InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bored With Mine Borrowed Yours ❯ First Meeting ( Chapter 24 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. The very talented Rumiko Takahashi owns him and the entire cast. (Except for the characters I made up.) And the rating may be wrong (It's rated for safety) but it will NOT go higher.
By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) (aka.) crescentmoon (at mediaminer)
Chapter Twenty-Four
When she got there Jaken and the other old demon were not alone. Standing not far away was Sesshoumaru.
“Toutousai, what are you doing here?” asked Sesshouamru.
“Ah, Lord Sesshoumaru, this brute destroyed my surprise!”
“I did not you old coot! You were dragging it down the middle of the hallway!” And the two ancient demons took to arguing again.
Sesshoumaru couldn't seem to get them to pay him any attention as they continued to trade insults and who-done-its. So `Kisa' stepped up and let out a loud catlike hiss. The two bickering demons looked small(er) and frightened at that moment. Even Sesshoumaru seemed a bit taken aback.
She smiled sweetly at the tall man and said, “You wanted to say something?”
“Toutousai why are you here?”
“I came to deliver my latest pottery creation as a surprise for when your parents come home.”
“Since when do you make pottery ya old geezer?!?” shouted Jaken.
“Since Betsy-Bu had to be kept at the vets. His doctor said I needed a hobby so I don't miss him so much while he's away.” confided Toutousai, despairing the loss of his cow.
“Uhh?” To get his mind off of his cow `Kisa' said, “So what was the pottery you made?”
“It was a statue of my Betsy-Bu on a rolling platform.”
“Why would Lord InuTaisho want a statue of that stupid three-eyed cow? You're sure an old twit!” Jaken started to get `heady' with his staff.
“Ow!” moaned Toutousaid. They then began to argue again.
“Jaken quite. Toutousai go home.”
“Yes sir.” was Toutousai's answer much to the surprise of Jaken. Toutousai used his surprise to his advantage. Gripping Jaken's staff Toutousai ran off.
“Gah! Get back here you thief!” Jaken ran after him.
When Jaken finally caught up with Toutousai he grabbed back his staff of two heads. He swung said staff like a club. “You old fool, now you will pay for stealing my staff!”
A sickeningly false innocent look covered the fire breather's face. “Did I?”
Jaken brained him and huffed with each step he took. He left the room like someone who had jogged 6 miles.
`Kisa' looked at Jaken curiously as he rambled by mumbling about an old coot and stupid three-eyed bulls. `Betsy-Bu is a BULL? Pour cow.”
After being dragged out of bed and to church Sunday morning both girls became recluses. Kisa because she was soOo tired that everything that came near her fell asleep as a result of her tiredness. Thus she went to bed.
And Shirah was hiding from Inuyasha who was annoyingly happy and kept telling about his date over and over again. He also would leave parts out and blush, then he'd spout some cover up. It got annoying, fast. Let's just say hiding was the only option to stay sane. Her hiding place? The one place Inuyasha would never look for his sister, under Sesshoumaru's desk.
Sesshoumaru gave her a look when he saw her.
She in return knowing that he had come to do work gave him a look that he interpreted to say `You do work and I'll call mom…' In reality she was looking at him with a you-start-working-I'll-bite-your-leg-and-then-Inuyasha-will-find-us look. Which could be just as bad, if not worst then their mother's reaction to working on Sunday. No it would definitely be worst. After mother is done with him he'd have been suitably scolded, after Inuyasha on the other hand… they'd both be carried away on stretchers to an insane asylum.
When Inuyasha's friends and love came by `Kisa' ventured to speak. “Sesshoumaru what time is that fitting tomorrow?”
“I have to go to work tomorrow. I will pick you up at six. Be ready.”
“Okay. Well I'm going to see if I can't make it to a tv without being Inu-bushed.” She snuck out the door in covert stealth mode.
The next morning was another bright, large sunned summer day. The prefect type of day to brighten hearts, except of those who believe mangy Monday should be put down. Because after all, it's more humane to put the pour beast out of it's pest-infested suffering. Good thing we don't know anyone who thinks like that. Oh wait, we do.
