InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ Wind against Ice and vice versa ( Chapter 4 )
*Starts glomping all reviewers.* You guys are my inspiration!!!!
eMeLyNoOoPeE (Yes, there after the clay pot bitch and the baboon bastard. They don't have a mom and dad, that's just a cover. They all live by themselves. That was the new story they made up when they changed schools. They change their last names every time they move. Wanna know who picked the last name this time? Spell Enustik backwards. ^-^)
babe_galanime (Thanks!)
BlackLighting019 (Thank you! Actually, this idea kinda just hit me when I was really, really bored and drew Kagome and Sango in a sort of thief garb. Hehe…)
HellKeeper (I try!)
RETTnb (Thank you!)
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Miroku and Inu- …
Sango- are they gonna be okay? *Waves hand in front of Miroku's face. Miroku groped her* KKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *she smacks Miroku into orbit.*
DV- Yep.
Kagome- He never learns.
DV- nope.
Shippo- The shadow kitsune DreamVixen doesn't own any of us. But she promised she'd give me ten strawberry lollipops if I help her!!!
Everyone- *glares at DV*
DV- Ehehehe… kids today! ^-^;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Wind Against Ice and Vice Versa%%%%%%%%%%%%%
I looked up from the computer in the living room as the half-breed entered the house, raising an eyebrow at his appearance.
"InuYasha?" His mother said from where she was grading papers at the dining room table.
"Don't ask," He growled, storming up to the bathroom. Rin giggled from her play table, where she was playing tea party with her two little white puppy dolls, Inu-chan and Sesshy-chan. (AN; I couldn't resist!)
"InuYasha's funny, right, Sesshy-chan?" she asked pouring imaginary tea. I cringed as my ningen step mother covered her mouth to keep from laughing. Damn Father for getting her those annoying toys…
The phone rang, and was quickly answered by my step-mother.
"Juzu residence, Ikka speaking." There was a pause. "Oh, Jaken!" My head shot up. Jaken was an annoying little toad demon, one of my father's advisors. He was ugly, and disgusting, but he was also incredibly loyal to my Father and myself. "How can I help you?" another pause, "He's not here right now. Can I take a message?" another pause, "No, he forgot his cell phone here." I got up and headed for the kitchen. If he was being this persistent, it must be important. My step-mother's eyes landed on me as I entered the room, "Hang on, Sessho-maru's here. You can talk to him." And with that, I was handed the phone.
"Yes?" I said, coolly.
"L-l-lord Sessho-maru!" Jaken's screechy voice greeted me (AN; *shutter* I HATE Jaken's voice! It's so annoying!!!)
"What is it, Jaken?"
"I've come across interesting news, my lord!" he answered.
"Our spies have reported that the scum Onigumo Kokusei has scheduled himself to take the test for High Lord." I stiffened.
"When?" I demanded.
"A little over five weeks from now," I growled.
"How did he get scheduled without approval from one of the Lords?" I demanded. "He's supposed to be thrown in the dungeons if he shows his face for all his crimes." Although the Four Lords disagreed about much, but Onigumo was hated by all of them. Lord Buaiso of the North accused him of slaughtering quite a few of his people. Lord Shireikan in the East believed Onigumo's men stole money from him, and the newly appointed Lord Inazuma in the South owes his family's early deaths to the bastard spirit apparition.
"He's received immunity from the Joryu Miko." I growled louder. I hated that bitch Teki Nazo. She was a whore, who received her title through deceit and a few well placed papers during the chaos that erupted after the death of Lord Kari and Lady Bijin and the disappearance of the royal children.
The Nazo family was untrustworthy. Teki was bad, but her daughter, Kikoyu, was worse. She flaunted her mother's title shamelessly, and was always attempting to raise her own social status through other people. She had her eyes on my half brother for a while, but luckily he wasn't as much a fool as I thought he was, and got rid of her before he got in too deep. Now she was with Naraku, Onigumo's hanyou son.
The only one in the family that had an ounce of loyalty was Kaede, Another of Father's advisors. But she was as far removed from Teki and Kikyou as she could be.
"Gather as much information as you can. Keep me updated daily."
"yes, Sir!" I hung up, then dialed up the priestess' house.
"This better be good. I was preparing dinner," I glared distastefully at the phone.
"You should learn how to answer a phone properly, Miko," I growled. There was silence on the other end for a while.
"Lord Sessho-maru!" She said, her tone completely changing, "What an pleasant surprise. To what do I owe this call?"
"Why did you give Onigumo immunity?" I demanded.
"Onigumo? He aided my daughter over the past few weeks When he asked for immunity, I saw no reason not to give it to him."
"So the fact that he has a criminal record and was wanted by all the Four Lords counts as `no reason?'"
"Really, my lord, that was in the past. People change. I think Onigumo can become a wonderful citizen if he's given the chance. Besides, the immunity only lasts two months, Then you can do whatever you want." I narrowed my eyes.
"Very well," I growled, hanging up. The snake was getting something from this, I was sure of it.
"Who was that?" The hanyou asked as he entered the room when I hang up. He grabbed an apple from the bowl on the table and took a bite.
