InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ The Auction ( Chapter 10 )
REVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a big thanks and welcome to the mediaminer reviews!!!!!!!!
YOUKO N KAGOME (Anorexia is an eating disorder where you think you're fat, and therefor don't eat anything. Though I have been accused of ADHD, which is a hyperactivity disorder, too...)
HanyouBabe456 (Sorry, it's a magic thing!!! Or else i'd do it on the monkey/brats I call brothers... I hear ya about the stupid pranks!!! and I know... hehehe...)
Devilchild34 (Thank you!!! I hope this was soon enough for you!!!)
CorruptedAngel (10 months? Wow, I'm flattered!!!!!! here's the update!!!!!!!!!)
RaVeN222 (THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! 'glomps' finally, others who feel my pain!!!!!!!!!)
restless-soul63 (I was addicted to it in 6th grade. I still love a good mystery. Maybe that's why I like Detective Konan (Case Closed) so much...
blackestheart (Yeah, It's genetic in my family. People used to sneak my grandpa extra food when he was growing up because they thought he didn't get enough to eat...)
Anonymous (Thank you!!!)
FoxylilRven (See, I think so, too, but I LOOK skinnier than I actually am.)
Serenity's Angel In Heaven (Thank you!!!!!!! I love being told my material is funny!!!!)
Inuyasha's Favorite Fan (^_^ one of my cousins tried to strangle me for that, Claiming NO ONE messed which HER Sessho's hair!!! (She was my insparation for Fuben,) and don't worry, Kagura's not done with Sesshomaru...)
Inuyasha-Freak15 (You'll have to see!!!!!!!!!)
lilmoonDemon (I know, that's what makes this so fun. Believe it or not, I'm a Sesshomaru fan. But my all time favorite bishi is Dark from DNAngel. Dark... 'sigh')
NefCanuck (Sango was surprised to hear that Sesshomaru was hunting them, and Kagome tried to cover it up. Plus, InuYasha's a ad too thick to notice. (No offence meant to Inu fans.)
GoldenKitsuneHime13 (As can I... Like I said, my cousin is still shunning me for that.)
Elda Aranel (Thank you!!! You DO gotta feel sort of sorry for him... okay, maybe not.)
Syke Frost (Don't forget, this is thier last mission and they plan to dissapear after this. They don't care f they're figured out, (Actually, they might welcome it) so long as it's after thier job, and since Kagura works at the police station, it'd be very easy to 'accidentally' disturb the evidence...)
Sayo-chan (thank you!!! I know, but I can't help it. I TRYto gain wieght, but my motabilism is too fast (My friend claims I'm the only person she knows that can eat a large pizza and LOSE 8 lbs, which sadly enough, happened once.) Yeah, that's what annoys me!!! Even I'M too fat to be anorexic!!!)
Silver Rain Drops (Thank you!!! I just receintly started doing so (last chappie had Inu's name in cap at the beginning, and this one has Kagome's.) Yes, they figured out the girls weren't human after the whole thing with the handprint, and since Inu was part of a Taiyoukai family, it was presumed they knew about him. It is pretty confusing, though.)
Jasmine Starlight (Actually, in the mangas, InuYasha is spelt Inu-Yasha and Sesshomaru Sessho-Maru, but considering that it's less for me to type, I'll do it your way)
HellKeeper (Thanks!!!)
shakes-zero (Thank you!!! I dunno, 10, maybe 11 more chapters? I don't plan that sort of thing, but the one story I finished so far was 21 chapters long. I'll try!!!)
doggiebaby8i8 (thank you!!!)
KeeraSango (Wow, thanks!!! Yeah, that seemed like something InuYasha would say in that situation. I KNOW!!! The family thing is worst, though. Thank you!!! I'll try!!!)
Sundragon (My first midiaminer review!!!!!!!!! Yeah, that ticks me off that people expect people to look a certain way. Especially when they can't help it. I just do my thing and don't have any sort of health disorders because of it, so I just ignore what anyone else says.)
??????????????????? (like your penname. Erm, Okay!)
IceYoukaiEnchantress (Thank you!!! Here's my update!!!!!!!!)
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DV- I can guarantee a lot of you are gonna be pissed at me for a something that happens this chapter.
Chiisai- Is that really something you wanna bet?
DV- I'll stake my writing career on it!!!
Chiisai- Does that mean if they like it, you won't write anymore?
