InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ Swimming In Deeper Waters ( Chapter 15 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Whoo.... Kami it's been a while!!!! Gomen!!!! v_v There's three pages(!), worth of reviews, so I'm keeping these short.
Devilchild34 ('Nods' Don't worry, Naraku will get his.)
FoxylilRaven (Hehe... Like I said, Naraku's getting his!!!)
HN-I-Love-Inuyasha ('cringes' Yeah, I originally meant for this story to go one way, but one thing led to another and next thing I knew, I was just going along for the ride. Naraku is older than Kagura, and Kagome's got a big family, so he could just pick them off one by one, like he said,)
binab86 (Thanks!!!)
Shizuka Kaze (Thanks!)
NefCanuck (Hehehe...)
mickey-chan13 (Thanks!)
blackestheart (Too true. -_- Men suck. ^_^)
Okibi Usagi (Gomen!)
c-chan (Hehe... 'locks doors' Gomen nasi!!!!)
CATALINA (Thanks!)
punkgoddess (Thanks!!!)
Secret-punk-rocker16 (You saw that one? If so, you seem to be the only one,)
PureAngelEnchantress (Kay! Thanks!!!)
MM (Thanks)
jokermanequin (You'll see next chappie. Sorry for the delay!)
I-LUV-FLUFFY-SAN46 (Thanks!! And unfortuatly, yes. Lazy little muses...)
Nine-Tailed-Fire-Fox (Thanks!!!)
CorruptedAngel (Thank yuo!!!! You too!)
Princess-Cairo (Yep!!! Sorry it took so long!!!)
siryuri (hehehe.... Sorry!!!)
inulova4lyfe (Thanks for all your reviews!!!)
demonicgift/sorceressXIII (Thanks)
Wolfgrl1880 (Thank you!!!!)
LadyAkina (You'll see)
Kags14 (Thank you!!!)
Angel (Here's the update!!!)
Silver Shadow (Hehe... Thanks!!!!)
rabidreader (Thanks!!!)
Biganimefan1 (Hehehe... I love designing dresses. Which is wierd because I hate wearing them)
rinjii (Thanks!!!!!)
Penthesileia (Thank you!!!!!!)
DV- @_@ Writers Block!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chiisai- Gomen for the Long wait! DV had a rough time figuring out what to do for this chapter.
Ganko- To put it lightly.
Koto- I'm sure the other stories were a big help too.
DV- `spining around the middle of the room' Pretty Liiiiiights...
Everyone- 0.o;;;;;;;;;;
Kagome- Is she okay?
Chiisai- Fine. Just give her a minute and she's be back to her normal, terrible self.
Inu- And that's a good thing?
Furyou- Doggy's got a point.
Inu- Than- Hey wait a sec! DOGGY?!?!?!
Furyou- Hehe... ^_^ Course! You are a dog, right?
Inu- Why you-!
Ganko- DV owns no one so buzz off.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Swimming In Deeper Waters%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
“-Authorities say that though the girl accuses business tycoon Yaju Shibutoi of being her rapist, Shibutoi has a solid alibi. The girl is among nineteen rape victims in the immediate area in the last month, seven of which have also accused Shibutoi.” Souta turned the TV off, giving me a nervous glance as my stomach clenched painfully at the word rape.
“Sango, stop pacing before you wear out the carpet!” Kagura snapped angrily.
“She should've been back hours ago!!!” I yelled.
“I know!!!! Losing your head will not help the situation!!!”
“You don't think Naraku kidnapped her, do you?” Shippo asked tearfully. I glared at him before pacing again.
Naraku wouldn't kidnap her. That was way too obvious. Too conspicuous for his tastes. Like Onigumo, He liked to give people a headache when he caused trouble. But still, in this time span, he could've done anything to our sister. A sudden image of the wicked hanyou forcing my struggling sister into his bed flashed before my mind, and I paled, mentally cursing my imagination.
“That's it, I'm going to find her!!!!” I yelled, grabbing my coat and starting for the door. Kagura grabbed my arm. “WHAT?!?!?!”
