InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School can be Harsh ❯ Midnight Run ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

a/n plz don't hurt me! Its hard for me to update with so much school! Well any ways here's my update!
I do not own inuyasha or any one or any songs!
On with the story!
Midnight Run
Kagome was lying awake in her dorm bed, quietly listening to crickets chirping. She sat up and put on her fuzzy pink slippers. Opening the door quietly she slipped out of her dorm and into the hallway. Taking the steps one at a time she walked out onto the grounds. Walking towards the basketball court to sit on the bench she heard something. She whipped around and found Inuyasha smirking at her.
"Well well look who's out of bed.”, said Inuyasha still smirking. Although he said it loud enough to here, it did not penetrate Kagome's thoughts.
Kagomes POV
Oooooo my…Inuyasha looks hot tonight! Wait, what am I saying…grrrr I went threw this on the train with myself. Inuyasha is not hot….he's dead sexy. NO I mean, yes, I mean no…never mind. I will admit to myself and only myself that he is sexy with out a shirt. The sweat pants fit him just right to. Mmm Mmm Mmm Good. Did he say something to me?
Kagomes POV over
Inuyasha's POV
She looks good. Inuyasha let his eyes roam over the loose, but fitting pajama pants. The sleeveless shirt fit nicely as well.She's looks awesome in the moonlight spilling over her. Her icy blue eyes shinning like stars…dude I sounded so gay just then. Did she say something to me?
Inuyasha's POV over
“What did you say Kagome?”
Kagome sighed slightly as if talking to a child. “I said, what did you say?”
It took Inuyasha a minute to realize what she was talking about. “I said, well well look who's up late.”
“So what are you doing up late?” Kagome looked up from where she was staring.
“I couldn't sleep.” she gave a small laugh.
“Do you want to go swimming?” Kagome looked up at Inuyasha as if he had grown another head.
“Well I would have to go get my swim suit, but if your will-”
“You don't need a swim suit Kagome, you can go change in that bush.”
“You mean in the lake ,don't you!
“No way, snakes, and fish, and creatures of the deep, and…I would be….whispers naked!”
Inuyasha's smirk gave it all away, before he could even get out the words. (But he did say it cause I'm the author)
“I know, that's why we should.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Although this didn't last long cause he was met in the face by a fuzzy pink slipper.
Somewhere else
Miroku was sitting on the small balcony with the canopy draping him in shadows. He was relaxing in the swinging bench, while watching Kagome and Inuyasha flirt. Sipping on a cold root bear, he chuckled when he saw Kagome threw a fuzzy slipper at Inuyasha. Knock Knock sounded quietly on the door. Miroku looked a little surprised.Who would be up, and bothering me at this time of night? Miroku passed threw the sliding glass door, and opened the door to find Sango.
“I figured since my balcony is facing the opposite of them I would come watch the show with you. Do you mind?”
Miroku shook his head no. “ Naw come on in. Grab a couple a root beers too.” Miroku watched as she bent downward in the refrigerator, looking for the root beers.
Miroku POV
Sweet lord... she has the nicest butt of all time! I mean it's big but not to big, and it`s firm…I know I gave it a couple of rubs here and there. Received a hell of a lot of slaps for it but, hey it was worth the pain.
Miroku POV over
“Hey Miroku, do you have diet?”
Snapping out of his thoughts, he replied. “Uh…yea to the right.”
“O ok I see them.” Once Sango retrieved the root beers, the proceeded to the balcony.
Along the way Sango got a blanket out of the closet. When they got outside on the balcony they sat on the swinging bench and Sango draped the blanket over them.
“Where'd they go?” Miroku scanned the whole premises. He eventually found them sitting in the swings on the elementary play ground. Inuyasha and Kagome were swinging side by side.
“Over there.”, he said pointing in there direction. Sango and Miroku sat quietly sitting side by side sipping root bear watching the two love birds, play. Miroku felt something fall onto his shoulder. He looked over to find Sango asleep on him. He moved his arm so he could hold her close (awwww), but while moving his arm she slid onto his lap. Miroku froze. In her sleep Sango picked up her feet and curled up on the bench while using Miroku as a pillow. Miroku brushed a few stray hairs away from her face. He was running his fingers threw her hair before he fell asleep with the love of his life in his arms….love? That was Miroku's last thought before he fell into a deep sleep.
Back with Inuyasha and Kagome
Kagome and Inuyasha were having the farthest jumping contest in the swings. Inuyasha made the first jump, landing a good 6 feet away from the swing set, whether it was by his demon powers or not it didn't matter. Kagome was swinging really high and giggling until, the chain snapped. Kagome felt herself falling in slow motion. Oh I'm gonna break something! Help! Her body was turning slightly in air, so she was facing the ground. She was waiting for the implant of the ground to crush her face, but instead, fell into a warm embrace. When she was sure enough she could open her eyes. She found Inuyasha had somehow managed to catch her bridle style. He looked worried.
Inuyasha blushed in the moonlight. “Sure…er….your welcome.”
Inuyasha sat her down onto the ground. Both walking silently towards Kagome's dorm.When they reached her dorm a note was tapped to the door.
Hey Kagome! Wud up yo? Lol just playin. N/e ways I went to get something. Cya lata, after your midnight run. wink wink
Love ya like a sista from another mother,
Inuyasha had obviously read the note because he said,
“I will stay with you till she gets back, is that ok?”
“Yea sure.” Kagome went into her room and pulled off her tie-dye comforter and laid on the couch with Inuyasha, watching the o so entertaining, south park. Eventually falling asleep in each others embrace.
a/n like I said im having a hard time to update because of school and on the weekends im really tired so please cut me a little slack? Well review plz. Cya lata
-Katy Chan-