InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ A Whole New Nightmare ( Chapter 14 )
Sorry!!! I Had this done a week ago but I got grounded. grrr.....
Shizuka Kaze (Thanks!!! Well, Actually, I make it a tiny bit worse this chappie, but it DOES get better!!! You'll see soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
FoxylilRaven (Hehe.... Oh, yeah I have plenty of fics you- Wait!!! What do you mean 'tourture me?!?!?!')
Devilchild34 (You'll see!!! Thank you!!! You'll see plenty of it, believe me!!!!)
Secret-punk-rocker16 (Thanks!)
binab86 (Here's the update!!!)
Catilina (Hope I updated soon enough for ya!!! I would've sooner but like I said, dad gave me NO computer privileges. I can't wait till I move out...)
NefCanuck (Thank you!!! I love being told I'm funny!!! ^_^ hehe...)
PureAngelEnchantress (No!! I could never forget a story with so many fans that have access to sharp, pointy objects!!! ^_^;;;;;;; Great! Think you can give me your e-mail? Yeah, that I know. I type fast, so usually end up with a lot of typos. Kagome's tourture is this chappie, but You won't find out what Kagura did until next chappie.)
HN-I-Love-Inuyasha (Ehehehe.... see, YOU were one of the reviewers I was talking about earlier!!! KYYAAAAH!!!! No pointy objects!!!!!! They're on my top three list of scary things!!!!!! Well, at first, that was what I was gonna do, but this story kept pulling me this way and that way until even I had only the barest idea of where it was going. It might still happen, but you're gonna have to wait until my muses stop giving me new ideas 'glares at Chiisai and Ganko' Chiisai- Hey, don't give us that look!!! We're only doing our job!!!!!!!)
siyuri (Thank you!!! YAY FOR CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
blackestheart (Hey!!! I just reviewed for you, too!!! I thought It was so cute how you had Inu and Sango stick up for Kag like that!!!)
Hiei81 (Glad to hear it!!!)
jokermanequin (Thanks!!!! Truth be told, I just think of what ne of my friends who is eerily like Sesshomaru would say in that situation.)
I-LUV-FLUFFY-SAN46 (Yay!!! They need all the people they can find to save the kitties!!!)
Silver Shadow (Hehe... I'm writing these responces from a secret place what the bears can't reach me!!!! Kag'll probably leave you alone, though. It's my hide she's after. Kag- WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! DV- Or not.)
SilverShadow (PLUSHIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kag- You are forgiven!!!!!!!! 'hugs inu plushie then glares at DV' YOU, however... DV- Ehehehe... 'grabs her plushie and runs off.' Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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Kagome- I still can't believe she's gonna type something like THIS.
Koto- It IS a little cruel, but don't you think you went overboard?
Kagome- what would YOU do if she put you on a date with Naraku?!?!
Furyou- She has a point…
Ganko- a sign of the apocalypse.
Kagome- Why you-!!!
Shippo- Where is DV, anyways?
Chiisai- Hiding.
Kagome- Where?!?!
Chiisai- Don't you think that if I knew that, I would've told those mindless thugs?
Bear- `growl'
Chiisai- O-of course, by mindless thugs, I mean Inuyasha and Kouga!!!!
Inu & Kouga- HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Furyou- Kouga's not mindless!!! Inuyasha, yes, but not Kouga!!!!!!!!
Inu- Why you-!!! `takes out tetsusiaga.'
Furyou- EEP!!!!!!!!!!
Ganko- o.O I still can't believe I got sucked into this…
Koto- ^_____________________^
Chiisai- -_-;;; `sigh' the crazy and now fearful-of-her-life authoress own no one but that Fuben chick, Me (Unfortunately,) And the new guy Ganko.
Ganko- Whadda mean, `new guy?!' I was in stories way before you entered the picture.
Furyou- He has a point, you know…
Chiisai- AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A Whole New Nightmare %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"No no no!!!! Ze fabric clases viz er ears!!!!"