“Wouldn't it be smarter to have Kanna locate her through a mirror?”
“I didn't think of that…” I muttered, relaxing. Kagura rolled her eyes. I glared at her. “Well, Kanna, can you find Kagome?” The albino girl held her mirror in silence for a moment, then Kagome's image appeared on the screen. All of us stared in shock. I was the first to respond. “That little-!”
Kanna's mirror showed Kagome, decked in a prom dress lying in a half naked Inuyasha's arms, both dead asleep on the Juzu couch.
“How'd Kagome go from a date with Naraku to a sleep over with Rin's big brother?” Shippo asked in confusion. Souta and Kohaku snickered richly behind their hands.
I wonder. I thought dryly. Really, I knew she liked him, but this was just too much…
“Who knows?” Kagura asked in amusement. “At least she's safe.”
“She could've called,” I muttered angrily. We'd all been so worried…
“Well, she's obviously occupied right now, so we'll question her tomorrow morning.” Kagura said in her `don't-argue-with-me-I'm-the-oldest' tone. “Now everyone get to bed. We have school tomorrow.” Grumbling slightly, everyone followed her orders. Kagome had a lot of explaining to do…
“Don't. Ask.” Inuyasha growled at us as he and Kagome approached the school gates together. Kagome blushed a bit under the curious looks.
“Sorry I didn't call you guys. Something came up.” She said, giving us a look that said she'd explain later. I sighed. She wasn't putting this one off forever!
“Sango, my dear!” I nearly groaned at the all too familiar voice. “Are you ready to spend a wonderful day with me?” I glared warily at Miroku.
Kami strike me down now…
“Okay, spill,” I demanded at lunch, glaring at my younger sister. Kagura watched her keenly as she sipped on her green tea. We had a table all to ourselves so we could have a `girl talk.' It was the first time all day we'd finally separated ourselves from the boys. Though getting them away was actually very easy today.
I had threatened Miroku and Inuyasha, and apparently Kagura pulled some stunt with Sesshomaru the other day that made him only too happy to be away from her. I don't know how Kagome got away from Naraku, though. But I can feel him watching us from his own table. I barely resist the urge to glare at him.
Sighing, Kagome gave us access to her memories of her conversation with Naraku. Kagura pales and I could feel myself go rigid.
“WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, jumping to my feet. The rest of the cafeteria fell silent as Kagome went beet red and Kagura just sat there staring at her.
“Can't you guys go one day without causing a scene?!?!” A sluttish looking girl said irritably. I glared at her.
“WHO ASKED YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” I yelled. A quick glare around the cafeteria and conversations hastily started up again.
I saved a particularly evil glare for Naraku. He smirked in reply before turning back to conversing with Kikyou, who was practically throwing herself at him.
DAMN that bastard to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“We need to do something,” Kagura said urgently. “The taiyoukai-!”
“No.” I said firmly. “No way in Hell am I crawling to those Bastard begging for help. Not after they abandoned me and Kohaku before our parent's bodies were cold,”
“Inutashio doesn't seem that bad.” Kagome said.
“We need the pardon of three out of four of them, Kagome! Do you really think that's going to happen?!?! Besides, good guy or not, Inutashio's still a proud man, and a cop. And we're…” Thieves. Sneaking ones that couldn't be caught, but dishonorable thieves nonetheless. And we had been quite literally under his nose. Kagura sighed.
“What about raising the army?”
“In this day and age? I'd love to see the ningens explain that.” Kagura glared at me.
“I don't mean in broad daylight, you fool! I meant we could attack him from the shadows!”
“But That would be what they'd do, so they'd be expecting that,” Kagome pointed out, “That kind of move would be more of a hindrance than a help. And a lot of people could get killed.”
“A sacrifice that will save millions more,” Kagura said, frowning at the girl. “I know you don't like the idea, Kagome, but it's the best we can go by. We're going through with the robberies, only now, we also have another task,” Kagura's powers shifted, shielding us from prying ears. “Naraku has proven far too dangerous. More so than Onigumo We must kill Naraku and make it appear accidental.”