"Teki Nazo." The half breed immediately started choking on the apple, going red in the face. His mother looked up at him concern flashing in her eyes.
"NAZO?! Why the Hell would you be talking to that bitch?!"
"Because she's using her position to her own advantage again." It was no secret that most of the Lords believed Teki was the murderer of the High Lord and Lady. She was Lady Bijin's closest advisor, the last to see them before their deaths and the one who found the bodies.
"What's she doin' this time?"
"She has granted immunity to Onigumo, and allowed him to be scheduled to take the High Lord test,"
"… SHE WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" InuYasha let out a string of curses that made Rin's eyes go wide, and earned a disapproving look from his mother. "When?!"
"Five weeks from now,"
"Calm down, boys," My step mother said with a sigh, "I'm sure your father can think of a way to stop this when he gets home," InuYasha relaxed slightly.
"Yeah. Don't know what got to me. Onigumo could pass that test, anyways." I frowned. That was true, so why was he even going to try? Something was missing, There was something no one was telling me.
"I'm going to bed," I said, raising and leaving the room.
The next morning went by fairly normally. Rin woke up the entire household, minus the half breed, at a time earlier than the crack of dawn, I showered and changed into my school uniform, Father spent the entire morning on the phone, yelling at various Lords and Powerful youkai or mikos. InuYasha woke with barely enough time to dress and eat, after destroying yet another alarm clock. We left for school And parted ways once getting there.
One of those Enustik girls was in my first hour, Advance Chemistry. She was in the back, next to the seat I usually occupied, Fanning herself and ignoring the boys crowding around her desk.
"Sessho-kun!" I growled, both at the annoying name and the less than intelligent oni that was using it.
"What do you want, Fuben?" Haji Fuben was a junior like myself, but that's where our similarities ended.
Fuben was a Neko youkai, annoying, and loud. She enjoyed the sound of her own voice more than anything else in the world, and was, unfortunately, a stubborn and idiotic stalker.
"I just wanted to see you before first hour, Sessho-kun," She said with a pout.
"Leave. Class begins soon and you'll be late,"
"Oh, that's okay," Fuben said happily, "I have study hall first thing in the morning. She doesn't even bother to take attendance properly, so I can spend all hour with you, Sessho-kun! It's sweet that you're so concerned about me, though."
"Actually, it looked to me like he was trying to get rid of you," A voice said lazily behind us. I turned to see the eldest Enustik eyeing Fuben distastefully. "And I can't blame him,"
"Why don't you butt out, little miss snob!" Fuben said, making a grab for the fan. The girl snapped it shut, and moved it out of her reach.
"Do us all a favor and go hide in a tree," She replied coolly. Fuben's face turned red, and she stormed out of the room.
Ignoring the girl in the desk next to mine, I glared at the boy currently occupying my desk. He shot out to another seat as if he had been burned. I sat and took out my things.
"You're welcome," The girl grumbled in annoyance. I eyed her.
"This Sessho-maru did not ask for your assistance, and it wasn't required." She glared back.
"Now aren't you polite," She said sarcastically.
"I will act as I see fit, wench," Before she could reply, class was started, and we spent the rest of the hour working silently on our assignments.
I did not see the wench again until lunch, when she once again sat at the table I occupied with my half brother and the wind hanyou son of Lord Shireikan, and heir to the Eastern lands. He and his father didn't get along very well, and his mother died in childbirth.
The last heir, and the one all three of us despised, Was the Ookami whelp. The wolf was loud and arrogant, and had very little power.
I ignored the girl and both her sisters as I sat. Her sisters weren't much of a problem, anyways, considering the second oldest was currently seething and glaring at Houshi, who had another handprint across his cheek, And the youngest was scolding my brother for not taking any notes on a project they were supposed to be doing together. I felt a passing wave of sympathy for the girl. Working with InuYasha was never an easy task, but working with him on a school project was near torture.
"-going to have to do this whole project by myself?! Honestly, InuYasha, a page was all I asked for but you could even do that!!!"
"Why rush everything? We've got a fucking month!"
"I don't care! I want this out of the way as soon as possible!"
"You might as well start it by yourself," I said, "My half-brother is irresponsible, and you will end up doing most of the work, anyways," InuYasha scowled at me.
"Fuck off, bastard," At that, the girl he was arguing with smacked him.
"And that's another thing! I'm tired of every other word out of your mouth being a curse word! If I hear you swearing around my little brothers so help me-!"
"Kagome, why don't you get yourself some oden?" The eldest sister said, cutting off the girl's threat, "I know for a fact you skipped breakfast this morning because you slept in after staying up to help the boys finish cleaning the living room." The girl sighed and walked over to the lunch line.
"Why did you stop her, Kagura?" The middle sister asked, "It was just about to get interesting," InuYasha glared at her, then scowled at me.
"Why the Hell were you saying that shit to Kagome?!" he demanded. I rose an eyebrow,
"Mostly because it was the truth," I answered shortly.
"So now you start being Mr. Honesty?" I glared coldly at the elder Enustik child.
