InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bored With Mine Borrowed Yours ❯ Audition ( Chapter 20 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. The very talented Rumiko Takahashi owns him and the entire cast. (Except for the characters I made up.) And the rating may be wrong (It's rated for safety) but it will NOT go higher.
By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) (aka.) crescentmoon (at mediaminer)
Chapter Twenty
“Okay.” `Let's get this over with.' She refused to let her stage fright keep her off the stage. `Just remember you're a great actress, when you want to be. This is nothing but a fun little play.' was her silent pep talk.
Sesshoumaru said his lines with flawless precision and amazing emotion, he sounded just like the well trained solider he was pretending to be. “Come child your carriage awaits.”
“But Sir Rodman, I do not wish to marry my all too adamant suitor! Nester's gross like oozing scars! Please don't make me go!” Shirah tried to contain her shaking body and add the feeling the lines needed.
“I'm sorry my lady, it is your father's orders.”
“Nehemiah!” Sesshoumaru gave her the shocked, partially scandalized look the script called for. “The only way you'll get me in that carriage is if you gift me with a kiss!” Following the scripts directions she puckered her lips like a child, and squeezed her eyes shut.
Sesshoumaru looked at his sister's scrunched face with a very scandalized face of his own. Then shook his head at her childishness. With that he picked up the soon-to-be-bride and carried her over his shoulder, slowly so she could get her lines in.
“Nehemiah, put me down! Sir Rodman stop treating me like a child! Why must you always be a knight that serves only my father! I do not wish to marry that pompous man! Put me down! Put me down this instant! Or my father will have your head!”
“I very much doubt that my lady.” he said placing her on the chair that served as the carriage today. “Your father is the one who commissioned me to get you to your bridegroom safely.” He sat in the chair that represented his mount.
“Eww!” the young lady yelled and stomped her feet.
The other auditioners clapped and the director made notes on their papers.
They stuck around for the other auditions. Shirah clapped enthusiastically after every one. She enjoyed watching them perform and it hid the fact that she was still shaking.
Around halfway threw MaryAnn came to. So Yoshino set her up with another partner after she assured him she would be okay.
She did a great job this time, but she did break character once. When the boy she was acting with picked her up she screeched and gave the most adorable terrified face. MaryAnn quickly regained her character and continued on with the scene.
During a particularly horrible performance some of the waiting crowd explained what she had missed while she was in a nervous sleep. MaryAnn wished deeply that she could have seen the performances she had missed. She did get to watch this pour young man who was teamed with a taller and slightly more padded lady he tried four times to lift her. They finally decided to switch roles. She carried him around the stage. When she set him down he flopped, kinda like a rag doll.
`What an Amazon!' was the only thought that crossed a few people's minds as they witnessed the strong woman in awe.
`I know what part she's getting.' Yoshino smiled as he wrote down the name of the character she was to play on her application.
There were a few more auditions, and then it was over. “Everyone, you did wonderfully.” said the director. “I really enjoyed everyone's performances. Monday from 1 to 7 pm. will be the measuring and fittings for your costumes. That is also when you will find out what part you got. So remember to show up.” He paused while his son, who wasn't there when auditioning had begun, whispered something to him. “My assistant just reminded me there will be refreshments for after your fitting. Good bye everyone I hope the rest of your weekend is pleasant. And I will see you Monday. Don't forget to bring children for the young parts at 5.”
With that Sesshoumaru and `Kisa' made their way to the door. Too bad before they made it there his sister was kidnapped from behind him to talk with our Amazonian friend.
“Hi! I'm Willabella. You're Kisa right?”
“Oh good, I remembered your name. You did a good job. So did your brother. You'll tell him that for me right?”
“Why don't you tell him yourself? He doesn't bite, usually. Well as far as I know he doesn't.” she said seriously then smiled to let the other woman know it was just a joke. “Thank you. You did a fabulous job yourself. I loved it! I wish I was as strong as you. I also would've loved to switch roles; I think that would be fun!” Shirah laughed more to herself then to her conversation partner.
