InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ BLOODY KISSES: of death may come. ❯ help me make it through the night ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: o goody a new chapter.
To all those who have told me and told me again to get a grip and fix my spelling and grammar. I am working on it, really. It may take some time but with time it will get better. Well at least as good as it can get, I am after all still dyslexic. So that can not be helped. And yes I know a beta will help me get rid of my problems even faster, but those are hard to come by. Believe me. I have tried, but for some freakish reason it never works out.
And to those who think my story is absolutely rubbish, how did you ever make it to the fifth chapter, I applaud you for getting this far, I usually never even make it through the first chapter.
Disclaimer: well no Inu yasha charter belongs to me, but I borrowed them for this story, for your entertainment.
Of death may come
Chapter 6: help me make it through the night.
Kagome rushed through the hall to the gym, her brain going at least a mile per second. The very thought of Sesshoumaru watching her dress and being naked in front of him was just something she could not face, or life through.
Kagome busted through the door and was already looking around for her clothing when her senses told her she had just walked in a room with very bright light. Very, very bright light. With the memory of daylight still fresh in her mind Kagome did the first sensible thing and dropped to the ground, her arms covering her head.
After a few seconds her brain started processing that she wasn't being burned to death and with all the courage she had she looked up. Her silver eyes peeped through a gap in her arms and looked around. Kagome couldn't believe it when she found the source of the blinding light. Lamps, the kind they usually use in building area's while working late nights.
For a split second Kagome felt angry as well as stupid. Then putting those both aside she made a dash for the pile of clothing right next to the door. Her sharp ears picked up footsteps coming her way an she was sure those were Sesshoumaru's. Kagome was in her new outfit in seconds and for a moment that made her smile. `Souta there goes your whole theory on girls not being able to re-dress in more than hour.'
Just when she pulled the strings fro her pants up and safely pulled them away she noticed the door gliding open. Rigid and proud Sesshoumaru walked in his cold golden eyes looked at her and a slight nod of his head was all she got before he walked to the wall filled with weapons.
Anger filled her again, but Kagome pushed it away. Getting angry wouldn't get her anywhere and certainly not with this person. If she wanted to get information she would need to get on his good side. More importantly, he was the key to ever being able to see her family again, she was sure of it.
Her silver eyes trailed him while he picked a bamboo stick from the wall and walked back to her. Dressed in nothing more than lose flowing green silk pants and a tank top from the same material Kagome felt a little bit naked. Crossing her arms before her chest she eyed him and when he stopped just a mere meter away from her she made sure to take a couple of steps back. Sesshoumaru at any distance was a powerful image, but up close the impact was certainly too much.
“You will use this pole and attack me. You will attempt to kill me. I will leave you no room for anything else.” He bit out. The words cold and frosty. Kagome swallowed and took the pole form his outstretched hand. Careful to avoid the inch long nails.
When she looked up from the pole Sesshoumaru was already gone. Kagome swallowed again. This couldn't be good and after that one sentence it really really couldn't be good. Panicking Kagome forgot everything. All the news senses she had gained including what she had been told by Sango and Kouga.
Using her human short-sightness she ran to the middle of the room, sure that form here she would be able to see him coming. The next moment she felt herself being hid square in the beck.
The heavy impact send her flying and Kagome lost the pole on impact. She swore she felt her wrist crack when she hid the wall next to the door and Kagome felt sick. For a moment she just lay there on the ground. Her brain too confused to process what just happened but finally her instincts started to kick in. a huge cry dulled all other thoughts and Kagome could feel her more rational thoughts and reasoning slip away into a black void.
Standing up, her whole body shivering uncontrollable she looked around. Fiery red eyes looked around silver slits moving back and forth until they spotted what she was looking for. The bamboo pole. It had rolled away from her to the centre of the room. Hissing like a angered cat she made a jump for the pole only to be knocked down in mid air.
Mewling and hissing Kagome hit the floor hard, this time her whole left arm cracked. Letting out a longer howl Kagome rose from the floor cradling her wounded limp. Fangs exploded I her mouth and shone angry while the red in her eyes intensified. Limping towards the pole she picked it up letting her now useless left arm hang at her side. Using it to support herself Kagome started for the door, she never made it.
Before she could fully understand what was happening she felt a foot dig into her back, her spinal chord broke with a sad crack. Screaming Kagome fell to the ground everything below the broken spinal chord was numb. Frantic she started screaming, her pleas for help were mingled with swearing and curses.
When she felt the pole being pulled from her hand Kagome quickly turned her head to look at her offender. Sesshoumaru stood over her. His impressive form filling her entire view. Something inside Kagome broke at that moment. For there in his eyes she could see nothing but her coming death. It would all end in a few seconds, her pitiful existence, her new life. Something inside her cried. She didn't want to die just yet. She didn't want to die anymore, she would be able to live as she was now. Well she would need to adjust some, but more important she could live as she was now. She really could.
Just when the pole came down Kagome opened her mouth and let out another scream. This one was vastly different then the others. It was not a call but a demand. One that only could be answered.
