InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School can be Harsh ❯ Miroku ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I dont own inuyasha!!!
Meeting Miroku.
fine< br> thank
Kagome was marching to the staff dorms, with an angry look on her face.
Kagome’s POV
How dare that-that-that HOE just talk to me like that! No wonder Inuyasha doesn’t like her any more! GRRRRRR! Oh I’ll show her…she thinks she can talk to me like that I’ll go Kung-fu Miko on her skanky butt!
Kagome’s POV over
Kagome was in her own little world of hating, When Sango pulled her out of it.
“You do no that probably the whole school except the select few will hate you now.”
Kagome looked back at her. “Do you hate me?”
Sango looked taken aback. “Uh…no.”
Kagome smiled and continued walking. “Ok then, if I got one friend then I don’t care…more than I had at my other school. Plus I got Inuyasha, and the other guy he mentioned uh...Miroku. Yea...well that is if he thinks I'm an ok person. But then again if he's like you and Inuyasha, I'm sure we will get along fine...”
Sango’s POV
Sango noticed the sad look on her face, as Kagome was rambling. What does she mean she didn’t have any friends, she seems pretty cool. Sango in to protective mode She’ll have some friends here even if she did talk back at Kikyou. I mean she’ll have Me, Miroku, Inuyasha, Sess- Wait! INUYAHSHA? HE LEFT ME ON THE TRAIN WITH HOJO THE HOMO HOBO!
Sango’s POV over
Kagome was now walking at a nice pace before Sango said “Well back to business, time to annihilate Inuyasha.”
Kagome looked around to find herself in the opposite position; she was now being dragged instead of Sango. Kagome suddenly felt very sorry for Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was sitting in his staff dorm with Miroku. They were both just watching South Park, when a feeling of dread came over Inuyasha. He wondered what it was.
Inuyasha and Miroku jumped. They looked at the door. Miroku stood up and opened the door. There he found a red faced, and very angry Sango. Miroku dropped to his knees and spoke very nervously
“It was Inuyasha who put the naked picture of me and your dresser drawer honest!”
Sango looked at Miroku slightly confused. “Huh?”
Miroku looked around and said “Uh…nothing…uh…hehehe.”
Sango was about to question him, but she saw Inuyasha sitting on the couch lazily flipping threw the channels.
Inuyasha looked at her, and then noticed Kagome, with an apologetic look on her face. He gave her a rare smile, then looked back to Sango. “Sango, is there something wrong?” Inuyasha looked at her. He noticed the fire in her eyes were directed at him and not the pervert. “Sango, now are you really going to believe him. I didn’t put that picture there.”
Sango looked around at Miroku, who suddenly found the carpet very interesting. She would deal with him later. “Inuyasha.” She said it to sweetly.
Inuyasha began to look nervous.
“Were, you on the train?”
“Gulp Uh…yea.”
nuyasha looked around and said, “Miroku paid me $50 bucks to do it!”
Miroku looked up, fear evident in his eyes. “NUH-UH!”
Sango looked to both and picked up a pair of scissors, that were lying conveniently on the night stand table. Inuyasha and Miroku eyed the scissors, warily. Miroku looked around at Inuyasha. Before the could silently decide how to escape, Sango spoke. “ Now I’m not going to kill you so you can breath now.”
Both men let out a gigantic whoosh of breath, that neither new the were holding.
“But….” The boys looked around at her. “I am going to take something very valuable from you.” Her eyes flicked down to their crotch. “TAKE INUYASHA’S FIRST! I WANT TO USE IT ONE MORE TIME!” Everyone looked disgusted at Miroku. “PLEASE, I JUST WANT TO PEE ONE MORE TIME!”
Everyone looked at each other and each let out a nervous giggle.
Miroku looked confusedly at them. “What? What did you think I-…” He trailed off finally understanding what they thought. He looked slyly at Sango. “ Well, well, well Sango, had I known that’s all you wanted, all you have to do is say so.”
He stood up and walked by her to the bathroom while giving her rear a nice pat. Sango was fuming. Miroku was standing in the bathroom door way, when he turned around with a sly smile on his face, which quickly vanished as he shut the door with a slam. Everyone, but Sango, flinched as the thud sounded. In the shut bathroom door, were the scissors sticking straight out. (If you don’t get it, she threw the scissors at him and they hit the door and now are stuck in the door.)
