InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ The Letters ( Chapter 9 )
DV- I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sorry I didn't update sooner!!! I meant to, but so many things got in the way!!!
Chiisai- Excuses, excuses…
DV- SHUT IT!!!! OH! Everyone, meet my new muse, Chiisai the fairy!!! She was given to me by my cousin for my b-day!!!
Chiisai- And have spent who knows how long looking for a way out of this arrangement.
DV- Come on, Chiisai, I'm not that bad!!! n_n
Chiisai- I am willing to give $100 to the person who gets me out of here.
DV- Once again I am Sorry. I swear, I'll never take this long to update again!!!
Kagome- I don't even see why you took so long this time…
DV- I had a heat stroke in Kentucky.
Kagome- O.O
DV- It was nothing major, but I was at a fair without my dad at the time, with only my cousin. After listening to this huge lecture about releasing minors after they nearly pass out into the hands of anyone but a guardian, I got dragged to a hospital where I sat for 6 hours, in which time the only people we got a hold of were my Michigan family.
Inu- I still don't see how that affects how much time you have to write.
DV- Remember how I said my parents were super overprotective?
Miroku- Yeah?
DV- They wanted me to come home the next day. When Dad said no, they decided that would be my last visit, and that dad would have to come to Michigan if he wanted to see me, to which dad said the only way he'd allow that to happen is if they got the courts to change it. (Which they very well could, everything considered.) I spent four days trying to calm everyone down before being dragged up to out cabin until today.
Sango- …Yikes…
DV- Divorced families suck. Especially when they start playing tug-o-war. You can't say of do anything without it being presumed you took a side.
Kagome- DreamVixen owns no one and nothing, and begs for you forgiveness for taking so long.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%The Letter%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR?!?!?!" Mom screamed, mortified. I snorted back my laugher at the cool annoyance on Sessho-maru's face.
For some reason, he'd been getting that all day. Funniest so far was Fuben's reaction to his new look. She immediately started mourning the loss of Sessho-maru's `pretty hair.'
Not that Kagura shaved it or anything, something far less serious than that. How she pulled this off, I'll never know, but I definitely owe her for the entertainment. Hopefully, Sessho-maru won't kill her before I get the chance to thank her.
Oddly enough, Sango was the Only Enustik in school today. She told us Kagome caught a bug last night and had to spend today at home, and Kagura stayed behind to help her (Much to Sessho-maru's dissatisfaction.) Sango seemed pretty upset about it, too. I think the pervert's getting to her. She kept muttering about `stupid straws' and `cheating sisters.'
"The wench," Sessho-maru growled, glaring at me as I snickered. Yep, life is good…
Then, Rin came in. She stopped, blinked, and blinked again before her face split into a large grin.
"Sessho-maru looks pretty!!!"
(AN; I just realized this is the second time I've done this… AND it's been WAAAY over a month since my last update, too. Jeeze, I really MUST have a death wish!!! n_n Gomen, I'll continue the story!!!)
Mom looked worried that I'd split a gut laughing or something. `Pretty' would be the word a seven year old girl WOULD use to describe Sessho-maru's metallic pink hair with neon yellow streaks. Sessho-maru growled again, storming off regally to the bathroom. Then the phone rang. Still chuckling, I picked it up.
"Sup?" Mother gave me a disapproving look at the way I answered the phone, but I was distracted from that at my father's sharp voice.
"InuYasha! I'm glad you there- Is Sessho-maru around?"
"Just went into the bathroom. He should be there a while, Kagura did a number on his-!"
"Never mind that, now! I need you to get to tell your mother and brother something for me!"
"Sure, dad, What's up?"
"It's about the Blood Sisters…"
"You're joking," Sessho-maru growled, narrowing his eyes at me.
"Why the hell would I joke about this?!?!?! The Blood Sisters left letters on the front doors of both the Nazos and the Kokuseis saying that they plan to fucking rob them blind in two weeks! The one on Nazo's door even said If she tried to take anything of real value out of the house, That they'd both find and take it AND kill her and anyone who stood in their way!!!" It was obvious what that message was aimed at.
The Shikon no Tama.
And, as much as we despised the Nazos, we couldn't allow such a powerful artifact to fall into the hands of a group of strangers. My brother frowned thoughtfully.