“Ginta what time did you finally go to bed last night?” asked night-owl `Shirah'. Her bright eyes seemed to reflect that evil sun's gaze. No wait that was his alarm clock.
`Blasted thing.' “What do you want Shirah?” he groaned and turned over. No good the window's on that side.
“I want to know what we're doing today.”
“I don't know about you but I plan to sleep until the dawn of time.”
“But the dawn of time passed a long time ago.”
“Well then you should be up. Your wake up call was ages ago.”
“Just go away and let me sleep Shirah.”
She sighed. “Okay. Goodnight lazybones.”
What could she do now? Have you ever had one of those days where you desperately want to do something, but not any of the things you can thing of? Kisa was having one of those days.
“I know! I'll call `Kisa'!” she called to the deadly silent house. She looked at the clock, 10:27. `Shirah should be up by now, right? Let's find out.”
So she picked up the phone and dialed those 7 digits. Three rings later a grumpy Inuyasha answered the phone. He was another of the `Let's put Monday down before it breeds' people. `But at least he's up.' she thought.
“This better be important. You stupid person calling when normal people are asleep.”
`I take it back.' Drawing on a voice demons love to hate Kisa began. “Hello sleepyhead. It's almost 10:30, most people are up and thinking about what to have for lunch in a few hours. Will you put me through to Kisa?”
“Yeah, yeah.” He stumbled out the door and yelled, “Kisa phone.” very loudly might I add.
Shirah was just getting out of the pool. She had only barely come in to get a snack before returning to the refreshing water. All she heard was `own'. “Did you say something Inuyasha?” she called back not near as loud as him but he still heard it.
“Yeah. The phone's for you.”
She picked up the nearest phone. “Okay I got it Inuyasha.” Then into the phone said, “Yellow?”
“What's with the color `Kisa'?”
“I've got to do something to make bright-and-sickly more pleasant, `Shirah'.”
“Oh.” she exclaimed as if that explained it all. “So anything interesting happening in the exceedingly wealthy side of town?”
“If it is it's not happening here. Sesshoumaru and Jaken are at work, Rin is at that daycare thing. And I thing Inuyasha is working on the world's largest bedsore. How are things at my `humble hovel'?”
“Hehehe! Good but bore-ring! I think Ginta and Inuyasha may be having a bedsore contest. And as of yet Kouga and Hakkaku haven't shown up.”
There was a long pause. “Are you still there?” inquired Kisa.
“Yes. I just can't think of anything else to say.”
You know those see-threw bits of brilliance that fly on a strange wind and smack you right in the face? Kisa just encountered one of those shear brilliance moments. Her face grew a grin and an inner light. “Shirah… I can't believe we haven't thought of this before!”
“Thought of what?”
“It's prefect!”
“It's diabolical!”
“What is?”
“It's so us!”
“What? Tell me!”
“Let's…” just for the sake of teasing the other girl she took her mouth away from the phone and mumbled just loud enough to know someone was talking be not loud enough to understand what was said.
“Gah! You mean thing! Tell me or I'm returning to the pool.”
“Let's go to the mall! You know meet!”
The tension broke and Shirah giggled. “How is that diabolical?”
“Because sweetheart,” she began in a deep evil accent and chuckled in said accent. “We will have to keep it secret from our families and anyone attached to out families.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Yeah, alright, I've got nothing better to do. But how are you going to get there?”
“How do you usually get places?”
“Bike or walk, but that's a long way to do either.”
“Oh. I'll think of something.”
“Okay, meet at the window by the food court in say an hour you think?”
“Yeah. I'll be there.”
They hung up and ran around getting the things they would need.
Shirah made a phone call to Sesshouamru at his work before she left.
An hour later Shirah was early for once in her life. She spent most of that time fidgeting and trying not to look over her shoulder at the people in the food court.