Sango had forgotten Inuyasha, she was sitting on the couch waiting patiently for Miroku, who everyone suspected was waiting for her to leave. Kagome was just standing in the same spot she had since they first got here. Sure she would love to make herself at home, but when her grandfather was alive he taught her that manners are important. One of them was in fact do not sit unless invited. She trailed back to that memory.
Flash Back
“Now Kagome, you must never sit down in the host or hostess house unless invited.”
A 6 year old Kagome looked at him. “But Grandpa, what if your really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really rea-”
“Kagome!” Kagome looked up at him with that little girl innocent look on her face. “Yes Grandpa?”
Her Grandpa rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Kagome please get to the point.”
“But Grandpa I’m not done.”
Her grandfather looked very tired right then but said, “Continue if you must.”
Kagome smiled showing her missing front tooth. “Okies Dokies Grandpa, really really really really really really really tired. Her grandfather gave small smile.
“That is no excuse young lady, you must honor yourself by being strong. Also it will not be you that is dishonored it will be your host, and it will be teaching them a lesson about common curtsy.”
“Whatever you say Grandpa.”
End of Flashback
“Huh?” Inuyasha was staring at her worriedly. “You gonna sit down or what?”
Kagome blushed a little and said, “Uh…Thanks.”
She sat in between Sango and Inuyasha. Sango was laying down with her legs hanging over the couch arm. (You no where you have legs on the couch arm where you knee bends) Inuyasha was sitting slouched down with his feet propped up on the coffee table. Kagome was sitting like a proper queen which did not go unnoticed by Inuyasha.
“Yo, Kagome, we don’t be sittin like royalty you ain’t gotta around here. Were not your wanna be old man.” Inuyasha suddenly blanched at what he said. “Uh…sorry, Kagome didn’t mean to bring that up.”
Sango was looking curiously at Kagome. “Wanna be old man?”
Kagome’s POV
Kagome looked at Sango. Sango seemed like a trustworthy person, but what if Sango didn’t want to hang out with her in fear of Onigumo. Then where would she be. No, she may have not known Sango long but she could tell Sango wasn’t going to trip out on her. She would tell her.
Kagome’s POV over
Kagome began her tell from the begging as she did with Inuyasha. She also added the new information about Naraku. By the time she was done Miroku was sitting in a chair in deep thought and Sango’s mouth was agape at her tale. Kagome looked at Miroku, puzzled.
“When did you get out of the bathroom?” Miroku looked up at her with a sad smile. “Well I was listening threw the door at first and then I came out and sat down.” Kagome nodded in understanding. “Kagome.” Kagome looked at Miroku she heard the seriousness in his voice.
“I’m sorry of your troubles, I will never tell a soul, I---”
Sango snorted. “Coming from the gossip queen, that’s hard to believe.”
Miroku continued. “As I was saying before Sango made a rude comment about me.”
Another snort came from Sango.

“ I want to help ease your troubles and we can work together.” He got down on one knee and took her hand. “Will you bear my child along our journey to defeat Naraku.” Insert sweat drop on Kagome’s face…here. Kagome also felt a sensation on her left leg.
Miroku was on the floor with three bumps on the head. One from each person.
While Miroku was unconscious Sango, Kagome, and Inuyasha watched MXC American style. (well it would half to be wouldn’t it since their Japanese.) A couple hours later after Miroku woke up and MXC was over, the girls decied it was time to hit the sack.
“We’ll see ya around Miroku; Inuyasha.”
“Ya later.”
The girls walked across the dark grounds guided by the lamp posts. Once the entered Sango toured her around the dorm again. “The place you enter is the living room. In here is the kitchen, which consist of a round table, a microwave, and a small stove. And on either side of the of the kitchen are two bedrooms, mines on the right, you got the left.
Well Kagome I’m out ok?”
“Yea, see ya in the morning Sango.
Kagome was putting on the tie dye bed sheets her mom bought for her, when she heard Sango scream someone’s name bloody murder, she just laughed at what she heard.
In the staff dorm where Miroku and Inuyasha were drinking a cold root beer, they heard a yell pierce the night. Miroku and Inuyasha looked at each other and said at the same time, “She found the picture.” The clinked their bottles together and said, “Cheers.”
a/n I tried to do a long one but its not as long as I wanted. Ne ways I am sorry for the late update, and like I said I might not get them posted as soon as I want them. Ne way gtg ja ne
-Katy Chan-