InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ More Cafeteria Chaos ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

^-^ I adore reviews!!!

HN-I-Love-Inuyasha (O.O; Yikes!!! Here's my update! I didn't think that was much of a cliffy. I've done worst.)

blackestheart (I agree. You'll have to wait and see, though!!!)

inu-babs-girly-girl (Thanks!!! I'm not making any promises, though. As for the nurses… you don't wanna know. ^-^ Thanks for your email, but thanks to my step dad who I swear was a hawk in a former life, I don't even have my own e-mail address, sadly enough.)

BlackLightning019 (You'll see!!! Thanks for the review,)

I don't feel like logging in (I have those days) (Thanks!)

Hellkeeper (O.o)

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DV- Did everybody miss me?

Inu- No.

DV- HEY!!!

Kagome- Be nice, InuYasha

Sango- I thought you above all would enjoy what DreamVixen did to Sessho-maru

Inu- I liked that. I just don't like the wench that thought it up.

DV- Ass.

Inu- Bitch.

DV- Wrong species, smart one.

Inu- …Shut up, wench!!!

Everyone- -_-;;;

Sango- DreamVixen doesn't own us, never owned us and, despite futal attempts involving peanut butter and an umbrella, will never own us.

DV- That could've worked!!! I swear!!!

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%More Cafeteria Chaos%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

I snickered as I walked Behind Sessho-maru, making a mental note to thank Kagura for this.

"One word to that wench and I'll fill your life with pain and misery, little brother," Sessho-maru growled, guessing what I was thinking.

"Does that mean I can tell the rest of the school?" Sessho-maru's growling got louder, and I grinned. This was just too good to be true…

Kagome and I had gotten into a fight in mythology yesterday, and Kouga used that to his advantage to ask her out this Friday. What really got me was that she agreed. So I was pretty pissed until I saw Sessho-maru still had that handprint on his face. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, Mom gave us her suggestion for hiding the mark.

For a full minute after she told us her idea, the look of pure horror on Sessho-maru's face was absolutely priceless. To make it better, I got a picture of it.

Hey, can you blame me? That was the first, and probably last, time I saw complete mortification on the Ice Prince's face, and the handprint on his cheek made it an even more inviting shot.

After Sessho-maru more or less tore the house apart in a fruitless search for the camera, Father came home. He saw the handprint, heard the story, tried some magic to get it to go away, couldn't do anything and agreed with mom. Though I could have sworn he looked ready to laugh, something he hadn't done since Sessho-maru told him about this shit with Onigumo.

Yep, life was good…

We got to school, and saw all three Enustik girls sitting on the steps of the building. as we approached, Kagome looked up to glare at me, and turned back to the book she was reading, Sango was currently warding off Miroku, who I fear has become obsessed with her, and Kagura was staring at Sessho-maru with open surprise.

"How did you-!"

"Do you believe this Sessho-maru could not overcome you enchantment, you little witch?" My half-brother said, arrogantly. I snickered again, and Sessho-maru shot me a warning glare before going inside. Kagura looked after him, a frown on her face.

"I don't get it. I thought I made that spell strong enough…"

"You did," I reassured her. Sessho-maru's wrath was worth this. "Not even our Father could break the spell,"

"Then how come the handprint's not there anymore?!" She demanded, confused. I grinned widely.

(AN; If you haven't already guessed by now, your probably thinking of ways to kill me. ^-^ Sorry, but I couldn't resist dragging it out! My friend Duo's Hanyou thought it was funny how no one guessed, too.)

"You ladies above all, should know the wonders of modern make-up," All three girls and Miroku stared at me in shock, everything else forgotten.

"You mean…"

"He's wearing…"

All four cracked up, Sango had to lean against the guard rail for support, Kagome had tears leaking from her eyes, Miroku fell down a few steps as he clutched his stomach in laughter. And Kagura was doubled over, the loudest of them all. I had to choke back my own laugher as I watched them. The other student looked at us like we were crazy.

"Oh, man," Sango said as she regained breath.

"That's rich!" Miroku added.

"Talk about a blow to a guy's pride," Kagome said, sounding slightly sympathetic. Though she was still grinning.

"Send my thanks to the genius who thought that up." Kagura said with a wolf-like grin.

"Mom'll be thrilled." Kagome giggled again.

"And here I thought Sessho-maru was one of those guys who'd let Hell freeze over before he did something that threatened his image."

"He is," I grinned. "Of course, between the choices of apologizing and make-up…" Everyone laughed again.