"Does Father have the letters?"
"He photocopied them, and is sending them home with the toad right now," I answered, sighing. "We don't know what they want from Onigumo, but Knowing the sort of toys he has laying around, it's probably not good,"
"But why now?" Mom asked, biting her lower lip thoughtfully. "Could they know about the connection between Nazo and Kokusei?"
"Impossible," Sessho-maru snorted. "Only the Four lords and their families were informed of that situation, and the list of those who are going to attempt for the throne of the high lord is completely confidential. How could they find out?"
"How could they rob a man blind while police are crawling all over his lawn? How can they steal the mattress right out from under a sleeping man? How can they clean a place out in the span of a sneeze? These women have proven to be quite skilled with stealing, and there is little difference between stealing material possessions and stealing information." Sessho-maru and I stared at my mother. "What? Women can't think, too?"
"Momma, can Shippo come over tomorrow?" Rin asked from her tea party table.
"We'll see, sweetie, we'll see," Mom said.
"That's Jaken," Sessho-maru said, standing up.
"Milord Sessho-maru! Here are the letters you father wanted you to see!!!" Sessho-maru took the letters, and gave the toad a hard glare that sent him running before scanning over them.
"Well?" I asked impatiently. Silently, he dumped the letters into my lap. Growling at him, I picked up the top one.
Dearest Kokusei Family,
I know you've never met us personally (Not really anyways,) but
we know a great deal about you. You have committed a number of
terrible crimes, some of which have affected us personally in ways
you cannot fathom. Actually, It is because of your greed that the
Blood Sisters came to be, so I suppose I owe you some thanks.
Allow me to express my gratitude by stealing all the material items
you received by theft or murder in the first place on the night of
May 25 at 10:10 PM.
Don't try to hide. We are ALWAYS watching. Close enough for
you to see us without seeing who we really are. Think you can
guess? You're welcome to try…
With Love from the Blood Sisters,
Ogi (AN; For anyone who's forgotten or hasn't made the connection, that's Kagura,)
"One of Onigumo's old victims? That really narrows it down for us…" I snorted. I don't think even HE knows the number of people he's pissed off.
"Read the other one," Sessho-maru ordered. I glared at him in annoyance, but opened the second letter anyways. Asshole was always trying to tell me what to do…
Dear Nazo family (And all others who read this),
This is in regards to a serious crime you committed in the past. I
know you thought you got away with it, and that there is no
evidence to link you to the crime, but I know better than the fools
you work with. It took ages for some of them to even guess at
what I already know. And your crimes affect me personally more
than them. Which Is why I decided to make you my final victim.
Don't try any of your tricks. I've been watching you since I was
born, and know you better than your own daughter. Then again,
Kikyou isn't exactly the brightest light bulb, is she?
(I snickered slightly at that.)
Anyways, if you remove anything from your house that you think
I may be interested in, I will personally slit your throat and kill all
in my way of getting back what's mine. Don't test me, Teki Nazo.
All I need is the slightest reason and I'd be more than happy to kill
That said, see you on May 25th at 10:15 PM.
With Love from the Blood Sisters,
Yumi (AN; Kagome. If it sounds a little OOC, keep in mind that this woman killed Kagome's parents right in front of her.)
"I think I like this Yumi girl." I said, grinning. Sessho-maru gave me an annoyed look.
"Do you really want to think about what a bunch of thieves would do with the Shikon no Tama?" I glared at him.
"I didn't say we should let them take it! I just said I liked the way she thinks."
"We're going to have to set up a defense around the jewel," Sessho-maru said, ignoring me again, "It doesn't matter what they take from Onigumo, but the Shikon no Tama is too invaluable to lose. InuYasha, You will be charged with protecting Kikyou,"
"WHAT!!!!!!!! Why me?!?!?!"
"You dated her." I glared at him.
"And what the hell will you be doing?!"
"According to these letters, the Blood Sisters are not far. I will be seeking out suspects and finding clues to their identities,"
"So you get to play detective and I have to baby sit a whiney cheating bitch? How the Hell is that fair?!?!?!"