DV- No reason to sound so heartbroken.
Kagome- O.O DV, I think someone played one of your own tricks on you…
DV- Huh?
Inu- You're hair…
DV- Oh, no! I just got tired of being a plain old brunette, so…
Sango- You dyed your hair blue?!?!
DV- Streaked. Dyed and streaked are two completely different things. I STREAKED my hair blue.
Shippo- riiight…
Kagome- Our newly blue authoress doesn't own anyone except the monkey, so please refrain from any and all legal suits against her.
DV- You have an upcoming language test don't you?
Kagome- It's that obvious?
Chiisai- Yep…
DV- Now if you'll excuse me, I have a super secret shelter to cower in…
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%The Auction%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"No Saru, bad monkey! Shippo doesn't need a slice of three layered chocolate ice cream cake for lunch," I almost shuttered at the thought. The chimp grumbled slightly, but put the cake back in the fridge.
"YOU GUYS READY YET?!?!?!" I called out, tying the last of the lunches.
"Do you remember where I put my backpack, sis?!"
"Check under the couch!!!" I yelled back, leaving the kitchen as Sango rushed in, backpack in one hand, dirty laundry basket pressed against her hip with her free hand and a piece of toast clenched between her teeth. Kanna sat calmly on the couch, a book about advance psychology in her arms, ready to leave at a moments notice. Kagura stood by the door, also ready and fingering the feathers on her bracelet. Normally, she only relied on the feathers she stuck in her hair, but ever since she started this feud with Sesshomaru, she'd been becoming more and more paranoid by the day.
"Kohaku! Souta! Shippo! Sango! Let's go, we're gonna be late!!!" my brothers, son and older sister all came charging into the room in various stages of Monday morning muss. I sighed and straightened Shippo up as much as I could before everyone urried out the door and off to school.
"Kagura, If you jump one more time, I'm gonna smack you so hard with Hirakotsu you'll forget why your even scared of Sesshomaru in the first place." Sango threatened, glaring at our older sister.
"I'm with Sango on this one," I said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "All your fidgeting is starting to make ME nervous."
"I'm not fidgeting," Kagura said, frowning at me before turning a glare to Sango, "And I'm NOT afraid of Sesshomaru. I just know that he's planning on doing something today and want to be on guard."
"HI!!!!!!" All three of us yelped in shock, and almost stumbled into the younger girl in front of us. I blinked at her as soon as my heart stopped pounding.
"Koharu?" I asked. Then I could feel my cheeks heat up.
Koharu was a sophmore who actually should have still been in middle school, but skipped ahead two grades. She had an oversized crush on Miroku and seemed like an obliviously cheerful girl. Being a grade ahead of her, we rarely spoke, but she seemed really nice.
Just imagine what the newspapers would say if they found out all three of the Blood Sisters were startled by a 13 year old girl. Kagura obviously wasn't the only one who was becoming entirely too paranoid.
"Are you three okay?" Koharu asked, frowning in concern.
"Fine," Kagura said, waving a hand to dismiss the question, "Is there a reason you stopped us?"
"Huh? Oh! Yeah!" She said, falling right back into her cheerful chirp. "As you probably know by now, the Senior\Junior prom is coming up in a few weeks, and the school has been having loads of fund raisers to make it the best prom ever!!!" She said, sounding eerily like a telemarketer, "And I've been put in charge of a special fundraiser called the Gentleman's Auction. It's where twenty voluntary Juniors and Seniors are auctioned off to the highest bidder. Once sold, the ladies have to do whatever the guys tell them to (With certain limits, of course,) until Prom, when the guy and girl will accompany each other. The girls even have to forgo their regular classes in favor for the boy's classes. For the girls, the cost of prom tickets is paid for in full and a free limo is sent to pick her and her date up AND they get one hundred and fifty dollars towards a prom dress!!!"
"And what does this have to do with us?" Sango asked suspiciously.
"Hehe… W-well, so far we've had 17 girl's sign up voluntarily, and I was just wondering…"
"I think not,"
"You're kidding, right?"
"Come on!!! You three are the prettiest girls in school!!!! If guys hear you'll be there, we're sure to raise tons of money!!!!!!!!!" Koharu pleaded.
"All the more reason."
"If this fundraiser flops, I'll get into loads of trouble!!!! I may even have to drop back to my proper grade!!! The principal's been looking for a reason to throw me back into middle school since I came here!!!! Please, I'm begging you!!!!!!" I sighed.
