InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Kisses ❯ The Usual Way ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

…Bloody Kisses…
By: Alliecoolgirl
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Inuyasha or any of the poems used in this fic.
It was a dark and cloudy morning, and all children of the town were heading to their schoolroom, as was their teacher…
“Alright now children, settle down.” The school teacher calmly ordered her class room. “I know everyone's had a very fun filled weekend, so let's get back to work.”
There were several `Awwwws' to which the teacher also calmly ignored, and began today's lesson the usual way.
Of course, that's how everything always went. The usual way.
“Students, how about we start off with our morning reading? Please turn to page 665 of your text books.” The teacher picked up her book as well, to read along.
And the students read:
"Awaken to darkness on this place we call Earth,
One vampire's bite brings another one's birth.
A vampire wakes with blood thirsty needs
on the warm rich sensation he feels when he feeds.
He stalks in the night like a disastrous beast,
and what once was alive will soon be deceased.
So when the last bit of sunlight disappears from the sky,
you better watch out unless you want to die."
All students lowered their books to uneasily gaze at their teacher who had already set her book on her desk, and was neatly writing on the chalk board.
One of the students raised her hand just as the teacher turned around. The student was acknowledged by the nodding of the teachers head.
“Miss Kagome, what exactly did the poem mean? It was very strange, not exactly like the poems we usually read.” The student tilted her head to the side, and waited for her answer.
“Well Molly,” Answered the teacher. “There are some very strange myths that I am required to teach you about. This one is called,” Kagome turned and underlined what she had written on the board. “A Vampire.”
After she said this all students got silent, having heard about this blood drinking creature before.
“Now children, there is no need to be frightened by the name. No matter what you have heard, Vampires do not exist anywhere but you're story books and imaginations. Vampires are the `un-dead', and unlike humans they feed off of blood, and are very sensitive to light. Please turn to page 364 and do some silent reading, if you have any questions please ask.” The teacher walked around her desk and sat down, watching her students intently.
Kagome had always considered herself a very simple woman; she did what she was suppose to, and kept all of her secrets to herself. One of her only problems was that she certainly didn't believe in most things she was `required' to teach, but taught them anyway.
`I wonder why they still have us teach this stuff. It's completely irrational. I think that those bastards who come up with this material should be burned like the witches they are! I mean it's like the 1800's people, time to accept the supernatural Kagome zoned out, getting lost in her own thoughts. `. I wonder what a real vamp-'
“Miss Kagome! I've had my hand up for a few minutes, can I speak now?” yelled an impatient boy from the back of the room.
Kagome stood up and looked at the boy called Shippo, which was a very unusual name. He was new here, but he should know the rules by now. “You will stay after school and clean this chalkboard for your outspoken behavior, but you can now talk if you wish.”
“What? I shouldn't have to stay after school `cause you didn't notice my hand! I raised it, and I waited for you to call on me!” The boy stood up and looked at her with wild eyes. “You just wait until my father hears about this!” The boy then pushed over his desk, and ran out the door at an unusually fast rate.
“Students, please continue reading.” Kagome looked all about the room and noticed Jenny's hand.
“Yes Jenny, do you have a question?” Kagome had always had a soft spot for the girl, she reminded Kagome of her sister Kikyo. Where she had gone no one knew, but Kagome missed her and loved her all the same.
“Miss Kagome, what did this man mean when he said “We gladly feast on those who would subdue us? He sounds scary-ish.”
“Well you see Jenny; men have hunted and killed the men they thought to be Vampires since they are believed to drink mortal, human, blood. So that man meant that Vampires feast on humans because that man has killed many Vampires before.” Kagome glanced at the clock, `Almost time to leave, wow that was fast'. “Now children, tell me about the poem we read aloud today.”
Only one student raised her hand.Kagome called on her, “Yes, Alice?”
“That poem meant that humans should watch out for Vampires `cause if they bite `ya, then you'll become one of them. And they sure is out to get ya, so don't go out at night.”
“Correct, and please use proper grammar in this class room, class dismissed.”
As Kagome watched her students leave, she sat down at her desk to gather her things. When the door had been closed by the last student, Kagome stood up to leave. Her book happened to be open on the desk, so she stayed in her place to continue reading.
This book was very interesting. It had quotes and passages from great writers. Most of these poems were sad, dramatic, or about scary creatures… such as Vampires. Right now she was in the Vampire section; they had always been her favorite thing to read about, even if it was a sin to read about such things. A few seconds later she felt a very warm presence, and she looked to her right.
“Oh my!”
Scared out of her wits, Kagome jumped back and dropped her book. Once she regained her right mind, she looked up into golden eyes of a man she had never seen before, and a small ways down was his obviously amused smirk.
She hadn't heard him enter the room.
“Hello miss, allow me to introduce myself,” He bowed like a man of dignity. “I am Inuyasha, Shippo's legal guardian. I understand that there has been a problem with my boy.” His eyes had never left hers, and Kagome felt as if a trance was upon her. Finally, she snapped back, and looked at the man in front of her, but she couldn't seem to focus on anything but his eyes, which seemed surprised and quite confused. She finally spoke.
“Um, yes sir, there has been a problem. I completely understand that Shippois new, but he was explained the rules before hand, and he still spoke out during class without being called on. I find that un-acceptable.” Kagome explained, finding it difficult to turn around, however she managed. It almost felt that someone was lightly holding her to her ground.
No one was touching her.
“Well, I am very sorry for the trouble he has caused Kagome, and I am sure It will not happen again.” Inuyasha turned around, but before he even took one step he turned back around and bent down to pick up her book. Kagome had totally forgotten about it.
“That's Miss Kagome, if you don't mind,” She noticed him skimming the pages. “Sir, please do not…”
“Hmmm, I'm not sure a woman should be reading such material,” Inuyasha said while looking up and down the page. “Although I have read this book before.” He took a moment to move, no glide, to Kagome's side, and point to a passage. “Here is my favorite quote:
Take me from this earth
an endless night-
this, the end of life.
From the dark I feel your lips
and taste your bloody kiss."
Kagome was intrigued by this man's intelligence, and the way he carried himself. She was so absorbed in him that she had barely heard the words he had said. He was totally different from the other men she had met before. This man floated across the floor, and talked with such elegance, one would think he was of noble birth. However, by his clothing, he did seem formal, but not noble. And his black hair with small white stripes was very unusual, possibly bleached… but Kagome was highly doubtful that this man was an average country man.
He laid the book on her desk, bowed and gently placed a kiss on her hand which she had not noticed him touching. “I shall see you tomorrow then, Miss Kagome.” He looked to her eyes once again, but when she looked back… `His eyes were RED!'
Kagome jerked her hand back in a confused and scared state. She barely noticed the look he gave her, but tried to cover it up as good as possible “Oh, I'm sorry, I was day dreaming, please forgive me.”
“It's alright, farewell Miss Kagome.” Inuyasha left, leaving Kagome in a very dazed state.
`Oh well,' Kagome thought as she got her things together to leave `Now that that's over, I guess I could stop by mom's shop, or I could wait till tomorrow… yes, I'll wait.' And Kagome walked out of her classroom, without one last glance.
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