InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bored With Mine Borrowed Yours ❯ Inuyasha's Slick Silk Tie ( Chapter 23 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. The very talented Rumiko Takahashi owns him and the entire cast. (Except for the characters I made up.) And the rating may be wrong (It's rated for safety) but it will NOT go higher.
By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) (aka.) crescentmoon (at mediaminer)
Chapter Twenty-Three
“I'm fairly certain that it doesn't go like that.”
“Quite. You asked me to help boy.”
“Stop, stop, stop! We're going to get tangled up!”
“Nonsense.” came the reply.
Then all was silent, for just a few minutes.
“Now we're tangled up! I told you to stop! Dumb toad!”
`Kisa' turned to see the two other people in the room strapped together, chest to chest. Inuyasha's arms were taped to his sides. While Jaken's arms and legs were flailing about, every so often smacking the younger demon spawn in the face. His feet whomped the pour puppy in the gut a lot more frequently. It would have been humorous if it hadn't been for the fact that this has gotten quite old.
She stood up and walked over to them. “Hold still you two.” Jaken immediately hung limp in the tie. “I'll see if I can get you loose.” She sighed. Then she tried to decipher the knots, rat's nests and tangles of ribbon. It made them look like Christmas present wrapping gone wrong. Oh so horribly wrong. She shuttered.
She found one of the ends and got to work. Only to give up five minutes later. She got up off her knees and walked to the door.
“Oi wench…”
“Don't talk to Miss Nishi like that you brat!” screeched Jaken as he `defended' her by gifting Inuyasha with a swift kick to the gut.
Inuyasha ignored the toy sized man. “You can't just leave us like this.”
“I'm not.” With that she opened the door, exited out the pathway now there and returned the door to its proper place. She then peacefully glided to the stairs, took a deep breath and… screamed bloody murder. Bloody murder sounded oddly like Sesshoumaru's name.
It took 1.03 seconds but there he was in all his calm glory. His eyes traveled from one part of the hall to the completely opposite side. He found no threat but a fly or two.
“What is it Kisa?”
“Two people we both know have gotten themselves stuck in a pickle.” His eyebrow backed up behind his bangs. “I need some help to get them out.”
The look he was giving her said `explain', somehow without it saying a thing.
“Look.” She opened the door to show Inuyasha and Jaken in their `holiday outfit'. “Please help me Sesshoumaru!”
“Why don't you just cut it.” stated the man with hair the color of white sliver.
“No!” shouted both Inuyasha and `Kisa'. It was now a matter of honor to Inuyasha. He couldn't let it be known that a tie, no matter how fancy or evil it was had gotten the better of him. And `Kisa' had spent too much time in a car to just let the string be cut.
Sesshoumaru looked like he was about to leave.
“Please Sesshoumaru.” She elbowed Inuyasha.
“Yeah Sesshoumaru.” She had to elbow him again. “Please help me.”
Sesshoumaru then glided over to his half-brother was standing. He walked around them once, his eyes scrutinizing the bundle before him like a vulture. And Inuyasha was the road kill. Jaken who couldn't see the look squirmed.
The tall dog demon pulled in a handful of places and the still tangled ribbon fell dragged down by the few pounds of wasted weight that was Jaken.
“Thank you, Sesshoumaru.” Then the girl in front of him gazed behind him with a look that pierced the word `Well?' into all hearts.
Sesshoumaru could almost hear the `Well, what?' running through the exceptionally dense Inuyasha's mind. The only female in the room suddenly had intense, hard eyes that even an idiot like Jaken could read. They conveyed, `Don't MAKE me come over there.' with the underlying message, `you won't like it if I do.'
Inuyasha cleared his stubborn throat. “Yes… Thanks Sesshoumaru.”
Sesshoumaru glanced back to see his brother had his head bowed to avoid his sister's now happy gaze.
“Um Sesshoumaru,” Shirah started to pick her way through the maze of long thin fabric. Taking extra care not to trip.
“Hm.” He knew the smiling girl couldn't see him, so nodding would be pointless.
“After we detangle the ribbon, which will take a while,” By this time she made it to Jaken who was struggling with the cobweb of silk surrounding him. She lifted the old demon and brushed off the ribbon that still clung to him. Then set him down around a foot away, completely out of the silken death trap. “Stay away from the ribbon.” She warned him. She then finished her sentence to Sesshoumaru. “Would you be willing to come back and help Inuyasha with this blasted tie?”
She looked over at him just in time to see him nod and exit.
“What!” cried Inuyasha as he watched his crazy sister risk certain doom by gathering the `slick snake of utter destruction.' in her arms.
“Inuyasha you will not be ready in the hour and a half you have left to get ready without his help. And then,” she cut him off before he could object. “Kagome will go alone. When she gets there some guy with a load of cash and most likely a playboy, you know the kind, will see her. She of course will look stunning and he will like what he sees. He'll find a way to spend the entire evening with her. He will use every woman catching trick in his `long' book and maybe even win her heart. Which he will break as soon as he sees another beautiful girl, and chases after her. Don't tell me you hate Sesshoumaru so much that you would let that happen. Don't you love Kagome more than that?”