=CAN fabric clash with ears?!?!=
<Shouldn't you two be helping me out of here?!?!?!> I asked as I was pinched, prodded and poked by various women wearing black blouses and black floor length skirts with long, blonde hair and thick French accents. To make it worse, Naraku was watching everything.
=Can't. I have to deal with Sesshomaru in ten minutes. We can exchange horror stories when we get home, dearie,= And with that. Kagura was gone.
--I've gotta watch the twerps. Shippo somehow won fifty dollars on his way home from school and spent it all on chocolate covered pockey. Now he's almost as hyper as he was that one Christmas in Russia.-- I flinched slightly, partially from bad memories and another part because one of the women decided to see how many of my ribs she could crack with measuring tape.
"Ah, my dear, you ave ze most beauziful skin color I've ever seen." Madame Michelle said, smiling at me, "And your eyes!!! Green, peraps. To bring out ze color…" Immediately, I was surrounded with a million different green dresses. Short dresses, long dresses, slinky dresses, poofy dresses, strapless, long sleeved, glittery, you name it, it was there.
"Vell, Masseur Kokusei, Vill you be leaving so ve can try ze dresses on her?" Madame Michelle asked Naraku. I felt my stomach drop at the smirk on his face.
"No. I believe I'll stay and watch," My jaw dropped, but before I could protest, the women were almost yanking my clothes off me and putting a green dress on in it's stead. It happened very quickly, but I was still horrifyingly aware of the fact that I'd been half naked in front of Naraku.
"Hmm…" The woman said, pacing around me. I looked down at the slinky, glittery strapless dark green dress with a low neckline and a slit on the right going up to just below my waist. "Vonderful! You agree, Masseur Kokusei, no?" I shifted uncomfortably under Naraku's hawk-like gaze.
"Yes," Naraku finally answered, "That dress will do for dinner tonight… only perhaps you have one in red? It's my favorite color…"
"Yes, yes, of course!!! She vill look dazzling in red!!!!!!" Madame Michelle said, apparently forgetting that green brought out the color of my eyes. Next thing I knew, I was being forced into an identical dress, only red.
"Now, lez's see… Olga, measuremens!" the blonde in black I presumed was Olga jumped forward, measuring tape in hand. She measured my bust, waist, hips, the length from my hips to my ankles and the length of my upper torso, yelling them out as she went along. (Much to my embarrassment.)
"Ze dress vill be ready in alf an our. Now, zen, on to ze prom dress!!!" I bit back a groan. This was gonna be a long night…
"Some wine, Miss?" A waiter asked politely.
"No, thank you," I answered, uncomfortable in such a fancy place wearing the fancy (To say nothing of it's cost) dress Naraku had chosen for her as said hanyou watched my every twitch and fidget.
About half an hour after I had passed the point of feeling like an oversized Barbie doll, Naraku had finally settled on which prom dress I was going to wear. It was a long, scarlet dress, almost black with an elegant skirt and shoulder high gloves. It was strapless, and had black decorations of roses if you looked close enough. I was also to wear sandals that were the same color as the dress. Thin, strappy things that would be next to impossible to dance in. And the cost nearly made me faint.
Why in the world WAS Naraku spending so much money on me, Anyways? As sharp as he was, he should've picked up on my discomfort of being surrounded by such extravagant luxuries. I haven't been around anything really fancy since Mama and Papa died, and had grown to love the simpler life where instead of snails, I could eat ice cream and cookie dough at midnight while quizzing my sisters on embarrassing secrets and such.
"You should drink something," Naraku's smooth voice pulled me from my thoughts.
"No thank you," I repeated. I wasn't about to drink anything Naraku gave me. As if reading my mind, my `date' chuckled.
"I didn't spend nine thousand dollars on a prom dress to kill you with poison before I got to see you dance in it, you know," He said with a ruthless smile. Poison wasn't my biggest concern. I thought wryly.
"Why me?" I asked suddenly. It had been something I'd been wondering for a while now. "Why not Kikyou? You'd have an easier time impressing her with all this stuff than you are me." Naraku chuckled.