“Why take all the effort of hiding it?” I frowned.
“The police will be searching for us vigorously enough as thieves and criminals. However, the search will be even more intense if we were murderers as well.”
I was about to argue my point more when a sudden, sharp, familiar chill ran through my body. I sighed. Not now…
“Guess we'll have to finish this later.” Kagome said, standing. “Come on. Lunch is almost over. After that, we go to base.” Begrudgingly, glaring at Naraku as my sister reluctantly made her way over to him. The only thing that pulled me out of my thoughts was a sudden caress on my butt.
“HENAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Kagura, Kagome and I kept a grim silence as we made out way through the secret city. Young children waved merrily to us, and all adults we passed gave us low bows of respect. We nodded and smiled in return, but were far too distracted to stop and chat.
When we reached our destination, we found a human girl our age waiting impatiently for us.
“What took you so long?!?! I had Jinenji send out the contact HOURS ago!!!” she demanded crossly, glaring at us.
“Sorry, Yuka. We couldn't leave without arousing suspicion,” Kagome said with a ready smile. Yuka sighed.
“Oh, fine. Get in, this is important!!!” She pushed us all inside, where we found two other girls hard at work.
Ayumi, Yuka and Eri were some of the few ordinary ningens to know of youkai, and the only ones to live in the secret city. They tended to prattle on about annoying gossip, but when it came to keeping track of all our spies and relying information to us, they were incredible at their job.
Eri was the most book-smart, and the techno-geek of the group. She attended to hacking and finding information via Internet, mostly about the police and our targets. She also lent a hand if our victims' security was more high tech.
Yuka was a bit spacey and a major romantic, but also our resident expert on who was who and what was what. She kept track of youkai, their powers, their human lives and everything else that's supposed to be impossible to find out if you're not a taiyoukai.
Ayumi was the most street smart of the group, with a wicked cleverness for avoiding difficult situations. She was in charge of looking after our spies, and handling the information they gave us. She was the only one who knew every spy in our clan. Not even the three of us knew them all.
Despite the girls' (As Kagura put it,) empty-minded gossip and repetitive scandal stories, they were some of the most trusted advisors in the secret city. They were fiercely loyal, especially to Kagome, and always willing to put forth extra effort to help. I guess they feel that as ordinary humans, they have to go the extra mile to stand out.
“So? Details?” I said, sitting on a nearby tabletop. Ayumi sighed ad shook her head.
“I've got bad news and worst news, girls,” She said, looking a little nervous. Kagura arched an eyebrow.
“Let's start with bad,” She said evenly.
“Well, It's about some tycoon named Yaju Shibutoi-” My eyes widened, then narrowed.
“That guy on the news today,” I said grimly. I clenched my fist, ignoring the pain of my nails biting into my flesh. Rapists were disgusting. If there was one thing I could never tolerate, it was people who prayed on the weak like that, heartlessly leaving them broken and alone.
“Then you've heard of him,” Eri said with a sigh,” I've had my eye n him for a while now. His phones are all bugged, and we've even got some hidden cameras in his house. Up until last night, though, he's been really careful. However, there's more,”
“More?” Kagome repeated.
“He's in business with Kokusei,” Yuka piped up, “He's human himself, but he knows all about youkai, and he's apparently been offered a chance to become youkai himself in exchange for cash, among other things. He's the one who supplies Kokusei with poisons and technological and biological weapons.”
“And he's got something big he's making for Kokusei as we speak,”
“How big?” I asked in rapt attention.
“It's a viral weapon that can affect youkai as well as humans. It basically eats at their hearts, while keeping the rest of the body intact. Very contagious, and very fast with no know cure.”
“And in Onigumo's hands,” Kagome said seriously.
“We've planned out a heist for you girls in three days. If we give him anymore time, the virus will be complete. Make sure you get all the samples and test results, along with absolutely everything else. The virus has a distinctive reading that makes it easy to track, so there should be no problem locating it with a gizmo Eri can fix up for ya.” Kagura nodded.
“Very well. And your other news?” all three girls winced.
“Ehehe... W-well, you see...”