`Maybe this isn't such a good idea.' she thought when someone slammed a tray onto a nearby table. She had nearly jumped into the window as a result of the loud noise. She put on chapstick to stop herself from nervously chewing on her lips.
She was tapped on the shoulder and this time did bump into the wall o' windows.
There standing behind her was a grinning young woman she had seen, in person, only once before. “You're jumpy.”
“Hi. You must be Kisa right?”
“Yep! I remember what you look like from the beauty shop. You must be Shirah.”
“Yeah. Hello.” She held out her right hand and they awkwardly shook hands. “Nice to meet you.”
This was a strange first meeting. They didn't really know how to break the ice with someone they had switched lives with. After all that's not something they covered in school or anywhere else, including any books/stories either if them had read. Not even the Prince and the Pauper covered this part of the tale.
`Come on Shirah, think of something. You two talk on the phone with little problem. There's got to be something you can say.' Little did Shirah know Kisa was thinking along the same lines.
“Ummm…” It didn't matter who said that, they both couldn't think of how to continue.
Finally Kisa had the idea to kick it off with some small talk. “Are you having fun in my life?”
Shirah nodded and said, “It has its excitements. How about you?”
“It's great. I've done so many things I've never done before. And your brother is a cutie, if a little odd.”
“What can I say, he's a puffball.”
They both laughed at that entirely true statement. They continued once they sat at a table that wasn't very close to another group.
“Are my parents home yet?” Kisa inquired.
“No. We need to switch back before they are. I don't think I could lie to your parents.” she answered. She remembered the way her new friend's parents had treated her, when they thought she was their daughter.
“Yeah. I wouldn't want them to find out by having to switch us back.”
Bringing up her parents turned the mood serious and slightly uncomfortable. So to lighten it again with the only thing she could think of Kisa asked after her brothers.
Shirah said, “They're fine.” Then she laughed remembering why she called Sesshoumaru.
“Why are you laughing?'
“Close your eyes, hehehehe; I've got a, hehehe, present for you.” She choked out with her laughter.
When Kisa did as she was asked Shirah dug something out of her borrowed purse and held it in front of her face.
“Okay you can open your eyes.”
As soon as what the object was registered Kisa broke out laughing. There between their faces above the table, was a photo of Inuyasha with pink Pippy Longstocking hair kissing a cutesy stuffed bunny's nose.
“Sesshoumaru got this the morning after the kids and I did it.” She handed her the picture. “He still has pink ears although he did get his hair dyed white again.”
They laughed together over the picture and a few funny things that had happened before and after the switch.
Deciding to wander threw the stores since they were there, they played with costume jewelry at one store, sunglasses and shoes at another. Then they came to a newly opened hats, wigs and costumes store.
While trying on hats playfully, selecting stupid hats and masks for each other to try on Shirah spotted a mirror. She attempted to drag Kisa to it. Kisa laughed and allowed herself to be pulled to the mirror.
When they got to it they took off their masks and compared their differences.
Their smiles left. Shirah's eyes moistened a bit.“They really are blind. How could they have confused us?”
“We don't really look alike at all do we.” said the brown haired Kisa. “Well their disregard is our fortune.”
Kisa noted that while Shirah tried to regain her happy spirit she wasn't doing too well. So said more as they were leaving the store, “Plus now we can have a sort of revenge on them. Maybe even a few small pranks, but what?”
They spent the rest of their time together laughing over stupid prank ideas as they tried on various items, and scanned through shelves of media. They didn't see anyone they knew the entire time.
At five-thirty they split ways. `Kisa' going back to Nishi mansion, `Shirah' back to the Abbott household.
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Hey everyone. I got this out early, yay! I've had a small break lately, but it will probably a while before I can get the next chapter out, but I will try to get it out on time.
If you are interested in what happened on Inuyasha's date with Kagome you will get the chance. Sometime around Father's Day I will be putting out a small side story called Inuyasha's Date at the Opera. I hope you read that as well.
Thanks for sticking with me. Thanks for reading all this time. Please continue to read. Please review. `Til next time.