InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ When you Fall ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm not dead yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FoxylilRaven (Hehe... He would make an interesting Culinary Expert ne? Really, Furyou!!!!! A hangover?! For shame! ^ ^)

Youko N Kagome (Hey! It was fun!!!!!!!!!!! And isn't it a little late to be stating the facts? Thanks!!! Meza likes everybody!!! especially reviewers who are willing to forgive me!!! 'glomps all reviewers')

Silver Shadow (Don't worry!!! Kagome's been... taken care of. KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'jumps up and down with plushie. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Secret-punk-rocker16 (H-hehe... ^ ^;;;)

NefCanuck ('giggle' Wait'll you see how Kagura gets him back!!!)

Sanaka (I LOVE the unexpected!!! Chiisai- Wonder why...? DV- Drop the sarcasm. Chiisai- Who? Me? 'innocent look.' DV- ... - -;;;;;)

blackestheart (Onna means woman in japanese. Sorry, I guess I forgot to put that in...)

Saiyou-the-lover (Alright, Alright!!! Yeesh!!! Pushy!!!!!!!)

jokermanequin (Thanks!!! Hehe... I'm the same way. My friends say I'm famous for spouting off random nonsense. example; DH- Mr. Jonhson was really harsh about grading last nights homework 0 points just for forgetting an accent?!?! Steph- He's a teacher. He can get away with anything he wants. DV- I've had 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause' running through my head for the last three hours. DH & Steph- ...?! Thanks again!!!!!)

Devilchild34 (Thanks!!! I love that people think my stories are funny. Here's my update!)

PureAngelEnchantress (...Wow, thanks!!! I'm really, REALLY flattered!!!!! Yeah, I know... Do you think maybe you could Beta read for me? I'd really appreciate it! my e-mail is if you're interested. Thank you, you'll see, thank you thank you thank you and thank you! Wow, so many compliments in one review!!!!!!)

Yumi (Thanks!!! I have been putting the POV in for a while now. It's right under the title, in caps.)

Shizuka Kaze ('cowers behind Chiisai' SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll make everything better!!! Honest!!!!!!!)

KagomeIceAngel (Ah... Thank you!!! Here's chapter 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

catalina ('blushing' Aww... thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I thought it was cute, too. Sorry! I don't mean to, but I have so many stories, one defective muse and lots of homework!!! Chiisai- WHO'RE YOU CALLING DEFECTIVE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! DV- 'll put more Fluff in!!! Thanks you, your reviews are so flattering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


ywyw (Thanks!!! Err, it's nice to know the title is rememberable!!!!!!! Chiisai- 'snort' That not a word!!! DV- So?!?! >P)

PearloftheSea (Thanks!!!!!! Like I've said before I love making people laugh. Here's the chapter, sorry it takes so long!!!!)

tbiris (Okay, stupid as I might sound, I don't know what that means. 'blushes' Chiisai- 'rolls eyes' Baka... DV- WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!)

xXdArKn3sSxWitHinXx (Thank you!!!! Here's my update!!!!!)

DV- `beaming at Kagome, who is bound to a chair.' Say it.

Kagome- This isn't fair!

Chiisai- Welcome to my world.

DV- Say it or else I'll let Naraku kiss you!

Inu- WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Kagome- Fine!!! I solemnly swear to never try to purify, maim or otherwise hurt DreamVixen in any way, shape or form no matter what she does to me in the story.

DV- And…?

Kagome- And I won't try to the attack reviewers who thought that having Naraku take me to prom was an interesting twist in the plot.

DV- Good!

Koto- You forgot-!

Chiisai- `shushed Koto and mutters something to her and Furyou.'

DV- I forgot what?

Koto- Never mind!!!

DV- `glares at the three muses suspiciously,' I'm watching you. Oh, and Koto and Furyou aren't mine. My friend FoxylilRaven is letting me borrow them for a while.

Furyou- `borrow?!?!' I thought we were here as punishment!!!!

DV- You are. Oh! And that reminds me. For the beginning of your punishment for doing harm to my beautiful tail, you three have to wash all the floor in the mansion with these! `holds up three toothbrushes.'