“Yeah, the thing is...”
“Erm, The Shittakaburi Brothers landed in Japan at 7:28 this morning.”
“Why didn't you tell us sooner?!?!?!” Kagome demanded heatedly, “What if we ran into them?!?! That would be WAY suspicious!!!”
“We know!!! But this is the soonest we could reach you! It came as a Surprise to us, too. We think they caught onto all of Eri's tracking devices,” Yuka said nervously, “But we do know they haven't left their hotel. One of our spies is keeping them busy.” Kagura sighed and rubbed her temples.
Bankotsu and Jankotsu were the only two detectives in the business ever to give us trouble. They were ruthless, notorious for their cunning and more so since Jankotsu was totally and completely undeniably gay.
That wasn't why we were so wary of them, though. They've been obsessed with catching the Blood Sisters for years now, and we've ran into them twice so far in normal everyday settings, each time under a different name.
The first time, Bankotsu had been suspicious of Kagura, who was working in the police office. That was why we had her sit the mission out. It worked, And Bankotsu stopped suspecting Kagura so much, but she maintained she was confident that he was still almost sure she was a Blood Sister.
The second time, Kagome and I bumped into Jankotsu in a women's clothing store in a mall (I try not to think too hard about what he could've been doing there,) and he swore he'd seen us somewhere before.
Naturally, we were nervous, remembering all the times we were in and out of the police station to visit Kagura, giving him and his brother half-hearted nods as we passed (Bankotsu didn't trust us, either.) and how Kagome had actually had a conversation with him. (About one of her skirts he found really cute,) But we firmly denied recognizing him.
He was suspicious, and pressed it for a while, before deciding it was probably nothing important and leaving. But then, disaster struck in the worst way possible.
When we're on the job, my sisters and I wear Form fitting cat suits with masks that covered our hair and face and had night vision specks that concealed our eyes. During that particular job, we ended up having to go two on two with the brothers while Kagome got the goods.
I was fighting Jankotsu, when he suddenly struck my speck, taking a good chunk of it off before I hit a pressure point and knocked him out cold. The bad thing? He saw my eyes. I'm almost sure he recognized me that time, too.
They told no one, but that might've been because they wanted to catch us themselves. We've had Ayumi, Yuka and Eri keep track of them and steer them away from our targets, but now that they caught on...
“Damn,” Kagura spat out angrily. “Damn them to Hell! This is the last thing we need right now...” The girls brightened at the hint of Gossip.
“Oh?” Yuka said eagerly. Kagome gave her a stern frown.
“Never mind. Since they've caught onto Eri, I want Ayumi to focus on using the spies to disrupt the Shittakaburis. Eri, you keep track of Naraku Kokusei's every waking, breathing moment. And keep your findings strictly confidential! Got that?”
“Yes Ma'am!” Eri said.
“We should go now,” Kagura said, “I've got a job to quit before those two show up.”
“Gotcha!” Ayumi nodded, “We'll give the info to Kanna as we get it in,” With that we turned to leave the Secret City, our problems now graver than when we came in.
“Oh, and Have fun dating the Taiyoukai's at the Prom, girls!!!! Make sure you give us every juicy detail!!!!!!!!!” Kagura and I groaned as Yuka's yell echoed down to us on the crowded and now silently amused street.
Just perfect...
DV- I'm okay! My head hurts like hell, but I'm okay.
Chiisai- Told you.
DV- NOW to punish you bloody muses for stealing my manuscript!!!!!!!!!!!
Muses- O.O;;;
Chiisai- Hey! That was Ganko, okay?!?!?!
DV- You still read it.
Furyou- Ehehehe....
Koto- Gotta go!!! `muses disappear.'
DV- Damn muses...
Kagome- Incase you've forgotten, DV, the muses aren't the only ones in trouble.
Bears- `Growling'
DV-... Meep!!!! Chiisai!!!! Ganko!!!!! WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `didssapears with Bears on her heels,'
Miroku- Well, at least things are never dull here.
Shippo- Yeah. Well, gotta go! Don't forget to review!!!!!