“Thank you. I know your brother won't hurt me. He's just a little intimidating.”
`So says the woman who carried a full grown man around like a bag of cat food.' She laughed a little. “I know. I think he uses that to his advantage.”
A shy voice added itself into the chat. “Hello girls.”
“Hi MaryAnn. Kisa this is my cousin MaryAnn, MaryAnn this is Kisa, she's Sesshoumaru's sister.”
“Pleased to meet you.” said the green haired girl.
Meanwhile since the word cousin had been uttered Shirah was trying to see the family connection. `Oh yes I can just see how this giant and this medium sized girl are cousins, not! It's just so obvious.' Sarcasm's great huh? `Ah! The connection, there it is! They have the same eye color, and the same nose shape! Muahahahahaha!'
“Pleased to meet you too. You know at first glace I wouldn't have guessed you two are related. But I can see it now. You both have the same beautiful eyes and nose.”
MaryAnn blushed. “We used to have the same hair color too, but then I had a little accident.” she murmured timidly.
“Huh? What happened?”
Willabella spoke up then, “We had to dye her hair green for a party. I got distracted at the store and accidentally bought permanent instead of the wash out kind.”
They both looked embarrassed. “Don't worry, it will grow out.”
“Yes but then I'll have green hair with red roots.” moaned the girl quietly.
She pictured the girl looking like that. Then smiled brightly. “Sounds cute to me!”
They talked for a few seconds more. When `Kisa' said, “I loved both of your performances.”
“Thank you.” they both replied. “But,” one continued, “I passed out the first time.”
“I know. I thought we might have a repeat performance when I was called up.”
“Really?” asked the smallest girl of the three.
“But you did a wonderful job. You couldn't have possibly been scared.”
“Thank you. But I was. I was shaking so bad I'm surprised Sesshoumaru didn't fall over when he picked me up.” She laughed embarrassed at herself. “I have such terrible stage fright. But, I will not let my fears me from doing something I want to do.” As she said that a small bit of stubborn shined on her face. “Well I try not to.”
“They teamed you up with your brother after I fainted?”
“Yes. I found that little strange.” said the red haired lady.
“Speaking of Sesshoumaru, I'd better catch up to him. He's my ride home. Bye. See you soon.”
They said their farewells.
Shirah made it outside to see an annoyed Sesshoumaru trapped by a jabbering Miroku leaning in the car window.
“Hello Miroku,” she called as she neared the car.
“Open the door for my sister pervert, but don't touch her, got it.” He fully expected him to do just as he said.
“Yeah, yeah. Hey Shirah!” he walked her around the car. “I got here a little late but I did see the end of your and Sesshoumaru's skit. You both did great.”
“Thank you. Why didn't you and Sango or the others audition?”
“I can't act. I break character too much. No one else was interested. I tried to get Sango to audition.” He pouted; he'd tried really, really hard. He sighed and opened the door for her.
“Thank you. Cheer up Miroku. Bye-bye!”
He waved them off.
“Sesshoumaru lets stop and get something to eat.”
“No.” was the only thing he said.
“Please Sesshoumaru, I'm really hungry.”
`I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I've got to eat soon.' “Okay I guess I'll just have to call mom and tell her you're starving me. After all you did drag me out of the house before I could eat breakfast.”
It was amazing how soon they were parked in front of a healthy restaurant.
They sat down to eat because Sesshoumaru doesn't allow food in his car. “You know food can be cleaned out of a car.”
“There will be no food in my cars.”
`Big baby. My mom's a neat freak and even she eats in her car.' “I got it. No food in any of Sesshoumaru's cars.” She smiled as she watched their food descend. For some strange reason her hungry brain noticed that the old waitress's hands were very steady.
She smiled up at the waitress and thanked both her and Sesshoumaru for the meal before she started to eat.