"That," He replied, "Is precisely why I chose you. You have a certain… unique flare," He said, brushing a hand across my cheek and grasping my chin. "One that I find myself attracted to. I want to possess you in every sense of the word."
"And I'm pretty sure that'll constitute as harassment," I said, smiling sweetly at him, "Guess you'll have to return that dress and find a new date." I started getting up.
"Do you really think that's wise?" Naraku asked, amused.
"By far the wisest thing I've ever done," I answered, "Good night, Naraku, have a nice life," I started walking away, a little uneased that Naraku was making no move to stop me.
"Is it really, Princess Kagome Higurashi?" I felt my heart stop for a second at the name I hadn't heard since I left the palace, but let my face show no sign of my shock as I turned and gave Naraku a confused look.
"Who?" I asked, feigning bewilderment. Naraku laughed heartily.
"Cute, my dear. Very cute. But I'll concede. You haven't heard that name in years, after all… you're probably much more used to other names." His voice was far too reasonable for my tastes, "Such as, perhaps, Yumi of the Blood Sisters?" My gut wretched, and I could feel myself pale. How did he-?! "You aren't the only one with eyes and ears everywhere, my dear," Naraku said, his cold smirk never fading. "Now then, I believe I offered you a drink?" Silently, I sat back down, tipping my wineglass in his direction to be filled.
"Have you informed your father or Nazo, or any of the authorities?" I asked in the same tone I heard my father use so long ago when planning war tactics. Naraku smirk.
"No. No one… yet. I have some demands for you if you wish to keep it that way. You and your sisters are to go through with the robbery as planned, and afterwards, instead of heading to the country to live the rest of your life in a dull peace or turn yourselves in to rot in a penitentiary, you will join me. I don't care what your `family' does so long as they stay out of my way. Two months after the robbery, you will come forward and claim your title as High Lady, announcing me as your mate and the future High lord."
"And if I refuse?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. He smiled.
"If you refuse, I will be forced to begin killing off your family one by one, starting with the kit, then little Souta..." I felt my blood chill.
"I can't hide anything from them," I told him, "My family knows when I lie. They'll know something is wrong the second I tell them I won't be joining them where ever we choose to go."
"Which is why you'll tell them exactly why you are leaving, and warn them that to try anything against me will have… Unpleasant results," My heart sank as my last hope melted away.
"Why are you doing this? If your father becomes lord, you'll just have to wait and inherit. Or you could even just kill him and take the throne by force," I could definitely see Naraku pulling that. "Why tie yourself down to a mate you don't want?" Naraku chuckled darkly, his eyes flashing with evil thoughts.
"You certainly know me, don't you?" He purred, "Yes, normally, that would be the most logical solution. But my father has no intention of passing the throne to me. He plans to make himself immortal, so that even if he were meant to die during the Test, he'd survive, and since all who fail die, it would be assumed he passed."
My eyes widened. That was certainly brilliant. As much as I disliked the Kokuseis, I'd give him that.
"However, this would also make me an heir that would never inherit. That is a role I have no desire to assume. If I were to mate the daughter of the High Lord, however, no one would have any reservations about me being the next High Lord." Now Naraku smirked sinisterly. "Besides, I think I'd rather enjoy owning you," I felt myself stiffen at that, and glared at him darkly.
"I belong to no one." I said in an icy tone. Naraku's smirk didn't even falter.
"That, my pet, is what would make being your mate so interesting. So beautiful, and fiery… and I can already see some of the things I can do to you…" As he said that, his eyes trailed over my body, and I was uncomfortably aware of how revealing the dress I wore was.
"My father was the greatest man I knew," I said, bringing his eyes back to my face, "I refuse to allow you to sit upon his throne, brandishing his title while I sit on the sidelines and do nothing!" Naraku smirked.
"I don't expect you to do nothing. I expect you'll be the first to bear arms against me, and my most dangerous adversary. This is another part of the reason I need you to be my mate. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, as they say." I pressed my lips together firmly. Damn…
"And what duties will be expected of me as High Lady," I snapped. I might as well play along with it until I came up with something.