Chiisai and Koto- `glare at Furyou'

Furyou- …oops.

Chiisai- This is muse abuse!!!!! I'm getting a lawyer!!!!!!!!!

DV- Shut up and say my disclaimer.

Koto- How can she do both?

Furyou- Yeah, you can't shut up and say something at the same time.

DV- `evil smirk,' You know, I do have a great deal many punishments I thought would be too gruesome for you three to handle, such as giving my great-grandma a foot massage, help my uncle muck out the horse's stalls and give my little brother Tony a bath but if you really wanna keep testing me…

Chiisai- Dvdoesn'townanyoneexceptFubenallcharactersfromYuYuHakushobelongtoYoshiroTog ashiandallcharactersofInuyashabelongtoRumikuTakahashi. `All three muses run off.'

DV- ^________________^

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% When You Fall %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


`Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!'


I frowned, lifting my head and blinking out the early morning light to gape at Mom standing over me with a stern look on her face, one finger still pressed on the off button of the alarm clock.

"We need to talk,"

"What'd I do?" I asked, blinking.

"That's what I want to know. What were Sesshomaru and you doing after school yesterday?" I winced.

"Nothing! It was just some school event."

"What school event?"

"An auction, now let me go back to sleep."

"And what happened at this auction that put you in such a bad mood?"

"I lost a bid, alright?!" I snapped. I was sleepy and pissed.

"Lost a- Inuyasha!" Mother said angrily, "I sincerely hope you aren't telling me you've been snapping and glaring at everyone just because you didn't get an item at a school auction?!?!?!"

"So?" there was a snort at the door. I turned to glare to Sesshomaru. "Get outta here!!!!!!"

"The Enustik girl would be angry with you again if she heard you referring to her as a mere `item,'"

"WHO ASKED YOU?!?!?!?!?!"

"WHAT?!?!" Mother said, glaring at me. "Inuyasha-!"

"It was just a stupid auction for dates to the prom, okay?!?! I put up a bid for Kagome so I wouldn't have to hear her whining about Kouga and Kokusei out bid me!" that knaggy little voice in the back of my head snorted at that one.

"…Onigumo's son?!?! I thought he was dating Kikyou?" So did I. Maybe that was why Kikyou was so clingy and demanding about me taking her to the Prom, which had a snowball's chance in Hell of happening. I'd go with Sesshomaru before I went with her!!!

Okay, BAD mental images…

"Well, he isn't now," I said shortly. Mother frowned, then smirked slyly.



"Do you have a less pathetic excuse for putting up a bid for Kagome?" I could feel my cheeks redden. DAMN!

"…feh!" Mother chuckled.

"Get ready for school. It starts in ten minutes." She said as she left the room. I growled, and threw the covers over my head.

Damn I hate my life…

"Ah! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming… Glorious morning! Wouldn't you say, Inuyasha?"

"Fuck off, pervert, before I tell the gym teacher about that video camera you set up in the girl's locker room," I growled. I didn't want to be in my first hour class with the grinning lecher, who was in an unforgivably good mood.

"My, my! Someone's in a temper today." I growled.

"Shouldn't you be molesting Sango by now?!?!"


"I'll crack your skull the next time you suggest that, Inuyasha." Sango threatened.

"FEH!" I growled crossing my arms. I really wasn't having a good week…

…and it was getting worse by the hour.

I glared at Naraku as he sat there with one arm casually slung over the back of Kagome's chair as the teacher wrote notes on the board, ignoring her anxiety. Bastard.

"Troubles, Inu-chan?" Jankotsu asked batting his eyes at me. I edged away slightly.

"No." I answered shortly, glancing at Naraku and Kagome again. Jankotsu sighed.

"I see. You have your eyes on that Enustik girl, don't you?" I growled and glared at him.

"I. Am. NOT interested in Kagome!" I hissed at him.

"Really? In that case, are you free this Friday?"


"Juzu, is there a problem?" The teacher demanded.

"No." I said through gritted teeth. I could see Naraku smirking at me out of the corner of my eye as he moved his arm from the back of Kagome's chair to around her waist. I growled softly.