Sesshoumaru held his swing halfway down. He had heard this call before. And he had always thought only one person had enough power to command them. Snorting and his eyes gleaming with pleasure he stepped away from the broken body. Resting the pole at his side he waited. It didn't take long.
One huge curtain started blowing and glass shattered. A huge cat jumped in answering Kagome yell with one of it owns. The beast was a good 5 ft high on four legs. The muscles displayed under the short black fur. With grace it walked into the room and stopped beside the unconscious woman. His huge head lifted up and it watched Sesshoumaru with intelligent green eyes. From its mouth two huge fangs protruded and it looked rather like a sabre-toothed tiger. Only much bigger an broader.
“Elda.” It grumbled. Its voice heavy, raspy and with a faint purring accent. “I was called.” Uncertainty.
Sesshoumaru nodded his head, white hair moving with the motion. “That is so.” A growl. “But it was not this Sesshoumaru that called. The female called you.” He pointed with the pole to Kagome. He then took a few steps back and crouched down, his golden eyes narrowed and his guard up.
The huge cat turned towards the fallen vampire and sniffed at it. “She is Naraku's spawn.” It spit out after a few sniffs. “I will not tolerate such disgrace. I will sent Uoma to dispatch of her.” Without further ado the cat turned around and walked back to the broken window.
“She was made by Naraku. She is one of the keys.” A silky voice filled the room. The cat stopped and turned its huge head towards Sesshoumaru, one paw was in the air ready to be put down.
“It has come to this now. How close is he.” She cat articulated the words careful as if he needed to think hard on what he wanted to say. Or maybe as if he dreaded the answer he would be getting.
“He has knowledge of where the other part is. Kouga is tracking the rumours down as we speak.” Golden eyes glowed with a menacing light. “I have just send Inu yasha away with the information to the ancient.
The cat nodded its head. “I will inform my kin. When the master arrives let the girl call us again. My nest will fight alongside you, prince.” Then it took three huge jumps and disappeared.
Sesshoumaru stood up. Throwing the pole away he went to gather the limp body of Kagome. By the looks of it she would be needing to feed early next night. He would make sure Sango took her to the grounds again. For now he would need to visit his basement. He needed to put her deep into the ground, where she would heel and rest. Her body would be good as new following evening.
When he had gone through the procedures of putting her underground Sesshoumaru sighed. He was glad though, it hadn't been for nothing. Now there was only one problem left, how to learn her to be able to take care of her own within the next few days. Time was turning against them, he could feel it in his bones.
He would not fully rest until the ancient was here. While carefully planning Sesshoumaru settled down on the most earth and leaned against the brick wall. Slowing his body down he put himself in a slumber. There was no rest for the weary.
A single pattern of footsteps announced Sango's comeback. After that the house grew eerily silent. And when the sun finally lit the sky it was all vampires everywhere had gone to rest.
Kikyo stood before her bedroom window. Her eyes lifeless and cold, not seeing the beautiful sunrise or birds flying by. Her thoughts were miles away. The nightly visitor had ling left but his words had left a lingering impression even more so than his looks.
She had felt something wrong from him, although she could quite place her fingers on it. But she was sure that everything he had sad and done where nothing but lies and tricks. He wanted something from her, that much was sure. And he had dragged Kagome into his little play. That had actually been the only reason why she had listened to him.
She knew the chances were small, but maybe just maybe, this strange dangerous man new where her sister was. Maybe he could tell her or help her. And really what could be wrong with doing this simple thing for him. Al she needed to do was go to some land house and steel something from it.
Sure Kikyo had never stolen anything in her life, but she was sure she would be able too for her sister. Thinking the matter over and over Kikyo was more certain each time that she would do this one thing. And then when she had his object she would trade it for information on Kagome. She would demand her sisters whereabouts and ask him to bring her to Kagome.
Finally mind made up Kikyo moved away from the window and got dressed. In the kitchen she could here her mother backing breakfast and with the ease Kikyo made it outside undetected. She needed to hurry, for some strange reason Naraku had demanded she go during the day. Saying it was safe then. There would be nobody in the house, those had been his exact words. For a moment Kikyo had longed to tell him to do it himself then. Thoughts of Kagome had been the only thing to stop her, just like that was the only thing keeping her going now.
Her sister was alive. She new she was, and it would be her Kikyo to get her back. That would show those silly cops and their suspicions. Like she would withhold information on purpose. Bastards.
Now where would she need to go exactly. Kikyo stopped and pulled out a rather dirty piece of paper. On it was drawn a map with only a few words. It looked like it was going to be a looooooong day. For some reason she felt a amused smile cross her face at that thought. It almost felt like she and Kagome were standing next to each other. The feeling only lasted a moment though.
Not wanting to waste more time Kikyo started to jog to the subway. It would take her some time, but with the map and some asking around she was sure she would be able to find the house.
a/n: done. Another chapter. Yay.
Thanks to all my reviewers, I really like to hear from you. Even if I get yelled out and told I'm crap. That's life. See you all next time.