InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ Dinner and 'Entertainment' ( Chapter 8 )
DV- Ehehehe… I've got some… `interesting' news for you guys!
Kagome- "Interesting?"
DV- Well, yeah, you see I, well I'm sorta… I mean I gotta…
InuYasha- Spit it out already!!!
Shippo- Yeah, it's unnerving to see the insane so nervous.
Sango- `sighs' while we wait for DV's `interesting news' keep in mind that she owns nothing and enjoy chapter 8 of Blood Sisters.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Dinner and `Entertainment'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I chuckled as a scream rang throughout the school. So, that truly was Kagura's weakness…
I smirked as the wind demoness came in, glaring at me while her unseen ki played around her.
"SESSHO-MARU YOU JACKASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her sisters stood at the door, staring at me with a mixture of shock and mortification.
"Something wrong, Enustik?" I asked smoothly. Those were almost the exact words she had greeted me with when I went to confront her about the fliers.
"OF COURSE SOMETHING'S WRONG YOU ARROGANT FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DESTROYED ALL OF MY GYM CLOTHES AND MY FAVORITE FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I knew this would get her, the fan more than the clothes. All youkai are very protective of the things they use to channel their magic. Once I realized Kagura used fans, hence the reason she always carried them, they became an instant target.
"Really? Have you any proof?" this was another direct quote from the flier incident. She glared at me.
"I'll get you," The girl hissed, "I swear to God I'll make you suffer for this." I almost snorted, knowing there were few insults graver to a youkai than destroying their way of channeling magic, and since I had no such thing, I was safe.
"We'll see, Enustik," Truth be told, I was looking forward to seeing how she'd react to my family tonight. It would no doubt prove a real treat.
Enustik refused to talk me the rest of the day, instead muttering darkly under her breath, and shooting an evil glare at the middle sister when she had made a rather amusing comment.
"Hey, at least you can get out of gym. I doubt the coach is gonna make you run around naked."
"Miroku can find out how you get when drunk, Sango."
"Hey, it was New Years Eve and I snapped out of it before it went too far, okay! Besides, I haven't touched alcohol since."
"You'd be surprised how easy it is to `accidentally' slip something into a drink," Idly, I wondered if that was a threat for the girl's sister or me.
More amusing, however, was the fact that the girl didn't get out of Gym. The coach decided it was her fault that her clothes were destroyed and made her run laps in her under garments. Something all the males in the class are claiming to have etched permanently into their memories.
When school ended, InuYasha and I arrived home to find his mother in the middle of vigorously cleaning the entire house. She was quite excited about Rin having a companion over for the night. The girl was active and friendly, but she rarely played with anyone outside of the family.
While I'm disgusted that this child is the younger brother of Kagura Enustik, I'm willing to allow him to play with Rin so long as I am no longer the one having to drink pretend tea.
"When will Shippo and his family be here, Mommy?" Rin asked, excitedly. She'd never had a friend visit before.
"Soon, dear," my step mother said, patiently.
"Feh," InuYasha said as he entered the room. His mother gave him a startled look.
"InuYasha, you look… nice!" My younger half brother had changed into a red muscle shirt and black slacks. He'd apparently showered, which was a miracle itself and combed his hair in an attempt to make it neater.
"Yes. It's obvious you're not infatuated with a certain Enustik girl and are trying to catch her attention." I said sarcastically. The hanyou glared at me, a blush adorning his cheeks.
"Hey, at least I'm not so desperate that I'd steal her clothes to see her run around half naked!" His mother shot up, a completely dumbfounded look on her face.
"WHAT?!?!?!" I glared at InuYasha's smirk.
"First I'm going to remind you I have no interest in someone as conceited as Kagura Enustik. Second, I had no control over the gym teacher's decision and third, were you not the one stalking the younger Enustik girl?"
"I wasn't stalking her! We just happened to be at the same place in the same time. If anyone stalking It's Miroku and the middle sister."
"Sadly, that's true…" the human woman looked at me, then at InuYasha.
"I really don't even want to know any more," she declared before going to set the table. Rin cocked her head and gave us a questioning look.
"Do you two have crushes on Shippo's sisters?" InuYasha and I froze momentarily.
"I'll get that!" InuYasha said, diving for the front door.
"I do not," I said, calmly, "The hanyou, on the other hand, just might." I ignored said hanyou's attempt at an intimidating glare.
"Well, Shippo told Rin that his biggest sister is always talking about Sessho-maru," I rose an eyebrow at the girl.
"Really?" my sister nodded happily
"He told Rin that his big sister got Saru from Sessho-maru,"
"Her pet monkey." My eyes widened. She kept it?!?!
"Rin!!!" I saw a young boy run over to my sister, excitement shining in his eyes.
"Shippo!!!" the three Enustik girls followed my half brother into the room, along with another younger girl pale as snow in a white dress who was watching everything with blank, emotionless eyes and two boys who looked close to the same age.
"Welcome!" my step-mother said warmly, going to greet the second youngest girl.
"Thank you for inviting us, Mrs. Juzu," she said, bowing slightly. The elder followed and the second just smiled warmly at her as my father entered.
