kouga rambled on and on about himself and his accomplishments. I'd found out what I needed to know already. Kouga's family hated Kokusei, and were neutral as far as Nazo was concerned.
Right now, I was listening to anything and everything BUT Kouga. I looked around the restaurant, and saw two boys sitting in a corner booth, wearing baseball hats that covered their hair and sunglasses that covered their eyes and most of their faces. One was wearing a red jacket and blue jeans and the other a dark blue jacket and black jeans.
Normally, nothing about these boys would've really stood out to me, but the fact that I had also seen them at the soccer game made them a tad more than a little suspicious.
They were talking with the bitchy waitress that seated us while I was looking at them, and I quickly averted my eyes to make sure they didn't see I noticed them.
Pretending to look at the menu, I probed Red's mind with my Elemental powers, and my eyes widened at what I found.
I considered confronting him, but decided against it, knowing it would just turn into this huge mess. Idly, I wondered why he was here. He made it clear that he didn't like me, so why was he following me around on my date? Then again, he wasn't alone.
My eyes flickered to Ayame, who was too busy watching Kouga to even notice me. She didn't bother to hide who she was, and Kept trying to catch Kouga's attention at the game. She seemed to be listening to headphones, which seemed innocent enough until I noticed the mini speaker clinging to Kouga's shirt. SOMEBODY is in serious need of a hobby…
"-And when I was four, my friend Ginta and I used to race through the main hall of our house, which is huge because our family's so rich. I'd always win. That was how I found out I had a knack for running. I'm probably the fastest guy in Japan, and definitely the fastest on our track team. As a matter of fact, I AM the track team!" Kami-sama just kill me now…
I sighed in relief as we entered the club. The music was so deafening, even Kouga couldn't talk over it. Said wolf lead me on to the dance floor the second we entered.
As Kouga tried to get as close as physically possible to me as we dances, I scanned my senses to see if InuYasha and Miroku were here as well. (AN; How many of you were expecting the Easter bunny? Please tell me you guessed that. It was painfully obvious. -_-;;;) I wasn't too surprised that they were, but I nearly fell over when I felt the unsuppressed rage pouring off of InuYasha's spirit.
The crowd was starting to thicken, and I ended up separated from my date. I looked around, jumping to try and see over the heads around me and cursing my mother's genetics for making me so short.
"Well, well, I haven't seen you around, babe," My eyes flashed at the evil name and I turned to glared at the drunken boy addressing me. "Wanna get to know each other better?" I looked at him. A ningen. And he couldn't be more than sixteen. Why did ningens create laws, then not enforce them?
"No, I don't want to know you at all," I said, turning away. The drunk grabbed my arm.
"C'mon, sweetheart, don't be like that! *burp* Let's go somewhere more private." I felt my anger and frustration boil over.
"Let go of me you JERK!!!"
Furious, I headed for the door, seeing Kouga trying to peel his arm away from Ayame. I didn't care. I was going home, NOW!!!
I couldn't just teleport home. There were way too many people around here. Meaning I had to walk 4 miles back to the apartment. I sighed. This could not get any worse…
I should've known better. I glared bitterly at the sky was the heavens poured down on me. NOW I'd have to walk 4 miles in the rain without a coat.
Suddenly a red jacket was in front of me. I blinked, and glanced at the boy holding the jacket.
"Inu… Yasha?"
"Feh. Here, before you catch a cold or something," He looked at me and quickly added, "I don't need you sneezing all over me in school on Monday." I glared half heartedly and took the offered jacket, shrugging it on and pulling the hood up.
"Why are you here?" The hanyou shrugged.
"Just wanted to blow off some steam and this seemed like a good place to do it." I raised an eyebrow at him.
"And I take it the soccer game and restaurant were also good places to `blow off steam,'" InuYasha blushed.
"Feh. Don't know what you're talkin' about," I shook my head.
"You want to walk home with me?" InuYasha shrugged and we started off.
"Hey, Kagome?"
"Why did you REALLY go on a date with Kouga? And don't give me that shit you said before." I sighed.
"To be honest, my sisters thought it would be good for me," To be the one to find out where the ookami family stands. But, hey, HE didn't need to know that.
"So you don't like Kouga?"
"Not that way. He's really not my type,"
"The what is you type," I looked at him oddly.
"Dunno. Tell you when I find him." We walked in silence for a while.
"What happened to that monkey my brother sicced on your sister?"
"He's more than likely at home playing Tony Hawk Underground (AN; I don't own. Really, people, how many times do I have to say this?!) with my little brothers." InuYasha smirked.
"So you kept it, eh? That'll eat Sesshy-chan up alive," I stopped.
"Sesshy-chan?!" InuYasha grinned.
"My old man got my little sister a couple of stuffed dogs for her birthday a while back. She called one Sesshy-chan." I grinned.
"I see. And the other one?" InuYasha blushed and looked away.
"Inu-chan," I giggled.
"Aww… that's soo kawaii!!! I think it's really sweet that your sister loves you two so much. You must spend a lot of time with her." InuYasha shrugged.
"I guess. The runt's okay, when you can get her to shut up. The one she's really close to is Sessho-maru, though. She adores him and he'd do anything to protect her." Another silence. "Kagome?"
"Did you say you guys have Tony Hawk Underground earlier?"
Believe it or not, we spent the next three and a half miles talking about video games. Best and worst games, favorite systems, Games we'd played that the other hadn't heard of, and Whether or not Zelda Windwaker was better than Ocarina of Time (AN; Another thing I don't own. Though I'm a mega Zelda geek ^-^;;;) InuYasha liked Windwaker better because it had a lot more to do. I liked Ocarina better because it didn't look like my little brothers Saturday morning cartoons, and I like the ocarina better than the baton. Though I did like how they'd gotten rid of any and all annoying fairies by Windwaker.
We got to my apartment all too soon for my liking. I mentally sighed as I saw my entire family, including Kanna, crowded around the window.
"Thanks InuYasha." He shrugged and started to leave. "Hey, Wait! You forgot your jacket!"
"Keep it," The hanyou said, leaving before I could protest. I stared after him for a second. Weird. One minute he was a rude, frustrating jerk, and the next he was helping me out of the rain and talking to me like a civilized person. I shook my head, entering the apartment complex.
"I'll never get you, InuYasha Juzu,"
DV- WAK!!! I'm SOOOOO sorry this took so long to get up!!! Between my teachers and my parents, I just haven't got the time to sit down and write. And when I DO get a second to myself, I'm pooped! I made this chapter super long to make up for it. 13 pages on word!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miroku- *To Inu* You can't read?!
Inu- I never had to learn, Okay!
Sango- But You're the son of a taiyoukai.
Inu- *death glare* SO?!?!?!?!
Sess- My fool of a half brother just never saw a reason to learn. I believe that is now coming back to haunt him.
Inu- SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!
Shippo- You have to admit that's pathetic, InuYasha. I mean, even I can read and I'm just a little kid. *Inu throws in through nearby wall… and the wall after that… and the wall after that… and the wall after that…*
Kagome- SITSITSITSITSITSITSIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inu- @_@
Sango- -_-;;; Please review.
DV- and once again, Forgive this poor, overworked writer for not updating sooner!!!