"Simple enough. You are to give the appearance of supporting me, share my bed and bear me an heir." I stiffened. No way was I going to bring a child into this man's grasps. I had to think of something… "Fail in any of these, and I will kill your family." Of course. Naraku never entered anything without having everything planned out. That was something Kagura told me many times, I just never realized how through he was.
"I want to go home," I said softly. I needed to get away from him and clear my mind. Naraku's smirk turned triumphant.
"Do you?" He asked softly. I glared at him, but said nothing. "Well, I see no problems with taking you back. I'm a patent man." I still said nothing. I wasn't going to talk to him any more than necessary right now.
When his car pulled up to my apartment I got out without a backwards look and wasn't too surprised to hear the car continue on it's way. He had no reason to see me to my door, if half of what he told me was true.
What now? I thought desperately, looking up towards my apartment window. The lights were off, save a soft glow so I figured everyone was watching TV waiting for me to come home and describe the date. But I couldn't tell them yet! It was only starting to stink into my mind.
Naraku now owned me for the rest of my life.
Without really thinking, I ran.
Normally, I'm a fairly controlled person. Sure, I've had my random moments, who doesn't? But still, I never ran blindly through the streets of Tokyo in an evening gown at night. Right now, though, I barely saw the odd looks I was receiving from passersby's, and nearly got hit by several different cars.
I didn't care. I just had to get away from it all, if only for a moment. Not even I knew where I was going, so I had to strain a bit when my feet slowed at a cozy suburban house before I recognized it as Inuyasha's.
I hesitated at the door. How could I ask them to take me in at this time of night? Even in my current state of lost confusion, I didn't want to burden someone else. S I stood there for a minute or two, debating with myself on whether or not to knock and try to get the comfort I so desperately needed right now. And, like the total Idiot I was, I completely forgot about Inu noses.
Just when I was about to chicken out and head back home, the door was opened by a confused looking Inuyasha. Who must've just gotten out of bed, since he wasn't wearing a shirt.
"Kagome?!?!" He said, blinking. I felt all my will to leave cave as tears welled up in my eyes. "What's wrong? And what the hell are you wearing?!?!" Completely ignoring the questions, I dove for the hanyou, wrapping my arms around his neck. He instinctively caught me at my waist. "Wha-! K-Kagome?!?!?!?!"
"Please," I whispered hoarsely. "Please, don't send me home. Let me stay just for a little while…" I just wanted him to hold me. If only for a second. Ever since I'd been experiencing these strange feelings for Inuyasha, I wanted him to feel his arms around me. I needed that now more than anything else.
Surprisingly, Instead of letting me go, Inuyasha held me tighter, moving one hand up to comb through my hair with a gentle touch. I melted against him, feeling more accepted and understood in that one moment than any other time in my life.
"It's okay, Kagome," Inuyasha whispered back, "Whatever's the matter, you can stay here for as long as you want. I'll take care of you, Kagome," I felt my tears run free as I held him tighter. I wanted so desperately to hold him to that. I wanted to stay there as long as I wanted.
But I'm sure when Inuyasha said that, he did not mean forever…
Chiisai- `sniff sniff' Poor Kagome!!!!!
Kagome- That fluff at the end was a little sad…
Ganko- Relax. It'll be alright.
Inu- What makes you so sure?!
Ganko- I stole DV's manuscript.
Chiisai- …And just how much are you willing to part with it at?
Ganko- Hmm…
Koto- Let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `pouts' PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE Ganko!!!!!!!
Ganko- Well, she IS gone…
Furyou- So we get to see?!
Ganko- Sure. Just make sure not to tell anyone. Don't want to push our luck.
Miroku- What about us?!?!
Ganko- Muse Unity. Sorry, You guys will hafta wait just like the reviewers.
Kagome- Why you-
Ganko- See ya!!! `Ganko, Chiisai, Furyou and Koto disappear'
Sango- I'm starting to think Shadow kitsunes are the most annoying race alive.
Inu- Agreed.
Shippo- Ah, well. Don't forget to review!!! Oh! And Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bears- `Growl'