InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School can be Harsh ❯ Roomie ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I no own inuyasha or the gang or any of the song in this chapter. Don't ask why i put a song in this one i just wanted too
Uh...on with the story my peoples
Uh...why aren't you reading? lol i'm stupid
The New Roommate
Last time
“Sorry Naraku, I don’t really want to. I will eventually find my way. Let’s give the guy who’s watching me something to really tell him. Besides my new friend Inuyasha will help me. Thanks any way.” Kagome turned to walk away but Naraku’s next cold statement voice sent a slight chill down her spine “ I don’t think Onigumo would appreciate it if you decide to disobey me or him. You should be doing what you were sent here to do. Your job.
Kagome slowly turned around and narrowed her eyes with hatred.
“I don’t care what you or Onigumo would appreciate or want. Onigumo is not my father, and neither are you. I could care less what you people want from me but neither of you are going to get it.”
Naraku’s eyes, with every word she said, seemed to get a darker shade of red. But Kagome didn’t notice, because she swiftly turned around and marched away.
Kagome began her journey to the tennis court, again, to find her dorm room, and her roommate. Upon reaching the dorm, she noticed it was rather…well….large. It was three stories high.
“Room 0384 here I come.” (quick note. There are 500 rooms in one building I just put the zero in front cause that’s my lunch number. Just so you don’t get confused)
Kagome walked up to the building and opened the glass door. Walking into the building it was like one of those weird dreams, where you walking down a narrow hall and doors are all around you; and your trying to get to the end of the hall but can’t seem to get there. It just keeps going and going. Kagome looked around to see if she could find a map or something. Seeing a plaque nailed to the wall, she read it.
Rooms 01 - 0267 first floor.
Rooms 0268 - 0383 second floor.
Rooms 0384 - 0500 third floor.
Stairs --
Kagome looked towards were the arrow was pointing, there was door with a brass knob, much like the other doors, extending down the hallway. The only difference was the sign above the door that said STAIRS in big bold letters. Kagome opened the doors and walked up the narrow stair case. (it looks like a hospital stair case.) upon reaching the third floor, she began looking for her dorm. Which didn’t take long since hers was the first one she saw stepping onto the third level of the dorm building. Taking out the gold key the old man gave, and unlocking the door, nothing could prepared her for what she saw when she entered. A girl with long brown, pulled up into a high ponytail, and cinnamon brown eyes, with hot pink eye shawdow was singing very badly to the newest song by “Papa Roach, Scars”.
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shutMy weakness is that I care too muchAnd my scars remind me that the past is realI tear my heart open just to feel !
The brown haired girl had yet to notice Kagome, standing there with her bags. Kagome just seemed to be immobilized to the spot. She hadn’t heard anyone sing so awful, since Souta was hooked on to the song “Who Let the Dogs Out”.
Drunk and I'm feeling downAnd I just wanna be aloneI'm pissed cause you came aroundWhy don't you just go homeCause you channel all your painAnd I can't help you fix yourselfYou're making me insaneAll I can say is
Kagome felt like crying. This was the worst singing she had ever heard in her life. If this chick went to American Idol, the would tear her limb from limb. I mean seriously, even Souta could do better.
Chorus:I tear my heart open, I sew myself shutMy weakness is that I care too muchAnd our scars remind us that the past is realI tear my heart open just to feel
I tried to help you onceAgainst my own adviceI saw you going downBut you never realized That you're drowning in the waterSo I offered you my hand Compassions in my natureTonight is our last stand
Kagome sat her bags down and started to look for the radio so she could destroy it, hopefully it would make her stop singing.
I'm drunk and I'm feeling downAnd I just wanna be aloneYou shouldn't ever come aroundWhy don't you just go home?Cause you're drowning in the waterAnd I tried to grab your handAnd I left my heart openBut you didn't understandBut you didn't understandGo fix yourself
I can't help you fix yourself 10But at least I can say I triedI'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own lifeI can't help you fix yourselfBut at least I can say I triedI'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
Kagome finally reached the radio ,and slowly turned down the music so, that if this girl was angry at her for turning off her music, she wouldn’t be accused of destroying the boom box.The brown haired girl looked slightly confused, and turned around to see Kagome. Kagome saw the girl’s face turn several shades of red. “Uh..hehe…sorry you had to hear that, I know I’m not the greatest singer on the planet.”