"When's the auction?" I asked dejectedly. Koharu immediately brightened.
"Today right after school!!! We're supplying outfits for the auction. Thank you SO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and with that, Koharu skipped off.
"Kagome." Sango said in a calm, reasonable tone, "Do you have any idea how much I want to strangle you right now?"
"Come on, guys! You didn't want to see her get kicked out of school because of us, did you?"
"We could've volunteered someone else," Kagura said "Do you have ANY idea what kind of chaos you brought upon us for the next seven hours?"
"Gimme a break, you two, you make it sound like we're gonna be tortured or something," I said completely unfazed by their fury. "I mean, what are the chances that a guy we hate is gonna buy us?"
"Ah, Sango my dear! I hear you are one of the willing participants in the Gentleman's Auction?"
"What do you care?" Sango asked, suspiciously.
"I simply was wondering how high I should bid!" Miroku said happily before kissing a frozen Sango's hand, bowing to me and Kagura, and taking his leave.
I decided it was in my best interest to head to class early when I saw Sango's hand twitching dangerously.
I groaned painfully as I plopped into my usual seat at lunch. Silently, I prayed the girl's wouldn't mention anything about the auction…
"It's your own fault you're stressed out, you know. If you hadn't volunteered all of us into this stupid fundraiser, this would just be a normal, bleary Monday morning,"
…Which was apparently too much to ask.
"Twenty-three different boys offered to put a bid in for me. Kouga's been scraping up all the cash he can find and Kikyou made some stupid comment about me not being able to get a date by myself." Actually, the comment was something along the lines that I couldn't get a date without selling myself off like some kind of desperate whore, but I really would rather not see what Sango would do to her if she heard that.
"Ouch." Kagura said, blinking, "I've only had twelve boys offer and one supposedly snide comment from Fuden, who wouldn't know an insult if it smacked her in the face."
"I've only had six boys brave enough to offer, not counting Miroku." Sango grumbled. I raised an eyebrow at her.
"You sound upset, Sango." My older sister blushed.
"W-well, of course I am!!! Why wouldn't I be upset about being harassed like this?!?!"
"Liar. You're upset more boys aren't asking you out." Now Sango's face went a stunning shade of crimson.
"What are you talking about?!?! I spent every day since puberty getting perverts and losers to back off, why would I be upset no one wants to take me to some stupid dance?" I sighed. She was upset, alright. Sometimes I really wished my sisters would open up to people outside of our family a little more…
"What dance?" I turned to see the men had finally graced us with their presence. Deciding not to comment on Sesshomaru's lime green hair (Kagura had reluctantly told me the spell she put on his shower should wear off in a week, then his hair would return to normal.) I kept my eyes on InuYasha, who had asked the question.
"The Prom is coming up in a few weeks. Where have you been?"
"Trying to de-latch Kikyou Nazo from my arm. I'm supposed to keep an eye on her, remember? Anyways, what's the big deal with the prom?"
"…I kind of volunteered us into a fundraiser."
"Really? Which one? They have so fucking many…"
"Ehehe…" I sank into my seat at the looks on Kagura and Sango's face. We all knew how InuYasha would respond to this after everything that's been going on.
"The Gentleman's Auction." Kagura said, smirking without an ounce of pity. I was slightly concerned with the way Sesshomaru's ear twitched, but said nothing, considering the whole cafeteria when silent at the yell of;
Several people ran for the door when they saw the commotion was at our table. I guess the incident with Saru left a lasting impression…
"It's a good cause, and the girl in charge would've gotten in trouble if she didn't get three more girls."
"ARE YOU NUTS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
"No, just too nice for her own good," Miroku said in amusement.
"Why don't you tell me," I said, already turning away. Really, we were already signed up, so it wasn't open for discussion. I was more than a little surprised when InuYasha fell momentarily silent.
"What?" Okay… Was he feeling alright?
"You're a guy, so tell me what guys do to girls like me who have to obey them for a few weeks."
"…keh," I blinked as InuYasha simply sat down, apparently dropping the subject.
"You okay, InuYasha?" I asked, uncertainly. Sure, I didn't WANT another lecture, but I was expecting one. And any and all abnormal behavior from anyone I know was never a good sign for me.
"Fine." He said shortly. I sighed.
