InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bored With Mine Borrowed Yours ❯ Emergency Plastic Surgery ( Chapter 21 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. The very talented Rumiko Takahashi owns him and the entire cast. (Except for the characters I made up.) I do not own Pac-Man I don't know who does. Nor do I own any other games mentioned in this chapter. (I made up the Aristocrat Arcade, so if this is the name of another Arcade it was not intentional.) And the rating may be wrong (It's rated for safety) but it will NOT go higher.
By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) (aka.) crescentmoon (at mediaminer)
Chapter Twenty-One
“Hey Kouga. You still up for the arcade?”
The man she called to immediately left his boredom on the couch. “You bet!”
“Then let's move it.”
They deserted the two other wolf demons on the seating the living room held.
Presently they arrived at Aristocrat Arcade; Kisa flew out of the car like she had suddenly touched something hot. She was curious, and that curiosity led her to be excited, sometimes, this was one of those sometimes.
Kouga paid for their tokens. When he gave Kisa her share she started to wander looking for the perfect game to be first. She had a Kouga shadow, which would have been annoying had she not been too busy trying to find what looked like the funnest game. Kisa just didn't notice her stalker.
`Shirah' finally picked a game; it could be a two or one player. A fact Kouga took advantage of.
They were on their second round of tokens when Kouga tried to make a bet with Kisa. “I bet you twenty bucks I'll win you at foosball.”
“I know you would.” `Seeings as I've never played foosball in my life.' She finished in her mind. “So it would be stupid of me to take that bet.”
She murmured something that was lost in the blaring music and gargling game sequences.
“Could you repeat that?”
She sighed. “I said I have never played foosball before.”
Kouga grinned, showing off his sparkling, white k-nines. “It's really quite simple. I'll teach you.” That's what led to him dropping a token in the slot and received a steely sized ball. Then he began tutoring his pupil.
After a few rounds she finally scored a goal against Kouga. Following two games of foosball they decided to move on. They played both multi-player and single-player games.
During one of these single-man games flashing lights started on the game behind Kouga. He had been playing Pac-Man.
Kouga turned to see what the sirens and flashing lights were about. There was his friend's sister, and honorary pack mate of his, standing at the pinball machine. She had beaten the totally insane high score.
A pox ridden teenaged boy ran to get the manager. The manager couldn't believe his ears. The owner had set the games high score so high that it would be near impossible to beat.
They rushed out of his office and to the game. There it was the beautiful light show and horrible noise that had never been seen or heard coming from the pinball machine. The manager watched shocked as the list of high scores scrolled up the screen. And near the end was his boss's code name, Bossarea in second place, above a girl's name, Kisa. He grudgingly looked at the sign hanging above the game.
`Beat the high score and win 2 large pizzas and a 2 litter of pop.'
Then he put on his well practiced, greasy smile and walked up to the girl standing in front of the game.
“Congratulations! Come collect your prize.”
“Prize?” She hadn't even looked at the sign.
“Yes, your prize, two free large pizzas and a two litter of pop.” He pointed to the sign.
“Oh. How cool!” Then she, Kouga and the teenaged boy followed the man to the pizza counter.
When they collected her prize Kouga and Kisa found a booth to sit in and started to eat their dinner.
“That was awesome! I've never heard of anyone beating the high score on that thing before!” said Kouga enthusiastically. He remembered what her face looked like in the flashing light. `So beautiful. Hey! What now!?! No way! She's my best friend's sister!” He hid his blush well in the darkish room by digging into the pizza slice he held. He wouldn't have blushed had it been anyone but his friend's sister.
“What can I say? I'm a pro.” Her mind wandered to all the times she had played pinball in the private waiting room at her dad's work. She was working hard to beat a high score Sesshoumaru had put on that thing when he was fourteen. It was much higher the high score on this arcade's pinball machine. Luckily for her Sesshoumaru hasn't touched it since he was fourteen.
“Hey dudette! That was wicked cool, what you did to the pinball machine! I used to thing was unbeatable. But duuude! You rocked its socks!” said a strange mid 30's man when he tracked down the `dudette'.
“Uhh… Thanks, I think.”
“You're like my hero dudette, no wait! My goddess!”
`This guy is… odd. He needs to grow up.' the young woman thought.
“Like… how'd you do it? Like totally spill your secret goddess `o mine.”
“I just play a lot of pinball when I go with a friend to see her dad. The high score on that thing is brutal.”
“Like no way dudette, that can't be it.”
“That's it. Just a lot of practice.”
“That's a bummer.” Then he slunk off.