Kagome’s face expression must’ve shown some kind of disgusted emotion, because the girl winced and continued,
“Ok, I’m the worst, but lets not let that stop us from being friends.”
The girls face went back to it’s normal color and put on a brilliant smile.
“Hi! I’m Sango Tayijia. It’s a great pleasure meeting you…”
“Kagome, Kagome Higuarshi. It’s awesome meeting you too.”
agome stuck out her hand and shook Sango’s hand. Sango walked around Kagome and picked up her bags with ease, and said, “Yo, let me show you around the place its pretty big for a dorm.”
Walking through the thresh hold. Kagome entered a small living area, the size of a holiday inn, guest room.
“This is the sitting room. Over to your right is the poker table, I usually play with Miroku and Inuyasha.” Kagome stopped and now realized her room mate was the Sango that Inuyasha was talking about.
Sango jumped at the quite girl’s loud yell. “Uh… yea Kagome?"
"Your Inuyasha’s friend Sango.”
Sango didn’t seem to comprehend that Kagome was trying to say she had heard of her from Inuyasha. “Um…yes…I…uh said that just now.” Sango seemed slightly nervous.
“Yea I know that, but I’m saying you’re the Sango that Inuyasha was talking about on the train!”
Sango’s face went from confusion to anger. Kagome saw the change and immediatelytook a step back.
“He let me sit there on the train for two whole hours while HOJO THE HOMO HOBO TOLD ME ABOUT HERBS!”
“Uh….I guess”
“Come on Kagome! Were going to teach that mutt a lesson! (sounds like Kouga)
Kagome was dragged out of the dorm, down the stairs, and onto the lawn by wrist. Sango leading the way pushing many unspecting pedestrians, by. They were almost what she was sure Inuyasha had described as the staff dorms, until a girl with a shrilly voice was yelling at Sango.
“Watch it Tayijia! You almost made me trip in my new stilettos!”
Kagome watched Sango whip around with a face expression of pure hatred.
“Well if you and your hooker shoes, would have moved fast enough, you wouldn’t have almost fell!”
The girl Sango was yelling at had a pale face, but after Sango’s last comment it turned to a pale pink.
“HMPH! I don’t care what your in a race to find Tayijia, but it better not be MY Inuyasha!”
Kagome just recognized the girl now, with out being introduced. It was obvious this was Kikyou. Kikyou turned her gaze sharply to Kagome. A sneer, much like Onigumo‘s smirk, formed on her pale face.
“And who is this little girl supposed to be? She better not get her skankyself around MY Inuyasha either
” Kagome could hear her teeth grinding. “My name is Kagome. Not little girl. Say it with me, KA-GO-ME. Learn it. Use it. And as for me hanging out with Inuyasha, that aint got nothing to do with a hoe like you.”
Kagome’s voice had risen to prove her point. Everyone around them that could hear them, suddenly went quite. No one ever back talks Kikyou, besides Sango. Sango was looking at Kagome with a new respect, and awe.
“Excuse me? Do you know who I am? I am Kikyou. Kikyou Whoreina! As in I run this school and you better learn that now.” ( Whoreina is Kikyou’s last name, I couldn’t think of a last name so I made up one with whore as the last name. It is pronounced, Whore-ena)
"So what? I don’t care if you’re the president of America! You had better not talk to me like that ever again!” Kagome grabbed a shocked Sango, a marched to the staff dorms.
a/n I'm really sorry it's short but my hands still hurt, from yesterday. I also won't be moving my computer into my room, untill a couple more days so i just decied to go on and post a short chappie before i do. review plz! Oh and i didn't give a cliffy.