"You know there are rules in the auction. The guy who gets me can't do anything I might consider a violation of my personal space. If he does, the whole deal gets dropped in a heartbeat." After I found out that Kouga was going to bid on me, I did some serious reading up on the rules.
"Whatever." Yep, InuYasha was definitely scaring me now. I only hoped he wouldn't actually work in mythology today, or that would be a sign of the apocalypse.
"I'm gonna kill you for this Kagome," Sango said, glaring at me as she clutched the beach towel that was draped over her shoulders, hiding her form, closer.
"I'm sure it can't get THAT bad…" I said, wringing my own towel nervously and making a mental note to check my sheets tonight. Sango once slipped snakes into a girls blankets when she pissed her off, and I didn't WANT to think about what she's do to me, sister or not. (AN; My brother actually did something like that to me once, only it was his pet hamster. Trust me when I say it's not fun to wake up and see a rodent staring back at you. Beady red eyes… `shutter' I got him back, though. Big time. `evil smirk.')
"May I have your attention, please!!! The auction will start as soon as everyone settles down!!!" The murmur of the crowd we couldn't see stopped, "Thanks you. Now, We're going in alphabetical order, starting with the Zs and making our way to the As. If you want to bid on a girl, hold up your paddle and declare the amount you want to bid. We'll be keeping track of who put in what bid. If you win you must follow the rule carefully. If you infringe upon the girl in any way shape or form, not only will the whole deal be terminated, but you may face legal prosecution as well. That said, Let's introduce the first girl!!!"
We pretty much zoned out as girl after girl was `bought.' Each of us fidgeting as much as our personalities would allow, and wincing when we heard the girl before Sango bought off.
"Next, we have a real devil's girl, Enustik, Sango!!!"
"Good luck," I muttered as my sister dropped her towel made her way out to the stage.
"The bidding will start, as usual, at $10. Do I hear 10?"
"15 I got 15 do I hear 20?"
"35. do I have 40?"
"50!!!" There was a murmur at that, and I sank guiltily into my chair. Sango was gonna kill me…
"$50! Going once, twice, SOLD! To the cutie in the back with the ponytail and the violet eyes."
"I know, Kagura." Sango would murder me with her bare hands for being solely responsible for all the time she's be forced to spend with Miroku Houshi for the next few weeks…
"Next we have yet another Enustik, Kagura!!!" As mean as it sounds, I was silently thanking the gods for making `u' come after `o.' I wanted to stall this as long as possible.
"Once again, we'll start at 10-!"
"100." There was a murmur of shock, and I completely fell out of my chair.
"I bid $100."
"Right. Ah, well, 100 then, do I hear 105? No? Once, twice, sold to the loaded man next to the cutie in the back.
Well, on the bright side, Sango wouldn't kill me for the thing with Miroku. Bad thing is, it's because Kagura would've already killed me for having her sold to Sesshomaru…
"Next we have the final Enustik, Kagome!!!!!" I sighed and dropped my towel, revealing the fire engine red bikini for the world to see and walking out onto stage. I avoided eye contact with Sango and Kagura, who were standing next to their dates and more than likely mentally arguing over who had more right to slaughter me slowly and painfully.
"Well then, We'll start at $10. Do I hear 10?"
"25!" Kouga shouted, holding up a paddle.
"25, do I hear 30?"
"40!" I nearly fell over as InuYasha held up his own paddle. So that's why!!!
"40! I've got 40, anyone for 45?"
"50!" Kouga shouted again, garing at InuYasha.
"80!" Someone shoot me…
"Easy, boys, let's keep it clean!!!" A few people snickered as InuYasha and Kouga continued to glare at each other, and I turned as red as my bathing suit.
"200," I stiffened at the familiar voice, hoping against hope he did NOT just say that.
By now, I had figured fate really wanted to kick my ass today. I just hadn't realized what a sick, twisted sense of humor fate had until I found myself staring into the crimson eyes of Naraku Kokusei as he held up a paddle, a smirk on his face. My stomach started fluttering and only one coherent thought came to mind.
Kagome- DV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mob of angry readers trying to break door down.
Inu- Where the hell is she?!?!?!
Chiisai- She took a temporary leave of absence until all the threatening reviews she's sure to receive for this stop.
Kagome- Naraku? NARAKU?!?!?! NARAKUUUUUUU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Sango- Calm down, Kagome…
Inu- What the hell is she thinking?!?!?!
Chiisai- Fate ain't the only one with the twisted sense of humor.
