InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ Melting Ice and Taming Storms ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hehe... Forgivance is a vurtue ya know... especially forgiving me for taking so long to update.


Okibi Usagi (Yep!!! You're the first!!! Thank you and here's the update.)

FoxylilRaven (You'll see...)

Secret-punk-rocker16 (You're welcome!!!)

jokermanequin (You're welcome!!! You're third sentence kind of confuses me but whatever. lol. It's no problem! I love answering all my reviewers!!! Glad you feel so strongly about it!)

animefangirl (Thank you!!! Here's the updae!!!)

Wintry Enchantress (Thank you!!! O.O I'll keep that in mind...)

Sanaka (Thank you!!! Trust me, you definately aren't alone. Thank you!!! That compliment better not be a cunning plot to get me to lean towards doing things your way!!!!! Hmm... Nara? Idunno, I'm horrible at guessing names. Here's my update!!!!!!!!!)

Devilchild34 (They plan to reveil themselves after this hiest and disappear. Sango didn't want to feel like she was betraying Miroku. Thank you and here's the update!!!)

punk rock princess aka ka (Thank you!!! You'll get a taste of that this chapter... hehehe...)

Silver Shadow ('holding back Kagome' Thank you for understanding my general thought pattern. EEP! 'runs as Kagome abandons her attempt to kill Silver Shadow and tries to kill DV' Thanksandhere'stheupdate!!!!!!!!!)

Releena (Thank you!!! You'll see the start of the REAL Sess/Kagura romance begins this chappie!!!)

firehottie (Read ahead!!!)

Catalina (Thank you!!! He really is great when he can keep his hands to himself... as Only You Sango proved quite well)

YOUKO N KAGOME (I was riding a 4 wheeler with a friend once, and she hit a bump and went into a shed. I flew over her, did a front flip through the air and landed on my back. I just sat there, sunned for a few minutes, then bust out laughing and asked to do it again. ^ ^)

NefCanuck (Yep!!! Youre guess is as good as mine...)

starlit333 (Thank you!!! Wow... thank you again!!!!!! really? Wow, i'm flattered people are refurring me to friends!!!)

Korokochan16 (Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!)

binab86 (here's the update!!!)


ywyw (Thanks! Here's the update!!!)

PearloftheSea (Thank you so much!!!! It's so great to hear people are so interested in this story!!! here's the update!!!)

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Chiisai- InuYasha's right, you are a cruel little bitch. Not updating in so long…

DV- HEY!!! YOU try updating four different stories regularly AND go to school AND attend extracurricular activities AND get dragged around by family to weddings, funerals and birthdays of relatives you haven't even MET!!! T.T Why do Italian families have to be so close knit? And big?! And loud?!?!

Kagome- Karmic retribution?

DV- Don't tell me you're STILL mad!!!

Kagome- four different stories, FOUR!!! And you found a way to make my life miserable in each and every single one of `em!!!

DV- It's called a plot.

Sango- Really? Where's the one for this story?


Chiisai- Of course not!!! That's on the 21st.


Inu- The fox wench doesn't own anything.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Melting Ice and Taming Storms%%%%%%%%%%%%%


"May I ask what THIS glaring contest is about?" My stepmother asked, her voice tinted with exasperation and amusement as she looked up from grading papers.

"Keh!" Inuyasha said, standing up and leaving the room. His mother sighed.

"Oh, and Sesshomaru? You're father left some papers on the table this morning. He said they dealt with the Blood Sisters," I nodded silently, retrieving the folder she was waving a hand at.

I frowned as I went through them. It was a thick, detailed file of all the past cases of the Blood Sisters. I was supposed to try to find any hidden patterns the hundreds of officers before me missed. I noticed that a `Detectives Muryoku and Yasekoketa' came up a lot, but other than that, and the slightly sadistic schemes the sisters came up with, nothing.

"They're careful," I sighed, closing the folder. Stepmother frowned.

"Well yes, they'd have to be to have lasted this long… But still, I feel sort of sorry for them…" I raised an eyebrow.

"What has happened that they deserve sympathy?" I asked dryly.

"Their letter," Stepmother stated evenly, "I reread it, and realized they more or less say this will be their final heist. I feel sorry for them, because they must have given up a lot for this kind of life. After all, they can't be that bad, since they're so careful about making sure their victims deserve the embarrassment and frustration. Abstract Justice." I frowned. "Besides, they say they've personally dealt with both Nazo and Kokusei before, as their victims. I feel sorry for anyone who Onigumo and Teki have hurt."

"Mama, Can I go to Shippo's house to play? He said I could if you say it's okay!!!" Rin pleaded. Stepmother smiled at her sympathetically.

"Sorry, baby, I've got work to do. Maybe tomorrow." Rin pouted.

"But I wanna go now!" She whined slightly, her lower lip sticking out. Her mother sighed and gave me a pleading look. I stood up, and Rin instantly stopped pouting.

The things I do for family…

I growled slightly at the people who were staring at my hair (Lavender last I checked.) and resisted the urge to glare at the apartment complex in front of me. Rin didn't seem to notice my sullen mood, as she was skipping around happily, chatting away about all the things she'd heard about the Enustiks.