At the Abbott Household
A few hours after the phone call, spent watching one disk of anime, followed be learning how to play DDR on the game system she found hidden under the television, Kisa was getting a drink when the boys came rushing in.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa boys. What is this, are the `ell hounds at your heals?” she questioned amused.
“No, the grandfather wolves have come back from their holiday. They've been boring us for hours with their tales.” It was Hakkaku who answered.
“You three are afraid of humoring some old wolves with some tall tales for a few hours?” Kisa asked just barely missing the yawn that followed.
“You wouldn't be saying that had you been there.” Ginta insisted.
“Probably not.” She went back into the living room to put the dance pad and game system away.
“Hey Shirah.” the tone in his voice said he was about to ask something.
“How about we go to the arcade now?”
“I can't. I've got to wait for a phone call.”
Kouga looked a little disappointed until he heard, “But after I get the call we can go. It shouldn't take too long.”
20 or so minutes later the phone rang. Ginta jumped to his feet, startled. He was up so he answered it.
“Hello!” Ginta cringed at the voice, it sounded like a mix between a squealing pig, a small barking dog and something unidentifiable. “You must be Ginta! I've heard so much about you! I could talk your ear off if you'd let me. But I'm sure you don't want that so could you put me through to Shirah.”
“Yes!” With that he quickly tossed the phone to his sister. “Please take it to your room sister; I can't stand to hear anymore of her voice.”
“Rightio!” `Shirah' smiled and returned to her borrowed room.
“Hello Shirah.”
“Hello Kisa.” Shirah's voice was normal again.
“You really did pour Ginta in with you voice. I can't help but wonder what you sounded like.”
She returned to the voice she had adopted to talk to Ginta and said, “Like this. I can't blame the pour wolf for not wanting to speck to me.”
“Oh!” She started to laugh. “That is horrible, how can you be so mean to your own brother?”
She regained her true voice and started to chuckle as well. “Hey I panicked! It is a little nerve-wracking to suddenly hear your brother's voice and know he can't hear you truly talk. It would blow our secret.”
“Yeah.” agreed the younger `twin' while she played with her friend's curtains. “I suppose you want to know about your date huh?”
“Please and thank you.”
“You're a lot happier than you were this morning.”
“What can I say; I'm not a morning person.”
“I'm not really one either. To tell the truth I'm a bit of a night owl.”
“Me too!”
“I guess we're more alike then I first thought.”
Shirah laughed a little. “I guess so. Now about that date…”
Kisa proceeded to have a tell-all talk about her most recent date.
After all about the date was said the girl sitting in Nishi Mansion started to speak, “It was really nice of … umm… Christopher to feed three bottomless pits like that.”
Kisa laughed.
“Seriously, I've seen those boys pack away so much it could make an elephant dizzy.”
After a little more random talk Shirah told her that she thought the audition went well and that she would call and tell her what part she got when she found out.
Soon they couldn't think of anything more to say, so they said their goodbyes.
Kisa re-entered the kitchen and placed the phone on the cradle.
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Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken so long for me to get another chapter out. I know this isn't much of an excuse but I got my wisdom teeth out two Fridays ago. It was one of the worst experiences I've had! And I was knocked out for most of it! Well anyway they couldn't get me to wake up afterwards so I have no clue when they gave me that awful pill but in the small amount of time it took to get to the store I wanted to throw up. Somewhere between 7:30 and 8:30 that night I did, it continued until 4-5 something in the morning. My mother almost took me to the emergency room. Well that is one experience I'm most glad I will never have to face again. I am still healing. Sigh.
Please forgive me. I don't know if I'll get another chapter out this month but I will try. I am also going to try to get out a short special Valentine's Day fic. I don't know what about yet. If I'm lucky I may even put out two short special Valentine's Day fictions. I will try but I can't promise.
Know I will never give up on this fiction. This is too much fun to write, and I have great plans for it. I just have to think of the things to get us to the places the great plans are waiting. And there will be at least one update a month no matter what.
Thank you to all my readers. Please review. Any review is fine. Thank you!
Ja mata, see you soon!