"Oh, think nothing of it." she turned to my father and gave him an affectionate smile. "This is my husband, InuTaishio. You've already met our son, InuYasha and daughter, Rin, and my step son Sessho-maru," the second youngest girl flashed them a smile that was becoming infamous around school.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Juzu. I'm Kagome Enustik and these are my brothers and sisters, Kagura, Sango, Kanna, Souta, Kohaku, and Shippo. And yes, We already Know InuYasha, Sessho-maru and Rin." She smiled at InuYasha before turning back to his mother, missing his slight blush. His mother didn't though.
"Really…" The hanyou flinched as she got a familiar glint in her eyes and I felt a flash of pity for him. His mother was in matchmaking mode.
"So, Kagome, what are your hobbies and such?" My step mother asked sweetly as she Put some mashed potatoes on Rin's plate.
"Well, I like reading, mostly fantasy novels and I play some video games with the boys. I also like a lot of things that deal with animals and little kids." InuYasha groaned softly as his mother's face brightened.
"So, you like kids?" She had never made an effort to hide her growing desire for grandchildren now that InuYasha was nearly grown and Rin was starting to get bigger as well.
"Yes, I used to watch all the younger ones the most when we were younger."
"Kagome's always had a knack for that sort of stuff." The second eldest said, smirking at her younger sister. "Right Kagura?" The eldest nodded.
"I always thought she'd make a great mother someday," the third eldest eyes narrowed, suggesting she had caught on.
"Of course, I think it's best to wait for something like that. I still need to get through school and everything."
"Of course," My step mother said, waving it off as a triviality. "Can you cook?"
"She's the only one in the family who can," Kagura said wrinkling her nose. "We're still recovering from Sango's last cooking attempt.
"It was only a little burnt!!!"
"Well, my dear, you more than likely set the kitchen ablaze with your beauty." Suddenly, the second eldest became even paler than her youngest sister, and her eyes became the same size as our dinner plates. Her other sister's heads shot up.
"Miroku? What are you doing here?" Our step mother seemed as surprised as the three eldest Enustiks and my younger half brother.
"My father's going out of town for a while, and Mr. Juzu gave me permission to stay here while he was away." Now the Elder girl was coughing into her napkin, and the third eldest ducked her head down, her shoulders shaking with her silent laugher. The second eldest glared at them, keeping one eye on the newest arrival.
"I hope I'm now intruding…"
"Of course not!" My step mother said, "Sit down." She waved to the only available seat, which was (Much to her horror,) Between the second eldest and InuYasha.
Miroku happily sat, moving his chair in and ignoring the way his dinner companion stiffened when he `accidentally' brushed against her thigh, murder in her eyes.
`This should be interesting…' I thought, seeing my step mother was still intent on him courting the third eldest, much to his mortification and her embarrassment, the second eldest hand twitching into a fist every time the monk brushed against her, and the first eldest taking everything in with a self satisfied look on her face.
"Thank you for the meal, Mrs. we had a wonderful time,"
"Don't mention it, dear." My step mother said happily, "Feel free to come back at any time. You've become practically family," InuYasha flinched again, and Rin giggled.
"Well good bye!" The girl's left, the third eldest far redder than she had been when she entered. Sighing, I went to bed.
I growled on my way to school. Damn her!!! That Enustik turned off the alarm on my clock and since Rin didn't have school today, I accidentally slept in past InuYasha. I barely had time for a shower before rushing out the door, deciding to forego the cover up today.
I ignored the odd looks I received on my way, more focused on getting my claws on that Damnable Bitch. I saw the monk ahead of me, and relaxed. If he was close the three Enustik girls couldn't be that far.
"Monk," I growled, "where is the elder Enustik girl?" He turned and his eye widened.
"Uhh… wha…" I frowned. Perhaps the second oldest had hit him a few too many times.
"the elder Enustik girl, where is she?!"
"Oye, Miroku, have you found the girls yet, I still need to talk to Ka-Kaa…" InuYasha stopped short when he saw me, his expression similar to his friends. My frown deepened. Something was wrong… "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
DV- And yet another cliffie!!! Don't you guys love me?
`ignores readers trying to break door down screaming bloody murder.'
Everyone- -_-;;;
DV- By the way, is it a big deal if you forget a birthday?
Kagome- Depends, was it a family member's birthday?
DV- No
Sango- Then it should be okay. Your friend should eventually forgive you, but you SHOULD try to remember things like that a little better in the future.
DV- It wasn't a friend.
Shippo- Then why are you worried?
Kagome- It wasn't like you forgot your own birthday, was it?
Everyone- O.O;;;
DV- `blushing' I couldn't help it! I have a lot on my plate right now, okay!!!
Kagome- Umm, well, happy birthday!
Inu- What the hell could be so important you'd forget your birthday.
DV- Exams for one
Kagome- You had to take EXAMS on your BIRTHDAY?!?!?!?!?!
DV- Yep
Kagome- Ouch
DV- And I'm going down to Kentucky to visit my dad for a little while.
Shippo- So?
DV- He has a Web TV. No Word. Meaning No updates.
`Readers stop trying to break door to listen'
Kagome- Too bad, DV.
Sango- How long will you be gone?
DV- A month.
Everyone- O.O;;; A MONTH?!?!?!?!?!?
`Readers trade in battering ram, torches and pitch forks in for Wrecking ball, bazookas and swords.'
DV- Ehehe… Seeya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `Takes off like a bat outta Hell,'
Kagome- O.O Ah, please review, DV will get back to you as soon as she can.