"This Sessho-maru does not lie,"
"You just avoid telling the whole truth," she responded shortly. I growled.
"Wench," I growled.
"My name is Kagura Enustik." She said coldly.
"This Sessho-maru realizes that. I simply do not see the point in addressing an arrogant bitch in such a manner." By now, the youngest girl had rejoined the table and was eating her oden while watching us.
"Ouch," the middle child muttered.
"So you'll address a loud, annoying slut by her name, but not me? If that's any indication of what kind of people you like, I think I prefer the rude nicknames,"
"Double ouch," The youngest muttered between bites.
"Well, as it appears to me your even worse a harem than Fuben, I believe you don't really have to worry about that."
"Harem?" the middle child mutter in confusion to her younger sister.
"Fancy word for whore," The eldest girls eyes now held pure rage.
Dead silence settled over the cafeteria as a stinging sensation filled my cheek. InuYasha and Houshi were both staring at the wench like she had suddenly grown three heads, as were most of the other people in the cafeteria. A few girls were glaring at the bitch in fury.
"Bastard," she said softly, though no doubt the entire cafeteria heard, "You have no right to call me something like that,"
"I have every right to do as I please," I growled back in an equally icy voice. I was still reeling from the fact the bitch slapped me.
"Not to me," She said, staring to raise her voice, "I'm not another slut throwing herself at your feet, or a coward that cringes away from you."
"No," I said shortly, "You are more of a fool than any of them,"
"You don't scare me, Sessho-maru," She said, raising her voice, "And if you keep treating me like dirt, I'm going to retaliate, and I can guarantee you won't like it."
"There's nothing you can do to intimidate me, bitch," I scoffed at the idea of her scaring ME into submission.
"Maybe not, but I can embarrass you, and I can make your life a living hell,"
"Try it, wench," I growled. She smiled coldly.
"Very well," She said, picking up her things, "Consider this war," and with that, she walked out of the cafeteria.
"You should have done that," the middle Enustik girl said, cringing. The youngest one nodded solemnly.
I ignored then as I sat back down. InuYasha seemed to come out of shock and started snickering. The rest of the cafeteria stared a low rumble of talk, which soon evolved back into the usual loud cafeteria noise. I ignored everyone for the rest of lunch period.
Furious, I swept past the humans around me, who wisely got out of my way as I searched for the annoying bitch. My eyes landed on her, smirking at me on a bench.
"What did you do, Bitch?!" I demanded as soon as I neared her.
"Do?" she asked innocently. "What are you talking about.
"You know what I'm talking about. What spell did you use to keep this handprint from fading?!"
"Spell? Honestly, Sessho-maru, maybe your just a slow healer. Do you really believe I can perform magic?" Now she sounded amused. Challenging me to reveal our carefully guarded secret in front of all these ningens. I now had no doubt this wench was some kind of youkai, or spiritually powerful human that knew of youkai.
I growled in annoyance. I sensed nothing abnormal from her, yet the fact that nothing I did could get rid of the embarrassing bruise suggested she was quite powerful.
"Wench," I hissed, "Remove this spell or suffer this Sessho-maru's wrath."
"The handprint won't fade until you apologize to me." she said as she rose. "I suggest you do so quickly. The humans will get suspicious if it doesn't fade soon."
"You'll pay for this, wench," I growled.
"Yeah. Your fan club said something along the same lines," She said, waving a hand lazily around. "They were really mad at me for messing with `Sesshy-kun's pretty face,'" My growling increased as she left with her sisters towards the elementary school. Furious, I started down the street, ignoring the ningens that stared at the mark on my face.
Get into a fight with your girl?" one ningen asked me, sympathetically, as I stopped to wait for a red light. I glared at him, then started ahead.
When I got home, I saw InuYasha sulking on the couch his mother at the dining room table, grading papers again and Rin watching TV. My step-mother inhaled sharply when she saw the bruise.
"What happened?!" She asked, getting up to get a closer look. InuYasha's foul mood vanished when he saw that the mark was still there.
"Shouldn't that have faded by now?" He asked, smirking.
"The wench put a powerful spell on it. It won't go away until I comply with her wishes,"
"What's that? To call her by her name once,"
"No. She wants an apology," InuYasha cracked up, and his mother gave him a withered look.
"Well, that's not too much to ask for, is it?" I growled and my father's human mate sighed. "Scratch that. That handprint's going to be there until Hell freezes over."
"Well, how are you going to hide it from the humans?" InuYasha asked as soon as he had gotten a hold of himself again. I said, nothing, unsure of HOW I was going to hide this.
"I can think of a way, but I can't guarantee you'll be happy with it," My step mother said, hesitantly.
"How?" I asked. I might as well hear something.
DV- Sorry for being so mean to Sesshy. But I had to get some kind of controversy going.
Inu- You never apologize for anything you do to us!!!
DV- that's because YOU aren't the single most hottest anime character in the history of forever. *sigh* Sesshy…
Everyone- -_-;;;
Sango- Please review. I want to see how this Kagura vs. Sessho-maru thing turns out.