"You mom did a great job picking out the color, though. Especially since he has such a unique complexion. You can't even tell! What brand was it?" I blinked at Sango. Unique complexion? Brand? "Never mind,"

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" Kagome said, getting up and hurrying inside. Her sister followed, still chuckling to themselves. Miroku stayed with me smiling and shaking his head.

"Please tell me you have hard evidence of all this?"

"I got a picture of Sessho-maru's face when Mom told him her make-up idea."

"Can I have a copy?"

"The whole school's getting one." Miroku chuckled.

"Let's go."

I growled as I got out of second hour, my good mood vanishing at the sight of Kouga with an arm around Kagome's waist. Miroku rose an eyebrow at me.

"Well, it appears someone's jealous," He said, amused. I glared at him.

"I am not." I said, shortly. Miroku chuckled.

"Then you shouldn't care about who she's dating?"

"I don't. It's just that it's annoying to see that fucking wolf so happy. And I still don't see why she said yes!" Miroku smiled.

"Maybe she like him?" I snorted.

"No one could like that bastard."

"Ayame seems quite infatuated with him."

"Wolves stick together."

"So? The point is, one girl likes him, so why can't another? Or is it perhaps the fact that you are interested in the girl that has you so upset?"

"I AM NOT INTERESTED IN THAT WENCH!!!" that made everyone look our way. Even Kagome, who had a hurt look on her face for a second, before brushing it off and waving goodbye to Kouga before heading to her third hour. I flinched.

"Not interested, hm?"

"Shut up," Why the Hell was it that everyone BUT Kagome could see how I felt about her?!

"Inu-chan? Where's Sesshy-kun?" I glared at that Fuben wench that was stalking my brother. I really, REALLY hated her. Partly because she couldn't take a hint and partly because she was Kikyou's best friend. Even when I was dating Kikyou, I still found Fuben dense and annoying.

"Why the Hell would I know?!" I growled.

"BECAUSE, Inu-chan, he's YOUR brother!"

"Yeah, and I hate his guts. Now go find someone else to bug, wench." Fuben huffed.

"Keep up like that and I'll tell Kikyou to break up with you!" She threatened.

"Bitch, I broke up with Kikyou over a month ago!"

"Oh, Honestly, InuYasha, do you think anyone's fooled? It's obvious you still have feelings for Kikyou. You should just swallow your pride and asked her to take you back," Miroku held me back from strangling the wench as she turned and started away.

"Damn it, monk, let me go!!! I'll kill her!!!"

"I think your father has enough to worry about right now, without adding the stress of bail and court dates,"

"I don't give a fuck!!! I'll still kill her!!!" he sighed.

"You know, InuYasha, If you don't tone it down, Kagome might be Kouga's girlfriend for a while," I glared at him.

"Feh! Baka hentai. She just agreed to go on a date with him a few days from now. Never said anything about being his girl,"

"Come on, InuYasha, you'll be late for Science and I have a date in History with the beautiful Sango."

"You keep stalkin' her like you are and she'll make good on her threat to shove your ponytail up your ass, you know," Miroku simply smiled and waved, heading to History. I sighed and started to my own third hour.

An hour later, at lunch I glared at Kagome as she sat down. She ignored me, turning to Sango who was seething at Miroku's most recent grope.

"Sango, Kouga changed the time of our date. Do you think you can make dinner on Friday?"

"Since when could I make anything more complicated than a sandwich?" (AN; ^-^; that's me all over. I'm taking a culinary class next year to change that, though.) I smirked, hoping Kagome would cancel on Kouga, "But we do have enough money to order a pizza." DAMN!

"Great. Hey, Kagura, can you help me pick out an outfit? You've got more fashion sense than I do."

"You forget that you could make a burlap sack look fashionable."

"Haha. Seriously, Kagura!"

"The sad thing is, I am being serious." Then, a nervous looking freshmen came up to Kagura, carrying a large cardboard box.

"E-excuse me? An upperclassman told me to give this to you." Kagura raised an eyebrow at him.

"Me?" He nodded in confirmation. "Well tell the `upperclassman' I'm flattered, but not interested.." She said, turning back to Kagome.

"W-w-wait!" The kid said, desperately, "I don't care what you do with it, just please take it! He'll KILL me if you don't!!!" Kagura sighed and motioned for him to put it on the table. Curious, I snatched the attached card as the boy took off to God knows where.

"A little gift that reminds me of you. Signed, Watching from afar. Awww… how sweet!"