I was almost glad to see the apartment door. Rin was nowhere near as annoying as Inuyasha, but I'd rather have someone else take care of her when she was in a hyper mood. I rang the doorbell, and listened closely for noise inside.

I heard the eldest Sister yell for someone to get the door, over the sounds of frantic kitchen work and two boys arguing over a loud, annoying video game.

The pale Enustik girl was the one to open the door.

"Rin!!!" the red haired boy said excitedly. I wrinkled my nose at the burnt smell coming from the kitchen as the two children greeted each other enthusiastically.

"What is that horrible stench?" I demanded of the pale girl.

"Kagura is trying to cook." She answered in a soft whisper. I raised an eyebrow.

But the idea became amusing as a frenzied Enustik entered my range of sight, her cooking apron covered in soup stains and bits of chopped vegetables and what looked like pieces of raw fish was caught in her hair.

"Does anyone know where Kagome keeps the to…fu…" her eyes widened at the sight of me, then narrowed. "And just what do you think you're doing here?!" she demanded.

"Rin wished to keep a play date with you're brother." I responded. The girl shot the young red head a suspicious look that had him cringing in guilt.

"I didn't know Kagome wouldn't be able to cook tonight." He said defensively, "Besides, you always find ways to weasel out of everything!!!"

"And why is your sister unable to cook?" I asked. Kagura glared at me.

"She's been upset ever since the Auction." She snapped.

"That should not inhibit her ability to prepare a meal." The demoness gaped at me.

"I know that you insensitive, self-centered, arrogant bast- jerk!" she quickly changed her wording as she saw all the children watching us curiously. "But I thought she needed some time to think, so I offered to do the cooking tonight instead!!!" I mentally sighed.

"And exactly what are you attempting to prepare?" I asked, pointedly drawing attention to her appearance.

"Oden," she snapped back, though her cheeks had tinted at the silent insult to her domestic abilities. "It's Kagome's favorite, and I- well- what do you care, anyways?!" It was amusing to see the proud girl so flustered and panicked over something as simple as cooking.

"I see…" I said. Then, I started to remove my coat, "Where is your daikon and chikuwa?"


"You can cook?!?!" I sighed in irritation.

"I already told you twelve times that I could." I said, fighting to keep my frustration out of my tone.

"…but you can cook?!?!?! YOU?!?!?!?!" I rolled my eyes.

"Is there a problem with that?" Kagura blushed.

"I just can't see you as the cooking type," I said nothing. The demoness sighed. "You know what your problem is? You don't say anything. I might as well be talking to a lamppost…"

"That your problem, wench," I informed her stiffly, "I am not burdened by it,"

"You really think so?" Kagura asked, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Yes," The girl shook her head.

"Well, I think you're wrong. If you don't talk to people, they'll stay away from you. And you'll be lonely." I snorted.

"This Sesshomaru is not `lonely,'" the demoness smiled wryly.

"I used to have the same mentality, until Kagome muscled her way into my life." She shook her head, and started playing with her fan, "I never thought I could be grateful someone was so stubborn…"

"What happened to your true parents?" I demanded. Kagura stiffened, then shrugged.

"They didn't need me making a mess out of their lives."

"So they abandoned you?"

"That's right," I frowned, a little unsettled that she was so… unaffected by that. "Mother ditched me the second she could, and daddy dearest told her if I ever interfered with his plans, he'd kill the both of us." …Plans? "Kanna was dropped off at the doorstep a couple years later."

"I see…"

"And you? The current Mrs. Juzu is your stepmother, right? What happened to your mother?"

"Dead." I stated simply, not turning to face her.

"And your relationship with her when she was alive?"

"…" Kagura snorted.

"Fine! Be that way… What fish meat are you using?" I decided not to question the abrupt change of subject.

"Do you have any shark meat?" (AN; I'm not making this up!!! I checked out oden recipes and found out that oden is actually also known as fish cake stew, and that the fish in it includes things like shark and flying fish. Creepy thought…)

"yes. And pollard. We have mushrooms and cauliflower, too…"

"Bring them here." I added the ingredients and allowed the stew to simmer. "Where is your other sister? The violent one Houshi is infatuated with."

"Sango? She ran off to lick her wounds after Kagome lashed out at her for an inappropriate comment. Come to think of it, that was a two hours ago. She should be back by now…"

"One less woman to deal with," The youkai rolled her eyes.

"That's what I'm talking about. You have the social skills of a wild cobra."

"I've told you before, onna, that hasn't hindered me in anyway,"

"So you think," she persisted, "but no matter what race you are, human or demon, everyone needs to talk to someone. Everyone needs someone else to make them happy,"

"I need no one for such a thing. I am perfectly content with my life the way it is,"

"So you don't want to get married and start a family or anything?" The red eyed apparition countered.

"I have many suitable females to choose from once procreation becomes an issue."

"Females like Fuben?" She had me there. "Besides, is that all girls are to you? Another means to an end?"

"if something is achieved from the relationship, yes,"

"Does happiness count as something to be achieved?"