"Suuure you're not…" Jankotsu smirked.

"SHUT UP!!!!!!"


"There's no way in fucking Hell he can do this to me!!!" I steamed, glaring at the lunch table.

"He's a teacher, Dogboy." Kagura said lazily, "If he says you have a weeks detention, you have a week's detention."

"Where's Kagome?" Sango asked as she sat down, seemingly not caring when Miroku sat next to her. I scowled. Since when were those two so cozy?!?!?!

"Naraku has a different lunch hour." Kagura said distastefully, glaring at Sango who winced.

"Oh, yeah…"

"So, my lovely Sango, have you picked out a dress for our magical night yet?" Miroku asked. Sango eyed him warily.


"Really? Because if you need any assistance, I'll be more than willing to-!"

"If that hand comes any closer, you'll be wearing a sling to prom." Sango snapped, glaring at the hand in question.


"But I do need to pick a dress… You're not coming with me, don't even ask," Sango narrowed her eyes at Miroku, "I don't trust you within a mile radius of me in a dressing room." Miroku sighed in disappointment.

"But surely I proved to be a gentleman last night?" Sango blushed scarlet as Kagura chuckled into a hand. I rolled my eyes and took a drink of my soda. So that's what that was about…

"What's so funny, Kagura? YOU were the one making out with Sesshomaru in our kitchen."

`PHFFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!' My soda came right back up. I chocked as I stared at Kagura in horror.

"YOU MADE OUT WITH MY BROTHER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Kagura glared at me.

"Say it a little louder, Inuyasha. I think the students in the gym might've missed it." She snapped. "And I most certainly did not! HE kissed ME once and left before I could bruise that pretty face again.

"So, you think my face is pretty?" If only looks could kill, I thought snickering at the glare Kagura glued to my half brother.

"Don't you have a sniveling youkai to slaughter?" Kagura asked in irritation.

"Odd you should bring up sniveling youkai, Enustik. I could've sworn I heard you whimper when I pulled back last night." I felt my eye twitch. Gross…

"Obviously you were mistaken. Most likely, It's something your already oversized male ego made up to please your masculinity. If you had really looked, you would've seen your kiss had no affect on me whatsoever."

"Are you really willing to make that accusation when it could easily be disproven right now?"

"Damn it, nobody's disproving anything with me in the room!!!" I immediately cut in. "And people are trying to eat you know!!!!!" The THOUGHT of Sesshomaru kissing anybody was disturbing on a level I didn't even knew existed. (AN; Me no think so! < 3)

"So eager to kiss me again, Sesshomaru?" Kagura said as if I hadn't spoken.

"You sound far more eager to allow it to happen again."

"CAN YOU NOT FLIRT IN FRONT OF ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! God damn it!!! this is wrong in too many ways to count!!!!!!!"

"F-flirt?!?!?!" Kagura sputtered indignantly. "Like I would even flirt with that pompous oversized icicle!"

"Anyways, I'm not here to socialize, I'm coming by at eight thirty today, and I expect you to be prepared to accompany me."

"Accompany you where?!" Kagura asked through narrow eyes.

"To select a attire for the prom. I will not have you dressing to my dissatisfaction. Kagura's jaw dropped.

"I'll have you know I have great fashion sense and furthermore, who are you to tell me-!"

"According to the rules of the Gentleman's Auction, The lady has to follow the gentleman's commands, so long as they do not infringe upon her religious belief system or personal space. I believe this request is well within the rules." Kagura pursed her lips and glared at him coldly. "As I was saying, be ready at eight thirty."

Sango frowned at Kagura, who was glaring holes into Sesshomaru's back, before a cruel smirk played at her lips.

"Oh, I'll be ready for him alright…"

"Oye, Loverboy!" I growled at Naraku in mythology, "Let Kagome go. We need to work on that project in the library." Kagome looked like she could have kissed me right then and there. Naraku smirked and shrugged.

"Alright." He said smoothly, "She's mine for the rest of the day, anyways," Kagome scurried away as fast as she could.

"Thank you," She said softly with a brilliant smile, "I was starting to think I'd never get a moment alone… he's worst than Kouga. Just as possessive, only smarter."