“I would never let that happen to Kagome!”
“Good. So you'll let Sesshoumaru help you?”
“Great!” She looked down at the tangled mess in her lap that she had been working on for the entirety of her story. She was about 2/5ths of the way done untangling it. “Inuyasha, why don't you go put on your shoes and vest? Then you also need to brush your hair. All the fuss has got it pretty tangled.
When he went into the bathroom to look Shirah noticed Jaken leaning against the far wall. “Jaken,” she pronounced when she looked back down at her working hands.
“Yes, Mistress Kisa?”
“Why are you leaning against the wall? I thought you left with Sesshouamru.”
“I am here because you told me to stay away from the ribbon. Lord Sesshoumaru didn't tell me to come, so I chose to stay.”
`Kisa' looked surprised at his words, but didn't raise her head. “That's very obedient of you Jaken. Thank you.” They sat in silence as she worked, for a couple minutes even when Inuyasha left to track down his dress shoes.
“It's rather quiet without Inuyasha in here. Tell me Jaken, tell me a story or a tale of the past, or even about something you like to do or what you're thinking.”
Jaken's eyes glistened with tears. He knew the child before him wouldn't see them as she was focused on her task. He cried for he could not recall a time anyone had asked him to share anything like that. It was wonderful. As not to waste the moment he set about finding something interesting to tell. And quickly began. Maybe if he told it well he would be asked to share again.
When Inuyasha had finally made it back with his prey in hand he witnessed `Kisa' sitting on the edge of her seat, his bed. What was truly strange was she was listening intently to Jaken as he spoke. And there right beside her sat the red ribbon neatly folded. It must have been sitting there for five minutes probably more.
Curious Inuyasha listened in on the Jaken dominated conversation. He was telling the tale of his father and how he had become the leader of the little green demons like himself.
After Jaken finished his tale Kisa asked, “If your dad was this great lord, shouldn't you be one now?”
“I was, but then I met Sesshoumaru. I decided to serve him.”
“Oh we don't have time for this! I have to get my tie and jacket on and pick up Kagome soon!”
“Then go get Sesshoumaru.”
“Feh!” Inuyasha hurried to get his brother.
In the 2 minutes he was gone Jaken explained his reasoning. `Kisa' didn't really understand it but figured it was a complicated male thing. Or maybe it was a demon thing. At least she hoped it was complicated, if not it was plain stupid. Either way she thought his reason was utterly senseless.
Within three minutes of entering Sesshoumaru had it tied to perfection.
In the five minutes from the time Kisa slapped him in the back of the head and the time he revved up his car Inuyasha did the following. Growled at the girl, remembered why his head ached, thanked his brother, who nodded and once again left, put on his jacket, which caused a button on his waistcoat to pop off and hit the also leaving Jaken in the back of the head, he nearly had a nervous breakdown from lose of said button, was consoled, buttoned up his jacket to hide missing part of the waistcoat, thanked his sister `He's learning! Yay!' stepped over the unconscious button imprinted Jaken and raced to his favorite car.
“Good luck Inuyasha. Your… DEFINATLY going to need it.” She leaned over and poked Jaken. “Jaken, Sesshoumaru needs your help.”
Suddenly conscious Jaken had eyes that screamed `My dream has come true!' “Really?”
“Wait for me Lord Sesshoumaru! I, Jaken will save the day!” He then `flew' unconvincingly down the stairs. Hitting every third or forth one. When the banging ceased Shirah asked, “Are you okay?”
“I, the mighty Jaken, am fine. Ehehehehehehehehehe! Lord Sesshoumaru needs my help!”
“Not really.” she mumbled. Then she yelled to the rushing demon, “Just don't kill yourself on the next flight of stairs. You're no good to him dead!”
“You're right. I must take this dignified like my lord.” The patter of his feet slowed down. “Ahh! Who am I kidding! Ehehehehehehehehehehehe!”
Soon these sounds echoed up the stairs to her human ears. <Bang, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, crash, bang bam, thumm, thumm, thumm, kshhhh!>
“That last one did not sound good.”
“Ahh! My pottery!” sounded an old man mournfully.
“Defiantly,” she raised and lowered her head once, “not good.” she shook her head from one side to the other, slowly.
Reaching up she turned off Inuyasha's light and shut the door, abandoning on `natural disaster' for another.
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Hi everyone. I am so so so sorry this is very late. My life has been so hectic lately! My brother got married; I started a new job that completely flipped my schedule, and I live on a `farm' (it's planting season, we've been planting). And I've been helping mow weeds. And made our first fire to burn sagebrush. <IS SPRING OVER YET! > No there's more to do, a lot more planting for one. <NOOOOOOOO!!!!>, and we're trying to find time for spring cleaning. Sigh. To put it lightly I haven't had a lot of time. So I will try to get the next chapters out in time, but at least until I get used to my new schedule that may be hard.
On the up side because of one of the things I have to do I got a new (used) office chair all it needs is a new seat cover. But it is so comfortable!
Thanks for putting up with my tardiness. I am trying. Hopefully I'll be able to work out my schedule soon. Talk again when I update.
Please Review. Thanks! Bye for now.