As Kouga stared at her under the steadily blinking lights surrounding their booth he had a brilliant thought. A thought so unexpected that it cleared his mind of all other inclining things that floated in his brain. For a few minutes at least.
The next we see the `dude' he entered the manger's office with a bang. “I can't believe I put on these grimy clothes just to have the answer be `lots of practice'!”
“Uh, Mr. Ario I think its best if you calm down after all it's just one game.” calmed the manager to the owner.
“Calm down! No one has been able to beat that score for nearly 10 years. Then one day I get a call and some little girl beat it! How am I supposed to be calm! She has got to have cheated somehow!”
`But didn't you cheat when you had that ridiculous number placed as the default high score?' thought the manager. “Sir I think you need to get some rest. Why don't you go take a nap and return afterwards?”
Back in the main room with Kouga and `Shirah'.
`I want to be around her. I want to be one of her friends.' thought Kouga. Kouga was never one for keeping his peace so he spoke his mind, “Shirah, I would like to spend more time with you. I want to be your friend so we can have more fun times together.”
“Of course we're friends Kouga. It would be great to have more play dates. Next time we can even bring the boys!”
“Well come on lets go finish off our tokens, then we'll leave some good?”
Even though Kouga was raised in a cave he still had manners. His mother taught him well. They had finished one pizza, mostly thanks to him, so Kouga got a doggie bag, well box to put the other one in. He then threw away their trash.
They played a few more games including but not limited to darts, air hockey, basket ball and a car racing game.
When they got down to their last two tokens Kisa informed Kouga that she didn't want to play another game. He inquired as to why and she informed him that she wanted to keep her last token as a memento.
Kouga pocketed his last token and they left the building.
Just as they were buckling their seatbelts Kouga's phone went off. Kouga read who it said was calling. He grinned; he was in a good mood and decided to tease his friend.
“Hello, Big Nose Hospital, where we have clowns in gowns and pies on the ceiling. What's your emergency?”
“Kouga stop messing around.” said the voice on the other end.
“Ah, so the name of the boy who came in here with that extreme emergency case is Kouga. Pour girl, she looked pretty bad.”
“What! What happened to my sister?!?”
“Don't worry sir the emergency plastic surgery with be done soon. The best team we got is working on her.”
“What happened to my sister!?!” cried Ginta scared to death.
“Oh, um… Well, it's petty bad… You see she's got… a plastic nose stuck on her face.” Kouga said gravely.
“KOUGA!!!” yelled his friend on the other end.
`Shirah' snickered and Kouga laughed heartily. “Ginta you know I would never let anything happen to your sister.”
Ginta managed to force himself to calm down. He sighed and said, “Just bring my sister home.”
“Okay. Bye Ginta.”
Kouga shut his phone then grinned at `Shirah' for a quick second. “Want to have a little detour before I take you home?”
“Wouldn't Ginta be upset?”
“Yes. So what do you say, want to get a shake or something before going home?”
“Are you sure that's a good idea? What if Ginta gets so mad that he doesn't want to be your friend anymore?” she wondered.
“He wont. Actually it's best if we give him some time down before we get there. Give him some time to think ya know?”
“Sure.” she finally answered.
When they got to the Abbott House, they got shakes to go, Ginta was laughing over the phone call he had just shared with Kouga.
“You sure had me worried Kouga.”
All four of them sat and talked for hours until `Shirah' fell asleep. The boys then watched a movie, some silly cartoon, and gobbled down the remaining pizza from the arcade.
By the climax of the movie Kouga had fallen asleep on the floor. Ginta had his sister's sleeping head in his lap and was fiddling with her hair. And Hakkaku was bouncing on the edge of his seat.
When the movie ended Ginta woke up Kouga and moved his sister to the other side of the couch. While he got his sister situated Kouga and Hakkaku teamed up and brought the fold up bed out of the sofa. Then all three demons lay down on it, head to feet, and soon their blank minds filled with dreams. What they dreamed was anyone's guess.
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Hey everyone! I know I'm late! I'm sooo sorry! I got this typed up late last night but my internet went down before I could upload it. Good thing too I had some things to fix that I was too tired last night to notice. Please forgive the lateness of this chapter. I can't guarantee that it won't happen again but I am trying to get it out on time.
I have two nephews over right now. And on Sunday we took the niece that slept over home. I have a lot to catch up on including writing. I've been kinda stressed lately as well. And (I dislike this one the most) I've been threatening to catch a cold for the last couple weeks or so. Sigh. That's what's been keeping me more or less.
Thanks for reading.
How do you like this chapter? Please let me know.