"Happiness is an intangible notion that will gain you noting truly valuable." There was silence from the woman, and I figured she had dropped the issue. But then, she continued, her voice soft and solemn to my demonic ears.

"I never thought I'd be put in a position were I pitied you," I stiffened at the subtle remark that I was to be sympathized. "Why did you buy me at the auction today?" I never understood this woman's thought patterns.

"Because I knew it would upset you," I answered honestly.

"Why is it so important to you that you upset me?"

"Because you need to learn your place,"

"Why? Because I was the first woman to ever stand up to you? Because I didn't worship the ground you walk on when we first met? How do you know where my place is, anyways, Sesshomaru? You know nothing about me!"



"Is it really wise to lecture someone who is doing you a favor?" Kagura scowled at me before her face twisted into a confused look.

"…Why ARE you helping me?"

"The oden's done," the girl's scowl came back full force.

"So, the Great Sesshomaru refuses to answer a question? That truly is a sign of the vast strength of the Taiyoukais…" I growled.

"Do not mock me, woman,"

"I am merely stating the truth as I see it, My lord!" I felt my blood heat with fury as the insolent demoness continued to scorn my status.

"What you think the truth to be and what it actually is are two completely different things, onna. You are blind to how things truly are, acting only how you outsized pride sees fit," her jaw hung at my last comment.

"Who are you to lecture anyone about pride?!?!?! Your own pride is what got you involved in the mess we're in now in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Pride is needed in someone who must do what is required of me,"

"Who says the same isn't true for me, Sesshomaru?!?! You think only Taiyoukai's can have pride?!?! I am the eldest of seven children, and as such, more is expected of me. I'm the one who has to make sure Sango gets to work on time! I'm the one who has to make sure Kagome's over ambitious nature doesn't kill her! I'm the one who people expect the right answer to come from!!!!! I have pride in who I am, in my family, and in my work. And Damn you to hell if you think you have the right to have more pride than me with the simple excuse that you're a taiyoukai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I kept my face schooled into a passionless expression through out her tirade.

"Is that all you have to say to me?" her eyes lit with fire again, "I've been through worst,"

"Who are you to make that sort of judgement?!?!?!?!?! Who are you to say whether or not I should be proud?!?!?! Tell me, Sesshomaru, because I really want to know how someone so irritating gets off-!!!!!!!!!!" Aggravated at this endless ranting, I swiftly silenced her in the way I'd found most effective towards women.

I believe her response to my kiss was mainly because she was taken off guard. She hadn't expected it, and with my immense experience at such tasks as this, she soon became putty in my hands.

I was mildly surprised that she was touched so little by anyone in an intimate manner such as this. Despite my dislike towards her, I would admit she was quite physically appealing. Perhaps she was simply overly selective about the males she did allow to touch her…

I broke the kiss off when I heard their front door open, turning to get the mustard out of the fridge and set the oden on the table.

"Kagura!!! I'm back!!!! To need to talk to you about- why is Sesshomaru in our house?"

"H-huh? Oh Sango!!!!" I felt it safe to smirk slightly to myself since my back was to the sisters. You could almost hear her blushing profoundly, "H-he just volunteered to help cook when he came to drop Rin off,"

"…He can cook?" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think you can call Kagome out of her room? She's calmed down since you left,"

"Sure thing… but, why are you all red?"


"Alright, alright!!! No need to bite my head off…" As soon as the girl left the room, the demoness rounded on me.

"What was that?!?!?!?!"

"A kiss. Considering you were lecturing me about social stills, I had assumed you knew what one was,"

"I KNOW what a kiss is!!!! What did you think you were doing giving me one?!?!?!?!"

"Silencing you. Your raving was becoming unbearable," I smirked at the intangible fury now rolling off the woman, "Now, If you'll excuse me, I must retire to my home," now she looked taken aback.

"You're not staying for dinner?"

"No," She cocked her head at me before sighing in a defeated sort of way.

"I give up on trying to understand you. You're just too complicated."


"Thank you for helping me with dinner. If you ever even consider inviting yourself into my house again I swear I'll make sure the next to inherit the Western throne is Inuyasha now good bye," I nodded to her as she set the table with silverware.

"Oh, one last thing," I said before leaving the kitchen, "It is best to give someone a comment after they give you one of the best kissing experiences you've ever had. And do not deny it, onna, It was quite apparent," Chuckling to myself as the girl's face turned the darkest shade of red imaginable, I left the room, brushing past both of the Enustik girls who attended my school with the demoness. Both were frozen in place, obviously having been within hearing distance at my last comment. I didn't care.

The days leading up to prom should prove quite interesting…


DV- heh… ^ ^ that's Sesshomaru for ya!

Kagome- Sesshomaru cooking is definitely an… interesting idea.

Inu- `snicker'

DV- Yep!!!! And I didn't torment you this time!!!!

Sango- No, you tormented Kagura.

Kagome- THIS time?!?!

Chiisai- And here we go again…

DV- Hehehe… Well!!! That's all we have time for today!!! Don't forget to review!!!!!!! `takes off'

Kagome- Get back here you lousy-!!!! `chases after DV'

Chiisai- Bye!!!!!!