"At least you can get away from him after school, right?" I asked, walking a little ways ahead of her.

"Can't" She said sadly. "He's taking me to Le Chez Michelle to find a dress, then out to eat at El Lugar." Damn. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't even ask her out for pizza or anything.

Like a large pepperoni and a diet pop could compare with dinner at the most elegant European style restaurant in the city, anyways.

"Sounds like he already has you on a short leash." I said bitterly. She glared at me.

"It's only because of this dumb auction and it's dumb rules. Once Prom's over, we'll go our separate ways, and I'll never have to deal with him again."

"Yeah right," I snorted, "Le Chez Michelle? El Lugar? Like any girl would give that up!" Kagome's glare darkened.

"You really think those things matter to me?!?!?!"

"You'd be crazy if they didn't,"

"I don't believe you! Just when I start thinking you're okay-!"

"So your saying that having a smart, rich, handsome boyfriend doesn't matter to you?" It sure did to Kikyou.

"No it doesn't! I don't love him! I don't even like him!!! Not after all he and his father have done to-!" She stopped mid sentence. "Arrg! You know what, never mind! I might as well be talking to a-!!!"


"KYAA!!!!!!!!" Before I could stop to think, I reached out to straighten Kagome up, only to be pulled down the stairwell with her. So, with nothing else to do, I pulled her so that she would land on me instead of the other way around.

`Thump!!!' I flinched at the pain in my ass. Damn!!! How stupid was that?!?!

"INUYASHA! Are you okay?!?!?!?!" Kagome asked worriedly when she came to her senses, still sitting on top of me with one hand on my chest.

"Fine. Clumsy wench…" I grumbled, trying to hide my blush. Kagome smiled.

"Thank you." I shrugged, ignoring the way my heart sped up.

"Keh. Knowing you, you would've broken your leg falling down those stairs, leaving me with all that damn work!!!" Kagome's smiled didn't fade.

"Still… Not many would've tried to catch me if I fell, so thanks." I felt my cheeks heat up again.

"F-feh!" DAMN!

I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling that night, Kagome's smile was there when I tried to close my eyes, and even now her voice still played in my ears.

Not many would've tried to catch me if I fell…

Yeah, but what if I was the one to fall? Would she catch me? Or would I be falling in vain?

Just like I had for Kikyou.

I couldn't deny it. Not to myself, anyways, not any longer. I had fallen a good long time ago, and each day I fell a little more. But did she want me? Would she care if I told her? Would she believe me?

So many people wanted her. Kouga was no problem, but Naraku? He had more money than Fort Knox, And if Onigumo succeeded, he'd be next in line for an important throne, how could I compete with that? How the Hell could I show her that her smile meant so much to me?!?!?!

That's when it hit me.

Jumping out of bed, I went downstairs to the computer, got everything set up, and got on the internet.

Not many would've tried to catch me if I fell…

Shaking my head, I typed the word Midoriko into the search engine.

If this didn't prove something, nothing would.


DV- If Inu seems OOC, thought luck!!! He's the hardest character to do romantically.

Kagome- That I can see…

DV- Any you guys get to see Kagome and Naraku's date next chappie!!!

Kagome- WHAT?!?!?!

DV- Remember your promise!!!

Koto- `whispers something into Kagome's ears,'

Kagome- `brightening' Hey!!! That's right!!! Nice loophole, girls!

Furoyu- Isn't it?

DV- What? `glaring at the three suspiciously.'

Chiisai- Well you see…

Koto- …That promise you had Kagome make…

Furyou- …Said that she couldn't hurt you.

DV- So?

Kagome- So, you never said anything about me hiring other people to hurt you for me. `smiles at nine foot tall bear youkai with axes, clubs and maces at the door' Right boys?

DV- O.O;;; Hehe… let's be reasonable…

Bear youkai- GET `ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Throw weapons at DV'

DV- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `runs away like Hell is on her tail'

Kagome, Chiisai, Koto and Furyou- ^ ^

Chiisai- I'm sorry, DV, what were you saying about your grandma's feet?


Kagome- That's it for now!!!!! Don't forget to review!!!!!!!!!!!!