InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Staind Lies ❯ A Sinner's Paradise ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha, nor do I own the lyrics in this story (for this chapter- My December by Linkin Park)
Blood Stained Lies
By: Hells_Angel89
This is my December; this is my time of the year.
This is my December, this is all so clear...
Kagome quickly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. With deft hands, she gathered her hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck. She lost herself in the patterns on the ceiling caused by the candlelight reflecting off the razor blade and the water. Gathering her courage she sat up in the tub and gazed down at the blade.
This is my December; this is my snow-covered home.
This is my December; this is me alone...
Slowly lifting a delicate hand out of the water, she grasped the blade between her middle finger and thumb. Blinking away more tears, Kagome flipped the blade over, letting the light dance on the silver. `No one will miss you!' Naraku's voice taunted her in her head. `Face it, you are all alone. Your best friend Sango has Miroku. That cousin of yours, Kikyo, has Inu Yasha. Heh heh heh.'
“No.” Shaking her head feverishly, the distressed girl mumbled. She began to put the blade back down but the voice spoke up again.
I just wish I didn't feel like there was something I missed...
`Heh heh heh. Totally and utterly alone. Even your ex-lovers have found someone new to warm thier beds. If you think about it, I am the only thing you have now.'
I'll take back all the things I said to make you feel like that...
“Shut up! Just go away!” She screams. Bowing her head, she squeezes her eyes shut and fists her hands in her hair. The blade, which is still between her fingers, slices a semi deep cut on the top of her head.
I just wish I didn't feel like there was something I missed...
`Tsk tsk Now Kagome, you know you will never get rid of me. Not until you're rotting in your grave.'
The water began to tremble as her breath quickened.
“Not until I'm rotting in my grave huh?”
Take back all the things I said to you...
`You wouldn't dare,' seethed Naraku's voice. `You're too much of a coward.'
Taking a raged deep breath, Kagome opened her eyes and brought the razor to her wrist.
And I'd give it all away, just to have somewhere to go to...
The girl screamed as the blade cut a deep scarlette gash into her wrist.
Give it all away, just to have someone to come home to...
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White sheets went flying into the air as Inu Yasha was jarred from his sleep. The half demon feverishly looked around the bedroom to determine where the scream had come from. His nose was poised in the air, trying to firgure out where the scent of Kagome's blood had came.
“Just a dream,” he whispered to himself, “It was just a dream.” Even though that's what he told himself, Yasha couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong as he laid down to go back to sleep.
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Kagome began to shake as she caught her breath. Taking a few deep breaths, she tried to focus on what she was doing.
This is my December; these are my snow-covered trees.
This is me pretending this is all I need.
Carefully she passed the blade to her other hand. Screaming out again, she pressed down hard on the blade as she dragged it across her other wrist. Tears flooded her face as she felt several veins tear.
I just wish I didn't feel like there was something I missed.
I take back all the things I said to make you feel like that.
I just wish I didn't feel like there was something I missed.
Take back all the things I said to you.
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Sango was pacing her bedroom floor. Miroku sat at the foot of the bed watching her with his eyes. “Sango, my love.” The doctor called out with a hint of annoyance. “Come back to bed, I'm sure everything is alright.”
“You're probably right baby. Nevertheless, I cannot shake off this feeling. Damit Kagome!” She screamed into the phone. “Why won't you fucking awnser!”
“That's it,” Miroku murmured.
The distressed Sango stared at his retreating back with shock. Before she had the chance to ask `what' he was making his way back with thier coats and shoes.
“Here. Put those on.” He said as he tossed her one of the coats and a pair of white tennis shoes.
“Thank you.” His fiancée whispered to him as she sat by his side and put on the shoes.
This trip over to Kagome's apartment was mostly to calm Sango's nerves, but he too had a sneaking suspicion that something was aria. He was not going to tell her he also had the feeling that something was wrong. He knew it was no coincidence that they both had the same nightmare and that they both heard her scream.
The couple ran to thier black Mercedes in the parking garage.
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Kagome laid back and relaxed in the now scarlet water. “To my grave huh? Sounds to me like you left already.” She smiled as she began to loose her grip on reality.
And I'd give it all away, just to have somewhere to go to.
Give it all away, to have someone to come home to.
“Please forgive me Inu Yasha.” Kagome whispered as her eyes lost focus.
Kagome felt two people enter the room but she couldn't put a finger on who it was. Slowly she lifted her head but all she could make out was the form of a male and a female.
The moment she heard Sango's voice Kagome snapped back into reality. Her eyes came to focus on her best friend's face. Sango's face disfigured with tears hurt her more than the wounds on her body. With effort, the young woman lifted herself out of the tub and tried to step out, but her legs failed and gave out on her. Luck for her, her beautiful friend was there to keep her from landing on the hard unforgiving tile floor.
“Miroku!” Sango's voice rang out, shaky but loud. “Miroku, help she-she's in the bathroom!”
Kagome lifted a hand and gently brushed away the hair in Sango's face. “Don't worry,” she whispered with a smile. “The voice is gone now. Everything will be okay.”
Miroku stumbled into the bathroom. He stared in horror at the sight in front of him, and forced himself not to scream. Sango sat in the middle of the bathroom holding a very bloody Kagome in her lap. A few feet behind them was a tub of crimson red water surrounded by candles. A pool of water and blood was beginning to form on and around the love of his life and his friend.
“Ok,” said Miroku, forcing a calm demeanor. “Sango were does she keep her towels.”
Closing her eyes tightly, Sango tried to think. “Umm, oh! On the third self in the closet in the hallway.”
“Alright,” he whipped out his cell phone and dialed 911. When he got back he pulled Kagome off Sango's lap and laid her out on the floor.
“Here, take this towel and put pressure on that wrist.”
“Ok,” the young woman managed to choke out.
“Kagome. I need you to look at me Kagome. The ambulance is on its way. Look at me.”
“I'm so... s-s-sorry you... guys. PL-Please... forgive me.” Squeaked the form on the floor between sobs.
Outside, the ambulance pulled up.
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That's it! Hope you liked it so far. Please review (flames welcomed). I promise to get the next chapter out by September 6th!