Miroku- That IS a rather harsh cliffie…
Chiisai- DV left a note…
Shippo- How come you didn't say so earlier?
Chiisai- and stop you guys from cursing DV? Are you nuts!!!!!!!
Everyone- `sweat drop,'
Note- Hehe… I know you all are mad at me, but let me explain a few things. First off, the auction is NOT over!!! I'm only considering letting Naraku win.
Kagome- WWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? !?!?!?!
Note- Also, I finally convinced my parents to let me have a little freedom, and now have my own e-mail address and AIM. I'm going to give them to you guys, and you are free to use them, but I really, REALLY don't want to see any threatening e-mails or such.
Chiisai- `snort' Like that'll stop `em.
Note- Anyways, my e-mail is and my AIM is CaFfiNeChAoS. Like I said, you are free to use, them, just refrain from using threats. God knows what my parents will do if they find out All I'm getting by e-mail is deaththreats…
Chiisai- That would actually be very interesting…
Note- PS. Any and all blame for the sick humor of this chapter falls upon Chiisai, considering she IS my muse and a VERY sarcastic fairy-person.
Miroku- Well, that screamed, I hope you enjoyed this chapter (Other than the cruel cliffhanger, anyways). And remember DreamVixen didn't say anything about threats in REVIEWS…
VERY, VERY IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so terrible. A site that we were able to shut last year has
returned. We have to try to shut it down again! (
A Japanese man in New York breeds and sells kittens that are called BONSAI
CATS. That would sound cute, if it weren't kittens that were put in to
little bottles after being given a muscle relaxant and then locked up for
the rest of their lives!!
The cats are fed through a straw and have a small tube for their faces. The
skeleton of the cat will take on the form of the bottle as the kitten grows.
The cats never get the opportunity to move. They are used as original and
exclusive souvenirs. These are the latest trends in New York, China,
Indonesia and New Zealand. If you think you can handle it, view and have a look at the methods being used to put these
little kittens into bottles. This petition needs 500 names, so please put
your one name on
Copy the text into a new email and put your name on the bottom, then send
it to everyone you know!
1) Vicky Pratt, Canada
2) Alanna Julian, Kitchener, Canada
3) Tim Mathias, Kitchener, Canada
4) Erin Lindsay, Kitchener, Canada
5) Jody Fischer, Kichener, Canada
6) Jessica Walters, Kitchener, ON
7) Kathryn Sutton, Peterborough, ON
8) Julia Fife, Peterbrough, ON
9) Melody Thomas, Peterborough, ON, Canada
10) ~*Chrissy*~ Ontario Canada < BR>
11) Cheryl- Ontario Canada
12) Katie-Quebec Canada
13) Kendra Kearns-Quebec Canada
14) Jodi Tubman~Shawville Quebec Canada
15) Emily~Ontario Canada
16) Lauren Hall-Ontario Canada
17) Kristen Logan- Ontario Canada
18) Adriana Hinson - Ontario Canada
19) Alysha McLeod- Ontario, Canada
20) Andrew Stewart - Ontario Canada
21) Caitlin Langdon - Ontario,Canada
22) Katie Dunngian- Ontario, Canada
23) Katie Dewson- Ontario, Canada
24) Nicole R- Ontario, Canada
25) SHARON KENNEDY - Ontario, Canada (that's so twisted!!)
26) Katherine Graham- Ontario, Canada
27) samantha fox-Ontario, Canad
28) wendy fox-Ontario, Canada
29) steven fox- Onyario, Canada
30) mallory fox-ontario, canada
31) Jessica Fox-Ontario, Canada
32) Anne McLagan, Ontario Canada
33) magda trzos, Ontario,Canada
34) Isabelle
35) Jennifer, Sedalia, Kentucky
37)Kayley Ontario,Canada
38) Casie Ontario,Canada
39)maghan ontario,canada
40)Lana Ontario, Canada
41) Nicole Wilk, Ontario, Canada
42) Erin Fuller, Ontario, Canada (who would make a faion trend out of living beings?!)
43) Koye Theophilus (poor kitties)
44) Annie J. Hartwig (what a sick minded jerk!!)
45) Bill G. Hartwig
46) Mertie B. Hartwig
47) Miyako Mitsukuri
48) Emily Ye
49) Jenny Lee (That is soo wrong! Poor kitties!)
SO PLEASE SIGN AND SAVE THESE POOR KITTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!