"Seniority, dear brother, Seniority." I growled. How the fuck did Sessho-maru always end up pulling rank on me?! I was too pissed off at him at the moment to tell him his hair had turned from pink to green. Ah well. At least the situation couldn't get any worse.
"Did you hear? The Blood Sisters are going to attack Kikyou's house!"
"Yeah, they even threatened to kill her!!!"
"That's not even the craziest part!!! I hear that as soon as InuYasha heard about this, he rushed over to protect her!!!"
"So, they're a couple again?"
"That's so sweet!!! I'd love a man to play MY knight in shining armor!!!" I growled as the brainless twits giggled and moved as a pack down the hall. I wasn't sure if I was more pissed off at myself for the fucking jinx or Fuben for being such a Goddamn gossip!!!
It was lunch, and I was already more than ready to kick the ass of the next person that asked about me and Kikyou.
"InuYasha! What's the deal with you and Kikyou?"
"Ouch." Sango winced, looking at the crumpled mess that was Miroku. "If that's how you treat your friends, I feel sorry for your enemies."
"What's the matter?" Kagome asked, obviously concerned. I sighed.
"You hear all this shit about the Blood Sisters?"
"Yes, but I figured it was all rumors."
"It's not."
"It's not all rumors."
"So you really DID get back together with Kikyou?!"
"WHAT? No!!!!!!"
"But you just said-!"
"I meant the part about me having to protect her from the Blood Sisters because they're out to kill her is true!!! The rest is just Bullshit." Kagome blinked.
"Yeah, I get stuck with the clingy bitch while Sessho-maru's off playing Nancy Drew," (AN; Me no own.)
"…Nancy Drew?" Kagura asked, an eyebrow disappearing under her bangs.
"yeah. He's trying to find out Who the Blood Sisters are."
`Thunk!' I turned to see Sango, who had been begrudgingly helping Miroku up, drop him like a hot potato.
"Does he have any leads?" Kagome asked quickly. I turned back to her. What the…
"Just that two have a grudge against Onigumo and one has a grudge against Teki Nazo, Kikyou's mother. Meaning it could be about half the people in Japan,"
"Nothing else?" Kagura asked.
"Nah. He spent most of last night trying to fix his hair." Kagome blinked a few times in confusion, and I couldn't help but grin as Sessho-maru approached the table, his eyes fixed on Kagura.
"Fix his- OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" I couldn't help but crack up at the look on Kagome's face upon seeing Sesshomaru's Tangerine hair. Sessho-maru, on the other hand, ignored her.
"I will make sure you suffer for this, Enustik," he growled at Kagura. She just smiled.
"I can take anything you throw at me, Sessho-maru. Anything you throw,"
DV- Will Kagura end up eating her words? Will Sessho-maru ever get his hair back to normal? Will InuYasha end up tormented by Kikyou? (Duh!) Will anyone find out the true identities of the Blood Sisters? Tune in next time for-!
InuYasha- You've been watching too many of your mom's soaps.
DV- I can't help it! n_n Anyways, I'm still a little mad at The Bold and The Beautiful for killing Rose.
Everyone- O.O
Chiisai- Yes, folks, it's true. DreamVixen is both an obsessive twit AND a twig!!!
DV- Why you-!!!
Kagome- Twig?
DV- One of the horrible moments at the hospital.
Sango- One of?
DV- Yeah. First, they poked my finer, then they took my blood pressure so many times, I couldn't use my arm for an hour, THEN I was left waiting for hours for someone to tell the doctor it was okay to check up on me, then when the doctor DID check up on me, it took like, two seconds and I was left waiting hours for a car to come and pick me up. While we were waiting, my cousin told me they had been considering sticking an IV in me (To which I promply responded that anyone who came near me with an IV would be told where they could stick it.) AND that this nurse pulled my cousin aside to ask if I was anorexic, (Which had my cousin rolling with laugher, considering I've been known to eat eight times my own body weight on a slow day.) I'm not, let me assure you, but the saddest part is, that's not the first time I've been asked that.
Chiisai- Her friends have been teasing her a lot about that recently, so she's a tad bit out of it. She's always been very self conscious about her weight.
DV- I'm not a twig, I'm not. I'm 5 foot 5, 6 inches, and weigh 115 lbs. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE AN ANOREXIC PERSON TO YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!