"Lay off, dog-boy," Kagura said, taking out her fan. Suddenly, the box moved.

"You don't think there's an animal in there, do you?" Kagome asked worriedly.

"Maybe `Watching from afar' bought Miss high and mighty a slave to fan her," I smirked at Kagura's glare.

"More than likely the animal. Maybe you should open it, Kagura." Sango said, inching forward a bit. Her older sister sighed and started to open the flaps. I turned back to the note, and stiffened when I recognized the writing.

"Wait, Kagura, NO!" Too late. The box opened, and a little brown monkey jumped out, landing in Miroku's tapioca pudding and sliding to the end to the table, where it jumped off and onto a nearby vending machine. The girls (and Miroku) screamed.

"What the Hell?!"

"Who would give you a monkey and where the Hell would they get it from?!"

"Who CARES!!! Grab it before we get in trouble!!!"

"What?! And how should we do THAT?!"

"We could just-!"

Without hearing Kagome out, Sango rounded on the little guy. Fearful of the girl, it jumped off the vending machine and ran over to hide under the condiments table. Sighing in frustration, Sango started for the animal again, this time accompanied by a cautious Kagura and Miroku, who was just a tad closer to Sango then he really needed to be.

When they neared the table, The little guy took off again, this time taking a squirtable tube of ketchup and mayonnaise with him. I rolled with laugher as the three of them made attempt after attempt to restrain the monkey and other student either ran, screaming from it or tried to chase it towards Sango, Kagura and Miroku only to have it run under their legs or jump on their heads and hurry away.

I stopped laughing, though, when the damn thing started squirting me. I growled as the little mammal squealed in terror. Oh, I'd give it a reason to be afraid…

"Why you little-!"

"Don't hurt him, InuYasha!!!"

"Hurt him?!?! I'm gonna kill the little bastard!!!!!" I dived for it, and it ran away again. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE FUCKING COWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


I chased after him, ducking under tables and jumping over tables. By now, the cafeteria was pure chaos. Kids were screaming, food was everywhere and all attention was on the little brown furry bastard.

Behind me, Kagura swore loudly as her skirt tore and Sango screamed, not because of the monkey, but rather the monk. He chose the PERFECT opportunity to grope her!!!

"EVERYBODY STOP RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The whole cafeteria froze. Including the fucking monkey. Kagome sighed, calmly walked into the kitchen and came out with a banana. The monkey made it's way cautiously over to her, and took the banana. Quickly eating it. When it was finished, it squealed in delight, and jumped on Kagome's shoulder. Kagome turned to give me an annoyed glare, but her mouth twisted into a smile and she started to giggle. Then the giggling became full out hysterics. Soon, the whole cafeteria joined in, except Miroku who was still unconscious.

Kagome and the monkey made their way back to the table. The girl reached into the box and took out another card, flipping it open and reading it before handing it to Kagura. Her sister snatched it away, and read curiously. Her eyes clouded over with fury. Dropping the note, she stormed out of the cafeteria. I snatched it up before anyone could do anything


I hope you appreciated my `gift.'

Considering how loud and primitive

you are, a monkey seems to suit you.

Also, your embarrassment took place

at the same time and place as mine.

Most fitting, I believe. Remember

This next time you choose to

Challenge me. I will not sit back and

Let you ruin me without doing some

damage of my own.

-Sessho-maru Juzu


DV- ^-^ Okay, this chapter's pretty stupid, but I just can't see Sessho-maru letting Kagura walk all over him. As for the monkey… it was inspired by my own primate like little brother.

Inu- *laughing hysterically on the floor.* This is almost worth the torment!!!

Sango- Agreed.

Kouga- I get to go on a date with Kagome!!!

Inu- *stops laughing* Yeah, what the hell was with that?!?! I thought I was supposed to get Kagome!!!

Shippo- But I thought you didn't like her.

Inu- I-I don't!!! I just don't like the idea of her bein' with that wimpy wolf! He stinks too much.

Kouga- What was that, dog-breath?!

Inu- You heard me you fucking coward!!!

Sango- How did Kouga get here anyways?

Kouga- *grabs Kagome's hand* All the forces in the galaxy couldn't separate me from MY woman!!!

Kagome- Ehh…

Inu- LET HER GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DV- This is still an Inu\Kag. The date's explained next chapter. I might as well tell you now not to bother asking. As for how he got here… Your guess is as good as mine, Sango!

Miroku- Ah, well, let's leave him to the hanyou in denial.

Inu- SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DV- Now, let's see some reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!